a dysfunctional and chaotic f...

By witxhdoxtorstrange

24.8K 682 578

sure his family is a bit chaotic, but tony wouldn't have it any other way join the ironstrange family on thei... More

the one where harley made a hole in the roof (twice)
the one where peter made a family groupchat
the one where shuri comes over
the one where the family defeat a bee (many bees)
the one where it's mother's day
the one where the kids are home alone
the one where the author has an important question
the one where tony and morgan find vision and ultron in the garage
the one where the family use the groupchat again
the one where it's CHRISTMAS

the one where it's stephen's day of birth

1.1K 31 65
By witxhdoxtorstrange

A/N: i am SO sorry this is late!! i've been too busy with school and updating other books that haven't even been released yet smh 🤦🏾‍♀️

but the new chapter is here now

happy birthday to my favourite magical boy, stephen strange

btw cassie is her endgame age in this (so she's a teen because i want her to be part of the "teen meme team") but endgame hasn't happened in this "universe" if that makes sense oop :/

the picture isn't that relevant lmao i just wanted to add it

stephen sighed contently, stretching his arms out.

he ruffled his bed head, yawning softly.

he noticed that tony wasn't next to him, meaning that the engineer was up early.

stephen smiled lazily, snuggling into the covers.

maybe tony was making him some breakfast in bed for his birthday.

that would be nice...

suddenly, the door slammed open, interrupting stephen's calm silence.

tony leaned against the door frame, as he smiled nervously at his fiancé.

he had an apron on, which meant he was making breakfast.

and judging by his slightly sweaty and nervous face, he must've burnt it.

stephen just raised an eyebrow, slowly sitting up.

"n-no, no! you stay...right where you are." tony pointed at him.

"okay..." stephen muttered. "why?"

"uuuh..." tony and stephen winced when they heard pans clashing.

"dad, do we need french bread to make french toast?" harley called from downstairs, causing tony to facepalm.

"should we ask doctor mum to portal us to france so we can get their bread?" peter asked.

stephen glanced at tony.

"we don't need french bread for french toast." tony replied. "right..?" he whispered, glancing at stephen.

stephen just rolled his eyes playfully.

"then why's it called french toast?" morgan questioned.

"uuh..." tony smiled sheepishly at stephen, who was smirking teasingly.

loud laughter and the smoke alarm could soon be heard.

stephen could only assume the laughter was ultron.

"why is french toast so hard to make!?" nebula exclaimed.

ultron's laughter increased.

"ow!" he yelped.

stephen smiled slightly, knowing that nebula punched him.

"i told you not to put the setting too high!" vision stated.

"whatever, i can't cook! someone else do it." nebula grumbled.

"i'll do it." ultron suggested sarcastically.

"NO!" they all yelled from downstairs.

a loud clashing was heard, causing ultron to curse aloud.


"language, ultron. there are young ears present." vision informed him.

"oh, shut up. a pot just landed on my head." ultron grumbled.

"fuck!" morgan chirped.

stephen glanced at tony.

"what are you guys doing?" he asked, chuckling softly.

"we're trying to make french toast." tony sighed.

"yeah, trying." tony rolled his eyes. "you sure you don't need my help?"

"yes, i'm sure." tony rushed over to stephen and pecked his cheek. "you just lay there and keep being cute."

stephen watched as tony made his way to the door.

"wait!" the sorcerer called.

"hmm?" tony turned to face his partner.

"isn't there something you forgot to say to me?" stephen asked, smiling innocently.

tony furrowed his eyebrows, thinking hard.

he hasn't forgotten, has he?

"ooh, yeah!" tony exclaimed. "good morning, hun."

he totally forgot...

the engineer left the room, leaving an unamused stephen in bed.

tony rushed downstairs to find the kitchen practically upside down.

pots and pans were all over the room. the room was covered in smoke. burnt attempts of french toast were all over the kitchen table instead of in the bin.

and for some reason, morgan had gotten the flour out and it was now covered all over the kitchen floor.

thank god stephen wasn't downstairs.

"have you guys been following the recipe or not!?" tony sighed.

"we're trying, dad." peter whined.

"vision, can you cook?" tony asked, causing all eyes to turn to the humanoid robot.

"i'm afraid not, mr father." vision frowned, causing everyone to groan.

"i can make it." ultron suggested, smirking when everyone glared at him.

"what are we gonna do? the others will be here soon..." tony muttered.

there was a knock on the door.

"yeah, soon..." harley sighed.

"stark? are you ready?" a voice called.

