Apocalypse's Horsemen (Devil'...

By me2you804

213K 11K 447

The Devil's Assistant Series (Book 3) After surviving another near death experience, Savannah and her compan... More

Apocalypse's Horsemen
Apocalypse's Horsemen [2]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [3]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [4]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [5]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [6]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [7]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [8]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [9]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [10]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [11]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [12]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [13]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [14]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [15]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [16]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [17]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [18]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [19]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [20]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [22]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [23]
Apocalypse's Horseman [24]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [25]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [26]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [27]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [28]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [29]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [30]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [31]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [32]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [33]
Apocalypse's Horsemen [34] Epilogue
The Devil's Assistant Series Book List

Apocalypse's Horsemen [21]

4.3K 303 14
By me2you804

Chapter 21

Our arrival back in the underworld was nothing short of a fan fare.

Lucius and Hades were both rulers in their own right within the underworld and both beloved by their people. I found it remarkable the devotion and respect their subjects paid to them. Of course with any population there were the few that were opposed to being ruled but the majority took the sudden appearance of the Lords of the Underworld as a joyous occasion. They swarmed forwards from every direction, spilling out of shops and homes to pay tribute to them. Several screamed their names. I even heard one or two calling out my own name.

Coming from the hotel with the horseman to this was almost too much for my frayed nerves. I twitched and forced down the instincts within me that wanted to brandish my sword at the overzealous woman who was throwing confetti at us even as she stretched out her free hand to touch the Lords of the Underworld.

And their eyes fell upon Castiel. A loud scream of despair rang out over the crowd. A small scaled child gasped and clutched to her mother’s skirts as she watched the sorry sight of the broken angel being carried along by their liege.

A hush swept over the crowd quickly as the city stilled. The gravity of the situation drew each and every eye within the immediate vicinity. Even babies, whose cries had been renting the air only a few moments before, fell quiet as their rested within their mother’s arms.

“Call the healer.” The murmur swept through the crowd, passed from person to person as they all waited with baited breath.

Steps clicked against the cobbles of the square as a lone figure stepped forwards. She appeared to be a young woman, with youthful skin and an almost childlike body but looks could be deceiving. She commanded attention as she approached us, ignoring my twitchy hand as she bowed her head at the two men in respect.

Now she was closer to us, I noted that her hair was tied back in an efficient bun, her clothes plain and demure. Everything was understated. It was her ruby red eyes which drew my attention to this seemingly unremarkable woman. I felt guilt at even placing her in that category but it was true. Everything about her was understated, made to blend into the scenery. To not be noticed. And yet she exuded power and authority, kept in check behind the costumes.

Her gaze moved to mine as if she felt the weight of my stare. She looked directly at me for barely a second before she ducked and her cheeks flushed red enough to match her eyes. I glanced at Lucius and raised a brow in question. He just shook his head in response.

Castiel chose that moment to rouse. His head lolled to the side and a shuddery breath hissed past his split lips. The healer snapped into action, her blushes forgotten as her entire being became focused upon the broken angel. Her eyes moved over the bruises and cuts on Castiel’s face, a wince and shudder running through her with each caress like she could feel every blow and cut that had been made on Castiel’s body.

With a cluck of her tongue, she waved her hands through the air. Within moments two burly men stepped from the gathered crowd with a wooden pallet stretched between them. Castiel was laid upon the pallet with great care, the healer being mindful of the wounds as her strong and capable hands directed Lucius’s movements. The woman did not spare us  another glance as she lead the two men from town square towards a small building between what appeared to be a school and a church.

 I shook my head and stepped to follow but Lucius wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me back into his body.

“You can’t follow. Aurelia can handle the work just fine. She is the best healer we have.” Hades murmured from beside me, his eyes following the sombre troop.

I shook my head and made to move again. A hand wrapped around my arm and held me still. I only just stopped myself from petulantly stamping my foot.

“I cannot leave him again. We have already failed him once.”

Lucius pulled me tighter to him, squeezing his arms around me.

“Aurelia is the best we can do for him right now Vannah. Trust me on this.” Lucius pressed his cheek against mine, seemingly oblivious to all of the watching eyes and listening ears. “I feel the burden of this failure as if I had struck each and every blow to Castiel. You did not fail him. I did. I have known him since he was created by our father and even I did not notice that it was not him. I did not notice that it was actually an imposter.”

In a matter of seconds I had turned, my sword had disappeared the moment his arms had fallen away from me so I was free to put both arms around his waist  and offer him the comfort he had given me over and over again.

“It will be alright. We will make them pay for what they have done.” I laughed bitterly and pressed my forehead to his chest. “I know we keep saying it but they will be made to pay for their actions.”

Hades cleared his throat.

“Maybe we should take these discussions elsewhere.” He gently inclined his head towards those closest to us. Expressions varied but fear lingered heaviest amongst those gathered.

“You’re right. They deserve to know what’s happening but not like this.”

I allowed myself to step away from Lucius but I held out my hand, giving his a reassuring squeeze when his fingers entwined with mine.

It took us hardly any time to get back to the palace. I barely noticed the grandeur, the spectacular crystal that formed the castle, as I stepped inside the walls. Inside I was hurting, my heart feeling strangely bereft now that we had left Castiel in the care of Aurelia. She was a stranger to us and too often these days we were facing the unfamiliar. For once I wanted things to go right, to recognise the people and the world around me.

