
By UchihaRin55

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Satchi Uchiha is the kind of secret that wanted to be buried so deep that it should have been forgotten. The... More



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By UchihaRin55

Orochimaru AMV- Monster

"Keep your arms up," Orochimaru demanded. "The training you have is sloppy. You need to channel the right amount of chakra to conserve it. What you do is allow your rage to push as much as it possibly can out all at once. That tires you. You need endurance. You need to be able to hold the chakra and use it successfully to beat your opponent," 

"How?" Doroki asked panting. "They would hit us to make the chakra flow faster and stronger," 

"That is why your attacks are so weak," Orochimaru placed his hand on him lightly. I stood up feeling tried already and we're just getting started. "We need to take you both back to the basics," 

"Is that wise?" Sasuke asked handing me a bottle of water. 

"Yes, they have a lot of power but it's not going to help them if they don't know the proper chakra control. We have time," Orochimaru offered. Sasuke turned to look at me. 

"He's right. We need to help you be able to use the power they gave you properly. Without the toxin in your body, you won't have access to any of it. Doroki will leave with me and you will stay with him," I looked back at Orochimaru. 

"Don't worry, little Uchiha spawn. I won't harm you," I rolled my eyes at him. "Too much," 

"Don't push it," Sasuke warned. "I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think you needed it," 

"I know. I'm not worried," I shrugged. 

"He'll be fine. I'm not like them," he glanced back at Doroki.

"Watch him. If anything abnormal happens you need to send for me. If he loses control-" 

"Alright," he reassured me. He looked me over before waving Doroki over to him. They gave us a moment. 

"Why do I get the feeling like you're not telling me something?" Doroki asked as he came over to me. He tilted my chin up to look at him. 

"I do have something to tell you but it can wait. We can't waste any more time. We need to learn techniques they don't already know we have. We have to end this," 

"You worry too much," he pressed his forehead to mine. 

"You don't worry enough. You're still as cynical as ever," he grinned before pressing his lips to mine. It will never get old. I pulled away before Sasuke sees him and "accidentally" hits him too hard during training. 

"I'll see you later," I don't know what made me do it but I tapped him on the forehead. He gave me a wary look before pulling away. He didn't say a word as he walked off in the direction Sasuke had went. 

"You are Itachi's spawn," Orochimaru stated as he made himself known. 

"You're creepy. Anyone ever tell you that?" 

"My entire existence," he smiled. "What do they call you?" 

"Pretentious," he nodded. 

"Yes, I can see that. You have a lot of Konan's abilities down to perfection. Surpassed them even. She was a very powerful Kunoichi. So powerful she was named the Angel of God," 

"I know," 

"You know what you were told. People were never afraid of the Angel of God. She became a great leader and defended the bridge to peace Naruto has now successfully established. You have already embodied her ideals. You help people. You use your abilities to make sure those who cannot defend themselves are protected," 

"I learned that from-" 

"It doesn't matter where you think you learn it from. It's a part of you the same way it was a part of her. A natural instinct. What I want to tap into is that Uchiha blood burning in your veins," 

"Again, creepy," he ignored me. 

"You have access to Itachi's memories and you interpret them as you believe they are. They are deciphered from your reality of right and wrong. You need to learn what your father was through the eyes of those he opposed. Through the eyes of his enemy. You need to understand and embody the reason why Itachi Uchiha was one of the most feared men of his time. I need you to access that primal instinct that drove Itachi to massacre his entire clan. The thing that allowed him to fight without flinching. I will help you connect with him this way. Are you prepared?" 

"You have a really crazy look in your eyes right now," I stated. He glared at me. "Yeah, okay. Let's see what you got, you old hag," 

"Old hag?" he mused. 

"Old man?"I offered. He laughed. 

"Let's get started," 

He bit his finger and signed his hands using his summoning jutsu. I jumped away from him doing the same. This time I didn't reach for the crow's contract. I smeared blood on my left thigh. His massive snake appeared instantly. I smiled at him as he stood on top of it. 

"Cute," I called out to him. 

"Did you not have enough power to summon your birds?" he asked. 

"Come at me and find out," 

I didn't have to tell him again. I jumped up as he crossed the threshold. The vines burst through the ground redirecting his approach. He didn't know I could do that and for the first time in a long time, I feel the confidence I had lost. All those hours a day for the past three years of being told I was worthless have finally come to an end. 

The venus came up out of the ground wrapping itself around the snake trapping it. I jumped into its mouth before it struck. It stopped. He's impressed. 

"I didn't know you could do that," he stated happily. 

"I rarely use it. My mother wanted to be a shinobi when she was younger but her father didn't allow it after her older brother was killed. This was the only thing he had taught her before he passed during a mission. She passed it onto me. Cute right? They eat people,"

"That's up for discussion," he smirked. "Very well, then. Let's continue," 

He tested me continuously. He came at me with everything he had and expected me to fight back. He showed me new ways to use the techniques I already know. At the end of each day, he would come over to me with a smile on his face. We ate together and he even brought up light conversation. There are two days left until the old man is finished with his preparations.  

