Fairy Guardian: Resurrection

Oleh Shi_Kira

110K 1.3K 399

In the past, he's a man known by many names: The Demon Brat, The Hero of the Fourth Great Shinobi War, the Na... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 2

10.6K 126 33
Oleh Shi_Kira

Sorry for the long wait everyone.

Harem (Up to this chapter): Seilah, Irene.

"Naruto" Normal Speech.

'Naruto' Normal Thought.

"Rasengan" Jutsu/Power/Technique.

"Kurama" Demonic/Dragon Speeches.

'Kurama' Demonic/Dragon Thoughts.

Fairy Guardian: Resurrection

Chapter 2

"Did you hear?"

"On the newspapers?"

"Not just the newspapers, everyone is talking about it."

"Half of Fairy Tail's mages disappeared in a single afternoon, including the current master and all of its S-class mage."

"Yeah, I heard some rumors they were traveling to their private island located somewhere far from the country. It has completely disappeared with them as well."

"Do you think they're dead?"

"I don't know, the other guilds seem to think otherwise. Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale are out there helping the remaining members of Fairy Tail, but I don't think they will have much luck."

"Seriously, what could possibly defeat a guild as strong as they are and bring down an entire island with them? Also, what would become of Fairy Tail now?"

There were two things Naruto liked about bars. They had always been great sources for information, as well as a perfect place to hear people's honest thoughts about particular events that happened all around the world. A few cups, drunk, and then nothing comes out of your mouth was a lie, spoken from the depth of your heart.

It had been three days since the fall of Tenrou Island and from what he could see, the magic users of the world of magic and the civilians didn't take the news too well, which was completely understandable because they were kind of a big deal, being the strongest and number one guild of Fiore, after all.

Though Naruto didn't pay those words and opinions any mind because he knew better, and simply didn't care.

It was him who had hidden Tenrou from the world, to begin with. Using not just magical barriers but also his more traditional sealing techniques, Naruto was able to make his home island impossible to find no matter what magic or method was used, blocking it from watchful eyes of mankind. Even now, deep underneath the ocean, the barriers were still doing its job, shielding Tenrou and Fairy Sphere from the ones who were searching for Fairy Tail.

There's no way they could find it anytime soon, but he would love to see them trying to. He had been generous enough to allow Mavis to use Tenrou as the holy ground of her pride guild, there's no way he's going to let her or anyone else has more than that.

Gulping down the last of his cup, Naruto stood up, paid for his drinks, and turned around to leave the bar. The town he was currently staying in, which located in the far east of Fiore, was a quiet and peaceful one, something he had always preferred over something boisterous. Though he would never stay in one place for more than a few months, so he wouldn't attract unnecessary attention.

"Give me your money, fool." Without even looking at the thug, Naruto raised his arm and elbowed him in the face, sending him flying across the street before crashing through the window of a local store. His friends, fellow thugs, looked at Naruto with wide eyes and parted away in fear, making a path for him to walk through.

With a sigh, Naruto made his way out of the town and disappeared into the forest. It should be noted that he was wandering because he hadn't decided where he should head to next.

Ten thousand years had passed, and yet nothing had changed.

One should always expect anything and everything at the same time, and even without having to go through and experience it all himself in the past, he knew this to be true.

After all, his life had been screwing with him for as long as he could remember, lover and lover. He had to admit that while it was indeed impressive, it was fucked up at the same time. People hated him then adored him, some secretly loved him, and others saw him as an orange loving idiot who would stop at nothing to have a dozen bowls of ramen every meal... which was what used to be, but that wasn't the point.

Either way, he didn't expect his life to turn upside down that fast. From angry people with fierce eyes hunting him down out of rage and maybe just for the fun of it, to an asshole who shoved a hand through his chest and later hoped to take control of the entire world and kill him for the sake of his pessimistic view of peace. Unfortunately, said asshole happened to be the one person he would call his brother in nothing blood.

His life had finally become worse when the war started over him.

The Juubi was revived, and so was Madara Uchiha, who later received the fastest transgender surgery in the history by a black glob with a face and turned into a woman, who quite frankly, freaked him out with her abnormal affection for her offspring.