I took two steps forward, heard the doors to the palace close behind us before I slumped to the black tiled floor. Lucius made no effort to help me up. He just sprawled out of the floor beside me in an undignified heap. We laid there for several seconds in silence, just breathing as we looked up at the glowing crystals above us. Leaning against the doors, Hades watched both of us while his arms were folded across his chest like a silent sentinel.

The silence dragged and pulled at me until I finally had to speak.

“I forgot to mention it before.”


I could feel Lucius’ inquisitive gaze as he turned his face towards me, his eyes trained upon the side on my face.

“Our swords, they work on the horsemen. Or at least it did something.”

Lucius held his breath. I didn’t even have to look to see the hope glimmering within his soul.


I shifted so that I lay down beside him and blew out a breath.

“I stabbed Famine with my sword and he froze. My blade cut though his heart and he turned into a living statue.” I let my eyes stray over to the blonde giant before letting my attention drift to the ceiling above me.  “Did you know that our swords could do that? Did you know that the blades could stop them in their tracks?”

“No.” Lucius forced himself upright. “I only knew the stories of the horsemen that humans have been taught. They existed before all of us. Some say that death will never be destroyed completely and I agree. It’s why reapers were born essentially. Death must always happen when life exists.”

 “So this won’t help us?”  I murmured, an ache forming in my chest.

“No it will. We just have to figure out how to use this to our advantage. If only we had a god of war to help us plan our next moves.”

“I could pull some favours but I believe most of my siblings have lost their taste for war.” Hades chimed in, his presence so unobtrusive that I had almost forgotten that he was there.

I turned my head and met Lucius’ gaze, could read the temptation that lingered there in the depths.

“No Lucius. They are allowed their peace.” My fingers caressed the side of his stubbly cheek. His eyes fluttered shut as he melted into my hold. “They have had their time and they are allowed to rest. Besides, we cannot expect them to know any more about our foes. Hell was their prison for millennia. If you and Hades cannot come up with any solutions, what makes you think they will have anything of use for us?”

Lips pressed against my palm and it was my turn to melt just a little bit.

“I hate that you are right.” His lips kissed my palm once more before he pushed himself upright. His fingers carded through his untamed hair before he shared a look with the God of the Underworld. “We shall call upon my brothers. We need their help on this if we are to prevent the horsemen from unleashing the further chaos. This is not just a matter for hell to deal with after all.”

“Hermes will do it. He’s been lingering around here far too much lately. I think the boy needs something to occupy himself.” Hades nodded his head to us both before leaving the two of us to wallow about on the floor.

“Hermes?” I asked finally when the stillness got too much for my frayed nerves to handle.

“Not the original. This is Hermes junior – his youngest son.” Lucius pushed up on to his feet and held his hand out towards me. “The boy, as Hades likes to call him, is older than me but as you will see looks as if he should still be in school.”

“Why is he down here? Not that you and Hades are bad company. I just would have assumed he would have wanted to be with his father and the rest of his family.” I entwined my fingers with Lucius’ larger and much stronger fingers and allowed him to lead me through the maze of hallways.

A young boy skipped down the hallway towards us. He appeared to be no more than twelve, his skin a dark cocoa brown that glowed in a reflection of his happy demeanour. He was small and skinny but his wide beaming smile more than made up for it. Dark hair swept in front of incredibly bright blue eyes he came to a stop before us.

“You’re back? I thought you were meant to be on the surface Uncle Lucius.”

I barely stopped myself from gushing at the adorable little boy who could barely contain his energy to stay in one place for more than a few seconds. He bounced from foot to foot, his feet actually lifting from the floor and hovering for a few seconds between steps.

“Just a visit this Hermes.” Lucius stretched out a hand and ruffled the wild curly hair on the boys head, laughing when the little boys giggled happily. “I want to introduce you to someone. This is Savannah.”

“Your future wife?” He giggled happily before lunging forward.

I grunted at the sudden impact of small arms wrapping around my waist as those beautiful blues stared up me. My lips twitched up into a smile, the child’s demeanour so infectious that I couldn’t help but smile back at him.

Lucius however, was spluttering and coughing at the sudden curve ball the young demigod had thrown his way. I patted him on his back, a giggle escaping my lips as I noted that his eyebrows had almost completely disappeared into his hairline.

“Where did you hear that?”

The cherubic face smiled back at us before he flew circles around us – literally. Even being able to fly myself prevented the little gasp from escaping my lips as he started performing aerial acrobatics.

“I was visiting the fates and I may have heard them talking about the threads of the future.” He dropped to the floor and smiled up at us. “They said there will be children. Are you with child yet?”

Now it was my time to cough and splutter.

“No,” I gasped. “No children and no wedding ring yet.”

The little boy drooped and looked up at me then with eyes wide and a definite shimmer.

“Why not?”

Lucius chuckled from my side. Throwing an elbow into his ribs, I felt a bit of satisfaction at the grunt that followed.

“Ask Lucius. A man asks a woman to marry him. But I do have a son.”

“Can I see him? Is he here with you?” The demi-god leant to the side and peered around me as if I was hiding my little boy behind my back.

I deflated for a second and looked down at the floor.

“No he is not here.” My face twitched as I fought back the aching sadness. “Maybe I can bring him another time.

Holding out my hand, I took comfort as the smaller hand wrapped around mine. “Can you show me to the kitchen? I find I am need of some lunch and then after we can discuss what needs to be done next. Okay?”

Proud to have a task to do, Hermes’ chest puffed out and started down the hallway so quickly that I was forced to stumble after him. More laughter followed at my back and for just a moment in the middle of the terror and way that had overtaken my life, I allowed myself to feel the carefree joy of this little demi –god.

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