||Ready For Change|| (Reigen...

By dummy_crummy

3.3K 112 34

You were born with these powers. While others view them as a blessing or amazing, you see them as a burden. A... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

891 37 11
By dummy_crummy

After everyone had finished a meal full of small talk and laughter, Reigen and Mob had to head back to Spirits and Such. They were supposed to finish up one of the chapters in Reigen's book, but after meeting you, everyone got caught up in chit chat.

"Would you look at the time! I guess you could say we got a little distracted and didn't make any progress on the book, huh Mob?" Reigen asked Mob, not expecting an answer. "Let's head back to the office, and we can start writing there."

Reigen was about to get up and throw away everyone's trash when he was halted by a tug at his sleeve. "Hang on a moment, you can't possibly leave without cleaning up a little bit first." You had a napkin in your hand and gently wiped off Reigen's messy face. This wasn't supposed to be anything with meaning besides "you look like you slammed your face into the food, let me get that for you". You've always had a motherly instinct for these kinds of things. Reigen began to blush profusely from the sudden contact until you were done.

"There! All cleaned up Reigen. Is he always this messy of an eater Shigeo?" Y/n teased. "Yeah, his face always tends to get messy whenever he eats anything."

You began to giggle a bit, which made Reigen blush out of embarrassment even more. "M-Mob! You didn't have to answer that!" Reigen practically shouted, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

He quickly shuffled over to the trashcan to throw everything away and came back to you and Mob, still slightly embarrassed, clearing his throat before he spoke.

"A-Alright y/n, when will you be able to get started at work?" Reigen said, clearing his throat, trying to change the topic. "There's usually plenty of customers to help everyday, and the sooner you can start, the better!" He grinned.

"The sooner the better? Well I don't have anything planned for the rest of the day since I was going to go look for jobs all day, but you've already got THAT covered it seems." You chuckled, looking at Reigen with gratitude in your eyes. "So would it be alright if I could head back with you and Shigeo? I-If it's not a problem of course! I could always wait until tomorrow morning if so!" You began to fidget with your hands, worrying if you just accidentally overstepped a boundary.

In the extremely short time he's known you, Reigen could already tell you were a very caring person, and thought carefully about how others felt before doing or saying anything. "Of course it would be alright! I did say the sooner the better now, didn't I? The office isn't too far from here, let's head over now." Reigen said, in his normal confident voice, yet he was giving you a soft look, assuring you it was alright. You smiled warmly at him and began to follow him and Mob out.

The three of you began to make your way to Spirits and Such. "The office is just a few blocks this way, it won't be long until we reach our destination." Reigen said, shoving his hands into the side pockets of his grey slacks.

You were observing your surroundings to get to know the city a little better. As people passed by, you looked at Reigen and Mob and smiled to yourself. "Just a few minutes ago I was alone in a new environment. Now I have new friends and a new job, as long as I can keep my psychic powers in check maybe life here will be what I was hoping for."

You were so lost in thought, that you didn't realize that you've arrived, causing you to bump into Reigen.

"O-Oh goodness! I'm so sorry Reigen, I spaced out for a bit, please forgive me!" You were spiraling, repeatedly apologizing as you bowed practically begging for forgiveness.

Reigen began to sweat a little, feeling bad about how awful you felt about a minor thing. "Is she always so... jumpy and nervous? Geez I do feel bad, I wonder what caused this. Has she always been like this, or could it be something from the past?" He snapped out of his thoughts, and quickly but gently put his hands on your shoulders. "It's okay! It's okay! Nobody was hurt, and everything's okay! You don't have to be so worried and afraid when it comes to little things like this. I want you to feel comfortable working here, so go ahead and let loose if you can, okay?"

You looked Reigen in the eyes. All you could do in that moment was stare into his glimmering orbs, as his did the same to your own. Nobody besides your parents have shown you such kindness, and said such genuine things that would melt your worries away for a brief moment.

After a short pause, you were finally able to break the silence. "Thank you Reigen, nobody has been so kind to me, and I'm very grateful for it. I know I can tend to be a BIT worrisome, but thank you for having the patience to deal with it."

You smiled at Reigen, and he smiled back. He took his hands off of your shoulders and swiftly dug his hand into his jacket pocket, revealing the keys to the building. He held the door open for you and Mob and followed behind.

Mob was leading the way as you and Reigen followed him. You soon reached the door to Spirits and Such, and you and Mob got out of the way so Reigen could unlock the door.

"Y/n?" Mob asked. "What's up? Anything wrong?" "No, it's just that I think that we have a lot in common. You seem to get nervous a lot and quite easily, and I do as well." He looked down a little bit avoiding eye contact a bit due to his shyness. You gave Mob a soft smile. "Glad to know I'm not the only one. Tell you what, why don't we try to help each other out with it?"

Mob looked back up at you, slightly puzzled. "What do you mean?" "What I mean is we can learn from each other and help each other out! I can assume you get nervous in school, so maybe I could try my best to help you feel less nervous. After all, I've been through middle school before, I'll help as much as I can! And you could help me gain confidence here at work!"

