The Lions Den

Por tayloronthedash

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-Book 1- The Normal Rules of Love Don't Always Apply, especially when the circumstances around those falling... Más

Prologue: When the Lion First Locked Eyes With the Gazelle
Chapter One: When the Gazelle Notices the Lion
Chapter Two: When the Lion Stalks Downwind
Chapter Three: When the Gazelle Stretches Her Legs
Chapter Four: When the Lion Goes for the Kill
Chapter Five: When the Gazelle Tries to Outrun the Lion
Chapter Six: When the Lion Bares His Teeth
Chapter Seven: When the Gazelle Dodges the First Bite
Chapter Eight: When the Lions Speed Stampers
Chapter Nine: When the Gazelle Takes A Leap
Chapter Ten: When the Lion Gives Himself Away
Chapter Eleven Part I: When the Gazelle Crashes Down
Chapter Eleven Part II: When the Gazelle Trips the Lion
Chapter Twelve: When the Lion Captures the Gazelle
Chapter Thirteen: When the Gazelle Feels the Pressure of Claws
Chapter Fourteen: When the Lion Must Gather the Tigers
Chapter Fifteen: When the Gazelle Rejoins the Heard
Chapter Seventeen: When the Gazelle Takes Her Last Leaps
Chapter Eighteen: When The Lion Must Bow Down
Chapter Nineteen Part I: When The Lioness is Born
Chapter Nineteen Part II: When the Lioness Makes Her First Stride
Chapter Twenty: When the Lion and Lioness Run Together
Chapter Twenty-One: When the Lioness Must Defend Against the Challenge
Chapter Twenty-Two: When The Lion Must Submit
Chapter Twenty-Three: When the Lioness Submits Beside Her Lion
Chapter Twenty-Four: When The Lion becomes the Prey
Chapter Twenty-Five: When The Lioness Embraces the Beast Within
Chapter Twenty-Six: When the Lion Sees His Reflection In the Stream
Interlude: When the Gazelle Touches and Goes
Chapter Twenty-Seven: When The Lioness' Mane is Stained With Blood
Chapter Twenty-Eight: When the Lion Almost Falls for the Trap
Chapter Twenty-Nine: When the Lion and Lioness Find a Field to Breath Alone
Chapter Thirty: When the Lioness Exposes Her Wounds
Chapter Thirty-One: When the Lion Tends the Scars of the Lioness
Chapter Thirty-Two: When the Lioness Misses the Hunter
Chapter Thirty-Three: When the Lion Must Return to the Deathly Pride
Chapter Thirty-Four: When the Lioness Sees Herself Again as the Gazelle
Chapter Thirty-Five: When the Lion Imposes His Will On the Coalition
Chapter Thirty-Six: When The Lioness Puts the Gazelle at the Lions Feet
Chapter Thirty-Seven Part I: When the Lion Enacts War Against the Challenge
Chapter Thirty-Seven Part II: When The Lion Dismantles Part of the Challenge
Chapter Thirty-Eight: When the Lioness Fights Against the Capture
Chapter Thirty-Nine: When the Lion Makes His Sacrifice
Chapter Forty: When the Lioness Accepts the Sacrifices of the Pride
Epilogue: When the Lion and Lioness Take Their Place Atop the Kingdom
-A Few Parting Words-
When the Cubs Seek Initiation
When the Kingdom Comes Together
Book Two: House of Pride

Chapter Sixteen: When The Lion Meets the Challenge

11.2K 406 144
Por tayloronthedash


I adjusted my jacket lightly as one of my men along with my third in command, Enzo, took their stride off to the side of me. The two black SUV's that we arrived in only moments ago sat starkly in comparison to the light sleeker cars that covered the street of the financial district strip in the broad daylight. We moved quietly into the centre way of the front entrance of the large bank as the loud, chaotic sounds of the city overwhelmed each other during the height of the afternoon rush. I reached out in front of me and opened the door to the Alliance Independent Bank that I owned. Walking inside to the clean and almost cold sterling silver, mirrors, and white interior I glanced around behind my black sunglasses at the workers who were working meticulously assisting customers, standing guard, or working at their desk. Walking to the glass window not occupied by someone I was greeted immediately.

