The Little Redfox

By Sturchling

4.2K 30 9

Mikela Redfox is running from her brother and his guild. While wandering around Fiore, she meets team Natsu o... More

Mikela Redfox
Phantom Lord
Meeting team Natsu
Fairy Tail
Joining the guild
Oshibana Station
Blood Loss
Waking up
The date
The moon drip
Yuka the wave user
Natsu and Mikela vs Lyon
The final showdown
Phantom Lord part one
Phantom Lord part two
Phantom lord the final part
Redfox Memories
The letter
The second date
Tower of heaven arc
Battle of fairy tail arc

The cursed island

132 1 0
By Sturchling

Mikela's POV

It has been a couple days since me and Gray's date. These past few days have been pretty quite. Gray and I were just sitting in the guild hall talking about what kind of job we want to take next, when Mira came down and told Gramps, "One of the S class quests is missing!" Gramps spits outs his tea and yells, "WHAT?!" Where is Lucy right now? She would love this kind of excitement. While I was lost in thought, Gramps started yelling at Laxus about bringing Natsu back. What?! Natsu took the quest? Well that anwsers where Lucy is. Then Gramps says, " No matter your feelings toward Natsu, the fact is you are the only one strong enough to bring him back by force." Then Gray stands up, " Sorry master, but I have to disagree with you." Is he seriously thinking of getting Natsu himself? I guess he could, but that means I will just be sitting here today. I don't like to go on a quest without my team. " Me and Mikela can get him on our own." What? Yay! He wants to bring me with him. Gramps approves and sends us to Hargeon because that is the only port town on this side of the continent. When we get there, me and Gray head straight for the docks. We find Natsu and Lucy arguing in front of a boatman. Gray and me look at each other and grin. We sneak up on them, me beside Lucy and Gray by Natsu. At the same time we grab our targets and say, "We found you!" They jump five feet in the air! I am rolling on the floor laughing at their reaction as Gray talks to them. Then I see Natsu start to use magic. I immediately stop laughing becoming serious and start to gather storm clouds around me. Then the boatman asks, "Wait your wizards? Are you here to lift the curse on the island?" He gets multiple answers ranging from yes to no, I just stand there listening. The boatman offers to take us to the island. Natsu whips around and knocks Gray out. Before I can react he does the same to me. The last thing I think, Natsu you are a dead man.

Time skip

I start to wake up and immediately remember that I want to kill Natsu. That is when I realize I am waking up cause someone is shaking me. I snap awake and look around. That is when I notice the tsunami behind us. That explains the frantic wake up call. I call up my magic and protect us from the monster wave. Same can't be said for our boat. The boat was destroyed and washed ashore on the island. But because I just woke up my magic is weak. All I can manage is to get us to shore safely. Once on shore me and Gray agree to help with the quest. Who knows, could be fun.
We start to look for the village here on the island. Once we get there we find a massive fence with a keep out sign. Why the sign. Not like we can get through this fence. Lucy calls out for someone and they come to the gate asking to see our emblems. We quickly so our emblems and are allowed past the village gates. The village chief tells his people to remove their robes. Under there cloaks were mutated bodies! Oh my god! What happened!? The chief goes on to explain the curse and how to break it. How the hell are we supposed to destroy the moon? We are shown to a hut where we can stay for our investigation. I am exhausted! While those three discuss what to do tomorrow, I am going to sleep. Then I slip into the darkness.

Time skip

The next morning, me and Lucy wake up the boys early and we set out on our adventure. Lucy summons a spirt and has it walk for her. As Gray and Natsu are commenting on that a giant rat creature appears! What the hell is that!? It is huge! Then it blows some mist at us. Oh my god! This smells disgusting! I generate some wind and push the mist back at the creature, which promptly knocks it out. Lucy points out a temple, and after the boys take out some anger on the creature, we enter the temple. There are pictures of the moon in here. Everything seems to link back to the moon here. Natsu says, "This place is so old! Even the floors don't feel safe to walk on!" He starts to stomp on the ground to demonstrate. "Don't stomp on the ground you moron!" I yell at him. He is a complete idiot! Then the ground beneath us breaks. Terrific. We fall a good two stories to the rock hard ground below. Natsu asks if everyone is ok and I nearly lunge at him. It is his fault we fell. Lucy stops me and I calm down. We ask if Happy can fly us out but he says no. Then of course Natsu takes off running down a hall in this cave like a small child! I swear he has the mental age of four. We follow him further into the cave and come across a massive chamber. In the chamber there was a large creature in cased in ice. Gray freezes and stares at the massive popsicle in shock. "How? How is that here?" Gray seems really surprised. Natsu asks, "have you seen this before?" Gray starts to freak out so I run forward and grab his shoulder. "Calm down" I say in his ear calmly. He seems to calm down and then Lucy steps forward. "Do you know what this is Gray?" " This is Deliora the demon of destruction. A long time ago it attacked a village and was sealed away." Oh god! I heard of this creature! Why is it here though? I agree with Gray it doesn't make sense. Then we hear voices coming from the hall we came from. All of us run behind a rock wall to hide and watch the new people. They say they heard voices down here. Damn it Natsu, why can't you learn to keep your voice down? Then a girl with pink hair comes in upset that her pet rat was attacked. Was that the creature that attacked us outside? They mention a cold emperor. Who is that? The leader of this trio? They seem to respect him. We will have to investigate that cold emperor. Then they say that when they find us since we saw the demon, they will kill us.Happy at that point throws a rock to make some noise coming from the other room. The three weirdos leave and we turn to look at the demon again. Then Gray clenches his fist and declares, "If they dare make a mockery of my master they will regret the day they were born!"

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