Everything Sucks (Book 2 of I...

By QDracul

423 35 17

[Completed] Everything's changing. Nothing is the same as it was before. With Patton going to college and Dar... More

One Week to Go
The First Night
It's Only September
This is Halloween
This Christmas
Happy New Year
Valentine's Drama & Mistakes
March Sucks
April Showers
May Day

Turkey Day

42 3 2
By QDracul

Warnings: Seizure, panic attack, hospital

I woke up before my alarm, and it wasn't from a nightmare or an anxiety attack. I honestly cannot remember the last time that's happened. I was happy. I was excited. It was Thanksgiving Day, which meant I was going to be able to see Patton.

We'd been home for a little over a week. And had pretty much taken to lounging around the house. Touring had been fun, but honestly, we kinda missed lazy days too. Logan and I lounged a bit less than the others since we had assignments to complete before Thanksgiving.

I jumped out of bed, ignoring the groan of protest from the body beside me. I was halfway down the stairs when it happened. Just like the day we were playing video games. That feeling of being a computer and being shut down.


Not here.

Not now.

This is gonna fucking hurt.

When I woke up I was laying in the couch. Logan was checking me over and I could see Roman, out of the corner of my eye, on the phone and pacing.

"He's awake, Roman," Logan gives me a gentle smile and lightly combs his fingers through my bangs. "I think you may have to get an x-ray. You took a tumble down the stairs. Woke everyone up." There was a slight chuckle in his voice as he spoke.

I blushed and grains softly. "I think this may have been more embarrassing than when I went down in the kitchen," I slowly sat up with Logan's help. "Who's he on the phone with?" I gave a slight now in Roman's direction, wincing as the action caused pain in my head. I must have bumped it when I fell down the stairs.

"Hospital. You were out for an hour. We called your dad first. He and Patton are on their way over."

"Fuck my life, " I groaned, leaning against the back of the couch with my eyes closed. I remained like that for a couple of minutes when I felt something warm and heavy placed in my lap. I looked down to see a plate of food. Looking back up I saw Remus avoiding my gaze.

"I look that bad?"

"You totally don't look like you lost a fight with the stairs, emo, " De commented as they sat down beside me on the couch and placed a bag of frozen peas on my cheek. So that's why we had those. Because I swear none of us seemed to know what vegetables were. Except maybe Logan, but even he didn't eat peas or green beans. And, we had like six bags total of those damn things in the freezer.

"They said for me to bring him in so they can do some X-rays and run a CT scan to make sure he didn't injure himself more than a few bruises, " Roman walked over to us and kissed my forehead, taking my plate from me.

"Hey, I haven't eaten yet."

"And you aren't. At least not until after being seen by a doctor."

I huffed and grumbled a "fine, " crossing my arms and glaring at the coffee table.

"We will notify Patrick and Patton when they arrive, " Logan stated, adjusting his glasses.

"What's taking them so long getting here anyway?" De removed the bag of frozen produce from my cheek and looked up at Roman.

"Pat wasn't able to leave campus last night. He had a flat tire and didn't have a spare. So, Mr Novas went to get him this morning. He was on his way there when I called and told him about Virgil's fall."

"Let's not sugar coat it, Princey. I had a seizure and dam near took my head off. Call it what it is."

There was a heavy silence in the room and the others looked from me to Roman and back again.


Is it worse than I thought?

Did I die in that fall?

Am I a talking corpse?

Am I destined to bring on the zombie apocalypse?!

"Well, I think his brain is undamaged, " Remus finally spoke, breaking the silence.

"I told your father that you tripped and fell down the stairs, Virge. I didn't want him or Patton to panic. As far as they know you were conscious and were getting changed so we could get your arm checked because it hurt. Which isn't a total lie because the way your arm was bent it looked like you might have broken it."

"Let's just go to the hospital and get this over with. And you're telling them the truth and incurring their wrath, " I slowly stood up and made my way to the door, slipping on my sneakers before heading out to Roman's car with him.

So glad I sleep in my hoodie.


Once I got the all-clear from the doctors Roman took us home. I still needed to shower and get dressed. We both did, to be honest.

I glanced over at my boyfriend as we drove home. He was frowning slightly and gripping the steering wheel a lot tighter than he needed to be. His knuckles were white from how tightly he gripped it. And, I could see his jaw muscles clenching.


"What?" His voice was curt and held an edge to it.

Was he mad at me?

What did I do?

It's not like I planned on having a seizure.

Hell, I hadn't had one that bad in months.

Did he think I was faking it?

Is he planning on breaking up with me now?

Is that why Remus wouldn't look at me?


I felt Roman's hands on my shoulders, gripping them and shaking me.

When did we stop?

"Virgil, talk to me. Please, " he pleaded.

"A-are you mad at me?"

"What? No. Why would you think that?"

"Are you going to dump me?"

"No, Virgil! Never! This relationship doesn't end unless you want it too. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, Virgil. I love you."

We started at each other, blushing like crazy. Tears were running down my cheeks.

When did I start crying?

"What's going on, love?"

"You looked mad and when I said your name you snapped, " my voice cracked and I mentally kicked myself.

"Oh, Virgil..." he hugged me tightly and kissed me with so much love I could feel my heart melting inside my chest. "I didn't mean to snap. I was just upset over a call I got while you were getting your CT scan."

"Oh. Why'd the call upset you?"

"I had ordered an anniversary gift for you and I was told that it wouldn't be ready until after tomorrow."

"Roman, that's no reason to be upset."

He kissed my forehead and said he loved me again before starting the car again and driving home, holding my hand.

Once home we took our showers and got dressed. Logan told us that everyone was at Roman's patents' house and he volunteered to wait behind for us in case I wasn't going to be able to make it.

We climbed into Roman's car, he had traded in the sports car for a sedan shortly after we graduated. I'm still not sure why. When we got to his parents' house I was immediately tackled by Patton.

"Pat! Air!" Long and Roman both yelled as my brother squeezed the life outta me. My dad stood to the side laughing and taking pictures.

I made a mental more to remove him from my will should I croak before him.


After dinner, we all sat around and caught up with Parton and Sunniva. Since they spent Thanksgiving with us they would be spending Christmas with her family this year. We also learned that Patton had met a guy that was interested in him. Sadly he didn't like the fact that Patton was engaged and polyamorous so it wasn't going to work out.

I smiled slightly as I watched the two lovebirds curl up together as we all talked.

"Virgil?" I looked over to see Roman and Remus walk into the room with all of our parents behind them.

When did he wander off?

Why was everyone standing there?

"This isn't the gift I wanted to give you," he walked over to me and got down on one knee. "But this is quite possibly better because it quite possibly conveys the feelings I wanted to show you even more." He chuckled nervously.

Princey, nervous. Now that's a sight.

"We've known each other for over a year. We've been together for three hundred and sixty-four days. You made me the happiest guy in the world last year when you agreed to go on a date with me last Thanksgiving. Will you make me the happier man in the world by agreeing to marry me this Thanksgiving?"

I started at Roman wide-eyed. My cheeks were burning. I looked from his auburn eyes to his hands. In his hand, he held a simple black and purple band.

"Y-yes, " this time I answered a lot quicker than I had last year.

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