By Moises12w3

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(Y/n) Valkyrie, Team RWBY, and Co. have finally reached Mantle, and after fighting so hard and getting throug... More

Character Bio:
Prologue: A Night in the City
Chapter One: The Devil is in the Details
Chapter Three: Still Human
Chapter Four: A Blue Spark
Chapter Five: Election Fight Night
Chapter Six: Anticipation is Killer
Chapter Seven: Dinner Served Cold
Chapter Eight: A Stampede of Trouble
Chapter Nine: No Time to Die
Chapter Ten: The Right Thing?
Chapter Eleven: Good Luck
Chapter Twelve: We all Fear

Chapter Two: About time for an Upgrade

2.2K 29 55
By Moises12w3

3rd POV:

Three Atlas airships flew through the skies of Solitas as Clover, The leader of the Ace-Ops, was briefing the mission to Qrow, Ruby, Jaune, and (Y/n).

Clover: "Alright, gather around, our mission today is to clear the launch site for the Amity Communication Tower, the designated area is an abandoned dust mine, since it's closure, the Grimm have moved in, but the good news is that all that untouched Dust is still down there too, science team saids they'll need it for the first phase of the launch." He said as they all were around a table which was giving off holograms.

The scene skips to a little bit later as Pietro Polendina called for the gang as he had finally finished with their upgraded weapons and new outfits.

Pietro: "I apologize for the mess, and for holding on to your weapons for so long but the upgrades you all requested were a little..uh, well a little more than I anticipated." He said laughing afterwards as the scene cut over to Atlas Soldiers shooting Grimm out in the Tundra.

Clover: "Atlas soldiers are already at work clearing out the surrounding Tundra, but recon has identified a powerful Geist, that's managed to evade destruction and take several lives, after reinforcements came in the Geist was smart enough to retreat into the mine, which means it's old and extremely dangerous, that is our target." He said bring a screen up which showed a picture of the Geist, it's body was made up of blocks of ice and other stones.

(Back to when the gang was getting their new gear.)

Pietro: "Your new weapons and armor should be as requested, but I also took the liberty of reviewing your combat footage from the Vital Festival Tournament, there's some additional enhancements that I'd like to suggest, but for now these should do you all well enough." He said as eveeyone stood in front of lockers which had boxes in them.

They all excitedly grabbed their boxes as they opened them and were happy to see what was inside, (Y/n) stood on the side happy to see everyone else get their upgrades, there wasn't anything they could do to upgrade his weapons since they were made of Uru, but that didn't stop Pietro from wanting to try.

Pietro: "Don't think I forgot about you Mr. Valkyrie, I have a few things to offer you, unfortunately you were right about your weapons, they were beyond my ablilites to upgrade, considering the fact that I couldn't even get through them with any of my lasers or anything! Heck much like you said I couldn't even carry them, I had Penny help me. " He said frustratedly as (Y/n) chuckled.

(Y/n): "Don't worry about it Doc, Mjolnir and StormBreaker are made up of a powerful metal called Uru, it's not from this world and it can only be forged with the heart of a dying star, or with an enchanted forge, and as for being unable to carry them, only living beings who are worthy can carry Mjolnir, and being that Penny is technically not alive, she and other robots can probably bend the rule with that, but I doubt they'd be able to use it's full power like I can, and as for StormBreaker that one takes a certain amount of strength to weild, like superhuman strength, so yeah it's no biggy." He explained.

Dr. Polendina: "I see how very fascinating, well then let me show you what I got for you, oh by the way I sharpened your dagger for you, and I also didn't upgrade it like you asked, which is still a bit odd but it's your dagger." He said as he handed (Y/n) his Reflecting Lotus.

(Y/n): "It's a gift from my brother, he has a similar one which was givin to him by his father, with it we're both twin daggers, so I rather not change this in any way." (Y/n) said tucking it away as he followed Pietro.

Clover: "The mine was a labyrinth back in the day, it had all kinds of tunnels and chambers the Geist could use to move between, so if we're going to kill this thing we're gonna have to split up and corner it, General Ironwood saids you've all had your fair share of combat, I trust that man with my life, so tommorrow, I'm trusting you all, too." He said as everyone was seen in their rooms preparing themselves for tommorrow,

Yang was trying on her new metal arm's attachment which was a Ember Celica to match the one she had already.

Blake was seen in her room thinking of trying a new look.

Jaune sat in his room as he was holding a red cloth, one of his other momentos of Pyrrah, he sighed as he also knew it was time for a change, he grabbed one of his bangs as he smiled and thought of trying a new look himself.

Ruby was in her room opening her crate to see her new outfit as well, which also had a new cape, her signature attire, while she was admiring it Oscar walked by and stood at the entrance hesitantly.

Oscar: "Hey Ruby...?" Oscar said walking into her room as he needed to talk to her.

Meanwhile (Y/n) was with Pietro in (Y/n)'s room as he helped bring in two big crates.

(Y/n): "So whatcha got for me Doc?" (Y/n) asked as Pietro smiled and opened one of the crates as he gave (Y/n) an outfit which was zipped up.

(Y/n): "What's in here?" He asked trying to sneak a peek.

Pietro: "Upupup! Save that for when you actually head out, it's combat ready and it's to impress, so don't put it on just yet." He said proudly.

(Y/n): "Um okay but how do I know it'll fit me?"

Pietro: "Trust me son, it'll fit."

(Y/n): "Okay if you say so doc."

Pietro: "Good now come here I got a little something for your metal arm." He said as (Y/n) came over and some kind of bracelet, that looked an awful lot like Yang's Ember Celica, was put over his metal arm as he was also given an ear piece.