"Hello, Sir. How can I help you today," The old teller asked politely. I smirked at him in silent approval.

"Yes, Ingrid Johansson, the manager of this bank should be here. Tell her that her boss needs to speak to her," I said and his eyes widened in understanding. He hurriedly got from his desk and to the phone behind him.

"I'm pretty sure his heart stopped beating for a moment," Enzo commented lightly off to the side. 

I scoffed, but I held a small smirk on my face. He did look like he'd seen the grim reaper come from the shadows to claim him as he shuffled off. Not too long later, the loud clack of heels could be heard purposely making their way down the hall as a middle aged women appeared with a head full of highly teased ash blonde hair emerged with a smile on her face. Ingrid Johansson was the third generation operator of the independent bank headquarters that my family charted decades ago. Her grandfather was the overseeing manager for my grandfather, her father and uncle carried the responsibility for almost all of my father's tenure as Don, she worked diligently for me. 

Ingrid was a nice enough older lady, but understood perfectly well the business that truly occurred here. Within the walls of this building, millions of dollars of dirty drug and ammunitions money floated its way through and was made clean and legal. The large five story building served as a bank, office space, and held its own legal department meant to cover every base of the real nature of work that occurred within its most secured walls. Alliance over the decades had become a financial staple through the country. However, the main areas of its functionality was within the Leone territory that encapsulated the American South. From Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, and up to Virginia money was distributed, but this was the headquarters of it all where essentially everything came. 

"Well, I was beginning to wonder when I'd be seeing you around again. Come on back. Everything is ready for you to see at your leisure of course," She said with an easy drawl and bright smile on her face. I nodded my head as I followed her to the back of the first floor and to the elevator shaft that lied tucked away in the back. I took off my glasses finally away from the large group of people.

"How are your children doing, Ingrid?" I asked politely and she let out a scoff that made me chuckle a bit. Ingrid was almost forty-five years of age with two teenagers under her roof still that seemed to get more and more onto her bad side every time that we spoke. It was more amusing than I sometimes showed.

"That darn Emmit is  going to be the death of me, Mr.Leone. The boy came in the other night, acting sweeter than a cup of hot chocolate and then just slid into the conversation that he put a dent in his car! Then he had the nerve to act surprised that I took the keys for a week!" She exclaimed as we stepped into the elevator and she pressed the five button that would take us straight to her office area. "He's lucky as all hell that I didn't take it for more. Zachary, thankfully, has gotten much better since the last time we spoke. He's in love with that little coding program, and it's given him something to think about outside of finding new ways to tap dance on my nerves. Thank you so much for that by way, we would've never gotten him in on such late notice without you," She said just as we got to the floor. 

I was glad to hear that the little sharp tongued fourteen year old had taken to something other than trying to be something that he wasn't. Zach was always a smart little kid since I'd met him one day while he was at the office with Ingrid. When I heard about his trouble paired with his interest it was the least I could do to help out a woman whose family has so diligently kept the operations of my family afloat.

"It's truly no problem I assure you. If he ever needs anything else, you know how to reach me. Besides that, these are the reports all up to date since the last time, correct," I said as I took a seat and took in my hands a folder that she'd given to me from her desk. She nodded her head as I began to scan over the numbers and accounts in a quiet silence as she typed on the computer. Enzo came over to me and handed me one briefcase that I took and put the files, which I knew were copies, into. I then received another case that held almost one-hundred and fifty thousand dollars within it's confines. Enzo held another one with the same amount.

"Everything's fine so far. Do you have the package for me?"

"Of course, give me one moment," She said getting up and walking over to the bookshelf. She skimmed her fingers over a row of books until she landed on a particular one that she flipped down, revealing a code pad. Moments later the shelf opened up and she walked away from the hidden closet space as Enzo and myself went in. Inside the room were unopened briefcases, three to be exact. Walking over I opened the cases and saw the drugs stashed perfectly in place. Moving them over to the scale, I weighed them to see if the balanced out correctly before handing them off and placing the cases with the money inside on the table.

