Wild Girl. (Hiccup X Reader)...

By Red-Ramen

312K 7.8K 4.3K

Hiccup, a boy living in the village Berk. Being a weakling yet the son of the chief. Y/n, a girl flying on he... More

Chapter 1. Berk.
Chapter 2. Night Furies.
Chapter 3. Unholy offsprings.
Chapter 4. Lessons.
Chapter 5. Eels.
Chapter 7. New outfits.
Chapter 8. Never an option.
Chapter 9. "Leaving!"
Chapter 10. Going for a spin.
Chapter 11. Betrayal.
Chapter 12. Dragonborn.
Chapter 13. The Nest.
Chapter 14. Time to disappear.
Chapter 15. Fire burns.
Chapter 16. Done with.
Special Chapter~ "Happy Snoggletog, Y/n."
D-RoB Chapter 1. Academy.
D-RoB Chapter 2. Flaming squirrel.
D-RoB Chapter 3. Night Problems.
D-RoB Chapter 4. The Dragon Conqueror.
D-RoB Chapter 5. Picking his dragon.
D-RoB Chapter 6. Sickness.
D-RoB Chapter 7. Trust or Nah, part 1.
D-RoB Chapter 8. Trust or Nah, Part 2.
D-RoB Chapter 9. Scars of the Past.
D-RoB Chapter 10. Twin Chaos.
D-RoB Chapter 11. Nasty Landing.
D-RoB Chapter 12. Fears.
D-RoB Chapter 13. Eggs On Berk.
D-RoB Chapter 14. Are We Family? Part 1.
D-RoB Chapter 15. Are We Family? Part 2.
Book two released!!!

Chapter 6. Tail fin and dragon training.

12.8K 355 159
By Red-Ramen

~No one's P.O.V~

While Y/n took back to the cove to feed the hungry dragons, Hiccup went to the Blacksmith stall.

He pulled out a big blank paper and began working on the new invention. Saddles. He used most of the night measuring, smelting, sew, and assemble two saddles and another tail fin.

"Yeah, that looks good." He lifted them up.

~No one's P.O.V~

"What do you think?" Hiccup asked the girl beside him, showing her the saddles, "Not bad. Let's try them."

As Shadow were sleeping Y/n lifted one of the saddles up for Toothless to see.

Y/n walks closer and Toothless, and he growls sweetly, knowing how much fun he's gonna get, he smiles as he ran off. "Hey!" Y/n yelled and ran after him. Hiccup laughed and watched them with amusement.

After a lot of running Y/n stopped, catching her breath. Toothless saw that and decided he have had enough fun. He goes over and nudge the saddle with his snout. Smiling at the girl in front of him, she smiles back, thankful that she gets to put the saddle on.

While that happened, Shadow woke up and sniffed the saddle Hiccup held, he smiled and with carefulness Shadow let him put the saddle and tail fin on her.

Toothless and Y/n smiled at them.

~No one's P.O.V~

The two misfits tried to fly while Y/n pulled a string that was connected to the fake tail. They were just above the water of the cove, and everything seemed fine at first, but when Hiccup pulled his string a little to hard, they crashed. Toothless roars in annoyance before diving into Shadow causing Y/n to fall off her before they all fell into the water again.

When they got out of the water Toothless spat all the water in his mouth on Hiccup causing everyone else to laugh. Y/n fell on her back, dying of laugher.

Hiccup's heart skipped a beat when he heard her beautiful laugh and saw her big smile that showed off her fangs.

~No one's P.O.V~

Y/n stayed late with Hiccup in the Blacksmith stall, "What do you think?" He asked the e/c eyed girl in front of him as he hooked her onto Shadow's saddle by a string, which was connected to her belt and a new hook on the saddle Hiccup had made only moments before.

Y/n pulled at the string, looking at it thoughtfully, "Hmm. Can you make one in the other side, too?" She kindly asked, making Hiccup's heart flutter.

"O-Of course!" He nervously rubbed the back of his neck before upgrading the saddle and Y/n's belt to another hook.

When he was done Y/n confidently nodded her head giving him a thumb up, "This should work."

She quickly hugged Hiccup before running out of the Blacksmith, "See you tomorrow, Hiccup!" She waved and Hiccup could only muster to lift his hand a little. A stupid smile on his face.

~No one's P.O.V~

The next day Hiccup were trying to fly Toothless with the new upgrade while Y/n and Shadow looked.

They flew just over the cove. Y/n nervously watched as Hiccup struggled with the string that he had tied around his ankle in a attempt to find a way to control the tail fin.

"Oh, boy.."

Hiccup pulled the string with his foot, attempting to go higher, they crashed into an area that was filled with high grass. Hiccup screamed and Toothless roared as they both crashed into the grass.

Y/n held her hand in front of Shadow's eyes, not wanting her to see the crash, she removed it once they landed.

"He's gonna need a lot of help."

"Hiccup!" Y/n called as she ran into the high grass along with Shadow. She laughed as she stared at the scene in front of her. Toothless was purring happily while he rolled around in the high grass.

When Toothless saw her and Shadow, he pulled Y/n down with him, making her laugh, Shadow gave off a gummy smile and jumped into the high grass too.

When Y/n saw Hiccup staring she didn't think much of it, but she stopped laughing.

She took a couple of straws into her hand and ripped them off. She stood up, "Here." She handed Hiccup the grass with a smile while he just looked at her with confusion, waiting for her to explain, "You can use it in the dragon training later, but now?"

She tackled Hiccup to the ground and all four began playing around and tackle each other in the high grass. Hiccup's heart smelted as he watched the beauty in front of him.

Never ending laugher was sounding through the forest.

~No one's P.O.V~

Hiccup stood with some of the high grass in his hand, nervously watching as the Gronckle hit Snotlout away with its head before turning to Hiccup.