"You have come a long way in just a few days," he commented once we were done for the day. "You are daddy's little girl as they say," 

"Why are you so obsessed with my dad?" I asked. "Did he mess you up and you never got revenge or something?" 

"Or something," he smirked. "Itachi had amazing power. Sasuke long surpassed him under my training but I just can't help to think-" he paused. "There is just so much promise in things we've lost isn't there?" 

"I'm not a clone am I?" he laughed. 

"No, if I would have created you. You'd know it," he smirked. 

"Doroki doesn't know it," he sighed. 

"I made him but I didn't create him," I looked over at him confused. 

"What do you mean?" 

"A child is made but what it learns is completely up to the kid. Take your beloved Hokage for example. The boy was made from the love of his parents. He inherited their genes, yes?" I nodded. "But why did he want to save the world and everyone in it when the world showed nothing but hate towards him? He could have conquered this world by the sheer force. Brought it down to its knees and ruled over everyone with anger and resentment,"

"That sounds like a sick twisted version of what he did," I sat back looking at him the way I always do when he falls off his rocker. 

"No, he didn't. He helped the people who turned him away. The people who thought he was a monster now see him as a hero. They love him. He turned them into his family because he didn't want what happened to him to ever happen to anyone else. It was his reality that took him to where he is now," 

"What's your reality?" I asked looking over at him. "What made you like this?" 

His eyes met mine and I saw something that I've never seen in them before. The question confused him. He doesn't know and it's the most human expression he could have ever displayed. He opened his mouth to speak. 

"Naruto needs us back," I groaned feeling aggravated by the interruption. 

"Good to see you too," Doroki remarked. My eyes stayed on Orochimaru a little longer. The expression was lost. 

"You are welcome in my home whenever you wish," he smiled before getting up. "Her progress was as expected from something spawned of your brother. Not a single instant went wasted," 

"Let's go," Sasuke demanded. 

"Give them hell," Orochimaru smirked. 

Once I had my things ready. We began to make our way to the village. I was successfully able to tap into what Orochimaru had wanted. The aggression and it didn't come from resentment or anger. It came from the thrill he had stirred within me. My need to want to learn and my motivation behind it helped me push forward just as he said it would. The question lingering in my head now is why did he do it?

"You seem better," Doroki complimented. 

"Thank you," I looked over at him with a smile. "You look-" 

"Enough," Sasuke scolded making us both laugh. 

"I missed you," I let him know. "I missed you both," 

"You looked pretty chummy with Orochimaru," Sasuke's tone is accusing. 

"He's a weird guy. He was telling me about creation and making. How people make babies but they have no say in what they're creating for themselves through their experiences. It was an intriguing conversation you barged in on," 

"Orochimaru is an expert manipulator. He will do and say things in a way that appeals to you to get you to do what he wants. It doesn't mean he's letting you in. He's not a person, Satchi. He's a snake and no matter what he does that's all he will ever be," 

"That's what they said about me," Doroki added. 

"You're a person," Sasuke brushed him off. "You have real feelings and understand what's right from wrong. It will never compare," 

I stopped Doroki from adding to that. Sasuke has a past with Orochimaru and swaying deep emotions like that is difficult. We made it to hidden leaf. It looks like we're not the only ones who have been training for this. We got to the Hokage's office without stopping to greet anyone.

"Sasuke, Satchi," he greeted us. "Doroki," 

"You sent for us?" Sasuke asked. Sakura is also here.

"Yeah, it's time. Everyone is in position," he nodded. "We have to go over what's going to happen," 

"You can plan all you want Lord Hokage but what's coming out of there is going to shock you," Doroki sighed. 

"We don't really know what we're walking into," I admitted. 

"You were in there for three years," Sasuke pointed at me. "You were in there almost your entire life," 

"Sasuke we know those who are his devoted soldiers. We've trained with them. We know what to expect with them," I explained. 

"It's the old man we're worried about," Doroki agreed. 

"We don't know anything about him. He and the elder have their own training. Hidden away from the rest of us. They operate away from everyone else. He is completely isolated from everyone else," 

"Hakuro Uchiha was never acknowledged as an officer. He never pasted any of the tests," Sasuke turned away. 

"When Shudai told me the story of how he came to be. He didn't use the name Hakuro. The elder personally told me his name was Juno," I looked over at Doroki. "The old man was the one called the elder Haruko," 

That called Sasuke's attention.

"That's not possible," he shook his head. 

"What is it?" Naruto asked. 

"Juno Uchiha died in the first shinobi war. If he were still alive he would be as old as Ma-"

"Stop," I blurted out. 

My mind began to race. The memories in my head began to swim around until they stopped. I fell on my knees as everything flooded my senses again. They took me back to the night Shisui and Itachi were attacked by the ANBU. 

There's something there that the Sharingan wants me to see. I jumped when Sasuke appeared in front of me. I looked him over before he came over to me and placed his hands on both sides of my face. This isn't the Sasuke I know. He's younger. Angrier.