"Thank you, Ingrid. You know what to do," I said as I placed my glasses on and set down one of the cases. She nodded her head with a smirk and reached her hand out to shake my own before we left out to allow her to turn the dirt money into gold.

"No matter how often we do this it really doesn't get old,"Enzo said as we slid into the car and took off down to our next location in East Atlanta so I could make sure the last of these deliveries were dropped off correctly. I rolled my eyes at him before responding.

"That makes one of us," I said sitting back into my seat as he drove with a chuckle. 

It was only four times a year that I specifically did these drops. The other eight months out of the year, Clementine did this with Enzo from time to time. Enzo was the main one entrusted with handling the money and distribution, and he was damn good at his job. I didn't care for this tedious field work, but I had to show my face and personally check in on my main establishments from time to time. There was essentially no need for me to put myself at risk every month moving around weight and money when I was the Capo. 

If anything, this was more for optics so those in the darker practices of this world would know that I was very much so around and involved in all of my work. Even when it might've appeared that I wasn't. I never kept the same rotations. I never checked the same places on the same weeks and times or even days as months prior. I liked to move in suspense so nobody could get comfortable and so much as think that they could manipulate their work to my timing. Like I said: I was always present even when I wasn't.

As I was looking at my phone, verifying routes and meetings, I heard my name come across the radio. I reached out to turn it up without breaking my attention too much away from my phone.

"The murder case against Matteo Leone get's a little more interesting today with speculation going around that a motion has been filed to recover documents that may have been hidden by the prosecution. This is not official news, mere speculation at this point, but if it is true, we will are sure to be seeing the infamous Leone and his star-studded attorney face office against the D.A sooner that we may have thought..."

I let out a scoff hearing this. How petty and in a clinch for attention did the police department have to be in to leak out that information. Especially now considering that Kashera hadn't formally filled the motion yet. It was true, sure enough, that she would be doing so before the week was out, but they didn't know that the appeal was coming down the drain that soon. Adams had them rolling strictly off of the events that had transpired last week with her sudden appearance at the station. Events that I still owed that department a great deal of payback for.

"Boss, excuse me for asking, but is it just me or is the news media picking up with your trial more and more? You don't begin your trial for another few months," He said as he turned the radio down. Still typing I replied to him.

"Of course they are. They have nothing else to do. In addition, by leaking out information about possibilities that would be damaging if it came out the blue or from my defense team, they give the public more time to sway to their side. I could honestly care less."

"Interestingly put. Speaking of your law firm, do tell Boss, how is your lawyer in question?" He asked with a laugh. At this I looked up from my phone and saw that we were nearing our next destination. I glanced at him from behind my glasses and maintained my silence an uncomfortable (for him) moment longer before answer.

"There is nothing to speak or question about my lawyer. She is it. I assure there is nothing about her that needs to concern you," I stated cooly.

"Hey now, I'm not trying to cause no harm. I just thought she was pretty and was hoping-"

"I'm going to stop you there before you unknowingly put yourself in a position you can't get out off. She's fine, I'm fine, and there is nothing left that we need to discuss regarding her."

"Well, alrighty then. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were keeping her for yourself, but here we are," He said coming to a stop in front of the almost vacant looking two story warehouse building that had a few men staggering about. I unbuckled my seat belt, and just as Enzo was about to get out of the car I grabbed his shirt tightly in my hand and brought him forward hard making his head ricochet against the steering wheel. I roughly pushed him back into the seat making him let out a shocked stifled exhale. I kept my eyes focused out the window and on the building we would soon enter.

"Do not speak of Ms.Daniels unless I give you the explicit lee-way to do so. You've been looking at my hand all day trying to piece together where my ring is. Based on the words and actions of the last few moments I think you are more than capable of taking a hint as to where it now rest. Knowing that, I strongly urge you to reacquaint yourself with your place quickly before I have to find a way to explain to your father, a dear family friend, why it is he is having to burry his son because he died by my hand. Are we understood?" I said in a low firm Italian. 