"tony? who was that?" stephen called from upstairs.

"don't worry, sweetie." tony cooed.

he turned to the kids with a worried expression.

"shit, start worrying!" he exclaimed.


stephen had been lying in his bed for 25 minutes.

he had waited for 25 minutes for his family to wish him a happy birthday. for them to bring him breakfast in bed. for, well, anything.

he got nothing.

"maybe they forgot..." stephen muttered, frowning.

he sat up, shaking his head.

"no, no...they wouldn't forget. not when they've got vision." he paused. "...right?"

the sorcerer sighed, finally deciding to leave the room.

he walked downstairs, furrowing his eyebrows when he found no one.

all he found was a letter and a plate of burnt toast.

stephen couldn't help but smile slightly, before looking at the letter.

dear steph, the greatest doctor mama

if you're reading this, then we're not here, and we're sorry :(

we just all had to go somewhere (we're not acting suspicious, we promise!!)

also so sorry we couldn't make your favourite, french toast

we can cook (except morgan and harley), but we can't cook something that advanced, soz :/

(dad wrote "soz" btw, he still doesn't get that no one says that anymore - peter and harley)

when you're done with your "delicious" breakfast, head over to the park

don't ask any questions, just do it

lots of love,

tony, peter, harley, morgan, vision, nebula and ultron

P.S. please clean up the kitchen!! we love you 3000 <3

stephen rolled his eyes, taking a bite from his burnt toast.

this is not the type of birthday he was expecting.

but, at the same time, his family were pretty unpredictable.


the family entered the avengers tower, staring in awe at the decorations.

wanda instantly went to vision, pecking his lips.

"hi." vision said, blushing.

"hey." wanda replied.

she glanced at ultron, who snarled at her.

the avengers, the ones who had met ultron before anyway, were still weary of ultron.

wanda being the most cautious of him.

"you." she glared at him.

"me." ultron smiled.

"mama's gonna love this!" morgan chirped, breaking the tension between ultron and wanda.

she tripped, landing on her face.

"fuck..." she muttered.

tony laughed nervously, lifting the young girl up.

"yeah, well, mama isn't going to love that." he shushed the girl. "you shouldn't say that word, little miss."

"sorry, daddy." morgan softly kissed tony's cheek.

"where is mama wizard, anyway?" clint asked, hanging up banners with natasha.

"he'll be here." tony replied.

"please don't tell me you're going to send him on a wild goose chase..." steve sighed, frowning at tony.

"please say you are." loki pleaded, rolling his eyes as he saw thor and bruce play with the silly string.

"of course i am." tony smiled, causing loki to chuckle slightly.

the god of mischief still hadn't forgiven the sorcerer for making him fall for 30 minutes.

"now, where's my second favourite wizard?" tony asked, crossing his arms.

as if on cue, wong portalled into the room, wearing his usual netrual expression.

"uncle wong!" morgan exclaimed, jumping out of tony's arms and rushing over to the asian sorcerer.

wong just looked down at morgan, patting her head.

just like stephen, wong always acted serious and aloof, but children were always his weakness. especially, tony's children.

"hello, little one." morgan wrapped her arms around wong, causing the sorcerer to smile slightly. "strange is on his way to the park, yes?"

"he should be." tony said, as peter went over to help rhodey and scott blow up balloons. "i've put a secret tracker in his overcoat, so we'll know where he is."

"what do you need me to do?" wong asked, as morgan let go of him and dashed over to find clint's youngest, nathaniel.

"when the next letter suggests he needs to go to the sanctum, you tell him there's a dimensional threat or something..." tony replied, passing a bunch of ballons to vision. "but, obviously, don't make it real."

wong nodded.

"i'll see what i can do."

"and that's why you're my kids' godfather." tony winked at him.

wong rolled his eyes, before portalling away.

"are you sure stephen is going to like this?" wanda questioned, raising an eyebrow at tony.

"he'll love it."


"i hate this." stephen muttered as he read the letter at the park.

when he was told to go the park, he expected to see his family, the avengers, wong and possibly the guardians waiting there for him with cake and decorations and presents.

but all he got was a another stupid letter.

that told him to go to the restaurant where tony proposed to him.

usually, when someone mentioned that restaurant or that special moment, stephen's heart with float and his stomach would flip.

but, now, all his stomach could do was grumble since he never ate his provided breakfast.

whatever tony was planning, stephen was going to kill him when he found him.

"i might as well play along with his stupid game..." he groaned, pulling out his wallet.

where was his wallet?

stephen groaned.