(Y/n): "What are these?" He asked pitting the ear piece on.

Pietro: "When your armor, weapons, and your aura fail to protect you, know your arm will take over, now hold out your arm." He ordered as (Y/n) did so and to his surprise a blue energy shield emitted.

(Y/n): "NO FREAKING WAY!!!" He said excitedly as he waved it around playfully.

Pietro: "Careful son, its capable of protecting you but it can also be used offensively." Pietro informed.

(Y/n): "How so?"

Pietro: "Keep this between us, but the The bracelet uses nano-tech, allowing you to make other uses of it, the ear piece allows you to basically command them without you having to say anything at all." He said.

(Y/n): "Okay now your messing with me! I can really do that?!" He asked.

Pietro: "Go ahead command them to turn into something." He said with a smirk as (Y/n) held out his hand and did so as suddenly he saw the bracelet transform to make a blade.

(Y/n): "Okay I don't know what I did for you to bless me with something like this but...*Sniffles* it's beautiful." He said wiping a tear away.

Pietro: "Haha I'm glad you like it, it's a small prototype for something bigger but I'm sure you'll make good use of it when the time comes, but anyways I've got one more thing to give you but first I'd like to do something about that eye of yours." He said digging through his crate.

(Y/n): "Um actually Doc, I appreciate whatever you were planning to do for my eye but I'm gonna have to turn it down." He said scratching his head nervously.

Pietro: "What why?! I have some very hi-tech eye implants that could really do you a lot of help!" He Informed.

(Y/n): "Again thank you Doc, but um for personal reasons I rather just leave my eye like this." He said honestly.

Pietro: "My boy what possible reason could you have for not accepting a new artificial eye?" He asked as (Y/n) touched his eye patch.

(Y/n): "Well...at the Fall of Beacon, I...I lost a fight...and it cost me my arm, my eye, and...a friend..."

Pietro: "Oh...I'm sorry to hear that.."

(Y/n): "You see, when I saw Penny and...Pyrrah die in front of me, I thought to myself that losing that fight, my arm, and my eye was punishment for it, that it was something I deserved, I always bragged about being the strongest and how I was never going to lose, but when the fight came, I gave it my all and it all backfired on me, this metal arm and this missing eye represented my failure to save them, and even though you were able to bring Penny back, it honestly took that weight off my shoulder, but Pyrrah...she's gone, like really gone, and if that's the case then this eye will stay as it is, because now it doesn't represent failure, it represents that I'm still human, and I can get hurt, but that doesn't mean I'll let it happen again, cause you can hurt me, but if I'm still standing then you better be prepared to be hurt back, tenfold." He said with determination in his eye as it made Pietro smiled.

Pietro: "I've seen all kinds of Huntsmen and Huntresses deny my help before, most out of pride, but you are a first son, it brings me happiness to see just how much Penny and your friends mean to you, but don't punish yourself son, I'm sure I don't have to tell you since you already know but the hardest part about being a Huntsmen and Huntress is that you can't save everybody, but you must always strive to do what you can, because that's all any of us can do." He said putting his hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

Pietro: "Now I'll leave something for your eye here, just in case You have a change of mind." He said putting a small metal box on his bed.

Pietro: "Now for the piece of Résistance." He said happily as he went over to the other crate and pulled out something (Y/n) was not expecting at all.

Pietro: "Now I'll admit I did go a little old school on the design but I'm sure you'll handle it greatly, I call it War Daddy, heh don't ask why, now how are you with guns?" He asked as (Y/n) walked over with a sparkle in his eye as he lifted it up in completely awe.

(Y/n): "Either Christmas came early or you sir are a God in disguise because your blessing me!" He said happily as Pietro just laughed.

Pietro: "Haha, just consider it my way of saying I approve." He said with a smile.

(Y/n): "Haha well thank you Doc, it's greatly appreci- wait approve? Approve of what?!" (Y/n) asked confused as he turned as saw Pietro was gone.

(Y/n): "Huh...the scary thing about him is I don't even know if he's being serious or not." (Y/n) said to himself as he put his gun down, and walked over to his new outfit, he unzipped it a little as he got a peek and smiled.

(Y/n): "Heh talk about an Atlas upgrade." He said zipping it back up as he walked out of his room and decided to go talk to Ruby.

(Y/n): "Hey Rubes you'll never guess what-" he stopped as he saw Oscar and Ruby in her room, they weren't doing anything per say but it was still a little awkward that he was there.

Ruby: "(Y/n)! Um hey what's up?" She said nervously.

Oscar: "I-I swear this is not what it looks like!" Oscar said fearful as (Y/n) just walked up to him.

Oscar: "Oh God please don't hurt me!" Oscar said as (Y/n) put his hand on his shoulder and smiled.

(Y/n): "Calm down Oscar, even I know you wouldn't do anything this bold...would you?" He asked with a glare.

Oscar: "O-o-of course not!!" He said more scared.

(Y/n): "Haha! Oscar I'm messing with you! I wouldn't hurt you! Hahaha...or would I?" (Y/n) said in a serious tone as that only made Oscar feel uneasy.

Ruby: "Geez (Y/n) stop messing with him, you do realize you can be really intimidating sometimes!" Ruby said while coming to Oscar's rescue.

(Y/n): "Ruby I'm kidding, Oscar's like a little brother I wouldn't hurt him...unless he does something unforgivable." (Y/n) said with a death glare as Ruby pushed his face away.

Ruby: "Anyway Oscar did you need to tell me something?" She asked.

Oscar: "Actually yeah it's...well..."

(Timeskip to later.)

