Carnation (Hanahaki AU)

By CyanInMyDream

21.7K 666 323

He causes flowers to grow in your lungs, slowly taking away your ability to breath, suffocating you softly wi... More

New fan-fiction


2.1K 73 45
By CyanInMyDream

'Love it's so mad, love it's so mad'


"Oh my!" Ochako giggled. Too enthusiastically than what you like (you internally cringed) "Now that they you mentioned it, they seem to be pretty close," she added.

Izuku's cheeks turned a shade redder but he composed himself. "I'm pretty sure there's nothing going on between the two of-"

Your ears were ringing. Your head suddenly felt heavy. You gasped for air as darkness creeped into your peripheral vision. Pain exploded inside your lungs. It felt like someone stab you in the chest with a hot knife, twisted it and left it there.


You don't know who called your name but the voice seemed far away. Maybe it was Izuku, or was it also Ochako; you don't know for sure. Your body swayed, maybe you also tripped on your feet as the floor came into view. Everything went black.

"' her parents, get their consent if-"

"...currently unconscious. Did someone finally managed to get a hold of her parents?"

White ceiling appeared in your vision as you lay down on something uncomfortable. Your tried to blink to clear the blurry vision and slowly scanned your surroundings. There were two nurses (one on each side of you) pushing the wheeled stretcher into a room, the red sign on the top of the door displayed the word 'ER'. A clear mask was covering the lower part of your face and over the bridge of your nose as another set of hands from another nurse that you couldn't clearly viewed was squeezing on a bag valve mask. Your felt incredible sleepy and was about to go back to sleep, but before you could lose consciousness again you overheard the doctor and nurse's conversation.

"Currently unresponsive, blood pressure 150 over 90."

"Her parents gave their consent."

"Get a CT scan of her brain and lungs"

"Do you think it could be that disease?"

"It could, there has been an increase of patients with similar type of symptoms that related to that."

"Poor girl..."

That was all you heard before darkness embraced you again.

Aizawa sat in an uncomfortable chair in the waiting room near the ER, waiting for someone to tell him of his student's condition. He was alert but remain calm. He first thought it was nothing serious when Ochako called him from his lunch break, informed him that (Y/n) fainted. He thought everything was solved when she continued to inform him that the girl got sent to Recovery Girl until she told him that the woman ordered (Y/n) to be taken to the hospital immediately.

He went to Recovery Girl's office as fast as he could. The woman simply told him that it's something she cannot cure and he should be at the hospital as well (or at least until her parents arrive) so he left UA after informing Nezu of his absence. A receptionist told him to wait in this room and a nurse will come in and call him.

"Mr. Aizawa?"

"That would be me," he looked up to meet the nurse that called his name.

"This way please."

She led him to (Y/n)'s temporary room in the ER, the blue curtain acted as a wall separating her from the rest of the patients. The (h/c) girl, still dressed in her UA uniform, has a tracheal tube inserted into her trachea to help with her breathing. Her face is extremely pale.

"Her condition is serious but stable," the nurse spoke and he glanced at her waiting for her to elaborate. "She's currently unconscious and her blood pressure is higher than the normal range, she also has trouble breathing," she explained. "We had to insert the tracheal tube to help with her breathing and the doctor just ordered a CT scan of her brain and lungs. We also contacted her parents which they will arrive in a few minutes. You are welcome to stay until her parents arrive."

Aizawa nodded, "I will stay till her parents arrive, thank you."

"I will get a chair for you," she said and left.

He sighed and rubbed his temple. The same nurse returned with a chair and some water, she gave them to him and left, leaving him with his unresponsive student. Aizawa sat on the chair waiting for (Y/n)'s parents to arrive and after a few minutes the same nurse came back with her parents.

"Mr. and Mrs. (L/n)," Aizawa bowed his head, "I'm Aizawa Shouta and I'm her homeroom teacher."

Mrs. (L/n) walked past him without acknowledging his greetings, her eyes only settled on her daughter unconscious form. With a shaky hand, she slowly caressed her precious girl's face. "My poor baby..."

Mr. (L/n) bowed his head and acknowledged Aizawa instead. "Thank you for taking care of her before we arrived. We are extremely worried about (Y/n)," he said and glanced at his wife who stood next to the bed. The tired homeroom teacher nodded in understanding.

"What happened to her?" (M/n) asked. Her voice was above a low whisper that Aizawa almost couldn't catch what she said.

"I apologised Mrs. (L/n) but I also don't know what happened to her," Aizawa answered. "What I heard from her friends was that she suddenly fainted in the cafeteria, when her friends took her to nurse office Recovery Girl was the one who sent her to the hospital," he furthered explained when Mrs. (L/n) turned to him in concern. "Right now, I think you should wait for the doctor for further explanation."

(F/n) nodded in understanding while (M/n) turned back to her daughter, "Thank you Mr. Aizawa," he bowed his head. "For taking care of (Y/n)."