One should always expect anything and everything at the same time, but he didn't expect to become immortal. That one really shocked him, because he honestly wasn't expecting that one to happen out of everything else.

Imagine his face when he woke up one morning and had everyone told him precisely what was happening. He took it as hard as anyone who could no longer die could have. He drowned himself in self-pity, in the sadness of the thought of seeing his loved ones slowly dying around him while he would be the only one get left behind.

It didn't take him less than a few centuries to pick himself together and decided that if he couldn't die, he might as well make it worth it.

He watched a generation that filled with miracles, but also blood and hatred slowly die out after a long life and then witnessed the birth of the new one through the ashes of the previous era. It was a generation that only knew peace. Under his watch, it never knew what war was, or how much pain and suffering it could cause and bring.

But much like the cycle of hatred, something he had hoped to put a stop to but realized it would never end as long as mankind was the same, it repeated. A new era raised, and a new one took its place. Over and over again, the cycle continued and didn't seem to have a stop. Soon enough, he became tired, tired of being a god to his people; tired of watching the ones he came to love and cared about all leaving him behind like anyone before did and after them would; and tired of trying to do what he did best, a hero, and in return received nothing but pain and suffering.

So with a heavy heart, he left his home and started to wander the lands as it changed, shifted, and altered over time. Time went by far faster than he had expected, and before he realized it, he had been forgotten. Even his homeland had been reduced to the size of an island by the ocean... the very same island that was now called Tenrou.

Elemental Nations had changed, and while it was only known by the historians who dug the deepest into the ancient times, it had entirely forgotten by others. The world's now called Earthland, and along with its name, the knowledge of chakra and Shinobi Arts had also disappeared.

Once feared by civilians, magic had risen and become an everyday phenomenon. Even Naruto, who spent nearly one thousand years to master every art of Shinobi, couldn't stop himself from testing himself in the arts of magic. When he first learned how to use magic, he was like a child in the candy store, because of the magical elements of them gave him the thrill, unlike any other. It was an exciting way for Naruto to spend his endless time, but nonetheless, it reminded him of the old days, the time when he was taught his first ninja's techniques by his teachers.

Traveling by foot for another ten minutes, Naruto suddenly came to a stop and decided to speak up loud and clear after a moment of silence.

"You know I can feel your presence from a mile away, so you don't have to call out to let me know you're here." After that, he turned around and looked at the young man who walked out from behind a tree. Having arrived in a dark magic portal just a few feet behind Naruto, the young man was about to call to get his attention, but prominent enough, it wasn't necessary.


"Zeref." Naruto nodded his head, saying that in acknowledgement "Can't say I'm not surprised to see you here."

The man who was standing before him was none other than Zeref, the strongest dark mage in the history of magic. Despite being a wizard who was famous for his potent and dangerous spell for more than four centuries, Zeref had the appearance of a young man, with black hair and dark eyes.

Because much like Naruto, Zeref was an immortal, but his immortality came from the Contradictory Curse of Ankhseram, which forced him to live forever... and kill anything he desires.

It had proven the fact that immortality was nothing but a curse.

When Naruto first met Zeref, he was quite shocked to know that Zeref was an immortal like him and having gone through everything, he had to admit he felt terrible for the guy because, in some way, the Contradictory Curse made Zeref's life worse than his. However, at least Zeref was killable, so he could still find some peace in the end.

Zeref had already planned his death out and created a book from it, literally.

"It's been a while, Naruto." The dark mage said, lowering his head just a little with a small smile on his lips "It's hard to find you these days, but I see that you're still doing very well."

"Not as well as you are, but thank you." Naruto rolled his eyes, his voice full of sarcasm "How's it going for you? You got kidnapped the last time I saw you if I recall correctly."

"It's nothing important." Zeref shook his head, the smile nearly disappeared from his face as he approached Naruto "What important is what came, and happened afterward."