The three airships from before were still flying in the sky, as one opened the side door and Team RWBY were seen with their new and improved outfits as well as new looks.

Clover(On Comms): "Okay team let's make it happen." He said over comms as the girls jumped out the airship in style, Ruby used Crescent Rose in mid-air like a pogo stick as the shots fired were helping manuvior easily.

Weiss used her Glyphs to jump around like a ping pong ball as she summoned one glyph that brought forth a giant white arm and sword, which she used to slide down.

Blake was doing twirls in the air gracefully as she used her newly forged Gambol Shroud as a hook to swing from building to building, while also showing off her new haircut which was a nice little change of pace for her.

Yang was the last one about to land as she laughed in joy and prepared her newly armed metal arm, she shot the ground beneath her as slide over next to her team, Team RWBY was back in action and better than ever.

Close by Ace-Op members, Harriet and Marrow, landed next to them.

Clover: "Alright kid you sure you don't want to come with us or the other team after all it'll make us even." Clover, the Ace-Ops Leader, said as a side door opened.

(Y/n): "Sorry Cap, this guy already has a team, despite the fact that I am it's fifth unofficial memeber." (Y/n) said as he fell back out of the airship.

Qrow: "Heh same old Red." Qrow said as he watch (Y/n) free falling, (Y/n) felt so alive while falling as he closed his eyes and remembered his initiation back when he was in Beacon, how he tried to show off back then, he smirked as he swung Mjolnir around and it helped him fly through the air and did a super hero landing right in front of his girls, they watched with anticipation as (Y/n) stood up and showed his new outfit to them, which they didn't get to see, since he purposely got on Qrow's and Clover's airship.

(Just pretend he has StormBreaker and War Daddy on his back while he has Mjolnir on hand.)

Meanwhile the other airship flew by as the side doors opened and Team JNR were seen with their new outfits as well as they were acompanied by Ace-Op members, Elm and Vine.

Elm: "Alright! This is my favorite part!" Elm said as her and Vine jumped off, Jaune, Nora, and Ren jumped afterwards as Jaune take a minute to breath as he jumped out and showed off a new upgrade to his shield, which was an energy addition, which he used to glide down as he and his team landed safely with their weapons drawn.

Elm: "Haha! Looks like you kids won't get yourselves killed after all, wait the axe kid didn't come with us? Aw What a shame." Elm said as she walked off, Nora and Jaune turned away kind of insulted.

Vine: "She meant that as a compliment." Vine assured.

Else where Qrow and Clover slide down the frozen mountain as they landed at the entrance of a tunnel.

Clover: "Alright this is Alpha squad, LZ's cleared, proceeding on foot, you all got fancy new scrolls so don't forget to use them, keep your eyes and ears open, I want an update if you see the target, Alpha out." He said over comms as everyone looked at their new scrolls.

Yang: *Wolf whistle* "Well look at us all, lookin hotter than hot." Yang said as she started checking everyone out, while lowering her new orange shades, like Coco used to do with her's.

(Y/n): "Yeah we do don't we." (Y/n) said happily as he walked over to Blake.

(Y/n): "It's not a competition but if we're talking about good looking and new I'd have to say Blake totally wins by a landslide." (Y/n) said as he indicated her new short hair.

Blake: "Oh God (Y/n) don't put me on blast like that!" Blake said embarrassed as she blushed.

(Y/n): "Oh come on Blake you look beautiful." (Y/n) told her.

Yang: "Pfft! Please she gorgeous!" Yang said pushing (Y/n).

(Y/n): "Oh yeah?! Well I think she looks majestic!"

Yang: "No I think she looks heavenly!!" Yang said angrily.

(Y/n): "She's divine!!!"

Yang: "She's Godlike!!!" Yang shouted angrily as they were arguing back and forth.

Weiss: "Geez just kiss alrighty." Weiss said annoyed as they stopped and looked at her.

(Y/n): "You know, Weiss looks really cute too." (Y/n) said.

Yang: "Yeah she's beautiful like snow."

(Y/n): "Right! She's a beautiful snow day." (Y/n) said.

Weiss: "Oh my God stop." Weiss said looking away hiding her blush, suddenly (Y/n) felt someone punch his arm as he looked over and saw it was Ruby with a pout.

Ruby: "I'm I not pretty!?!" She said angrily as she pulled his ear.

(Y/n): "Ow ow! Ruby you look the cutest!! Please let go!!" He said as she smiled, let go, and kissed his cheek.

Ruby: "Awe thanks, now let me see that gun!!!" She said excitedly trying to get his new gun.

Marrow: "Oh geez I did not sign up to be a babysitter." Marrow said.

Harriet: "Yeah well, we babysit you all the time." Harriet said as she walked away and Marrow only pouted, they all started walking towards the tunnel entrance as Weiss walked off and saw something on the ground, she wipped the snow off as she saw it had the Schnee Dust Company logo on it which made her a bit sad.

(Y/n): "Hey, you may be a Schnee but this wasn't your fault." (Y/n) said putting his hand on her shoulder as it made her feel a bit better.

Weiss: "I know I just can't help but feel...like it is." Weiss said.

(Y/n): "Don't punish yourself Weiss, it won't make things better...even if you think you deserve it." (Y/n) said looking down as Weiss noticed.

Weiss: "You okay?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Huh? Oh um yeah I'm fine." He said with a half smile.

(Y/n): "Come on let's get going." He said as they walked off.

Ruby: "Man its freezing out here!" Ruby said rubbing her arms.

(Y/n): "Probably should have requested a sweater with that outfit Rubes." (Y/n) said as she picked up some snow, made a snow ball, and threw it at him.