He groaned out a yes, and I released him. I patted his chest hard in warning before I got out of the car and fixed my cufflinks which were shining brightly against the now blaring sun. Enzo appeared quietly moments later with his share of items, and so did my other men as we headed to the door.

Knocking in code, I waited for a moment until the door was opened up wide enough for the three of us to step through. I nodded my head and went straight to the back and up the stairs passing by the men who stood heavily armed in wait. The door opened before I even reached my hand out to knock, and I smirked as Marcus turned around and went to his desk. From the upstairs office he occupied, I could see clearly down below us to oversee the work being carried out, but nobody could see us. To the workers below, all that was above them was a mirror they knew held the watchful gaze of their boss.

"Aren't you chipper," I said passively making him glare at me as I took a seat.

"How could you tell?" He started off dryly, "Matteo, don't start. You got the last part of the shipment right?" He asked with a sigh and I nodded my head. As much as I took a slight joy in his demeanor I could tell something was actually bothering him.

"Of course I do Katrell. Speak on whatever is bothering you while I'm here so I don't have to play phone tag later," I told him. He looked at me before sitting back in his chair folding his arms.

"Normally, I wouldn't care at all about words I hear regarding the mafia because it's none of my damn business. However, for some reason I feel this pressing inclination to look out for your ass because of my sister. Messing with the men out in Savanah, I overheard a lot about some guy named Anfernee. He's basically the head of that family, correct me if I'm wrong. The problem though is that in the past hour or so I've gotten word that he's here in Atlanta. He's already causing problems out East. I don't need him to come in here raising hell. Especially against me and you, where Kay is," He explained lowly.

I'd been keeping an ear out for Anfernee. I heard he was slowly working his way to the city, but I didn't know that he'd gotten here today. I did know, however, that if Marcus knew then at the barest minimum Clem was getting intel as we spoke. I nodded my head at Marcus trying to think  about the placement of my words.

"Nothing is going to happen to Kash. I don't like the fact that he's here to put it extremely mildly. Kash is having a birthday party that'll serve as her introduction to our society at the hands of my mother and sister next week. If he's here with the invitations going out within the next few hours I'm sure, he'll hear about it and her. I know that you want no deeper Mafia connections than what we already have established, but for her sake we may have to be deeper involved than we may have liked," I told him carefully. He pinched the bridge of his nose, but ultimately nodded in agreement.

"That's fine. I don't like it, but what choice do we really have here? As for this party, you know why I can't go. This is something for you all. For this world. I can't be apart of that," He said firmly and I raised an eyebrow.

"Now, Katrell you know as well as I do that this is a major chance for you to make the connections needed for you to expand further," I said in warning. I knew that personally I should respect Marcus' commitment to keep this aspect of his life separated from the personal. He understood that once Kashera found out about all of this, if she ever did, she'd be wrecked and that's the last thing either of us wanted. However, on the business end, Marcus had to be smart. He was a strong ally of mine before he was the brother of my girlfriend, and I didn't want him to miss out on the chance to better himself and thus better our partnership.

"I know that, but I also know that there are other times and ways to build upon certain connections. I can't show up to that party, and I won't. If I do, I'm going to be spotted by her or Brooklyn who I'm sure is going to be there with her considering those two are all but attached at the hip. If that happens I'll have to make an explanation that'll ruin her and our relationship, and I'm not doing that. Please respect that," He said evenly to me. For as much as I wanted to push back, as a man I had to respect his wishes and let him do as he pleased.

"Well then, you keep your watch and I'll keep mine as far as Anfernee goes. From this point I'll be sure to run anything of relevance that I find by you and vice versa. Enzo will bring in the last two cases of what you need, and the ammunitions will be here tonight as scheduled," I said to him as I stood. He nodded his head in agreement before he shook my hand.

Enzo and I sat quietly in the top corner of the open floor of the downtown casino that I owned, and my last stop for the day. It was almost five p.m, and I'd been up since around four this morning. To say I was ready to be done with today was an understatement. We were having a drink as I sat down with the operating manager of the Casino who worked under Clementine. I owned this particular casino, but the chain itself was Clem's. Since I was out today, I went ahead and did my bidding here as well as cross some bases for him as well. We'd finished up all there was to do, and were now sitting here waiting for our last round of the night.