"You mean Acnologia." It wasn't a question. Now that Zeref had mentioned the guy, Naruto couldn't help but wonder what the so-called black dragon of Apocalypse was doing, as well as feeling, at the moment. Acnologia had his pride hurt, his oversized ego crushed... for the second time, and right arm lost. They're three of the worst things that could happen to a prideful man in a single day after all, "He had it coming for trying to destroy my home." Naruto said with a bored expression before adding with a smirk, "But I didn't kill him so you and that little country of yours pretty much still have something to worry about, but the bright side is that the empire still has the original purpose of its existence."

"It'd be better if you just finished that thing for good." Zeref frowned but then shook his head with a smile "But I have to admit that it was quite a display of strength back there. It's been a while since I last saw you using that much power in a battle, and it still amazed me like the first time."

"I'm just a guy trying to protect his home, nothing special." Naruto humbly mocked, extending his arms out and dramatically bowing his head. Battle? He wouldn't call it one. A struggle was something where both opponents had chances of winning, regardless of how small they were. He could crush Acnologia without breaking a sweat (not that he could in a something like that), so why should he acknowledge it as a battle, when the favor was clearly his and his alone.

"Still, thank you." Naruto raised an eyebrow at Zeref's words of gratitude "For protecting Natsu."

"I didn't save him, Zeref, it was Mavis." The immortal Shinobi pointed out, "Fairy Sphere manifested even before Acnologia's attack could travel halfway to Tenrou, so it's Mavis who you should give your gratitude to." Zeref said nothing in response; his face didn't show any emotion, but Naruto could feel a slight shift in his feelings when he mentioned Mavis, "Anyway, I saw you... little reunion with the brat. Didn't turn out like you had hoped it would, did it?"

"It didn't." Zeref admitted while shaking his head sadly, "Natsu is still not yet ready. I could hardly feel anything when he punched me."

"When he returns, do you think you can..."

"I have said it before, and I'll say it once again, Zeref, so you won't get too hope up this time as well." Naruto turned his head around to look at the dark mage, stating emotionlessly, "I won't train your brother, find someone else to do that. Plus, it's extremely troublesome to train brats like him. It's for you and him to decide who is going to die first."

The black-haired immortal sighed and looked down. "Do you think that Natsu can kill me soon?"

"Doubt it." Naruto rolled his eyes, but then added nonetheless "But maybe." Nothing could happen, after all. One should always expect anything and everything at the same time.

"I hope so." The legendary dark mage nodded, smiling gently at the thought. It took a few seconds, but he finally decided to ask, "What are you going to do now, Naruto, now that Tenrou is gone for the time being?"

"I don't know, I think I will stick around here for a while. I don't know how long the Fairy Sphere is going to last, but I don't think it's going to disappear in a year or two." He then glanced at Zeref, only for a second before looking away and saying with a grin, with his hands in his pocket, "But I think I know where I should be next."

Zeref nodded his head in understanding.

"It's actually a surprise for me to see you walking around without her following just a step behind." The dark mage commented, "I hope everything is still alright between the two of you."

"Don't worry, everything is perfectly fine. It's just that I want her to spend some years experiencing life with her own kind, not just with me." Naruto said, "She listens, carries out every word and order I say without a second thought, but from me, she won't be able to learn anything. Staying with me, Seilah would be the same demonic servant you programmed her to be, and I don't want that."

"I see... I really should have asked your opinions before creating her, shouldn't I?"

"Don't worry, in a way, I like her personality. It's just that she should loosen up a little bit, and start having more respect for herself like I have always had for her."

"Then I shouldn't waste any more of your time." Zeref smiled "It's time for me to take my leave. Come to her, Naruto."

"You don't have to tell me." The immortal Shinobi grinned.

"Do you know where she is right now?"

"Shouldn't be too hard to find her." He shrugged in response "She joined Tartarous, didn't she? I could track them down, but it's actually not necessary."

"One more thing, what about..." but Zeref had never gotten the chance to finish that question because Naruto had given the answer without thinking.

"She seems fine on her own." Blankly, he said before walking away with his hands in his pockets, leaving Zeref behind wondering if he should tell the woman in question about his encounter with Naruto, and what he said about her.

A few months period, Oracion Seis had been taken down by the alliance Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale. After their ultimate defeat, the guild had been dissolved and all members were being imprisoned by the Magic Council.

