Fall For Me (ON HOLD)(Under m...

By chellsey

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So this book was my first one i tried writing and it's weird and awkward and not well written and i only have... More

Chapter One: About a week later
Chapter Two: Meeting Mr. Wonderful
Chapter Three: Unwanted Partners
Chapter Four: The good and and the bad just seem to mix
Chapter Five: A piece of paradise
Chapter Six: Round Two
Chapter Seven: Study Sessions
Chapter Eight: An Unexpected Good Day.
Chapter Ten: Date Night
Chapter Eleven: Sexual
Chapter Twelve: Study Date
Chapter Thirteen: Party Time
Chapter Fourteen: A New Beginning, Unhappy Pasts
Chapter Fifteen: The Next Day
Chapter Sixteen: Friends With (Limited) Benefits
Chapter Seventeen: Benefits *Sexual Scene*
Chapter Eighteen: The day in the POV of others
Chapter Nineteen: It's Friday Night
Chapter Twenty: Not A Happy Brother

Chapter Nine: Not Enough Coffee Was Drank That Day

116 4 0
By chellsey

Chapter Nine

 When I got back to the dorm room, Jordanna was there ready to pounce with questions. As soon as I shut the door, the first question was out of her mouth.

“Who’s your date with”

“Jeeze Jor, don’t give me any time to settle in”

“I won’t, now answer me”

“Uh, well Friday is with Aiden.-”


“Well we made a bet on who could get a higher score on the calculus test, we both tired with a 100%. A date was his part of the deal. And before you ask, I haven’t decided mine”

“Awhh, and what about the others?”

“Well Aiden and I agreed that if Friday went well, we would go out again Saturday”

“Awh, you like him!”

“Maybe, and then Sunday I’m going out with Kohl Miller.”

“OH MY GOD! Do NOT go out with Kohl Miller!” she sounded quite cryptic

“Uh, why not?”

“Because he’s a whore! All he cares about is dating, screwing and then leaving them behind. Seriously, you need to cancel that date!” she said as she pulled out her phone and sent a text.

“And how do you expect me to do that, He’s my psychology partner!” I said as she got another text.

“You don’t have to; your brother will do it tomorrow if you don’t”

“WHAT! Jor, you told Jason? How do you even have his number!?”

“We exchanged after dinner when you left us alone. He said and I quote ‘No way in hell is she going on that fucking date. He better stay the fuck away from her’”

                     -You better cancel that date Sophia-Grace. I mean it -J

Shit, he’s pissed if he uses my full first name

                     -And how do you expect me to do that Jason! I said yes.

                     -I don’t care. Just do it Grace -J

                     -Jason! You can’t stop me from dating

                     -I’m not trying too, but I know how he is, and you are NOT going -J

              -And what do I do, ‘Kohl, I can’t go on a date with you, or talk to you outside of class, because my big bad brother said so?

                     -Sounds perfect! –J


Ten minutes and no text.


Five more minutes

                     -DAMN IT JASON! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?

                     -Your date is officially canceled. –J

                     -What the hell did you do!

I got a phone call from him. Oh I am so going to be pissed.

“What did you do Jason?”

“I went to his room, knocked, and said there is no way in fucking hell you will be going on a date with my sister. If you so much as talk to her outside of class, I WILL beat the shit out of you. I know you’re a player, and I know your game, and my sister will not be one of your pawns. So this date, is officially canceled.”

“And then you left?”

“Nope, I pushed open the door, and there was a naked girl in his bed.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? Dude, everyone seems to know you’re my brother, and how did he think he would be able to get away with doing anything to me without being killed.”

“No clue, I think he’s crazy. I have beaten guys up for a lot less then fucking with my sister, and if it weren’t for the donations from mom and dad, I would have been kicked out a long time ago”

“Yeah, I know. I got to hear them bitch about every time you got in a fight. Just curious, what if he did get me to sleep with him, and then just ignored me, what would you do?”

“Beat him into a coma” he said It so easily. My brother is crazy “Sophia-Grace! You wouldn’t have slept with him even if you did go on the date right!” crap, now he’s mad again

“No need to use my full name Jason, there is no way in hell he would get me to sleep with him. Jason, you do know I’m a virgin right?”

“WHAT! You are!? I’m so proud of you Soso! You know this means my big brother act is just going to get worse now right?”

“WHY! I said that so you would calm down.”

