The Girl On The Boys Basketba...

Por CloudyJeongguk

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"Why didn't you get your little girl some pretty little dolls or something?" "I tried, she loves basketball" Más



357 20 4
Por CloudyJeongguk

I followed Ms. Hyun-Joo down the sports corridor and the sound of sneakers screeching and basketballs bouncing filled my ears.

I loved those sounds, it made me happy and excited. She opened the door and held it open for me.

I nodded my head at her and she gave me a smile. I walked into the gym and looked at it in awe.

It was beyond beautiful. It wasn't as big as the others I played in but it would do. The courts were shiny, there were sports and sponsor banners hanging on the ceiling and walls and it looked more like a pavilion than a gym.

Ms. Chu walked past me as I snapped back into reality and caught up to her. I noticed all the boys playing or shooting around, it must be an open gym for them.

The head coach was in the middle of the court beside the baseline watching his players as we made our way towards him.

"Coach Bang, I'm the schools counselor Ms. Hyun-Joo and this is Kim Leah. She just moved here from America and she's a point guard" Ms. Chu introduced.

"Hello," I greeted and held out my hand. I forgot I was in Korea so I quickly dropped it and bowed.

Why am I so American?!

He chuckled to himself and held out his hand, "Bang Si-Hyuk"

I smiled and took his hand in mine. For a girl I had a firm handshake but soft hands, thanks to all those years of dribbling.

He seemed shocked as we moved our hands up and down then let go.

"How are you Leah? This is Sejin, my assistant coach" Coach said as I shook the younger mans hand that was beside him.

"We don't usually let girls play on the team Ms. Hyun-Joo, but if Leah is any good I'm sure you could ask Seoul High or Busan" Coach said as he looked at me.

"Well I asked and the coaches won't let girls play on their team" Hyun-too explained.

"Well-" Ms. Hyun-Joo interrupted him by holding up her hand which made him stop and shut his mouth.

"Coach Bang, the Nonhyeon-dong District Athletic rules does say that there is no gender appropriate sport for girls to compete in, girls basketball, and that they can compete in the equivalent sport for the other gender, boys basketball"

He was impressed, he smiled. "Let's take this to my office, shall we?" Coach Bang said before walking to his office as Ms. Hyun-Joo and I followed.

She looked at me and shot me a thumbs up as I smiled.

Bang opened the door for us and we walked through. I took a look around before actually getting down to business.

A banner on the wall in the back caught my sight. It was a championship banner dating back to the 90's.

I smiled, I remembered going to state numerous times with my team back in America. It was fun, a lot of challenges and team memories.

I looked on the wall more to see team pictures, these must have been awhile back. I smiled when I saw one.

I grazed my finger over it, it wasn't that long ago. He looked so young and... pale.

I chuckled then turned around to look around more. There was a whole bunch of NBA posters hanging on the wall.

I smiled when I saw my favorite player, Klay Thompson from the Golden State Warriors.

Coach walked to his desk and sat down. I stood in front of his desk as he motioned for us to sit down in the chairs in front of him.

I obliged and set my bag on the floor beside me. He looked at me, trying to find out why a girl would want to play on his team.

"So, basketball huh?" He asked and leaned back comfortably in his chair also trying to seem intimidating.

"Yes sir," I said and straightened my posture.

He smiled, "Why not girls basket- oh they don't have a team" he frowned as I sadly nodded.

One of the things I loved to do in America was play basketball and I couldn't even do that here, in Korea.

"Lets get straight to the point," I spoke up as he nodded with an impressed look on his face.

"Go ahead,"

"I have been playing basketball ever since I touched a ball. I've played in tournaments, been on clubs and teams and I have never once in my life, brung my teammates down" I started and looked him in the eye.

"I moved to America when I was young and stayed there for a couple of years. I played ball with all kinds of people and learned a lot of valuable things. I was disappointed with moving back to Korea but my dad pushed me to play here"

His expression softened, he knew where I was getting at.

"Imagine how sad I was to find out that this school doesn't have a girls basketball team, but a boys team. Sir, I'm not like most girls. I love basketball, I always have and I always will. So please, let me tryout for your team. If you think I'm not right for the team then I'll try my best to change your mind" I finished almost making my eyes tear up.

He looked back at me and gave me an amused look, "Please call me Coach Bang,"

I nodded, I have to stop being so normal.

He looked around on his desk then handed me a paper. I grabbed it from him and almost jumped out of my body.

"If you want to tryout you have to make sure to have everything done on that list" he said as I looked through it.

Just a basic physical and a website I had to sign up on for the rest of my medical info. I have already done this before hand.

"If you have any questions my number is on the front" I looked up to him with a cheeky smile.

"Thank you" I said as he nodded.

"See you on Monday for tryouts" he smiled as Ms. Hyun-Joo and I got up and left.

Once we were in the hallway I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"I told you I could get him to break" Ms. Hyun-Joo chuckled as I smiled.

"Thank you Ms. Hyun-Joo, I owe you my life" I said as she waved me off.

"Girl, you can repay me by letting me know when your games are, and believe me I'll go to all of them" She said and gave me a friendly smile, "And please, call me Jessi"

"Now go home and get whatever is on that lost done" she said as I nodded.

We both exchanged byes and went our separate way. I smiled and looked down at the paper.

"Monday" I read and folded it before stuffing it in my pocket.

I can't wait to tell my dad.

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