In X784, Grimoire Heart was the most active guild in existence, with the illusion goal of reawakening Zeref, someone who had never needed to be awakening to begin with, with the hope of creating the ultimate magic world, which led them to Tenrou where they found Fairy Tail's S-class mage Promotion Trial to be taking place. An all-out war broke out between the two guilds, which Fairy Tail ultimately won, though not unscratched. The majority of its force was taken down by the wizards of Fairy Tail. While two of its core members decided to abandon the guild, the rest were killed by the dark mage they worshipped, Zeref, putting an end to the dark guild that reigned terror all over Fiore.

However, the falls of two of Oracion Seis and Grimoire Heart didn't put an end to the alliance between the three most potent dark guilds between three of the most potent dark guilds in Fiore.

Tartarous was the name of the last guild of the Balam Alliance.

Because it had always hidden behind the dark guilds under their control, preferring to run the underworld from the dark, its very existence had always been a big mystery to the people of Fiore, so no one would have imagined the guild being comprised mostly of Etherious, a mighty race of demons born from the Books of Zeref.

Being one of these Etherious demons, Seilah was a member of Tartarous and its core team: Kyuukimon (Nine Demon Gates).

Taking the appearance of a woman, with exceptionally large breasts and most noticeable feature is the two large gold-looking horns protruding from the sides of her head and pointing upwards, Ryōgetsuten (Goddess of the Chill Moon) Seilah was an incredibly voluptuous demoness with unrivaled beauty, recognized by her fellow Etherious as the most beautiful demon among them.

Upon her head was a white band that separated the front of her hair, framing her bangs from her hair below the band. For clothing, Seilah wore a very revealing beige-colored leopard-printed kimono, bearing the black markings on her shoulders. The kimono was wrapped around her torso with a thick, decorative yellow ribbon that was tied behind her back, and her outfit was complemented by thigh-high socks that revealed her heels and toes, a white-colored strap that tied around her neck, wears a necklace with a crystal gem that hung just above her cleavage was also worn.

Sitting in a comfortable armchair by the window of the main hall of Tartarous' guild building with her leg crossed over the other, Seilah ignored the attention she was receiving from the lesser demons and kept her mind solely on the book she was reading. Despite being the youngest Etherious, Zeref's last creation, Seilah's was by no mean a weak demon. Her power was recognized by many, and it became the reason she was able to earn her position among the strongest, Kyuukimon.

But it wasn't her beauty or her intelligent mind, or her power which was a form of Curse that allows her to fully control the body of her victims and manipulate them as if she was giving orders that made her special, unique, and distinct from others.

While all other Etherious possessed an inborn drive to kill the creator, established at the genetic level, which was the reason they were created and expressed consciously as a feeling to return to his side, Seilah was created with the sole purpose of serving her master with the best of her ability, and an instinct to put his needs and wishes at the top of her priority.

Unconsciously, Seilah removed her hand from the page of her book and reached for the beautiful necklace she wore around her neck. It was a gift from her master, something she treasured just as much as she treasured his loving attention for her.

Seilah was worried, as she had always been for the last nineteen years since the last time she saw him. She knew better than doubting his ability to take care of himself, but there was not a single day she could stop thinking about him, wondering what he was doing and asking herself if he was happy without her at his side...

Serving him, Naruto Uzumaki, was something she took great pride in, so imagine her feelings when he suddenly decided to send her away to live with her fellow demons for a few years after over three hundred years of service. She was shocked and horrified when she heard it. She had thought she had done something wrong, or something that had seriously offended him, and on her knees, she had tried to beg for forgiveness.

It came as a relief to Seilah when he told her she didn't do anything wrong and spent the next few minutes comforting her with gentle words. He wanted her to experience a life with her kind, and while Seilah had insisted that there was no need for such, he refused to change his decision.

It was the only time she didn't want to listen to his words, which came out more of a request than an order.

However, she was still anxious, no longer for her but for him.

The morning after, she left him and went on a journey to find the other Etherious demons, who had been gathered by a demon called Mard Geer of Tartarous under the will of END, the most active Etherious devil.