“I know, but I know you’re getting older; you’ll be 19 next month. So it’s bound to happen, I won’t kill a guy for sleeping with you, but I’m going to make sure every guy you date is worth what you may possibly be giving them-”

“God Jason, I do NOT want to have this conversation with you. This is just wrong. Nope. We’re changing the subject. How about thank you so much big brother from saving me from making a big mistake.”

“Fine. Your welcome little sister, I would do anything for you Soso, you know that”

“I do, well I’m going to go to bed, Night Big Brother. I love you, I’ll see you tomorrow for dinner”

“Love you too Soso. Goodnight” And I hung up. I turned to Jor, she looked guilty

“Oh my god! Thank you so much for texting Jason, Jor!” She let out a breath; I think she was holding it since I got off the phone.

“What did he say”

“He went to go talk to Kohl, and there was another slut in his bead naked!”

“Are you fucking kidding me? Oh snap, you need to look fucking hot tomorrow. And unless you HAVE to talk to him, don’t.

“Alright. Well I’m going to bed. Goodnight Jor”

“Night Sophia”

I woke up the next day to Jordanna yelling at me. I looked over at the alarm clock, 5:30.

“God Jor, I don’t have class until 8! Leave me alone” I tried to go back to sleep only to have my blankets ripped off

“Nope get your ass up, I’m going to make you look hot, not that you don’t already look hot. Now, go jump in the shower, I’ll go get coffee, and if your ass isn’t out by the time I get back, I will drag you in there and shower you myself”

She grabbed her purse and opened the door then said “Love ya” before shutting it again. This is going to be a long day.

When I got out of the shower, Jor was just coming back with coffee. At least she was decent enough to go get some after dragging me out of bed.

This is an ungodly hour, even for me. It most likely has something to do with me going to bed at 2 this morning”

“Alright girl. Go blow dry your hair, and I’ll pick out your cloths, were the same size right?”

“Jor, are you crazy, your acting like my boyfriend of two years cheated on me, not that some random guy I barley know slept with another girl”

“Well, were going to show him what he can never have! Now move it!”

“One condition. Nothing slutty.”

“FINE! Just go.”

I came out 15 minutes later with dry hair.

“Okay, now get changed”

She picked out some tight Dark washed skinny jeans with tears all down the thighs they were actually really cute. And a blue floral corset top.

“Jor, no way-”

“Yes way, now put the damn cloths off, I have a jacket to go with the top, don’t worry”

I put on the cloths, and I have to say I looked pretty hot. It will look way less slutty with the jacket

“Now come and sit.”


“Stop arguing and just do it. You have a lot of hair, and I only have an hour, good thing this is new”

I sat down on a chair in the bathroom while she got to work on curling my hair.

“Jor, is this all necessary”

“Promise you’ll wear it?”


“Okay, well the outfit is only half to get back at Kohl; the other half is you’ll look hot for your classes with Aiden. He’s not going to be able to keep his eyes off you, and I bet he’ll form a fantasy or two on how he would get you out of-”

“I get it Jor. And what happened when right after my third class I have to go to the football field, and my brother kills me?”

“I’d be more than happy to keep his mind occupied”

“Gross. My brother isn’t like that. He was in a serious relationship for a few years, and it ended badly for him a few months ago. He may not be ready, and I’m more afraid of what you’ll do to him”

“Sophia, do you not trust me”

“I love you roomie, but no girl will ever be good enough for my brother, and he thinks the same about me. We were incredibly close growing up. Like twins almost”

“I get it. Fine, I won’t mess with him; I actually am starting too really like him. I mean it’s only been a few days, but I do like him.”

“Okay, I got it; just keep the gross details that may come up to yourself”

“No promises”

It only took her about 35 minutes to curl my hair, how did she do it so quick?

“I love this new curler; it’s a professional one, so it’s hotter”

“Damn Jor, I need to go out and buy me one of these!”

“We’ll go when you have a free day, Since you’re going to be busy for the next few days. Make-up time!” she sounded a little too happy about the make-up.

“Please don’t make me look like super fake”

“Okay. I’ll try”

This is going to be a long day. It already is

When she finally finished, it was 7:25. I have class in 35 minutes

“Want to walk with me to get come coffee and a muffin before my first class, Jor?

“Sure! Then I can admire how my work attracts silly boys”

“I’m a person, not an object!”

“I know Sophia, now let’s go if you want to eat and get to class on time” damn her. She tossed me the white jacket, and I put it on before grabbing my books for the day. Here goes nothing.

