Terran Homecoming

By AmateurWriter74

713 19 4

The Terrans, an alien race descended from Earth, with a small crew make a life saving first contact mission... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 4

76 2 0
By AmateurWriter74

Frank stepped out curiously stepping forward expecting to see odd looking creatures but from the looks of it they were as human as everyone else.

"Hello," Captain Turner said, holding his hand up. "We come in peace."

"You will have to forgive our caution," Frank said. "It is not every day we meet people from outer space."

"How do they look human?" a solider whispered.

"They're not. They can't be. They are shape shifters."

Martin rolled his eyes having heard everything that was being said even at a distance.

"My name is Frank Anderson, I am a astrophysicist."

"A scientist?"

"In a way yes," he replied. "Why have you come to Earth?"

Martin leaned in whispering in the Captain's ear to which he nodded.

"Would it be possible to talk to your current leaders?"

"Yes, we can help you with that."

"Thank you."

Captain Turner turned back and said, "Martin, why don't you and the others stay with the ship?"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, but don't tell Anna. She is already worried enough."

"At least keep your locator on you."

"Okay, fair enough. Wish me luck," he said, slightly smiling.

Captain Turner followed Frank and got into the back of a jeep driving off.

"I really hope he knows what he is doing," the other Terran officer said, looking at the parade of transports ride off.

"I have faith otherwise this expedition would have all been for nothing."

They all arrived in front of a group of buildings housing various secret aerodynamic  government projects. Captain Turner, flanked by four soldiers with two in front and two behind him, was escorted to a empty room with a mirror and a table with two chairs.

"Sit down for questioning," one of the soldiers said, extending his hand to a chair.

"I understand," he said, sitting down.

After a few minutes Frank walked in and say down across from the Captain observing him.

"You are definitely not like any alien I would have expect to see."

"Actually we are no more different than you albeit more advanced."

"You are human?"

"Yes, centuries ago our people were explorers who came from Earth and eventually colonized a planet. Terra."

"You say you are more advanced?" Frank questioned. "How so?"

"Over time our race of people developed our minds where we have extra ordinary mental abilities."

From behind the mirror General Roberts watched standing beside the director of national security, Mark Wilson.

"What do you make of all of this?" Roberts asked.

"I don't know yet," he answered. "Looks can be deceiving."

"Frank is one of our best minds. I mean he literally lives for this kind of stuff. He will figure out what is going on."

Inside of the room Frank prepared himself to ask the all important question.

"Why have you come to Earth?"

"Our planet to put it plainly is dying. Various environmental events has ruined our atmosphere and is making the ground inhospitable," he replied. "It is our hope to come here and find a new home."

"How great is your population of Terra?"

"As of last count 2.5 million Terrans."

"They want us to help relocate a whole race!?" Mark said astonishingly. "That's impossible."

"I know what it sounds like," Captain Turner said, holding up his hand as he looked to the mirror. "We are not here to invade your planet and take over."

"You can hear them?" Frank asked, looking to the mirror.

"We have a level of physical sensory perception."

"We have enough trouble with our own immigrants," Mark said.

"We all understand your apprehension," the Captain said, looking back at Frank. "That is why we are only one ship."

"How do you propose this migration?"

"Over the next several of your months we will bring convoys of people at the same time work together with you to integrate them."

The General and the director came walking in standing by Frank.

"Since apparently you can hear everything we are saying amide as well have our conversation in here," the General said.

"What you are suggesting is going to take time," Mark said, shaking his head. "It can't be accomplished over night."

"I understand," the Captain said. "We are only looking for a way to survive."

The three of them left Captain Turner sitting alone while they convened in the General's office.

"Don't think exactly this is what give me your poor, your tired masses struggling to break free was intended as," Mark said.

"I could tell he looked sincere though," Frank said.

"But Earth descendants?" the General asked

"It is not a stretch of the imagination. For years people have wondered about the Egyptians and the Aztecs. Atlantis is another example."

"Yes, but those are all just myths, aren't they?"

"Possibly, but we can't deny that we are alone anymore, General."

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