Much to her surprise, before she left, her master had given her his necklace as a promise to be the one who would come looking for her shortly. His jewelry, and his promise... they had finally set her heart at peace, allowing her to go on her own way without worrying about him having no more use for her.

It didn't take her long to find Tartarous, as their activities were dominant at the time. From that point, she had become the guild's active member and proved herself more than one time that she's a valuable asset to their goals.

But what was bothering him? She had to wonder because, at the time, he seemed distracted. He usually spaced out for no reason and sometimes asked her to stay behind to go somewhere else alone. It worried her, and she had tried to ask him about it, but he changed the topic and started admiring the weather faster than he could move. Thinking it as a personal matter, Seilah willingly stopped bothering him with her curiosity, but she wasn't able to stop worrying every time he returned and just went straight to sleep.

Maybe it was the real reason he had decided to send her away, not just because he wanted her to spend a few years with her fellow Etherious. She wasn't stupid and had spent enough time with her master to know if he was up to something.

In a way, it could be said that she understood him better than he understood himself.

Gently playing with the crystal with the tip of her fingers, Seilah exhaled longingly and leaned back against her armchair, turning her head to the side to look out the window.

Maybe he would come to her today, he would make perhaps tomorrow or the day after tomorrow... either way, she would still happily return to the side once again and accompany him for the rest of eternity, as his loyal and faithful servant.

"You seem to be deep in thought, thinking about your master again?" Deep in thought, Seilah didn't realize a demon was standing only a foot in front of her until they had spoken up. Returning her attention back to the front, Seilah had her eyes widened for a second before she quickly stood up from her seat to greet them with a slight but respectful bow of her head.


Kyoka had a very distinct appearance, most notably due to her half-human/half-aviary characteristics. She seemed to be of average height and weight, yet possessed an enormous chest and a curvaceous hourglass figure. Covering her form was a skin-tight suit that further emphasized her chest, revealing her thighs and partially exposing her buttocks. Her shoulders and arms were concealed by a long, striped jacket with flaring sleeves, a four-way split tailback, and a tall and gaping collar that completely covered Kyoka's neck. Kyoka's hands, however, took the form of sharp and scaly talons, while a thick pair of bands wrap around her thighs, stopping where a similar set of bird-like feet begin. She finished her outfit with an intricate helmet with a large gem on her forehead, which covered almost the entirety of her face save for her eyes and mouth. There were two long wing-like pieces of hair protruding from the sides, curving out around her face. The rest of her hair fell to her lower back, being wrapped tightly into a thick band.

Like Seilah, she was an Etherious of the Dark Guild Tartarous and a member of the Nine Demon Gates, as well as its leader. Among the members of the Kyuukimon and their guild masters, Kyoka was the one she admired and respected the most, being one of the only demons that had higher power than hers, and the one who vouched for her when she appeared at Tartarous' doorstep when the rest doubted her for the differences between their innate desires.

"You're reading?" The green-haired demoness smiled as she looked at the book in Seilah's hand.

"Yes, Kyoka-sama. I found this book rather interesting." Seilah answered with a nod of her head, "Is there anything you need?"

"You haven't answered my question." Kyoka leaned her body forward and looked at Seilah in the eyes, a mischievous smile crossed her lips "Were you thinking about your master again?" the black-haired demon blushed, and with a soft smile, she nodded her head "Hm, I should have known." The Goddess of the slave planet rolled her eyes "You sure he still remembers you? It's been nineteen years, hasn't it?" Seilah sighed mentally. There she goes again.

"Master is busy. He is going to require my assistance once again as soon as he's done." Every time the two of them started a conversation about her master, she would bring that topic up, as if she thought Seilah's devotion for her master would change. It was rather apparent that Kyoka was infatuated with her, and was jealous of her sole affection for her master.

Other than respect and admiration, Seilah had no particular feeling for Kyoka, but for the last nineteen years, Seilah had ended up in the superior demon's bedroom and engaged behaviors with her countless times, more than she could remember. It's a demon's thing, so she really couldn't help it.

She had a very similar relationship with her master, though her times with him were strangely much more enjoyable. So did she feel ashamed for letting someone else, a woman but still someone else, touch her inappropriately like that?

