Chatdrien short stories

By Wiildsstories

271 4 2

short Chatdrien stories I've come up with, but are too short to make a fanfic out of More


Chat Blanc

148 2 1
By Wiildsstories

Adrien made his way back home after a long school day. He was really tired and just wanted to see his Kitty. Suddenly a portal opened above him and Ladybug fell down on the ground in front of him as the portal closed. "LADYBUG!" Adrien shouted as he fell down on his knees and pulled Ladybug close. She was very weak "Adrien?" She said, with her vision blurry. "Yes Ladybug it's me! What happened?!" He almost cried out. "You're the only one who can beat him" she trailed off as she weakly put her hands in her ears "what?! Beat who?!" Adrien said. Ladybug took off her earrings and detransformed. She put them into his hand and closed it into a fist "save him....." She said as she closed her eyes. "Ladybug? Ladybug?! LADYBUG!" Adrien teared up as he opened his fist and looked at the earrings. He then turned to Tikki. "Who did this to her?" He asked. Tikki looked down "I can't tell you... But you have to fight him Adrien. You're the only one strong enough" she said before Adrien put on the earrings. "Okay then.... I'll revange her" He said as stood up and picked up the girl and put her unconscious body into an alley. "Is she....?" He trailed off as he looked at Tikki. "I don't know..." She said as she finished a cookie. "You have to remember that he's not himself and you can't let your emotions control of you now Adrien" Tikki said as she looked at him seriously. "Got it" he said "spots on" he said as she transformed into Mister Bug. His other alter ego. A new portal opened and he jumped in. He landed on a rooftop. He looked around and saw nothing, nothing but water and destroyed buildings. He was in shock 'what happened?!' He thought to himself as his hands started shaking. Suddenly he saw a white figure in the distance. 'Is that-..... no.... i-it c-can't be" he thought to himself as he heared up. Suddenly the figure turned around and locked it's blue eyes on him. "Chat...?" He said quietly as he looked at the him. Chat Jumped over to him. "Looks like the bug called in her replacement" he said as he slowly walked closer to Mister Bug. "Chat Noir?!" He said, still in shock. Chat grabbed him by the throat "It's Chat Blanc now, bug". Mister Bug held his hands on Chat's, trying to get it away. He could barely breathe. "Chat.... ple-... plea-as-se... this.... is.....isn't.... y....yo...u" he was able to get out as he got it even harder to breathe. "You're wrong bug" Chat Blanc said as he started to walk to the edge of the building, squeezing Mister Bug's throat more. He held him over the edge and reached for his earrings. Mister Bug panicked. "It will all be over soon, Bugaboy" he said as he was inches from his left earring. Mister Bug started to swing frontwards then backwards then swung himself at Chat blanc and was able to pin him to the roof, panting. Chat Blanc looked at him with a dead expression while growling. "You will regret that bug" "please stop this Chat! You're stronger than him!" Chat Blanc kicked Mister Bug in his stomach so he flew up in the air. Mister Bug crash landed on the roof and screamed in pain. He got up and started to walk backwards as Chat Blanc slowly walked closer to him, with his deadly hyper Cataclysm building up in his hand. Mister Bug stood on the edge. He looked down then at Chat Blanc. Chat didn't stop, he got even closer to Mister Bug but before he could touch him he leaned backwards. He started to fall, with his head first. He straightened his body and dived into the water. He grabbed his yo-yo and put it over his mouth so he could breath underwater. He swam through the streets, seeing nothing but dead bodies. He saw a car floating on the water and swam up to it, climbing up on it and started to pant as he took the yo-yo away. 'This can't be happening' he thought yo himself. 'I'm not gonna hurt him, never' he started to look around, to see if he could see him, but he was nowhere in sight. Then suddenly something made the car shake on the water, we turned around and saw a gigantic light ball come across him. He gasped and jumped off the car, landing on a huge floating window. He heared Chat land in front of him and looked up at him. "Giving up yet?" He said as he summoned a new light ball in his hand. "I'm not gonna fight you Chat" he said as he stood up. Chat grabbed his arm and stared into his eyes with an insane look on his face "grave mistake" he were right about to release the light ball into his chest when Mister Bug lifted his leg, wrapped it around Chat's neck and tackled him down. He grabbed Chat's baton and ran off. He broke it in two as he ran. "No akuma there" he said to himself as he landed back on the same building he arrived at. 'Think Agreste, think' he thought to himself as he started to look around. Suddenly Chat Blanc side kicked his legs and he fell on the ground. Chat sat down on his back and reached for his earrings as he laughed like a maniac. "Thanks for the earrings Bugaboy~ I'll use the wis-" He started off but got cut off when Mister Bug lifted his legs once again and grabbed his head with them. He flipped him around and got up, scared. He started to swing his yo-yo as a shield as he panted. Chat Blanc got up. He laughed once again. "You can't defeat me, Bugaboy" we said as he started to walk closer to Mister Bug. He started to panic and stepped backwards. Chat Blanc started to smirk as he started to summon an other hyper Cataclysm. He shot it at Mister Bug, but he was able to roll away in last second. He got up and summoned a lucky charm. He got a photo. "WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS?!" He screamed in pure fear as Chat started to