"There are plenty of cops in here tonight compared to normal. No wonder the streets are a mess! Everybody is in this place," Enzo scoffed lightly and I chuckled. I noticed that, too. Just as I noticed their glares, but I really didn't give too much of a damn. They were in my establishment, and I wasn't doing anything wrong for once.

"Oh let them be. If they were actually doing their job, then we couldn't do ours. No matter how many of them may or may not be on my payroll," I said nonchalantly. We all laughed afterwards when I saw a movement from the corner of my eye. I turned to see the laughing eyes beside me that were anything but seriously humorous.

"That's probably the only things you've ever said that I can second. Mind if I take a seat, Gentlemen?" Anfernee said as he slide across into the booth in front of me. Enzo tensed and I could see the eyes of the policemen turn more this way. Everything clicked instantaneously of course. Enzo and those else who were here on my behalf as their Boss, might not have understood the threat, but I couldn't miss it with a blindfold on. This was a low move, even for the ATP. Yet and still, I had to laugh at it even though I was seething on the inside. I could feel my fingers twitch, itching to grab hold and put use to my gun that was suddenly heavy inside my suit jacket.

"I do mind. Anfernee, not only do you need to get the hell out of my face, but out of my city as well. I literally have every mind to kill you where you sit," I said shortly not in the mood to play any games with him.

"Oh well I've already ordered, Ah! There it is! And with your drinks as well. How stellar!" He exclaimed chipper. I  found it harder not to kill him where he rested. 

Anfernee Mahari in the flesh was even more annoying than he could ever imagine himself to be in thought. He held an cockiness that wasn't earned, and an air of mischief that was blood-boiling. He was no longer the lithe reckless youthful he was the last time I saw in the flesh. He had come into himself with deep brown hair that laid cropped close to his head bone straight. His light brown eyes hidden underneath his thick eyebrows were wild with many emotions that I couldn't place on him in this moment. He sat comfortably in his seat as he grabbed his drink and took a sip. My drink was the least of my concerns at the moment, and to be frank I didn't trust the timing in which it came out so conveniently with his.

"Oh, don't be so dry, Matteo-"

"It's Capo to you. Don't forget your place," I bit back quickly my anger reaching the surface at his blatant disrespect. He held his hands up in mock surrender while shaking his head. That annoying smile of his was etched deeply on his face.

"Of course! My apologies sir! How could I ever forget about my place.I just came in briefly to show face and see my dearest superior. I also wanted to express my sincerest condolences to you for your current... predicament," He said taking a sip of his drink.

"You should've wrote a letter in that case. Much less life threatening then coming into this territory," Enzo spoke to which I simply let out a hum in agreement. Finally his smile dropped into one of curiosity. It was fake of course.

"Ah, and who may you be? I could've sworn the second was always up under you? Don't tell me he finally saw reason and escaped from the wrath of the devil himself," He said. I took a deep breath before I slid out of my chair. Smartly, he moved with me knowing that staying in his seat was a dangerous mistake to make.

"Don't worry about my brother. Act as if he doesn't exist. Much like is about to be the case with you. Anfernee, you know I have every motive to kill you-"

"Ah.. careful with that talk Matteo. So many listening ears around. I would just hate for anything to be added to your already extensive list of charges," He teased and I stepped closer to him before I hauled off and backhanded him.

"Call me by my name again, and it'll be the last thing you ever say," I spat.

We were damn near chest to chest, and I could see from my peripheral the police had moved in, too along with my men. I smirked as I nodded my head before I started to laugh tremendously. I shoved him back, before I almost hunched over out of breath from laughing so hard in genuine anger and humor.  For as tough as Anfernee tried to act I could see the fear pass over his face if only for millisecond as if this was not the reaction he was expecting. His face was still red from my smack, and his jaw clinched but he stood still. Sobering up dangerously fast, I reached out swiftly grabbing him by the lapels of his blazer, and yanked him to me. Hearing the hitch in his breath widened the menacing smile on my face as I spoke to him lowly.