No, she didn't.

It's not like there was anything unusual in their relationship. She had learned from books that men were rather possessive of the women they were in love with, but while he had shown a significant amount of affection for her, it's not like he's in love with her or anything. Also, while she cared very much for him and loved the attention he had for her, she had never viewed herself as his lover.

She was his servant, and he was her master... nothing more, nothing less.

But suddenly, Seilah frowned and became troubled. There's nothing wrong about that, right?


"Saying that, but still you have doubt, huh?" Kyoka smirked. Even though she noticed her frown and confused look, she had mistaken them for something else.

"Is there anything you need, Kyoka-sama?" the Goddess of the Chill Moon quickly changed the topic, feeling unnecessary to continue the current one with someone like Kyoka.

"Yes, I need you to carry out this mission for me." Kyoka answered, "As you have already known, Grimoire Heart has been demolished by Fairy Tail." Sayla nodded her head in understanding. The news about the fall of Grimoire Heart was all over human's newspapers, and while she could never bring herself to read one of them because they were so dull, she had heard some lesser demons gossiped about it. It was quite a surprise, but not shocking. "Well, we need to make sure that the dark guilds under their control remember where they belong. I will need you to go through every single one of them to make sure that they know their place. If they try to do anything suspicious, you know what to do." Seilah nodded her head, thoughtfully.

"I will go to my room to prepare and will leave as soon as possible." She said, bowing her head to the green-haired demon.

"Good." Kyoka smiled. "Remember that I expect nothing but success from you, Seilah." After saying goodbye to Kyoka, Seilah quickly made her way back to her room. She had a mission, and she intended to carry it out with the best of her ability.

Opening the door, Seilah walked into her room and closed it behind her.

It was at that moment, Seilah felt a presence behind her, and without the need to think, she turned around and thrust her palm forward.

"Hey, Sei... Woah!" the person said in surprise and quickly dodged his head to the side, causing her hand to pass his head harmlessly and hit the wall behind him instead. That part of the wall was completely destroyed, and the force of her attack made the room rock slightly "You're that angry?" He asked teasingly as her eyes widened in shock.

"MASTER!?" She exclaimed in happiness, but then horrification when she realized she had tried to crush his head (not that she could) and immediately got down to her knees and lowered her head so low that her head touched the floor "I'm so sorry for trying to attack you! Please forgive me!?"

"It's alright. It's my fault, to begin with." Naruto said as he kneeled down and put his hand on her shoulder to lift her up "Please raise your head, there's no need for you to bow."

"Master... you're here." she said, looking at him for a second before throwing herself at him, wrapping her arms tightly around his shoulder, "I have missed you so much." She said with happiness, "It's been so long." Grinning, he hugged her back, returning her heartfelt welcome.

"I've missed you too, Seilah." He said as he leaned his head against hers, taking in the alluring scent that he loved and missed so much, "I'm so sorry for making you wait this long." He said, gently stroking her hair before pulling her close to capture her lips in a searing kiss. Of course, it wasn't their first time he had kissed her, but it surprised her every single time. It made her heart flutter, and soon, Seilah found herself kissing him back with just as much passion.

After a minute, Naruto pulled back and smiled at her. Seilah was just as beautiful as he remembered her to be, "How have you been?"

"I've been doing well, master." Sayla smiled "I did what you ordered me to do. I found the other Etherious Demons and came to live with them." She said, before asking, "How did you find me, master?"

"With this necklace." His hand reached out and touched the gem of her necklace "It's a special gem that responds to my chakra, so I can feel it even if you are halfway across the world. I have also added a special seal into it, making it a 'marker' for technique. You wear it, and I can find you no matter where you are and come to you in an instant."

"Master..." She smiled softly, her cheeks dusted pink.

"You have changed Seilah." Naruto smiled as he eyed her with keen eyes. But then, he frowned, "I owe you an apology, Seilah? I really shouldn't send you away against your will like that. It's just..."

"Please don't say that, master." Seilah interrupted and put her hand on his cheek, "You have your reason, and I respect that, just as much as I respect you." Naruto sighed but smiled at her nonetheless.