Weiss: "Without heating or projected aura, the cold of Solitas can kill you in a matter of hours." Weiss informed.

Blake: "Well at least that makes me feel a little less bad about leaving Oscar behind." Blake said as the group stopped as they let Marrow and Harriet walk ahead while they talked.

Yang: *Sighs* "Can we talk about that again?" Yang asked.

Ruby: "Um what about it?" Ruby asked.

Yang: "Are we really not going to tell Ironwood about what happened to Oz? Or what we learned from Jinn? Or Salem?" Yang asked.

Ruby: "We are! I mean...we will, but you all saw how things were like when we flew into Atlas." Ruby said.

Blake: "The General's heart is in the right place but that doesn't mean we should trust him yet." Blake said.

Weiss: "I think we should play along for a while before we make any major descisons." Weiss said as she looked over at (Y/n) who was facing away from everyone.

Weiss: "(Y/n) What do you think?" She asked as (Y/n) didn't answer, he didn't even turn to look at them.

Ruby: "(Y/n)? Are you okay?" Ruby asked as she grabbed his shoulder.

(Y/n): "No Ruby, I'm not okay, I'm conflicted!" He said pushing her hand away.

Weiss: "(Y/n) What's wrong?" Weiss said concerned as were the other girls.

(Y/n): "I'm trying to come up with some way of agreeing with you guys, but I can't... Ruby I understand why you're being catious, Mantle and it's people are in a bad place and it looks like Ironwood is just looking out for the people up in Atlas, it isn't exactly making him look like a good guy protecting his kingdom, but the reason I'm conflicted is because that man helped us back in Beacon, even when his own weapons, robots, and ships were turned against him, he helped us! I know things changed since the Fall of Beacon but he's afraid, he doesn't know what to do anymore, and the worst part is I understand why you're also not telling him what we know! It's because if we do, we'll only end up killing the only hope he has left! He strongly believes we can stop Salem and here we are knowing that killing her is now more near to impossible!" He said angrily as he clenched his fists.

(Y/n): "Ozpin kept things from us even after we told him that he could trust us, he still kept his secrets, to protect us from this ugly and cruel truth, and now we're doing the same to Ironwood, and it makes me sick!" He said honestly.

Ruby: "I know it seems that way, I know but I feel like we should-"

(Y/n): "Please don't!!" He said loudly as that surprised everyone.

(Y/n): "You don't have to explain anything Ruby, Blake already said it best, we'll follow your lead, I'm probably just venting here but none of this feels right, because no matter what way we choose to go, it will all end the same, in conflict...and we all know what conflict breeds..." He said with a serious expression as he turned away from them.

(Y/n): "...Catastrophe." He said as he walked away in silence.

Weiss: "Wait (Y/n) we still-"

Blake: "Let him go Weiss..." Blake said grabbing Weiss shoulder.

Blake: "Like it or not he's right, we want to tell Ironwood but doing so will kill his hope, after that who knows what he'll do, keeping this a secret from him is basically us doing the same that Ozpin did to us, and it's going to leave a bad taste in our mouths for sure, but we need to keep playing things close to the chest, I don't know what you're thinking or what you're going to do Ruby, but whatever you choose, we'll be on your side, that includes (Y/n)." Blake said to Ruby as she just watched (Y/n).

Yang: "(Y/n)'s just a thinker Rubes, no matter what choice we make he'll always have our backs, he cares and loves us all too much to let us do things on our own." Yang said.

Ruby: "Yeah..."

Yang: "But anyways what did Oscar think about this?" Yang asked as Ruby started thinking about when she, (Y/n), and Oscar all talked in her room before leaving to their current mission.


Ruby: "Er, I think it's probably best not to be running around with an ancient Relic on a keychain, you know?" Ruby said as she handed Oscar the Relic of Knowledge.

Oscar: "But-"

(Y/n): "Oscar, we know you'll keep it safe here with you, out there anything could happen, so can you protect it, please?" (Y/n) asked.

Oscar: "You know I will, but guys...hiding things from Ironwood? Don't you think that feels like the same thing Ozpin did to us?" Oscar said as Ruby looked down while (Y/n) looked surprised.

(End of Flashback.)

Meanwhile in the cave Clover and Qrow were having a conversation as they walked down deeper into the mine.

Qrow: "Gotta say, not really used to working with other Huntsmen in the field." Qrow said honestly.

Clover: "But you were in a team before, weren't you?"

Qrow: *Sighs* "That was a long time ago, I'm just saying working alone tends to just be for the best."

Clover: "Well I think that's a shame." He said as suddenly Qrow almost slipped and fell till Clover grabbed his arm quickly and helped him not fall.

Clover: "Heh, alright Alpha here, give me an update." Clover said over comms.

Vine: "The connecting ice tunnels seem to be clear, we should be approaching the actual mine any minute now." Vine replied as he and Elm walked in front while the JNR trio walked behind them.

Nora: "This is so exciting! We're like an actual Huntsmen team!" Nora said excitedly as she looked over at Ten with a blush.

Nora: "So, um,  I like what you did to your outfit, Ren." Nora commplamented.

Ren: "We should probably focus on the mission." Ren said as it surprised Nora and she stopped walking for second.

Nora: "Oh...uh Right." She said a little concerned as Jaune walked up next to her.

Jaune: "I like your outfit too." Jaune said as Nora just pouted and walked off angrily as Jaune was confused.

Harriet(On Comm): "Bravo, checking in, we hit a bit of a snag, there's been a cave-in in the main entrance, not sure if it was recent or was caused by the original accident, either way we need a little time for problem solving." Harriet said.

Clover(On Comms): Understood, let us know if you need anything." He said as Blake looked around with a saddened expression.