"It doesn't work on me," I informed him. 

"Because you're afraid. Let me in Satchi. I need to see what Itachi left for you to find. I know it scares you but I'm not going to leave anything behind. We're going there together," 

"I don't want to see any more," I shook my head. His expression softened. 

"Let me help," he whispered. I lifted my hands up to his and nodded. I shut my eyes releasing my Sharingan. 

It feels like hell. To have someone inside of my head again is painful and intrusive. I'm standing in front of Shisui again as Itachi. In the corner of my eye off to the right, I can see Sasuke watching us. Shisui is staring Itachi right in the eyes. Itachi isn't aware of what is happening. He utters something and then it all disappears. I'm kneeling on the floor in front of Sasuke. His hand is on my face. Why does he only have one? Why is he so different now?

"You're tall," I say but I'm not sure why. He lets go of me and sits back. 

"Satchi," he calls out my name. I looked around to see we're in Naruto's office. "Satchi can you hear me?" 

"Yeah, I hear you fine. What was that?" he sighed letting his head bow. 

"It's Juno," he stated. "He used the transcription Seal Izanagi. I didn't know it could be used that way," 

"What are you talking about?" I asked. 

"Madara wasn't the only one who could do that?" Naruto asked. 

"Apparently not," Sasuke got up offering me his hand. I took it letting him lift me. "Juno used it on himself to rewrite his death. He is Hakuro Uchiha. That's who he became after the war was over. He then used it again on Shisui. Shisui knew something was wrong with him and he imprinted the isolated memory into Itachi who gave it to you. The condition of the seal is revealed when the person who has it conceives," 

"You saw all of that just standing there?" I asked. 

"Don't ask. Be grateful the memory is isolated. You don't want to go there," he shook his head. 

"That implies that the person who has the memory is wired to conceive," I stated. I feel sick. "That son of a bitch is why Shudai was created. Why I was created. It had nothing to do with luck or fate," 

"Satchi calm-" Sasuke began. 

"No, stop telling me to calm down. He planned all of this. Sasuke he's been planning this for years. He's insane. I thought Madara Uchiha was insane but this goes beyond that. No one even knows-" 

"Stop," he shouted. I flinched away when he pushed his cloak back. I stumbled over my feet and I would have fallen if Doroki hadn't been standing behind me. "I'm sorry. I didn't-" 

"Take them out of my head," I demanded, pushing away from Doroki. "I can't have him in my head anymore. Sasuke please," 

"I can't take them from you," he sighed placing his hand on my shoulder. "Only the person who gave them to you can take them away," 

"Why does it work with me like that? Why do I become him in the memories?" 

"Because your mindset is so familiar. It's nearly identical. They way move, how you talk, the way you keep calm on the outside and fall apart inside. The way you were brought up is different. It's why you're at war with his decisions. 

"Itachi was raised in what you chose to become. He didn't have the choice and he didn't have the support you did. My parents praised him and held his intellect above everything else. You were encouraged to try your best even with the limitations that were set out for you. He had people encourage his destruction. We only want what's best for you. Those are your differences. Why the memories affect you the way they do," 

"Do they affect you like that?" he shook his head. 

"No, Itachi and I were completely different. I remember his pain. I remember what it was like for him but I don't feel it the way you do. I know who he is and who I am," 

"We have to find a way to stop him," I sighed pushing it all away. He gave me a knowing glance. Like he knew I was going to set this aside and change the subject. Why wouldn't I? He just said he can't help me.

"Satchi, this is just as important as what is happening," Sakura came over to me. "We want to help," 

"We need to finish this first. I'm a mess and I will still be a mess when this is over. One problem at a time," 

"Sakura," Sasuke pulled her away from me. "She's right," 

"You don't get it," she shot back. "This is only going to get worse for her. I stood by while you two almost destroyed one another," 

"What does this have to do with me?" Naruto put his hands up defensively. Sasuke lowered his head like he understands what she's saying. 

"I won't do it again. We need to help her," she insisted.

"And we will," he promised, placing his hand on her elbow in a comforting way. I have never seen him show any type of affection towards her but right now, his words and the way he's looking at her explain how they manage to function so well.

"Thank you," she stepped away from him. The two of them finally remembered that the rest of us are here. 

"Hey," I waved at him. He glared at me. 

"Don't," he shook his head. "We're sticking to the plan you set up. You deal with the purifiers and Naruto and I will deal with Shudai and Haruko," 


"That's the plan," Naruto interjected. "You are not to leave the village until we go together. Understood?" 

"Yes, sir," I agreed, lowering my head. 

"Now I see why he's the Hokage," Doroki spoke up. "He has the backbone," 

"Excuse me?" Sasuke asked. Sakura's and Naruto's mouths fell open. I let out a stifled laugh. 

"Doro, if you want to know what it feels like to be tossed like a pebble stay where you are. If you don't run. Run back to your Hyuga safe haven," I laughed.

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