The walk to the café was a little awkward. There was a lot of staring going on. I tried to ignore it, and Jordanna just looked ecstatic. Never again will I let her dress me.

The barista at the coffee stand gave me a dirty look while she took my order and made my coffee. Jordanna and I ate our muffins on our way to my calculus class.

“Good luck! Your look hot, just remember that. Confidence, and work it girl”

“Yeah, yeah.” I mumbled as I walked into class with my coffee. I took her advice, walked in with my shoulders back, and head held high.

Aiden was drinking some coffee as well when I sat down. He turned to say something to me, and choked on his coffee. He looked me up and down a few times before I finally snapped and said “What! You act like you’ve never seen a girl before”

‘Damn Sophie, you look fucking hot!”

“Why do you sound so surprised?” I actually felt a bit offended

He leaned in and whispered “That top is defiantly not what good girls wear”

I smirked. Confidence. “And who said I as good? Maybe I like being bad”

He ran his hand up my thigh and said “Baby, you can be bad for me anytime.”

I looked down at his hand, I don’t know why I wasn’t pushing him away, and before I could think about my next words, they just slipped out. “I didn’t know you liked bad”

“Maybe I don’t.”

I bit my lip, scooted closer and whispered in his ear “And what would you do to straighten me back out to the good girl I should be?”

Then we heard the professor’s voice, and snapped apart. I looked over at him, and then down. He was turned on alright. Guess that means I’m not the only one.

Class went by too slow. Maybe I should have taken a harder class, because this is too easy. I’m already done with all my work, and helping Aiden with a homework problem.

“What number are you on?” he asked

“I’m already done, Aiden”

“What! Are you kidding me? Too damn smart for your own good.”

When class ended I had to rush out of class. This one ran late, and I need to get across campus to my Psychology class. I arrived about a minute after class started.

“Sorry, Calculus ran late” I mumbled before heading to my seat next to Kohl.

And my look had the desired effect that Jordanna wanted. His eyes got wide, and he was looking me up and down, kind of like Aiden did, but his gaze was filled with pure lust.

Ugh, so glad Jordanna texted Jason, and that he’s annoyingly protective.

Thank the heavens that we had another test today, and had to be quite, because I could see he wanted to say something, but I really didn’t want to hear it, or make a scene.

When class was over, I walked away quickly. We were right out the door when he caught up with me and grabbed my arm

“Sophie, hey what’s wrong?” is he really asking me that. How did he get into this class? Because he really doesn’t seem to be that bright.

“Nothing, I just don’t want to talk to you” I went to walk away, but his grip tightened

“I thought we were going out this weekend”

“Didn’t my brother make it clear that you need to stay away from me?”

“Come on Sophie, you’re a big girl now, you don’t need to do what he says. I don’t believe your innocent act.  Plus, I’m not afraid of Jason”

I looked into his eyes. He was full of shit.

“You know what Kohl. I respect my brother. And babe, I’m a virgin, and I don’t plan on giving it up to you, ever. So you’ll never know just how bad I really am. As for being afraid of Jason, you’re so full of shit, because when you said that, fear was in your eyes.”

This must have pissed him off because he gripped me ever tighter, and I was not buying that smile on his face for one minute

“Listen here Sophie; I know you want me, or you wouldn’t be dressed like that. And I bet you’re not a virgin, you’re most likely a little slut yourself. So about that date Sunday”

“Ouch, Kohl your hurting me. And I’m not a little slut, so if you want one of those, go find the girl that was in your bed last night, or look in the mirror. Not fucking-”

“You have a total on one second to remove your hands from my sister”

Oh no, shit is about to go down. He immediately let go of my arm

“Chill Dude, we were just talking, right Sophie?” He smiled at me. I swear this guy is crazy.

“You better get out of my sight before I look down and see the bruise on her arm. I’ll give you ten second, if I see you. I will beat the shit out of you.”

“Dude, Seriously-”

But he was cut off by Jason “1…2” his smiled faded, and he turned quickly and he sped off.

Jason got a smirk on his face while he kept counting “3…4…5…6…” His voice getting louder the farther Kohl got from us. “7…8…9…10” and at the last two seconds he ran around a building.

Yup, pansy, he’s terrified of Jason.

“You okay Sophie?” I just nodded. He looked down at my arm, and I saw pure rage in his eyes. So I looked down, and sure enough there is a purple bruise of a hand on my arm.

Great, not only is Jason about to kill someone, but Aiden’s going to throw it in my face too.