Yang: "You okay?"

Blake: "I just realized where we are." Blake said looking saddened.

Blake: "This mine was closed off because of an explosion." Blake explained.

Weiss: "I heard about this disaster, or rather I know how furious it made my father...Ugh I wish I could take back all those years of pain my family caused the Faunus, and all of my complacency in it." Weiss said sympatheticly as Blake put her hand on Weiss' shoulder for comfort.

Marrow: "This society is set up for Faunus to be at the bottom and humans are willing participants, they benefit by not helping us, but there are still those who actively abuse us."

(Y/n): "That doesn't mean we're all like that." (Y/n) said as they all looked over at him but didn't say anything.

Marrow: "Eh anyways I didn't come over to argue systemic societal issues, Harriet found a gap in the rubble, we think one of you can fit through, ideally someone with a knack for seeing in the dark?" He said indicating Blake since Faunus can see in the dark.

Blake: "Oh of course." Blake said walking over as Yang looked around uncomfortably.

Blake slipped into the gap as the whole place was dark, of course Blake being able to see in the dark helped a lot.

Marrow(On Comm): "Alright Blake, have a good look around, is there any dust in the immediate area?"

Blake: "No, just some mine carts...debris...no Dust, though." Blake repiled as she looked around.

Marrow(On Comm): "Okay great, then it should be safe for us to blast our way through."

Blake: "Okay, heading back n-" before she could finish the Geist appeared out of nowhere as it slashed at Blake with it's claws, luckly Blake reacted fast enough to use her semblance to dodge as Blake began shooting at it.

Harriet: "Damn it! Blake, stand back!" Harriet said about to activate her mechanical arms as suddenly (Y/n) came over spinning Mjolnir and broke through the rabble like it was nothing, he rushed in as fast as he could as everyone followed and started shooting the Geist, it managed to fly away without harm.

(Y/n): "Blake are you alright?" (Y/n) said concerned as he checked her for any wounds.

Blake: "(Y/n) Its okay, it just spooked me."

Yang: "Guys don't let it get away!" Yang shouted as they all ran after the Geist, but suddenly they were stopped as a giant centipede Grimm emerged from the ground in front of them.

It was about to attack Yang as suddenly (Y/n) got in front of her and summoned his energy shield as it made the Grimm smacked itself hard against his shield.

Ruby: "Whoa!! Energy shield!!" Ruby said with sparkles in her eyes.

The Centipede began oozing green fluid out of it's mouth as it shrieked in pain, suddenly more started caming out from all around them.

Yang: "Well that's disgusting." Yang said.

(Y/n): "Heh let's do this!" (Y/n) shouted as he put Mjolnir down, pulled out War Daddy, and started shooting away.

The girls engaged as well as they were slashing away at the Grimm like butter, Yang showed off a few new tricks, as she made her gauntlets punch out sticky bombs, which she detonated with a click of her gauntlets.

Ruby's Crescent Rose was now able to rotate the scythe blade much more better then originally, which made things smoother for her to move and shoot.

Marrow came out of nowhere as he also started shooting with his gun, it was suddenly changed into a giant boomerang as he threw it and it cut through the Grimm like a spinning saw, as it came back to him, two Centipedes charged at him in a twirling motion as he held out his hands and snapped his fingers.

Marrow: "Stay." Was all he said as they did just that, which caught (Y/n)'s attention as he stopped firing his gun.

(Y/n): "Whoa, he can command Grimm?" (Y/n) asked as Harriet came over to the Grimm Marrow stopped as she grabbed one and slammed them both to the side of a wall.

Harriet(On Comm): "This is Bravo! We found the target but it goes deeper into the mine, we're engaging Centinels!" Harriet said over Comms as we transitioned over to Elm, Vine,  and Team JNR.

Elm: "Alright let's pick up the pace!" Elm ordered as they all slid down an icy tunnel leading deeper into the mine, while sliding down they saw a bunch of Centinels coming out from the ground in front of them.

Vine: "Contact!" Vine shouted as suddenly yellow energy-like hand extensions came out from his arms and he made them grab into the side walls to stop his tracks, Elm slided a little forward as she also came to a stop as she was seen using some feet form of green energy.

Team JNR slid passed them as they chose the more confrontational approach, Jaune positioned his shield in front of him as he used his sword to slow himself down, once close enough to the Centinels, he showed off another one of his shield upgrades as he slammed his shield on the ground and sent a small shockwave, which blasted the Centinels back a bit, Ren came up behind Jaune as he jumped over him and used one of his new weapon's upgrade which turned the blades of his gun into hook blades, he reeled himself towards the Centinel as the blades returned and he landed on it to start shooting point blank, another Centinel came up from behind him as it was going to attack till Nora smashed it with her hammer, she also smashed the last one which was also to her side, and just like that the fighting was done, Vine and Elm slid down afterwards.

Vine: "Well that was a very...head first approch." Vine said as Elm and him walked by.

Jaune: "Yeah well that's kind of our style." Jaune said as Elm gave them a thumbs up as Team JNR all sighed in relief that they came out alright.

Meanwhile back with Team RWBY and Co. They pretty much also wrapped up their fight as well as one more was left.

Weiss: "One left!" Weiss shouted.

Ruby: "I got it!" Ruby shouted ready to fire when suddenly a yellow flash past by and it was Harriet who finished it off as punched through with her mechanical arms.

(Y/n): "Dang, talk about it being over in a flash." (Y/n) said putting War Daddy on his back as he held out his hand and made Mjolnir come back to him.

Ruby: "Whoa!! Your Semblance makes you super fast, just like mine!" Ruby amazed.