"I don't give a flying fuck what they do. They won't dare move to touch me so long as I don't put you on your ass by the barrel of my gun. Hear me well: You've been moving really boldly and really stupidly in your effort to undermine me. You know as well as anyone how the fuck I move. I don't need to speak on the extensiveness of my sanity or lack there of. The fear radiating off of you speaks to it all on its own. You may be the head of your family, but I'll be damned if I ever address you as a Don of any sort.

At least do yourself the service of acting like you know exactly who you're dealing with. I reign supreme over you, and everybody in this damn country at that. You operate over your family, in your area of the country that I merely allow you to exist in. You report to me. You answer to me. You breath because of me. You're simple and worthless life is an entire grace extended by me. You called me the devil, si? So go be a smart boy and think about why the fuck that is! Next time, I won't give you that grace," I said in his ear. I pushed him back and he stumbled. He was shaking, red with anger, but he didn't dare move towards me. For as dumb as he was, he at least  knew better than to test me like that.

"Enjoy this while it last Matteo. Even the Devil fell," He stated lowly. I laughed as I moved around him. I stopped beside him and he looked at me as I him.

"Count your days. Consider me out to collect your soul, and if you're not more careful of those who you call your allies they won't be able to save you from me. In fact, I'm sure they'd be all too willing to give me your soul if it meant getting what they wanted from me," I said lowly before I took my leave.

When I pulled up to Kashera's house her car was already parked outside. I took a deep breath and tried to shake this hostility and pent up anger that refused to leave my body. I took my time getting out the car and going up to the door. Today was just not the day, and for as much as I wanted to see Kash I also need a moment more to gather myself unless I wanted to risk a fight with her because I couldn't keep my outside anger from being directed at the wrong person. It wasn't her fault that bastards insisted on thoroughly trying me to my absolute limits today. 

As I walked in the house I could hear the music playing in the kitchen where the smell of food was also wafting out into the house. When I got out of the entry way I saw Kashera leaning over the side of her counter swaying to the music playing on the sound system. Taking in her appearance, she had on a thin dark green one-piece that did nothing to hide her chest which was all but spilling out of the top as she bent over, or her behind. Her legs and feet were bare and her hair flowed down her back. Suddenly, all of my anger took it upon itself to mold into this primal, unyielding, raw attraction to the women in front of me. I took off my suit jacket and hung it before I unfastened the cuffed sleeves of my shirt and threw my shoes off to the side making her head shoot up. She smiled at first until she took in my current demeanor and raised an eyebrow. She started to move towards me before I shook my head. I stalked over to her slowly raising the sleeves up my forearm as I drank in the curves of her body that were fueling this overwhelming, burning desire in my veins.

"Teo, baby hey. What happened today?" She asked concerned as she leaned against the table with one hand. I didn't say a word as I took her free hand and spun her around to where the front of her body was pressed into the counter and her back was to me. I wrapped my hand lightly around her neck before guiding my hands up underneath her chin pushing it back as I kissed her forcefully but slow and dirty from behind. She gasped at the intensity of my kiss, as it was anything but light or sweet. Nothing about this was going to be.

She pushed herself back into me as her hand covered the one holding onto her neck and she squeezed prompting me to apply more pressure. I bit her bottom lip and pulled as I opened my eyes and looked at her slowly opening, dazed ones looking at me. I kissed down her neck until I got to her little spot that made her clench her fist on the counter top. I bit into her skin making her hand slap on the counter as I trialed my tongue up her neck back to her mouth. My hand wandered down as I snatched down the front of her top and held her in my hands tightly making her moan into my mouth before she broke away with a whimper. I shook my head as she pushed her hips into the front of my pants. I pressed her upper body into the cool countertop before I stepped back just enough to bring my hand down hard over her ass.

"Did, I tell you to pull back?" I asked as I arched her into me by her hair, and kissed her before she had the opportunity to answer me. 