“Come on Sophie, I’ll walk you to class”

“Thanks Jason” and we walked off to field area in silence. But it was comfortable.

When we got to my class, he gave me a hug “Bye Soso, I’ll see you soon to get all wrapped up”

“Okay, love you”

“Love you too” And with that I walked into my last class of the day. I can’t wait for this and practice to be over so I can just- crap, I have dinner with Jason. I groaned to myself, I just want to sleep.

When I sat down, Aiden came over to talk.

“Hey babe, I have a favor to ask”

“Ask away” I said not in the mood to play games

“Oh, uh, I was wondering if you would maybe…” he trailed off whispering something I didn’t catch at the end.

“If I could what” I asked

“Help me”

“and what could you possibly need help in?” I asked actually curious, I know how hard it is to ask for help, so I won’t make fun of him, well not yet.


"Oh, i thougt i was supposed to call you if i needed help" he just stared at me, i can see how hard this is for him. “Okay sure, easy. How about Saturday?” I asked

“Perfect” and he smile a genuine smile at me. As he went to walk away, I reached down for my bag.

He turned quickly and grabbed my lower arm, not hard, but enough to know I shouldn’t struggle. He spoke angrily “What the hell happened to your arm?” he demanded

“Uh, I ran into a wall?” it sounded more like a question, even to me.

“That’s bullshit, and you know it. Who grabbed you?”

"No one"

"Sophia!" Great, he was pissed too, though i'm not sure why.

“Kohl” I whispered.

“That son of a bitch! Why!?”

“I guess he doesn’t take rejection too well, he’s mad he’s not getting a chance to go on a date, and try to charm me into his bed”

His face brightened, and he smiled “So you’re not going on a date with him this weekend?”

“Uh, I’m not going on date with him any weekend”

He leaned down and kissed my cheek right as class was starting. “Good”

The rest of class went by too slow. I hate when you want things to go quick, they go by at what feels like half speed. But when you want moments to last, they go by twice as quick.

Finally it’s over. The soccer team comes in first. Once the players are all taken care of, the student trainers and players all head down to the gym for the first half of practice.

Then football comes in,

I see Kohl has a nice new addition to his left eye. And by the way he’s glaring at me; I think I know who did it. I immediately go over to Jason.

“Hey bro” I say sweetly then grab his hand. Sure enough his knuckles are a little red.

“Hmm, I see you have a new addition, I got a look at kohl’s as well. Though in a completely different location”

His face was blank. “He’s lucky that’s all he got. He kept bragging about how he could have easily got you into bed, and how you were a slut. He’s lucky the coaches only let me get one hit. I’m captain, and I’m going to make his practice hell.”

I laughed. “I love you Jason. Now let’s get you bandaged.”

“You’re my trainer?”

“I do it all the time anyways” I laughed and lead him over to one of the benches.

Practice went by actually quick. Before I knew it I was heading home, and Jason was heading to the locker room to shower. “Soph, Pick you up in an hour?” he yelled across the weight room.

“Yeah, and don’t be late… Again!” With that we walked our separate directions.

I got to my dorm, and put on music to finish my Psychology homework, it was almost done anyways. And I don’t really care to change. Too much effort. When I finished and still had a half hour.

I grabbed out my sketch pad and started going back over the drawing of Aiden. I made a few minor changes, and heard a knock on my door. Right on time. I grabbed my purse and opened the door.

“Alright Sophie, let’s so”

When we got in the car, and started driving, he glanced at me and said “Oh, and don’t think you got away with wearing that outfit. I’m not happy Sophia”

“Yeah, I figured you wouldn’t be. Jordanna made me, and by the way, she said she would be more than happy to distract you and take your mind of being a protective big brother”

“Oh really? Maybe I’ll call her tonight. Still, no changing the subject. You look like a hooker almost Sophia”

“I do not. I’m wearing jeans, and I have a jacket on. Jason, I’m an adult now, so drop it”

“Fine” he grumbled as he pulled into the parking lot.

“Yum! I love this pasta”

The rest of the night was great. We talked and argued and just had a great dinner. On the way back to campus, we blared music, and sang along.

I was so tired by the time we got back, I opened the door, and changed into the first comfortable thing I could find and lay in bed.

Then I heard screeching

“I have a date with Jason tomorrow” Oh god.

“Oh yeah Jor”

“Yeah Soph”

“My brother was going to ask you out tonight”

And with that I fell asleep.

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