"Huh? Did you not do this kind of work back where you're from?" "No. To be honest, this is the first time I'll be using my powers to help others because I never really showed my powers to anyone, in fear that I would mess something up. This job is offering me the chance to do something that I didn't know I was capable of." You paused and looked down at your hands. "Helping people with my psychic abilities. I'm assuming you know a lot more about this than me, so how about I can help you get through school, you can help me get through this job right, okay?" You softly, yet determinedly clenched your hands into a fist and looked up at Mob.

Mob gave you a slight smile. "I think I'd like that y/n, thank you." You smiled back at him, glad that you were able to help him, and that you won't have to go through things completely alone.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Reigen chuckled slightly with the key in the doorknob. He was waiting for you two to finish your conversation. He didn't want to be rude and cut things short. Little did you two know that he heard your whole conversation. Mob seemed to already have a liking to you, and you seemed to be adjusting a bit more after the little pep talk Reigen had given you.

"Oh no, we just wrapped things up actually." You chuckled slightly. "Well in that case, are you ready to see the office? It's not much, but I hope you'll be able to find it nice." "I'm sure it's wonderful, thank you again for the opportunity." You politely bowed once again to show gratitude.

"Thank you for accepting the position!" And with that, Reigen turned the doorknob and opened the door. He and Mob walked inside while you peered in. It was small indeed, but it was cozy.

Walking in, you saw two little baby blue couches with a small table in between them. There was a small TV rested on a small white shelf. What caught your eye the most walking in was the poster Reigen had of himself on his wall which read The New Star of the 21st Century Reigen Arataka! Spirits and Such Consultation Office you giggled to yourself. "Charming", you thought. Reigen had his own little nook with his desk, a computer, a printer, and other businessy things. Mob had his own small post as well, a small desk and a chair right beside the tiny hallway that led into the office.

Mob and Reigen walked over to Reigen's desk, discussing the next chapter of Reigen's book. You were about to approach them, when suddenly a green blob appeared out of thin air in front of them.

"Hey! What took you guys so long! You said it wouldn't take long, but I guess you managed to deceive me conman." "Oh quiet you floating nuisance." Reigen replied, lightly swatting the blob away with his hand.

The green blob turned around and noticed you. "What's with the girl, is she a customer?" The blob floated towards you, circling your head. "Too bad for her, she shouldn't be wasting her time he-" The blob stopped right in front of your face. "Holy cow, this girl's got a strong aura! Does that mean... can you SEE me?!" The blob was in shock as it bolted backwards a bit.

"Uh... yes?" You said shyly and quite confused.

The blob flew towards Mob in fear, hiding behind him. "Please don't exorcise me! I'm a good spirit, I swear!" The blob was trembling in fear and covering his head... body...? Behind the young boy.

"Why would I do that?" You said sounding slightly panicked, slowly moving closer to the spirit. "You haven't done anything wrong as far as I can see. Besides, you seem to be acquainted with Reigen and Shegio, so if they can trust you I don't see why I shouldn't be able to." "I wouldn't exactly say I trust him." Reigen joked. You chuckled, and reached your hand out towards the spirit, hoping for a handshake.

"I'm y/n, what's your name?" You smiled at the spirit, trying to assure him that you wouldn't hurt him. He slowly came closer to you and took your hand and shook it. "The name's Dimple, nice to meet you. Thanks for not erasing my very existence off the face of the Earth." "O-Oh I could never if you're just living your life! Or uhm, I'm your case, living your afterlife." You nervously chuckled, scratching your head a bit.

"What are you doing in a place like this anyways?" Dimple asked, as he went back to floating around you. "Oh! Well you see, I'm actually going to work here!" You beamed.

"Oh come on Reigen, don't tell me you managed to fool this poor girl too..." Dimple thought. "And why would you want to do that?" Dimple asked you. "HEY!!" Reigen shouted, slightly offended. "Well you see, I'd like to learn how to use my abilities to help people in anyway I can!"

"He really does find the softest, most gullible people to hire doesn't he... wasting talent in a place like here! Y/n and Shegio could become GODS if they wanted to!"

Dimple didn't want to be the one to break the news to you that you were working for a con artist; either you figure that out for yourself or Reigen comes clean himself. "Uh-huh, seems fair enough I suppose..." Dimple said while floating over to Mob.

"Hey Mob, it's about time we started on that chapter of the book, yeah?" Reigen announced, hoping to move things along. "Oh right." Mob grabbed a note book that seemed to already be halfway full of writing.

"I wonder what kind of things Reigen and Shiego have done while working here, they both seem awfully strong if they can write a whole book about their accomplishments. I wonder if I'll be able to accomplish anything like they have..." You thought to yourself. In the short timespan you've spent with these two, you already admired them both so much.

"You ready to write Mob?"

"Yes master."

"Okay, now where were we..."

HOLY COW 2049 WORDS!!! I'm so sorry for the delay, I've haven't been able to write much due to school, so please enjoy this extra, EXTRA long chapter!! Hopefully I'll have some time to write because I'm on winter break right now. Thank you all for liking and reading chapter 1, I'm interested to see what everyone thinks of the story so far, so please comment what you think!

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