Harriet: "Very cool, though base on your reaction time, I'd say I'm a little faster." Harriet said.

Clover(On Comms): "This is Alpha! We've engaged the target!" Clover said over comms as we transitioned over to Clover and Qrow who were shooting at the Geist.

Clover: "All squads head towards our position!" Clover said as he activated his weapon which was a fishing rod, he swing his hook over to try and get the Geist as it missed and the Geist went into a giant ice boulder, suddenly it started pulling other stones and ice blocks to form a body, Clover ran over to try and fight it as Qrow hung back and looked over at a metal beam being pulled by an ice block.

Qrow: "Wait stop!!" Qrow called out as Clover looked up and the debris fell over him, Qrow ran over with concern as the dust cleared and he saw that Clover was alright, the debris had fallen only a few feet away from him.

Clover: "Damn! Target escaped, last seen heading east." Clover said over comms.

Clover: "Thanks for the call-out, that could have been bad." Clover said.

Qrow: *Sighs* "I wouldn't thank me, my Semblance brings misfortune, sometimes I can't keep it under control." Qrow informed.

Clover: "That so? Well don't beat yourself up about it..." He said as he used his hook to reel in a beam from the side, as debris fell and made some groundwork for them to walk over the hole that was there before.

Clover: "My semblance brings good fortune, lucky you huh?" He said as that surprised Qrow.

Clover: "Anyway this is Charlie, Bravo, you should be able to cut off the target at the heart of the mine, Qrow and I won't be far behind." Clover said over comms.

We transition over to Elm, Vine, and Team JNR as they ran into the heart of the mine which was brewing with a humongous amount of pure, untouched, and naturally made Dust.

The room was hot and humid as Marrow, Harriet, (Y/n), and Team RWBY ran in.

Ruby: "Guys!" Ruby shouted looking over at the rest of the gang.

Vine: "Be cautious everyone, this room is highly active with Dust energy, triggering it could bring ruin to the launch site." He Informed.

Marrow: "And vaporize us! How is that always second with you!" Marrow shouted.

Harriet: "Best you don't use your lightning in here Red, less you want to kill us all." Harriet said to (Y/n).

(Y/n): "Heh, don't worry hot legs, I've  got other ways of fighting." He said pulling out StormBreaker.

Harriet: "Ooo nicknames already? We haven't even gone on our first date yet." Harriet said with a wink, (Y/n) blushed as a bit as felt the girls glaring daggers at him.

Nora: "I thought the target was suppose to be in here?" Nora said as suddenly they heard some loud booms, everyone looked up as the saw the Geist hanging from a block of ice, it turned itself around as everyone realized it added Dust to its own body.

Ruby: "It added Dust to its body!" Ruby shouted as the Geist let go and landed in front of them.

Ruby: "How are we suppose to-" before she could finish what she needed to say Harriet and the rest of the Ace-Ops rushed in going for it's limbs, Elm grabbed hold of its right leg as she used her semblance to hold herself down, Vine swang over using his semblance as he held it's right arm.

Vine: "Marrow!" Vine called out as Marrow threw his boomerang and it cut its arm off, suddenly Marrow noticed a big piece of Dust about to fall on the ground which was not a good thing.

Marrow: "Harriet!" He called out as Harriet got in a running position as her eyes glew yellow, she than took off running so fast that everything else was in slow motion, she amazingly caught the Dust before it could hit the ground, the rest of the gang watched in amazement as the Ace-Ops did their thing, destroying the rest of the Geist's limbs as suddenly another big piece of Dust went flying off.

Marrow: "Crap!" Marrow said as suddenly Clover appeared out of nowhere and caught it.

Clover: "Heh, what would you guys do without me?" Clover asked his team as he handed the piece of Dust to Qrow as he joined in on taking down the Geist.

They all moved quickly around the Geist as they were all attacking at the same time.

Elm managed to smash it's arm on ground as it was stuck, Marrow was going to throw his boomerang blade to cut its arm, when suddenly (Y/n) flew passed him and cut it's arm off with StormBreaker.

Marrow: "Aww you stole my thunder!" Marrow said as (Y/n) smiled.

(Y/n): "Sorry bout mate, can't just stand back and let you'll have all the fun." (Y/n) said.

Clover: "Nice going Red, I'll take it from here." Clover said as he charged at it, he ran up it's body and wrapped his hook around the Geist's mask, everyone was amazed how he managed to wrap it without any complications what so ever, once it was wrapped up good, Clover pulled his hook hard as the Geist's ghostly body was pulled out from the icy boulder, once out Harriet activated her mechanical arms as she used her super speed to run up the Geist's former body as she upper cut the Geist and killed it.

the Geist's former body began falling apart as the Ace-ops got to work quickly by catching the pieces of Dust before they could hit the ground.

One almost slipped by as Clover noticed it.

Clover: "Harriet!" He called out as Harriet ran super fast to catch it and  just when she was about to, Ruby using her Semblance managed to catch it at the last minute.

Ruby: *Cute giggle*

(Y/n): "Ruby are you alright?" He said walking over and helping her up.

Ruby: "Hehe yeah I'm fine." She said as (Y/n) smiled and ruffled her hair.

Harriet: "Dang I thought you said your semblance was like mine."

Ruby: "Um it is?"

Harriet: "I've seen other speed Semblances before, but that was different, I think there's more going on than you think." Harriet said.

Yang: "Wait till she sees what she can do with her eyes." Yang said as Blake giggled.

Elm: "Hey now, let's not forget about our mighty Axe wielder here!" Elm said as she grabbed (Y/n) and carried him on her shoulders.

