The Lone Cowboy

By areanea17

112 0 0


The Lone Cowboy

Chapter 2.

31 0 0
By areanea17


As I walked back to the house Jerdan was on my mind. He had the sexiest voice that could make anyone fall into his trap of Love. Myself I didnt believe in love. Too many times "men" would seduce me, tell me they loved me, and leave. Just like that. Im tired of the Love "game". I sat at my desk back at the house and pondered on what to do next. Alice the maid had brought in some tea warmed up with a cinnamon stick. My favorite. I never thought that Id be running a Ranch. My dream was to get married and have five or six kids while living in the city. That seemed like a dream and not so much a reality. For one I havent found anyone to settle down with. Michael had met Janine in high school. She was a country girl through and through. My first love was Gavin. He was tall dark and rugged. Handsome. He told me I was too high strung. I couldnt help it. Country was not my thing. The city is calling to me....."Miss. Miss. Miss." "Oh Alice sorry what is it?" "Mr. Vonly is here." "Thanks send him in." There he stood. He still had a few beads of sweat on his forehead. God how I wish that man would kiss me. What was I thinking? I needed air.. "Hello Jerdan. Can we take a walk its kinda stuffy in her." "Yeah thats fine." "So how was your first day?" "Fairly well actually. I was wondering if that I could get an advance pay? Your brother said I needed to come ask you seeing as though you are the money handler."  "Yes I am the money handler but Im not sure if I can do that. May I ask what you need it for?" "Lydia I am a man of my word I will be back and I can work extra. I am looking for a small house and I need an advancement in order to pay the deposits." "Jerdan let me talk to Michael. How soon do you need it?" "By Thursday. Then I will work extra the next Thursday to make up for the advancement."  "I will see what I can do. I cant promise anything." "Thank-You Lydia. You dont know how much I appreciate it."


She doesnt know just how much that money would help me. I'm losing my car, my trailor, and everything dear to me. My drinking had gotten out of hand. No one wanted to be around me. When I found this job I was surprised that they even considered me. I had let my appearance go. I wasnt feeling like I could do much of anything. Michael had interviewed me and told that he would give me a call later.  Not thinking about it I found my way to the liquor store and bought a pint of Jose. The bottle was empty by the time I was home. The next day my head pounded like nobodys buisness. I didnt want to get out of bed when the phone rang. Didnt want to answer it for fear it be one of the many one night stands I had accomplished. But I had managed to make my way there and answered it. Michael was there on the other end. "Jerdan you can start at the ranch tomorrow. 5am sharp dont be late." Thats what I remember. Then I was out again. I wasnt late and I was bright eyed and bushy tailed. We had worked for a few hours and thats when Lydia came by. She was a beauty. Her voice was sweet and she had a way of making you melt. I knew I couldnt but my mind was thinking romance. Settling down. Woah I was thinking settling down. NEVER in my life had I thought of that. A nice modest farm house in the country, white pillars, and a wrap-around screen porch.  A few kids running around the usual small town dream. Things had gotten in the way of this though. Drinking was one of the many. Now I had to turn my life around and give love a second chance.


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