Chapter 3

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You took a seat on the rather small sofa as you listened to Reigen tell the story of how he defeated an evil esper organization known as Claw.

Hearing the passion in his voice and seeing Mob quickly write down what he was saying was really inspiring you to be the best you you can be while working here.

About an hour passed of Reigen telling his story and Mob writing. It wasn't exactly peaceful as it sounded. Reigen would get frustrated when Mob would correct him for false storytelling, but Reigen claimed it was all for dramatic effect to make the book more juicy and to spice things up.

You weren't exactly sure on which parts of the book were 100% factual, and which parts were fabricated, but you thought it sounded like a page turner regardless.

Dimple just floated around the room with a disapproving gaze on Reigen, knowing that almost everything in that book was a lie.

If it hadn't been for the sun slowly setting as the sky grew darker with tiny stars scattering across the horizon as time went on, you three might not have noticed how late it was getting. As Reigen was taking a breath, he turned around and peered outside his window and saw just how dark it had become.

"Would you look at the time! You should probably head home soon so your parents don't worry." Mob nodded and carefully closed the notebook. "The book is almost complete, should I finish it after school when I'm in my club?"

"Sure why not, whenever you have the time. But don't forget about to dramatize it!" Reigen said, waving his hand in the air. "Since it's late and the office is already ready for tomorrow, why don't I walk you two home?"

"Oh! That's very kind of you Reigen but you don't have too. I'm sure I'll be okay, and what if I live really far away from both Mob AND you? Then you'd have to walk even further then you intend..." You began to feel slight worry take over you again as you fidgeted with your hair.

"It's okay, I insist." Reigen moved away from his desk and closer to where you were sitting on the sofa to make eye contact with you and gave you a smile. "Besides, you can't possibly be too far if you were at the local MobDonald's. And what if something hypothetically does happen? Sure you have your powers to protect you, but if you're still learning to control them..." Reigen placed a hand under his chin.

"I suppose you have a point... If you're really okay with it then I'll take up your offer." You looked up at Reigen and smiled. "Great, just make sure to give me directions so we don't get lost."

You nodded your head as both you and Reigen directed your attention towards Mob. "You wanna come with us Mob? We can walk you home first and then I'll walk y/n home."

Mob simply nodded. "That sounds good."

The three of you stepped out of the little office as Reigen turned off the light and locked the door. Dimple floated through the door and followed you three.

You decided to take this opportunity to try and learn more about the city. "So what are the people like here?" You asked, hoping for an answer from any of them.

"Well to be honest, I don't really interact with many people other than my clients and Mob..." Reigen began to sweat a bit and scratched the back of his neck, realizing how pathetic that sounded.

"Wow Reigen, that's pathetic." Dimple bluntly stated, as he floated between you and Reigen both.

"Hey!! Nobody asked YOU." Reigen raised his voice at the spirit. "I'm a busy man with a busy schedule, so watch your mouth before I find time in my schedule to exorcise you." Reigen glared at Dimple hoping for to have some sort of reaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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