(Y/n): "Whoa! Um, come on I didn't do that much, y'all did way more." (Y/n) said embarrassed.

Elm: "Oh come now, don't be so modest, you did awesome, take pride in that Red!"

Harriet: "She's right, not a lot of people can keep up with us, I'd say that's something to be proud of." Harriet said.

Marrow: "I guess he did pretty good." Marrow said with a pout.

Vine: "Oh don't be so jealous Marrow." Vine said as Marrow just huffed, Qrow landed next to Clover as everyone cheered over their victory.

Qrow: "Lucky catch huh?"

Clover: "Hmmm, no, I'd chalk that one up to talent." Clover said.

Clover: "Atlas control, this is Clover, mission accomplished." He announced over Comms.

Meanwhile back in Mantle, the stranger who was taken into custody with the gang was let free.

Stranger: "Yeah thanks for the lift." The stranger said sarcastly as he was really annoyed and just walked along a dark alleyway, he heard noises around him as it made him paranoid.

Stranger: "Hello? Who's there?" He called out as suddenly behind him Tyrian appeared.

The stranger turned around and got spooked as he saw Tyrian.

Stranger: "Whoa! Who are you?"

Tyrian: "Me? Oh, well, I'm...someone just like you, someone who...wants to mix things up around here." He said as his eyes glowed bright purple and he started giggling creepily as he showed the stranger his new mechanical tail, and suddenly attacked.

Meanwhile elsewhere in Mantle, Ares was seen in a new outfit as she was waiting outside of the Theater Nat was in.

Ares: "Damn I look good in this if I do say so myself." Ares said out loud as suddenly the front door of the Theater opened and out stepped Nat wearing her new outfit as well.

Ares: *Whistles* "Wow someone looks hot." Ares said as Nat walked passed her silently.

Ares: "Huh? Nat you alright?" Ares asked catching up to her.

Nat: "I got some new info and it might just help us kill two birds with one stone." Nat told her.

Ares: "What do you mean?" She asked as Ares was confused.

Nat: "You'll see what I mean, come on we have some where else we gotta go."

Ares: "Where? Wait no what happened with that High Order member you talked to?" Ares asked.

Nat: "Well..."


Nat looked at the lady in front of her with a hint of fear, she had a devilish smile, nasty looking scars on face, neck and chest, her presence was kind of intimidating, and her eyes looked cold and cruel, she sat down on the empty chair in front of Nat as her guards brought in an ashtray, and a box with more cigars in it.

??: "You smoke?" She asked.

Nat: "N-no, thank you."

??: "Heh sure, now who are you really and why are you here?" She asked once again as she puffed her cigar.

Nat: "My name is Natasha, I'm a friend of (Y/n) Valkyrie, and I'm here to ask you one thing and one thing-"

??: "Wait, wait, I'm sorry normally I love it when people get straight to the point, but let's take it slow can we? It's been a while since I've had any new visitors, people call me Belarus, it's not my real name obviously, only those I'm close with know my real name, makes things more interesting, but anyway forgive my rudeness but would you like anything to drink or eat? Maybe some tea?" Belarus said as she snapped her fingers and one of her guards came in with a teapot and two cups as she set it down on the table.

Nat: "Oh thank you."

Belarus: "Would you like some sugar?" She asked.

Nat: "Um two sugars please and thank you ma'am." Nat said as the guard pulled out two sugar cubes and put it in her tea and stirred it for her.

Belarus: "No need with the formalities, Natasha, their so bloody tiresome, just call Belarus."

Nat: "Ah yes ma'am, I mean Belarus."

Belarus: "Hehe, how cute, you don't need to be so tense Natallie, you don't mind if I call you that do you?" She asked.

Nat: "Not at all, I'm-i'm sorry miss Belarus, but as much as I'd like to spend this lovely evening sipping tea and chatting with you, what I need to ask you is very, very important." Nat said as Belarus put out her cigar, pulled out another one, as one of the guards came over and lit the cigar for her.

Belarus: "In a rush are we? Shame, alright ask me your question."

Nat: "Were you one of the High Order members who agreed to have a bounty put on (Y/n) Valkyrie's head?" Nat asked straight forwardly.

Belarus: "Ah yes, (Y/n) Valkyrie, the boy with god-like power, the Director gave quite the speech about him, have to say though it's a shame he's got a bounty on him otherwise I would have snatched him up and made him serve under me, hehehe the fun I'd have with him, but anyway what's your relationship to him?" She asked.

Nat: "What? Miss Belarus, I don't mean to be rude but I really need to hear-" Before Nat could finish her sentance, Belarus grabbed Nat's shirt, she pulled out a knife, and stabbed her shirt to the table.

Belarus: "Oh Natallie, let me give you some advice, when you are a guest in someone's home and they ask you a question, the polite thing to do is answer it, I don't really like asking the same question a second time but I'll let this one slide, so again what is your relationship with (Y/n) Valkyrie?" She asked again with a deadly serious expression.

Nat: "I'm...I'm his personal guard, and a close friend." Nat answered as Belarus pulled out the knife and let her go.

Belarus: "I see, I can tell you meant that, so in return I'll answer your question, I went against putting a bounty on (Y/n) Valkyrie's head, and I'm one of the only ones who went against it." Belarus informed.

Nat: "So who else didn't?" Nat asked.

Belarus: "There's twelve seats in the High Order, and out of those twelve seats four went against putting the bounty, and since the majority went for it, the bounty was placed." Belarus said.

Nat: "I see, so in order for (Y/n) to be free of the bounty he needs to kill the ones that went for it." Nat said.

Belarus: "Well aren't you informed, not a lot of people know that information, but yes that's the only other way out, other than death of course."