laugh. "That will never be able to stop me" he said as he ran up to Mister Bug and kicked the yo-yo out of his hand. Without Chat noticing Mister Bug grabbed his bell. Chat kicked him really hard in his stomach and he flew back and started to roll, ending up on his stomach, right in front of his yo-yo. He started to reach for it, but when he was right about to grab it, Chat grabbed his legs and pulled him backwards. He then started go swing him around and then threw him into a wall. Mister Bug screamed in pure pain as he hit the wall and fell down. His ribs and arm took the hit. He could barely move them without getting that piercing, burning pain. He then realized that he had lost both the photo and the bell when Chat threw him. He looked around and saw the bell. He started to crawl towards it, ignoring the pain, holding back his tears. Chat walked closer to him "you just won't give up, will you?" He said as he got in front of Mister Bug. He kicked him really hard in his ribs. Mister Bug screamed in pure pain as tears welled up in his eyes and he started to cough blood. "Pathetic" Chat said, in an emotionless voice as he started to walk to the bell. He suddenly stopped as he stepped on the photo. He looked down on it. His eyes wided as he started to tear up. It was a picture of him and Adrien. They were laying in Adrien's sofa, Chat was on top, tickling Adrien who was laughing really hard. He even had tears in his eyes. Chat Blanc picked up the photo and just started at it. That's when Mister Bug saw his chance. He got up on his legs, completely ignoring the pain and ran over to the bell, stomping it. The akuma flew out. He then ran over to his yo-yo and picked it up. He caught the akuma and released the butterfly. Chat Blanc turned back to Chat Noir. He looked at Mister Bug, confused. "Mister Bug? What happened? Where a-" he started off but stopped when he saw Mister Bug collapse on the ground. "MISTER BUG!!!!!" Chat screamed as he ran to the bug and pulled him into his lap. "MISTER BUG WAKE UP!" Chat screamed as he started to shake him. Mister Bug didn't respond at all. A tear fell down Chat's cheek and landed on Mister Bug's nose. He slowly opened his eyes. "Cha...t?" He said weakly. Chat quickly pulled him into a close hug, not letting go. Mister Bug yelped in pain then Chat quickly broke the hug. "Are you okay?! What happened?! And where's Ladybug?!" He said really sad. "You were akumatized and she came to me through a portal and begged me to save you. She handed me the earrings then she closed her eyes" Mister Bug responded as Chat's eyes wided "i-is she..." He trailed off, almost spacing out "I don't know, but now I have to reset everything back to normal" he said as he got up, doing his best to ignore the pain. He groaned as he leaned down to grab the picture, he looked at it and smiled. He then threw it up in the air, shouting "MIRACULOUS MISTER BUG!". The miraculous Ladybugs healed him then started to fix all the other damage. The next second Mister Bug's earrings gave it's 5th beep and his eyes wided. Chat then put his hand on Mister Bug's shoulder. "Are you okay?" He said, really concern. "I have to go" he said as he ran to the edge and jumped into the water. Chat screamed and went after him. Mister Bug was like a tornado in the water, he swum into an alley as he detransformed. He held his breath and took off the earrings. The water then dissapeared. He breathed heavily. Suddenly a new portal opened next to him. He walked over to it and were right about to walk in when Chat landed in the alley, behind him. He gulped as he heared Chat walk closer to him. He quickly hid the earrings in his pocket. Chat turned him around and hugged him tightly "I love you Adrien, I'm sorry for losing my temper earlier" He said "w-wha? Kitty I'm from an other time line, I-I saw a portal and walked into it and just got here. I was gonna go back then you came" he said them Chat broke the hug. "Then please don't let me get akumatized, I beg you Sunshine, I can't stand seeing Mister Bug that hurt, knowing it's my cause" Chat said as Adrien smiled. "I promise Kitty" he then ran into the portal and got back into the very same alley he left Ladybug in. She sat up and rubbed the back of her head. "Adrien? How did it go? Is he okay?" She asked and Adrien nodded. She sighed in relief then hugged him. He gave her the earrings back and she retransformed then went back in, shouting "thank you!" To Adrien as the portal closed. Adrien smiled a little. The next second Chat tackled him down from behind and pinned him down to the ground. Adrien started to shake as he got flashbacks from the rough battle he just left. "Hi Kitten~" he purred into Adrien's ear as he reached down for his pants. Adrien blushed really hard. 'Calm down Adrien, he's your Chat, not Chat Blanc' he repeated to himself. Chat could tense something was wrong. He sat up and pulled Adrien into a tight hug "What's wrong kitty?" He said in a sad voice. 'Is this the fight that would've got him akumatized?' Adrien thought to himself as he decided to tell Chat the truth. So he did. He told Chat about everything that had happened and with that revealed his other secret identity. Chat pulled him even closer. "I'd never let anyone lay a finger on you, Adrien...." Chat started off as he reached down to Adrien's lower area which made him blush, he looked up at Chat and immediately got Chat's lips smashed into his. He closed his eyes and let Chat take control. He pinned Adrien down to the ground again and broke the kiss, still hoovering his face over his. "...And don't worry, Snakey, all of your secrets are safe with me~" he purred into Adrien's ear as he started an other pleasure filled moment with Adrien.

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