"It's my duty as her teacher," Aizawa responded, "I will leave you two and return back to the school."

"Yes, yes. Thank you again."

"I hope (Y/n) will get better soon," Aizawa said before he left the family and went back to UA, he still has another class to teach but at the same time, he can't help but be worried about his student well-being. He hoped that it was nothing serious and that it was only the stress that got to (Y/n). He sighed and glanced at his watch; his lunch break finished an hour ago and he's late for his afternoon class. It's gonna be a long day today.

"Mr. and Mrs. (L/n)?"

"Yes, doctor?" (F/n) and (M/n) greeted the doctor and nurse, "What's going on with our daughter?"

The doctor took a deep breath, "Before we started, please have a seat first," (F/n) and (M/n) looked at each other with confusion and sat on the chairs that the nurse provided anxiously.

"Luckily, the CT scan of her brain showed that there's no damage," the parents sighed in relief but immediately stop when the doctor continued. "However, I'm afraid the CT scan of her chest doesn't look too good."

The doctor showed the parents the CT scan of (Y/n)'s chest. The white and grey X-ray picture seemed normal except for white spots that are covering almost one-third of the girl's lungs. "The white spots on Ms. (L/n)'s lungs indicated that there are tumors in her lungs."

(M/n) gasped, her eyes were glistening with fresh tears that threatened to spill, meanwhile the only thing that her husband could do was to hug her. "Does that mean my daughter has cancer?" (F/n) asked, his mouth felt dry and his chest tighten painfully. He heard a sob escaped his wife's lips and the only things that he could do was to hug her tighter.

"There's a possibility that it could be cancer, however," the doctor showed another X-ray picture, this time it was a close up shot of the tumor. "Upon closer inspection, the white mass seemed to have a pattern and shape that was similar to other patients that were admitted into the hospital with similar symptoms. I'm afraid your daughter has the Hanahaki disease."

(M/n)'s body was shaking with despair as her sobs got louder while (F/n) arms tighten around her. His brows furrowed in concern for his only daughter's health and at the same time he silently cursed at whoever made (Y/n) has the Hanahaki disease (even if he knew deep inside that it wasn't that person's fault).

"We can remove the flowers by surgery but your daughter will lose the feelings that she has for that person," the doctor explained. "Usually we will wait for the patient to regain conscious and ask whether they want to have the surgery or not, but your daughter's condition is quite serious." He pointed at the white mass, "The flowers has grown and already covered almost one-third of her lungs. I'm afraid if we leave it like this till Ms. (L/n) wake up, her life will be at risk so I suggested for a surgery right away. I'm surprised she still managed to go to school in this condition."

(M/n) took a deep breath to calm herself down and regained her composure. She's about to make the decision that determined her daughter's health and future, she has to stay strong. And of course, like any parents would, she chose to save her daughter's life.

"Please, get rid of that flowers and save my daughter."


"I will not let some random person take her away from me," she said through gritted teeth. (Y/n) is her precious daughter, and she will choose to save her daughter's life even if it means her decision will cause her daughter to hate her in the future. "So please, get rid of that damn flowers!"

The doctor turned to look at Mr. (L/n) for confirmation which he nodded and gave his consent to proceed with the surgery. "We actually have an operating room that will be free in the next hour. I just need you to sign the necessary documents before we can proceed."

The doctor and nurse left after the parents signed the legal documents. (F/n) hugged his wife body as she continued to cry in his embrace, "We did the right thing, right?" his wife whispered, voice shaky and hoarse.

"Yes, we did. I'm sure (Y/n) will understand," that was all he could said as he continued to hug her shaking body.

"Aizawa sensei, where's (Y/n)?" Ochako asked the tired pro hero when he returned to the classroom.

"She's still in the hospital."

"Is it something serious?" Izuku piped up in concern.

"I don't know, the doctor hasn't told me anything. Now go back to your seat, class is about to start." Aizawa said in his usual monotone voice. "You guys might be able to visit her after school," he added. 

Both Izuku and Ochako seemed to be happy with that and finally went back to their seats and at the same time already making plans to visit their friends. After the two students were properly seated, the tired hero finally began teaching.

The conversation does not escaped a certain boy with two quirks. He wasn't eavesdropping, he just happened to hear your name in a conversation when he entered the room after he came back from a bathroom break so he decided to listen out of pure curiosity (that's what he told himself anyway). Todoroki made a mental note to ask Midoriya later about his childhood friend's whereabouts and what happened to her.

Todoroki returned to his seat. Throughout the lesson he couldn't properly concentrated as his mind drifted to the thought of his childhood friend. He clenched his hands. She's just his classmate (and a childhood friend who simply couldn't remember him) so why is it that he felt worried. Don't get him wrong, of course he's worried for his classmate's health.

However, it does not explain the ache in his chest.




'I wish love was perfect as love itself'

Fake love, BTS

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