"Are you free right now?" He asked, and Seilah uncomfortably shook her head, "What's it?"

"Tartarous wants me to go to the dark guilds that were under Grimoire Heart's control to remind them that we're still here." Naruto nodded in understanding "Grimoire Heart, they..."

"I know what happened to them. I was there and watched it." Naruto shrugged, causing Seilah to widen her eyes in surprise "To tell you the truth, I care very little about it. Anyway... dark guilds, huh? Do you mind if I tag along?"

"You don't..."

"I don't have to because I want to." Naruto grinned, "We have a lot to catch up to, and I'm dying to hear your stories with Tartarous, so why wasting any more time?"

"W-well... if you insist."

It's just like what he said.

They had a lot to catch up to.

End of Chapter 2

Note: This is the second chapter of Fairy Guardian: Resurrection. It has come out a little sooner than I have expected, but then again it is weekend, I'm free and don't have much to do so I decide to work on the next chapter of this story, inspirited by all the supports and feedbacks you have given me in my next section.

Surprisingly enough, I have my brother helped me with this chapter. So this is basically the work of two authors. (He seems regret quitting fanfiction, but it's not like he has any other option.)

You have made me a very happy girl by 173 reviews, 789 favourites and 855 favourites. Then again, maybe it's all thank the original Fairy Guardian's reputation this story is able to climb that far ahead of many stories with just a single chapter, but still, I thank you for all of your supports.

Seilah has made an early appearance in this chapter, unlike in my brother's story, where it took her more than twenty chapters to appear.

In Resurrection, I have given Naruto a more... reasonable reason to send Seilah away nineteen year period to the current time of the story. It will be revealed in the future, so you will have to wait and see.

Also, as you can see, she's not as guilty as she was in my brother's story when it comes to her sexual relationship with Kyoka. The reason for this is that I want to have the time to develop her characters as well as her relationship with Naruto. I let her have that kind of relationship because it will allow her to tell the differences between a master/servant relationship and her relationship with Naruto.

She is a demon who was created, with everything programmed in her head. In my opinion, she had spent so many years with Naruto only, so she wouldn't be able to tell that his affections for her aren't something a mere master would typically have for his servant.

Seilah has always been one of my favorite female characters, so writing about her growing feelings for Naruto will be very interesting.

About Naruto and magic matter, I have read a few reviews and saw that some readers pointing out that there's no need for him to learn magic when he can basically do anything with Ninjutsu. It's genuine, but I hope this chapter has cleared out some of the reasons why I make Naruto learn magic.

He won't know every kind of magic, though. I won't make him a second magic King like August because it would be too evident and uncreative. I should also point out that every magic he can use have a reason behind it, and he has mastered them to the most exceptional levels and extensions.

As I said in the latest chapter, there's a reason he has Requip Magic at his disposal, and with the 'Easter eggs' in this chapter, I really hope that you guys can put them together and have the basic idea of what I am trying to do.

About Harem matter, I'm thinking about keeping the pairings for Naruto as minimum as possible for the favour of characters and relationships developments. However, as I have told you, I will keep Seilah and Irene, as well as Mirajane as you can see in the pairing. The rest will be decided later, but you can vote for them if you want to.

I listen to my readers' thoughts and consider constructive reviews very carefully, after all.

Next chapter will be after the seven years time-skip, marking the return of Fairy Tail. This story is all about Naruto and Fairy Tail, so it would be a sin if I left them out for more than a chapter.

Well, that's all. Remember to READ and REVIEW. Let's keep the support for this story as best as it could be, so please remember to review, follow and favour the chapter and the story after you have read, and come to like it.

I will see you in the next chapter, bye-bye!

P/S: I have noticed that a lot of reviewers, as well as PM-ers, have asked for the reading version of this story. While it sounds great, I don't think it's a great idea, because I don't want to have the updates for this story slowed down. So anyone wants to do it instead? Think of it as a challenge or something, alright?

P/S/S: New chapter of Fairy Tail is absolutely amazing, and while it's going to be friendship power all over again, Wendy is still fantastic. It's incredible to see how much she has grown as a young lady, as well as a mage.

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook.

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