"the DJ has entered the house!" quill exclaimed, the guardians following close behind.

"ah, greetings, quail!" thor exclaimed, clasping quill's shoulder.

quill rolled his eyes.

"man, how many times. it's "quill". but i guess it's good to see you too." he shrugged.

"nebula." gamora smiled, walking up to her sister.

"hello, sister." nebula allowed herself to hugged by gamora. she was getting used to them.

"stargod, you've arrived." tony said. "uuh, the DJ set is over there..."

quill walked over to the DJ set, staring at it with bewilderment.


"i am groot." groot commented, looking up from his game console.

"i do know how to use it, thank you very much!" quill whined, pouting.

"ha! you totally don't know how to use it." rocket exclaimed, laughing maliciously. "i bet you're gonna break it somehow, or electrocute yourself!"

ultron joined in with the laughter, causing tony to roll his eyes.

"metal man, where is the blanket of death. i would like it to suffocate me again." drax asked tony, who looked at him with a concerned expression.

"he thought it was fun. he likes danger." mantis claimed, appearing from behind her friend.

"the blanket of death is with the birthday boy, who isn't here yet." tony replied. "if you want, you can help with decorations."

"sure." mantis chirped.

"you can blow up these balloons." wanda suggested, passing them the balloons.

drax looked at her with a confused expression.

"but i don't have any bombs with me." he replied.

"woah, woah, no need to blow stuff up." tony spluttered. "you just blow into it."

the billionaire demonstrated to mantis and drax.

"oh, i see." drax took a balloon and blew into it.

when the balloon was full, he let go of it, causing it to deflate and fly all over the tower.

drax laughed loudly, clapping his hands with amusement.

mantis touched her friend's shoulder, causing her to laugh as well.

tony sighed.

"umm, stark?" quill called.

"hmm?" tony walked over to the starlord.

"how do i connect my walkman to this...?" quill asked.

"i don't think your walkman will work. you use that." tony pointed to the laptop next to quill.

quill furrowed his eyebrows, allowing tony to continue.

"you can chose whatever songs you want, there's no limit."

quill's eyes widened.

"you're saying, that this has more than 300 songs on it?" tony chuckled.

"you poor, poor, thing." tony teased.

"there's no way that's possible."

"welcome to the 21st century, starlord." tony smirked.

"i can play any song?"

"click on spotify and search up some of your songs from your walkman. they should be there."

quill gaped as he did as tony said.

he searched up a song, and it was there.

"holy shit."

"go nuts." tony patted quill's back.

come and get your love suddenly played, causing quill to shriek.

tony couldn't help but think about stephen, and how his fiancé was.


"ah, hello, sir. we've been waiting for you." a young waitress chirped as she saw stephen walk in.

"you have? great. did stark get you into this?" he asked.

the young waitress nodded.

"he's given you a free meal, so no need to pay."

"that little fucker..." stephen muttered, following the waitress to his table.

he sat down, grinning when he saw a plate of french toast.

"are you sure i can eat this? i'll feel bad without paying." stephen muttered.

"it's fine." the waitress reassured the sorcerer.

stephen contently ate the french toast, savouring every bite.

now this was a birthday breakfast.

even though, technically it was a birthday lunch.

"oh, mr stark wanted me to give you this." the waitress passed him a letter.

he instantly frowned, suddenly remembering why he was here in first place.

"thank you." stephen smiled sweetly, reading the letter.


the sanctum doors slammed open, revealing a stressed stephen.

"hello, str-"

"don't tell me you're a part of this, too!" stephen pointed at wong.

wong just held his hands up and raised an eyebrow.

"part of what?"

stephen's scarf transformed into the cloak, and massaged its master's shoulders.

"part of this stupid game tony's put me through!" stephen exclaimed. "all i wanted was a relaxing birthday morning and maybe hanging out with you and the avengers and the guardians if they were available in the evening."

stephen chuckled.

"but, noooo! tony decided to put me through this shit. i'm gonna kill me."

wong frowned as his friend ranted.


stephen looked at wong.


"i wanted to talk to you ab-" wong was interrupted by a loud crashing outside.

"what was that?" stephen asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

his navy overcoat, grey long sleeved shirt and jeans instantly changed into his normal sorcerer attire.

the two sorcerers went outside, only to be greeted by a large grey wolf like creature with large red bat wings and red horns.

"really? on my fucking birthday!?" stephen sighed exasperatedly.


"what's ultron doing in the kitchen?!" tony exclaimed.

