Just a Stupid Crush â€ĸ Zach He...

By xlovingherronx

87.3K 1.9K 560

"he's never gonna notice me" "jasmine you cant give up hope, you never know what the future holds!" "yeah but... More

new character
new characters
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
out now!


2.3K 62 11
By xlovingherronx

"so what are we gonna do for th-this?" i asked, zach looked up at me and caused me to stutter

how can one boy have this effect on me?!

"um can anyone draw?" daniel asked and looked between me and alexia before turning his head to zach "don't look at me, i can barely draw stick men" zach said with his hands in the air

his voice sounded husky and deep and when he put his hands in the air he looked so cute and i wanted to laugh at him so bad but i didn't because it'd be a bit awkward and i'd look weird

"i can draw a little" alexia said "maybe i could sketch out some perspectives on what jekyll and hyde would look like?"

"yeah that sounds great" daniel replied and smiled which caused alexia to blush

after a lot of time, we finally decided that alexia would draw, daniel would find some quotes from both characters to write around them and i would write a description of what we were doing

zach however, none of us knew what he was doing

"what should i do?" zach asked after what felt like a long period of time "well what do you wanna do?" daniel replied

"i'll do anything really, well, apart from the drawing" he said and i looked up and then looked between daniel and zach

"well i don't need any help and there is nothing else to really do so maybe you could help jasmine with the description?" daniel suggested and i looked at him and then immediately to zach when i felt zach look at me

"sure" zach replied and he stood up and pulled his chair so it was next to me and sat down "so what are you writing about?"

i felt my cheeks heat up as he leaned closer and read what i had been writing already, i looked towards alexia and saw her smiling at me

she mouthed 'your really red' to me and i smiled and shook my head at her knowing she was right

"that's good, maybe you could say how it's the same person but they are really different" he suggested and looked up towards his eyes and i realised we were making direct eye contact

i'm not gonna lie, my nerves were through the roof

"good idea, so maybe l-like a contrast?" i said stuttering halfway through because he started running his hand through his hair

i wrote it down and then put the pen down "you have anything you wanna write?" i asked zach and i saw him think for a second before he picked up my pen and moved closer so that he could write

i ended up just moving the page because he was so close i felt like he would be able to feel my heart beating

i saw him write about something about perspectives and raised my eyebrows, he was writing a really good sentence

"how's that? it's probably wrong isn't it?" he asked while putting the pen down but he didn't move from his close position

"that's really good, actually that's probably better than most of my sentences" i said and laughed slightly

"oh well i'm glad it's right but yours are way better" he smiled so i smiled back

"are you two okay over there?" i heard daniel say and i immediately broke the eye contact i had with zach and turned to daniel

"yeah we're fine" i replied "we're all good daniel just focus on your quotes" zach said and i low-key laughed


"okay class if you can start tidying up and getting ready to go that would be great, we'll carry on with these next lesson" the teacher said

i packed away all my stuff and then went over to alexia "hey" i said standing in front of her "hi, looks like you had a fun lesson" she said and i smiled and nodded

"it was good i guess but it was probably just for this lesson, he probably won't even look at me or talk to me again"

"hm i want to believe you but a certain someone staring at you right now makes me think otherwise" alexia said and i felt my cheeks heat up

"what really?!" i went to turn around only to be stopped by alexia "don't look now he'll know we are talking about him"

"oh yeah" we sat down and waited for the teacher to dismiss us and i decided to look over at zach

i turned my head and looked and my eyes met with his. he gave me a smile and then looked away so i decided to look away too

that's when a question popped into my head

"lex, is zach still dating kay?"

"i think so"



word count~808

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