When I pulled back this time, she whimpered out a no. I stepped back and unbuckled the belt on my pants and unbuttoned them. I smacked her ass again before pulling at the damp material and snaps between her legs giving me access to her lace underwear. Moving her panties to the side, I rubbed my fingers down the entrance of her heat that was already more than showing the evidence of her arousal. Looking down at her I saw the wetness on the inside of her thighs, and I leaned over and bit her ear as she moaned louder than she had been before circling her hips harder against the pads of my fingers.

I took her efforts in stride and took her breast in one hand as I inserted two fingers inside her moving in quick curled pumps. I felt her start to quiver as I worked her body. Taking my hand from her chest, I freed myself as stopped teasing with her altogether. She cried out and looked back at me. I placed the fingers that were inside of her into her mouth and she sucked them clean without a moment of hesitance, making me harden. I took my hand from her mouth with a pop, before I wrapped her hair around it, and pulled her up into a deep arch as I slid halfway into her in one motion with a chuckle at her slight scream of shock. She was still tight as hell, and I gave her a moment to adjust to me. Fuck she felt good. I thought as I bit on my lip.

"Matte-o" She said in a staggered breath. I started off slow to ease myself all the way into her, but as soon as I she was clenching around the entirety of my length I tightened my grip on her hair and her side before I started pounding into her. She cursed before she began to match my strokes, reaching back to hold onto my exposed forearm tightly, her nails surely leaving dents in my skin. She spread her knees further apart and arched forward more making me groan out as I sank deeper into her. 

"Oh shit, Matteo!" She whined, "Right there! You're gonna-"

"You better fucking not," I growled slowing down but still keeping the force of my strokes making her gasp out with a defiant whimper. She sped back up throwing herself back against me in lustful protest. I let her have her fun before I let go of her hair, and choked her. Slowly, I added pressure with each stroke making it harder for her to breath. She squeezed me tightly the harder my hold on her became.

"Let's be really clear here," I said with a dark chuckle in her ear as her breaths came out in sharp short pants, "I decide when you cum, when you don't, and otherwise. Stop fucking playing with me," I finished. She moaned out, and right when I got her to the point where her pants were almost squeaks I let go. She took a deep breath only for a moment as I continued to slowly stroke into her.

"I'm sorry," She said once she could talk some but then moaned out again as I kissed her neck, "Daddy, I can't," She panted out to me as she struggled to follow my command. I looked at the side of her face which was pressed into the counter now before I chuckled, pulled her up and repeated the process of slowly choking her over again until she she was clawing at my arms and her essence was dripping down my length and onto my legs. She cried out as I whispered in her ear close to releasing myself.

"You better not let my shit go until I tell you to, and I mean it," I threatened. I looked down at her face that was angled up to me perfectly, and I saw the roll of her eyes as she fought for her control as she neared close to her end at my words. Her pants quickly began to turn into loud screams as I sped up my pace and released her neck from my hold lightly but not completely. I looked down to see my coated dick sliding in and out of her and I groaned as I held on for a moment more. Soon she began to shake heavily as my movements got sharper and faster.

"Cum on me, bambina," I whispered and her mouth dropped in a soundless scream at first that quickly turned into loud cries of my name as she let go all over us and the floors making me smirk. As her body spasmed underneath me, I finally stilled inside of her with the continuous prayers of her name falling off of my lips as I reached my end. We sat there gathering our breaths before I pulled out of her completely and tucked myself back into my pants. Turning her around, I kissed her lightly and slowly. When I pulled away, I was amused by the bewildered look on her face. I couldn't help but chuckle lightly as I put my forehead on hers before speaking.

"About my day..."

"Honestly, just give me a minute," She said back cutting me off quickly with her eyes closed, and I chuckled kissing her forehead while holding her in my arms.

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She's the heir of the Italian mafia and he's just a lawyer living an ordinary life with his family, but after that one incident his life took a turn...
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Power is not given it's taken. In the heart of a city plagued by corruption and shadows, where the line between justice and criminality blurred, an u...
670K 10.9K 56
(I plan to start editing Vol. 1 very soon. If you see any obvious errors feel free to comment them. <3) **This is book one of Raw Love** She is warm...