"calm down." ultron said, opening the cutlery drawer.

"no, no, no, no, no!" tony rushed over to the robot.

ultron held one finger out to tony, before taking out a spoon.

"w-what...?" the iron hero mumbled, causing ultron to smirk.

"guess who can cook?" ultron instantly deadpanned, turning to stir the batch.

"he's been good, suprisingly." steve admitted, smiling.

"he was the one who told us to make the wizard strawberry cake." bucky claimed, tasting ultron's batter. "not bad."

ultron smiled triumphantly.

"ooh, can we try?" morgan asked, as she and nathaniel rushed into the kitchen.

"no." ultron said.

morgan frowned, whilst nathaniel stuck his tongue out.

"meanie!" nathaniel exclaimed, causing tony to smirk.

ultron glared at the two kids, before rolling his eyes and placing the bowl in front of them.

"yay!" they both squealed, before tasting the batter.

"woah, thanks bro. that's really good." morgan beamed up at ultron.

ultron tried to ignore the light feeling he felt at the young girl's words.

"whatever... now scram! i'm trying to make a stupid cake." ultron grumbled, causing the two kids to dash off.


"stark, are you ready?" wong asked, as he entered the sanctum.

"we're ready." tony replied from wong's phone.

"we're not just ready, we're ready freddy!" shuri, peter, harley, cassie, lila and cooper all yelled from the phone, causing wong to roll his eyes.

(A/N: if you get that reference, you can have a cookie)

"I AM GROOT!" groot yelled, causing the teens to laugh because apparently they knew what he said.

stephen laid onto the ground in the sanctum. he sighed heavily.

"get up, strange." wong insisted.

"if you pass me a fucking letter..." stephen grumbled, standing up.

wong ignored his friend's negative attitude, and opened a portal to the tower.

stephen followed wong to the portal, where he was met with a smiling tony.

the taller sorcerer instantly glared at him.

"hey, ho-"

"i can't believe you!" stephen exclaimed, slowly approaching tony. "you put me through all this chaos, for what!?"

"u-uh, there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for all that..." tony admitted, walking backwards.

"you...you didn't even remember my own birthday." stephen sighed, looking down. "i get that you don't remember stuff, but..."


"you didn't kiss me this morning, like you do every morning. i never got to speak to the kids today..." stephen sighed.

tony took stephen's hand, and kissed it softly.

"hey, sorry today was crap for you, i truly am." tony frowned. "but, we were just trying to keep you away from your surprise."


"my surprise?" stephen's eyes widened.

"yeah, you dumb-dumb." tony teased. "but now i've spoilt it."

stephen blushed as tony snaked an arm around the his waist.

"you're right, though...you never got that kiss." tony muttered, softly brushing his lips against stephen's.

stephen chuckled, resting his hand on tony's arm.

wong clearing his throat caused both men to squeak as they jumped away from each other.

"oh, right, you're surprise..." tony muttered, blushing heavily as he straightened his jacket.

tony lead the sorcerers into the tower.


stephen beamed when peter, harley and morgan ran up to him.

vision and nebula slowly approached the doctor.

"happy birthday, mama!" morgan exclaimed, as she hugged stephen's legs.

"you're old now, doctor weird." quill exclaimed from the crowd, causing everyone to laugh, except stephen, who just rolled his eyes.

"how was this morning? were you angry? confused? suffering?" loki asked, swiftly making his way to stephen.

"terrible. yes. yes. and yes." stephen answered, his expression deadpan.

"good." loki grinned. "now you know how i felt when i was falling for 30 minutes."

"you wanna fall for another 30?" stephen asked, raising an eyebrow.

loki glared at the sorcerer, before walking over to valkyrie, thor and bruce. or "the revengers" as they liked to call themselves.

"i'll cut the cake." ultron suggested, causing stephen to glare at the robot.

"why has ultron got a knife?" stephen asked, causing tony to stroke his arms.

"relax." tony said.

"h-how!?" stephen spluttered.

tony just held up one finger, as they all watched ultron contently cut stephen's birthday cake.

"w-what...?" the former neurosurgeon mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows.

"guess who can cook?" ultron winked, passing a plate of cake to stephen. "happy birthday, you ugly sack."

stephen scoffed as ultron purposefully dropped the plate.

"whoops." ultron smiled.

stephen smiled back, patting ultron's back.

"let's get this party started, folks." quill announced, walking to the DJ set.

stephen rolled his eyes at the song that quill played.

"what? what's playing?" tony asked.

