I'll Find You

By Youfoundme532

38 3 0

And he let go, being pulled into the smoke that blanketed the city below. * *... More

Chapter 1- Through the Smoke
Chapter 2 No matter what it takes I'll find you

Chapter 3- United Once Again

8 0 0
By Youfoundme532

Third person p.o.v

Ladybug ran to the end of the cell blocks, key in hand.

LB- "Chat!" She yelled calling out for him.

Once Ladybug reached the cell she was directed to, she used the key to unlock it. Ladybug slowly opened the heavy metal cell door. Light from the well lit hallway scattered into the dark room.

Ladybug stepper in, only to see something she didn't want too. Chat was chained to a wall suspended before her, shackled by his wrists.


LB-"Chat Noir!" She yelled running up to him

With key in hand, she stepped up onto the jagged stone wall to reach his shackles. Luckily they were only about a foot from the floor.
(LB and CN not the shackles)
Ladybug had to catch Chat from falling, she carefully laid him down, setting his head on her lap.

🍍🍍🍍🍍 Time Skip 🍍🍍🍍🍍

Chat Noir woke up in pain, his head aching severely, and his wrists felt like they were burning.

CN-" Ughh..." He grounded, voice low and scratchy.

He couldn't think straight, his vision blurry from the pain in his head.

LB-"Chat Noir." She said softly, noticing his discomfort. But she couldn't help but smile down at him, she was so grateful that he was okay.

His breathing was haggard and shaky, everything that had happened in the past day had just came back to him.

LB-"Chat?.. Chat Noir." Her voice became stern and worried.

His mind was out of control, his pain was unbearable. Tears suddenly came down his face, he moved a shaking hand to cover it. He squeezed his eyes shit trying to calm himself down. He had just registered where he was and who he was with.

Ladybug proceeded to lift him up into a warm comforting embrace. Chat cried into her shoulder, slowly moving his shaky arms to return her embrace.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, Chat eventually was able to calm himself down.

CN-"I'm sorry.." It came out more of a small squeak, but Ladybug understood.

He squeezed her harder and continued to bury his face into her neck.

LB-"Hey, everything will be alright, it's not your fault." She rubbed his back back in effort to comfort him.

CN-"But-" He was interrupted.


They soon broke their embrace Chat Noir sitting closely next to her looking at the floor silently.

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