It charged towards him. The first thing Hiccup thought of was the grass, he shut his eyes and looked away, holding the grass out in front of him.

The dragon stopped in its tracks and when Hiccup heard sniffing, he opened his eyes to see its pupils dilated. It's tongue hanged out of its mouth as it sniffed it.

He rubbed the grass against the dragon's snout, which made it roll on its side, it happily thumped its leg in the air.

Y/n looked up at the people outside of the arena who watched them, people began to come on a daily basis to watch while others crowded her and Hiccup when they walked.

It was making her uncomfortable. It was bad enough she had to be there at all.

~No one's P.O.V~

"I've never seen a Gronckle so that." Snotlout told Hiccup as the teens, beside Astrid surrounded them.

"How'd you do that?" Tuffnut asked.

"And how did you make that Zippleback back up?" Ruffnut asked Y/n.

"Yeah, how did you guys do it?" Fishlegs asked, too.

Hiccup was about to answer when he noticed Y/n clenching her fist and her eyes kept shifting to different people, before Y/n could move to grab her sword, Hiccup grabbed her hand.

"H-Hey, Y/n. I-I left my axe back at the ring, will you c-come with me to get it?" Hiccup nervously asked as he held Y/n's hand, "Yeah, sure." Y/n tightened her grip on Hiccup's hand slightly.

"You guys go on ahead. We'll catch up with you." Hiccup said, nearly dumping into Astrid as the two left.

~No one's P.O.V~

Hiccup was scratching Toothless on the back of his neck, he loved it and purred, leaning more into him as if begging for more and as the dragon wished, he continued.

Suddenly the boys heard a thump from behind them, Hiccup stopped scratching Toothless and they both turned their heads to see Shadow on the ground, grunting and purring happily. Y/n gave a mischievous smile and held her hands up.

Hiccup had wide eyes and Toothless bounced over to her, leaning into her hands.

"Hiccup, look." She told the boy who walked over to her, "Y/n started to scratch Toothless' neck like Hiccup had. Then she scratched him under the chin and he fell to the ground within seconds.

Purring and grunting with his eyes closed. Sleeping or really close to doing so.

"Whoa.." Hiccup stared at her in awe, Y/n giggled, "Most dragons have a spot that makes them relax or put them to sleep." Y/n explained smiling at the boy.

~No one's P.O.V~

At dragon training everyone but Y/n and Astrid was out,

Astrid threw her axe at the Deadly Nadder but it knocked it away with its snout. Astrid ran away when her attack didn't work while Y/n stood still, dropping her sword.

It stopped and started to sniff her. She heard Astrid let out a battle cry and saw her run towards the dragon with her axe raised in the air.

Y/n waisted no time and began to scratch the dragon, she found its spot the same place Toothless had his, it fell to the ground, sleeping while purring.

Astrid stopped in her tracks. She looked at the fallen dragon in shock and then turned her gaze to Y/n, still shocked.

~No one's P.O.V~

Later that day, Hiccup had convinced Y/n to go with him to lunch. She regretted it dearly only a minute after they entered the Great Hall.

Hiccup had taken his plate from the table the others normally sat on and placed it on the table beside them. He gave half of his food to Y/n but she just toyed with it, uncomfortable by the people watching her.

They had been surrounded by people as soon as they took a seat. Everyone told them how awesome they were or how proud they were of Hiccup. Y/n hadn't spoke a word before someone asked, "Where're you from?"

Y/n looked up from the plate, and people began to shut their mouth, one person had asked what everyone wanted to know about the unknown girl.

Y/n looked to see a little girl with e/c eyes and long h/c hair. She didn't speak. The girl wore a skirt with pants underneath along with a red shirt.

Y/n looked down for a moment, "What's your name?" She asked the girl, who couldn't be much more than nine.

"My name is Jessica."

Y/n closed her eyes for a moment, sighing before standing up, "For the future, don't ask people you don't know questions they don't want to answer." Y/n told the girl causing her to frown.

"See you tomorrow, Hiccup." She waved goodbye to the boy without turning and started to walk out of the Great Hall and back to the cove.

She didn't need any human friends, not when she have Shadow and Toothless.

~No one's P.O.V~

Y/n hid behind a rock, playing with a hammer Hiccup had taken with him to upgrade their saddles, Toothless' and Shadow' heads perked up when they saw a glowing dot on the ground.

She laughed when they began chasing the dot and tried to catch it in their paws. Shadow looked under her paws to see if she had caught it, but she didn't.

She saw Y/n laughing behind a rock.

When Hiccup looked up from his work to see what Y/n were laughing about, he saw Shadow on top of her, licking her while Y/n tried to get her off.

"Hey,m! You know that doesn't go off! I only have this clothes!" To her dismay Toothless joined in on the licking making Hiccup laugh and smile before he continued.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Meet the Terrible Terror." Gobber announced as the little door to the dragon opened.

Out came a dragon, licking its eye. It didn't even go Hiccup to the knee. The sight caused Tuffnut to scuff "It's like the size of my-" The Terrible Terror attacked Tuffnut's face making the rest of the teens run away, "Get it off!" Tuffnut shouted out.

The little dragon stopped trying to bite Tuffnut's nose off when it spotted a dot on the ground, it jumped off Tuffnut and tried to catch it as it moved around.

Y/n used her shield to make a dot on the ground and slowly moves it to the Terrible Terror's cage. The dot shined on its cage. It looks back at the girl, it thought it would see a stupid Viking when it looked back, but found a dragon soul. It looks back after the dot and see it on the cage door.

"Wow! She's better than you ever were." Tuffnut told Astrid while holding his bleeding nose.

The dragon walks through the door peacefully.

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