"love is strange, mickey and sylvia, 1956." stephen replied, causing tony to chuckle.

"do you still hate me for this morning?" the engineer asked innocently.

"well, of course." tony pouted, causing stephen to caress his cheek. "but, you're lucky i love you. or you would've been living with dormammu right now."

tony shuddered.

"mama! mama! let's dance." morgan exclaimed, already pulling stephen to dance with her.

stephen smiled sheepishly at tony as he got pulled away.


"why have you been hiding this talent from us?" peter whined as he scoffed down his slice of cake.

"yeah, man! not cool." harley said, as he stole a small piece from peter's plate.

"because i hate you all." ultron replied, shrugging.

"not even i knew." vision claimed.

"seriously, ultron, that cake was really good. which is weird, considering you don't eat." stephen chirped.

ultron grumbled as he felt warm and fuzzy again.

he walked away, before the lively music quill was playing before changed.

"fooled around and fell in love, elvis bishop, 1975." stephen muttered under his breath, smiling when he felt familiar hands cover his eyes.

"guess who?" tony cooed.

"tony..." stephen replied, as he pulled tony's hands off his eyes.

"am i that predictable?" tony sighed.

stephen turned and met a pair of sparkling chocolate eyes that he's grown to love.

"hey." tony chirped.

"hey." stephen echoed.

"would you like to...i dunno...uuh" tony's cheeks flushed as he struggled to find his words. "gosh, it's like i'm asking you out all over again..."

stephen chuckled, holding tony's hand.

"i would love to dance with you."

tony beamed, as he lead the doctor to the middle of the room.

stephen wrapped his arms around tony neck, whilst the shorter male wrapped his arms around the taller one's waist.

stephen sighed contently as tony pulled him closer, and rested his head on tony's shoulder.

"you know..." tony whispered. "i still owe you that kiss."

stephen lifted his head off tony's shoulder, blushing slightly.

he placed his hands on tony's cheeks as they leaned closer to each other.

"happy birthday, my beautiful wizard." tony muttered, before connecting their lips.

the kiss was short, but sweet, and full of so much love.

stephen broke the kiss, resting his forehead on tony's.

"awww!" peter, morgan and vision cooed. nebula just smiled slightly.

"gross." ultron snarled.

"EW, MY VIRGIN EYES!" harley squawked, causing peter to punch his brother in the arm.

stephen and tony chuckled, still staring into each other's eyes.

"best birthday ever." stephen claimed, before kissing tony again.

A/N: holy moly welp that's that done

i have mixed feelings about this but it's my boi birthday so imma be happy :)

i did not expect this to kind of be angsty in some bits but oh well

also, i have no idea where the "ultron can cook shit amazingly despite not being capable of eating" headcanon came from but i guess it's a thing now

i was just typing this up and i was like "lmao what if ultron is this little emo evil bitch that hates everyone, but has a hobby of cooking or some shit??"

and then boom it became a thing

you're welcome

one last thing,,,

i know recently (literally like 2 chapters ago) i added ultron and vision

but i feel like adding another character

her name is illyana rasputin

i know some of you might be like "who the fuk??"

unless you read comics or are into x-men then you'd know her

anyway she's colossus's (the russian metal man in deadpool) sister and she's a mutant (obvs)

she looks like this:

her super hero name is magik and she's had a few interactions with doctor strange

and that's all i know :I

now obvs, i don't read the comics, so i don't know that much about her

don't even know her age because most sources say she's 13 but others say she's 16-17 and she's doesn't look 13?? tf lmao??

the only reason i know her is because people on tumblr have used her a few times in posts and i thought she was cute

for example:

see this would make some good content

i've already thought of scenarios

like when stephen first introduces her to the fam™

tony's like "aww what a qt"

and then she burns the place down and he's like O-O

however, the reason why i'm not sure about it is:

1) like i mentioned before i don't know anything about her like her age and that would be pretty important to know

because if she's around harley and peter's age then i'd like her to be part of the "teen meme team"

but if she ain't then like,,, i dunno lmao

and 2) i'm scared that very few people don't know her and then you won't enjoy the story :(

so i know this will be confusing for people who don't know her

but i need a vote

should i add illyana

or not?

i don't mind whatever choice you guys make because i love you all and you guys are amazing

but i'm pretty stuck on this :/

if there's no reply or the majority say no

then no illyana

but if people (suprisingly) say yes

then i'll add her (and change the cover lmao)

thanks guys :D

- witxhdoxtorstrange

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