Nat: "I see thank you that is all I needed to know." Nat said standing as Belarus rose her finger indicating her to wait.

Belarus: "Don't thank me Natallie, even if I went against the bounty, unfortunately my girls are obligated to hunt and kill (Y/n) if they are called to do so by the High Order." Belarus explained.

Nat: "What!? Why?"

Balerus: "It surprises me that you pretended to be a representative of the High Order and you don't even know how they work, my girls and myself are bound by the High Order, And the High Order stands above all in the Criminal Underworld, no doubt they already know about you and all the people who follow (Y/n), and if that's the case they could kill me just for telling you what you wanted to know." Belarus told her as Nat stood silent after hearing such a thing, was the High Order really that in control?

Belarus: "Yes ma'am the High Order is a force to be reckoned with, and the worse part is if (Y/n) starts going after the High Order members that did agree to his bounty they'll only increase his bounty tenfold, meaning things with the assassins are only going to get worse and worse for him, maybe not now, but it will later, either way there's no escape for him, the High Order wants his life, how can he fight the wind? How can he smash the mountains? How can he bury the ocean? How can he escape the light? He could go to the dark, but High Order is there too, so tell me Natallie what can you do to help him? What is your plan?" Belarus asked as Nat didn't answer.

Belarus: "My advice is walking away Natallie, after all he maybe your friend but this isn't your fight, he brought this on himself, I'm sure he wouldn't blame you for walking away." Belarus said putting out her cigar.

Nat: "Yeah he probably wouldn't, he's stupidly selfless like that, but that's why I don't want to walk away, because he wouldn't walk out on me if our roles were reversed, so I'm going to do whatever I can to help him, I'm going to gather the rest of the Valkyries, I'm going to convince them to fight on (Y/n)'s side, and once I do we'll fight anyone on (Y/n)'s behalf, because I believe he's the one to carry on Asgard's legacy, and that's something I'm willing to fight and die for." Nat said with determination in her eyes, Belarus just started laughing maniacally.

Belarus: "Hahaha oh Natallie, Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum." Belarus said as suddenly she snapped her fingers and in walked two of her guards, they both came over to the sides of the table and put down a box and a uniform.

Belarus: "I don't know who these Valkyries are, but if you are going to go up against the High Order then you better be prepared to fight and kill anyone and any thing, so your going to need more than just that sword, so I'm going to give you these." She said as she pushed the box and the uniform over to her.

Nat: "Why are you giving me these?" Nat asked Belarus only smiled as she opened the box and showed her what was inside.

Belarus: "With even one of these coins, you can buy almost anything; weapons, armor, Dust, you name it, as for the outfit it's made of cutting edge body armor, which means no penetration but getting shot will still hurt, such is life." Belarus said.

Nat: "Thanks for explaining that but why are you giving me these things?" Nat asked again, Belarus got up and looked out the window behind her.

Belarus: "In this world of Remnant we all live different lives Natallie, some of us become Huntsmen and Huntresses, others become criminals, and so on and so forth, but every now and then something bigger than all of us comes along that forces us to abandon what we chose to live as, makes us change, and I can't help but feel like a change is coming, and weither it's through you or (Y/n) it doesn't matter, it's inevitable." Belarus said with a devilish smile.

Nat: "I see well then I'll be taking my leave." Nat said standing up as suddenly her eyes turned white and she stood still without moving.

Guard: "Lady Belarus! Look!"One of Belarus' guard said as Belarus saw how Nat was.

Belarus: "Natallie! What's wrong?!" Belarus said as Nat's eyes turned back to normal.

Nat: "I...I need to go." Nat said as she grabbed the coins and put them in a pouch.

Belarus: "Alright...well there's a bathroom over there go aheadand change there." Belarus said as Nat went in and changed into her new outfit quickly, once walking out Belarus was seen sitting on the table as Nat's Dragon Fang was next to her as well as her belt.

Belarus: "You can have these back." Belarus said as Nat walked over and took her gear back, she was about to walk out as Belarus called out to her.

Belarus: "There's a hotel north of here, only a few blocks away, a member of the High Order is there, her name is Scarlett and she is one of the few that voted to have that bounty put on (Y/n)'s head, if you go aftee her be prepared to fight, she always has guards with her." Balerus said.

Nat: "Why betray her like that? Isn't she your comrade?" Nat asked.

Belarus: "Pfft! Please that girl only got her seat in the High Order from her father who passed away, I could care less what happens to her." She said.

Nat: "I see, well then I'll be on my way." Nat said.

Belarus: "Tell (Y/n) Valkyrie, I'll be seeing soon." She said with her devilish smile as Nat walked out.

(End of Flashback.)

Ares: "Dang so we're going to the hotel to kill Scarlett then?" Ares asked.

Nat: "Yeah, but first we have two people we have to have a chat with."

Ares: "Really who?" Ares asked curiously.

Nat: "Remember when I said there was two other Valkyries here in Solitas?"

Ares: "Yeah you also said there was a third one coming."

Nat: "Well it turns out there's three Valkyries here in Mantle." Nat said as that surprised Ares.

Ares: "What!? Three!? How's that possible?" Ares asked.

Nat: "Well turns out two of them are twins and what's even more convenient..." She said stopping.

Nat: "They also checked into this hotel." Nat said as Ares looked over and saw a huge fancy hotel, they both walked up and saw the name of the hotel more clearly.

Ares: "Oh All Fathers Nat why didn't you tell me it was this place!"

Nat: "What are you talking about? You know this place?"

Ares: "Are you kidding!? This is the only place where we assassins can't do business! This is the..."

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