Ever After 3 (x Reader)

By Reign1990

11.6K 499 233

You and Alex have survived a lot and come out the other end stronger, but when shadows from someone else's pa... More

Family Dinners
Tears For Fears
A Danvers Night Out.
Naughty Elves & Strays
Evil Lena Luthor.
That Sneaky Elf
The Trap & The Elf Threesome
Admiring Your Wife's Bottom Is A Civil right.
Danvers Sisters Vs Failure
Cranky Alex
Suited And Booted
The Many Errors Of Kara Danvers
The Big Question

Midvale Mornings

701 33 19
By Reign1990

The drive to Midvale had almost become a family ritual now, Alex in the driver's seat of J'onn's cruiser, (Y/n) in the passenger seat fantasizing about Alex on her motorbike in her leathers, and in the back Kara and Lena. The only new addition was Connor sandwiched between his two mothers sound asleep.

Kara was complaining about why she couldn't have ridden in the front she had called shotgun after all.

Alex had insisted upon an early start to the journey. That had been the day before.

They had arrived to Eliza's usual warm welcome and a big bright smile. Jeremiah had been a little more reserved and anxious for his next meeting with his daughter.

It had gone better than he had expected.

The first full day, the family all gathered together around the breakfast table Eliza, having gone all out to impress and spoil her ever-growing family.

Lena, Connor, Kara, Eliza, and Jeremiah all sat silently, curious looks on their faces as they looked at the two empty chairs and then at each other as though someone had the answer for their emptiness.

"They can't still be asleep," Kara complained.

Lena raised an eyebrow, but instead of answering her girlfriend's question, she speared the eggs on her plate with her fork and ate them. If her mouth was full, she couldn't talk. I'm sure (Y/n) knows about that right now. Lena smirked.

Eliza took an alarming look at Kara. "I'm sure they are just exhausted, Kara, nothing to worry about; Lena dear pass me the milk, please."

"Tired? How can they be tired they went to bed before all of us." Kara continued.

Jeremiah shifted uncomfortably in his chair things had changed a lot from when he last sat down at the table with his family, he felt sure his daughter wasn't being kept late by a wife back then, the same wife who had practically dragged her up the stairs the night before.

Time had flown by, and he had missed it all.

Eliza exchanged a glance with Lena, Connor was too busy tucking into the big bowl of lucky charms to care very much his hair was beginning to grow back Lena had been thankful for that.

"Anyway," Eliza said, trying to deflect the conversation. After everything that had happened, Eliza didn't care if Alex and (Y/n) spent all day in bed. They were happy, and that was all that mattered to her. "What do you all have planned for the day?"

"Mom says Aunt (Y/n) has to take me into town, she said Aunt (Y/n) is ...what did you say again?" Connor asked, looking to Lena, his blue eyes watching her expectedly.

"An annoying pain in my bottom." Lena shrugged. Reciting the PG version of what she had called her cousin.

"That." Connor pointed his hand into the air, "And you know somefing?" Connor whispered across to Eliza, his hands cupped around his mouth so no one could see what he was saying. "She is, she won't make me pancakes."

Eliza laughed at the child's description. "Is she really, well if (Y/n) won't make you pancakes, maybe we will just have to have them tomorrow morning."

"Really?" Connor gasped excitedly.

"Really." Eliza smiled.

"And (Y/n) can't have any." Connor chuckled devilishly.

"I'll make sure she doesn't lure Alex into certain stores," Kara sternly said as she pilled more toast and eggs onto her plate, eyeing up the crisp bacon as she did.

"Certain stores?" Jeremiah puzzled.

Kara's cheeks turned red, the memory of walking past the sex store finding Lena and (Y/n) inside like two crazy kids in a toy store was forever engrained in her mind.

"An adult toy store." Lena shrugged as though it was nothing.

"We have one of those now," Kara complained, pushing her glasses further up her nose. "Can you believe it, polluting a small town like this is disgusting? I should start a petition to close it."

Kara missed the look Eliza sent her husband, but Lena did not.

"I like toy stores." Connor innocently shrugged as he pulled apart a crisp piece of bacon in his hands. "Do they have cool toys,,?"

Kara's eyes widened behind her lenses, her cheeks flamed red as regret began filling her. Why had she ever mentioned this? "Eat your bacon."


When Kara had grown tired of waiting for her sister, she decided to head up the stairs and fetch her.

A decision she was about to regret.

"Alex, come on. We have to go into town, and Eliza has made this huge breakfast, but if you want, I can eat yours." Kara told her sister as she opened the door and saw Alex still in bed. Her red hair fanned out on the pillow behind her, her eyes closed as small moans escaped her lips.

She hadn't noticed Kara enter the room yet.

Someone did, suddenly without warning (Y/n), lifted the covers from the top of her where she had been hiding at the bottom of the bed. "OMG me too, I need to go somewhere!"

Alex finally turned her own wide eyes of horror to her sister.

Kara's eyes widened in stunned shock. The implications of what (Y/n) was doing under there was now all too clear. "Its broad daylight and you're... you're... doing that."

"For goodness sake, Kara, get out," Alex yelled at her sister, didn't she ever knock? The Director's eyes drifted to her wife, who still seemed unfazed or stunned to catch on to what had happened.

"(Y/n)." Trying not to let the covers fall from her own naked form, Alex rose up and threw the blanket back over her wife.

"Thanks, babe." (Y/n)'s muffled voice said from under the thick covers.

"You two need to buy a Scrabble board," Kara said, burying her head in her hands. Thinking back to a time when her sister had been normal. Alex smiled a lot more now, but at least she wasn't a sex maniac.

Alex raised an eyebrow if only Kara knew what words (Y/n) spelled out in scrabble. Kara would be outraged.

"We're married," Alex replied, innocently.

(Y/n)'s invention of strip scrabble one night during a power cut had been particularly impressive. Alex didn't think that her sister would want to hear about that any time soon.

"We're just doing married things." Alex continued to explain.

"And nonmarried things." (Y/n) spoke up from under the covers. "Freedom of choice, Kara, it's a thing look it up."

"You've got five minutes," Kara warned before closing the door behind her leaving Alex and (Y/n) in silence.

"Well." (Y/n) said, planting her hands on her hips, the cover still hung over her, making her look like a human-shaped lump in the bed. "She's fun at parties."

Alex slowly turned her head from the closed door to her wife. The scene was too funny, and in seconds, Alex had burst out into floods of laughter.

"What?" (Y/n) asked puzzled.


(Y/n) cluttered the plates as she pulled them from the dishwasher and put them away safely in the cupboard.

Life had changed so much, it was in small random moments like this when the full weight truly hit her.

Doing a very regular activity like doing breakfast dishes with her brother-in-law made her feel blessed. It was crazy most people would have passed the moment by, but not (Y/n) she never took anything for granted.

(Y/n) Loved Alex, and she loved her family; it was as easy as that, and the time they spend in Midvale was always particular. She loved these visits.

So (Y/n) had jumped at the chance of helping Eliza clear away the breakfast dishes.

"I'm sorry about this morning I was selfish an.."

Eliza raised her hand in the air shaking them to halt her daughter-in-law in her tracks, given (Y/n) and Alex being very late for breakfast the chef had volunteered to help with the dishes.

"Don't apologize; I know you're both working hard and time together is hard to find and trust me when I tell you I know a thing or two about cheeky morning lie-ins." Eliza winked mysteriously.

(Y/n)'s mouth fell open in surprise. "OMG."

Like a whirlwind, Alex shot into the kitchen and grabbed hold of her wife by her shoulders. "Yes, thank you, Mom, for trying to corrupt my wife; I need her to come with me to do that thing."

"What thing?" (Y/n) asked confused.

"The thing I told you about," Alex said, pushing (Y/n) through the kitchen door and out into the garden.

Eliza chuckled. "You didn't hear the rest of the story Alex."

"That's fine. I'll live!" Alex shouted back.

"She means your Dad." (Y/n) supplied with a laugh.

"Yes, thank you very much."

"Our parents are all horn dogs." (Y/n) giggled, slipping her arms through Alex's and moving closer. "So, hotwife, what is the plan for today now? You saved me from hearing about your parent's sex lives."

Alex cringed. She did not want any knowledge of that. "Kara said you have to take Connor into town."

"Why what for?"

"I don't know I think she wants some alone time with Kara." Alex shrugged. "Take tissues this time though babe, remember when you went to the store last week and began crying over the family on the toilet paper package?"

"Yes, thank you for the reminder." (Y/n) cringed, she wanted to end the water world, but nothing was working, and they seemed to be getting worse.

Alex smiled, pulling (Y/n) into her arms, running her hand through her wife's long strands of hair. (Y/n) closed her eyes against the soothing comfort Alex offered. "I'm just one call away. Okay, if you need me, I'm just one call away."

The chef took a deep breath, spending time alone in town with an annoying demon spawn kid was going to be hell. "I know."

That was something that (Y/n) was sure would never change.

"Oh, no, baby, not again."

The tears fell without restraint.

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