Serendipity- T.S Daughter

By Steeb-Rogers

847 43 30

Seredinpity -Finding something good without looking for it In which Tony Stark receives the best birthday su... More

01: Cribs and bibs
02: Fame and Family
03: Struggles and Parenting


480 22 25
By Steeb-Rogers

May 29, 2001
Malibu, California

The setting sun reflected against the windows of a beautiful mansion in the city of Malibu
Inside flashing lights and muffled music could be seen and heard along with people dancing to their hearts content

Within the crowd a woman frantically spoke over the phone
"Are you sure?" She shouted loudly trying to speak over the noise. A muffled answer

Slender hands ran through strawberry blonde hair.

Virginia "Pepper" Potts

The punctual and professional assistant of none other than Anthony Edward Stark. A legacy behind the name. Son of famous weapon builder Howard Stark and his wife Maria. Both who had unfortunately passed away from a car accident back in 1991.

Today, his 31st birthday was being celebrated. The large amount of guests filled the mansion to almost full capacity. And in the center of attention was none other than the birthday boy.

"CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!" the crowed chanted as he rapidly drank the line of shots on the table

As he finished his last shot he pumped his fist with the empty glass in the air receiving whistles and shouts of approval.

Pushing through the chaos, Pepper reached her boss and tried pulling him away

"Not now Pep, skinny dipping is about to start" he said taking another random drink from the bar tender he hired for the night.

Pepper insisted and kept pulling him away from the crowd until he willingly followed along

Pushing him into an empty room for privacy she paced around the room as Tony closed the door behind him

"What did I do this timeee?" He whined out lazily throwing himself into the sofa

He received no answer and shrugged as he made his way to the alcohol cabinet in the corner of the room

"No more drinking Tony, I need you as sober as possible for this" Pepper spoke out as she snatched the keys away from him

Tony rose his hands in defeat and sat back down in the sofa

"Come on pep, its my birthday, can I not get any lectures today?" He asked exasperated crossing his arms in boredom

Seeing the serious look in Peppers face, he couldn't help but giggle until she glared at him, he cleared his throat

"Soo.....enjoying the party?" He asked, an innocent smile on his face

Pepper sighed loudly into her hands

"You always get into difficult situations and im always able to pull out of them" she trailed off "but I dont know about this one"

Tony furrowed his brows

"I didn't kill anyone" he blurted out, ready to defend himself

"Do you remember Savanah Williams?" Pepper asked crossing her arms

Tony hummed in thought thinking through all the women he's met, long list if he was honest
Seeing that his thinking wasn't getting him anywhere despite her name being pretty well known lately she sighed out

"You dated her for about three weeks...around 10 months ago" she trailed off as she thought back

Tony paused his humming and his face brightened as he remembered

"Ah" he snapped his fingers "the one whose shoes I threw up in?" He asked excitedly

Pepper fought the urge to facepalm
She nodded nonetheless

"I remember, what about her?" He asked leaning back into the sofa comfortably

"Shes in the hospital right now, giving birth" Pepper revealed

"Wow, remind me to send her flowers then, can I go now?" He asked making his merry way out the door

Pepper bit her lip in frustration

"Giving birth to your kid Tony" she called out before he could step out the door

Tony froze. He swore he could hear his heart stop for a split second before it began beating rapidly

Pepper rubbed her forehead clearly distressed with the sudden news

"Trust me im as shocked as you are, but the math adds up" she said

And it did, it really did.

Las Vegas, 10 months ago

Stark Industries has just signed a major contract. In Obadiah Stane's eyes this called for a major celebration. Women clung to his sides as he spotted the man of the moment entering the room

"There he is, Tony Stark himself!" He announced loudly imiting claps and cheers

Tony smiled, dressed to his best. Pulling Obadiah into a tight hug

"How are you feeling?" Obadiah asked into his ear trying to be heard over the noise

Tony stretched out his arms and sighed out, a content smile on his face.

"I'm great!" He said smiling widely
Obadiah laughed proudly and patted his back leading him away to the bar

"This is just one of many accomplishments to come" he said as he gestured to the bar tender who nodded and poured them drinks

Tony licked the excess liquor off his lips before spotting a blonde woman at the end of the bar.
Noticing this Obadiah smirked and nudged him

"Go on and have fun, you deserve it" he said before finishing his drink and dissapering into the crowd

Tony waved dismissively, eyes focused on the woman whose face showed boredom and she stared blankly at her drink. Tony cleared his throat and fixed his suit before approaching her

He cautiously rested his arm against the bar, eyes scanning her face down to the very last detail now that he was close up
Plump lips covered by a deep red lipstick, freckles visibly scattered against her cheeks despite being hidden by makeup. Long lashes and a gorgeous pair of green eyes.

Clearing his throat he spoke up

"Not enjoying the party?" He asked casually, the women's gaze shot upon hearing the unfamiliar voice

Green eyes flashed with recognition. She choked in panic
'Holy shit its Tony stark'
Seeing her violent coughing Tony hurriedly order water

"Hey don't die on me, here" he said handing her the glass, she flashed him a smile smile through the coughing and gladly took the drink

"Sorry I tend to have that effect on people" he said playfully as she finally calmed down

"I'm sorry" she squeaked before clearing her throat "I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting much socializing" she laughed awkwardly

Tony confidently taking a seat next to her, he flashed her a dazzling smile

"Whats a beauty like you doing all alone?" He asked resting his head on his palm

She smiled softly, fidgeting with her dress

"My uh, my manager thought it would be a good way for me to gain popularity "

Tony rose a brow

She laughed softly

"I'm an actress, well inspiring actress, just small supportive roles for now, hopefully"

Tony hummed, removing his head from his hand

"Not bad" he praised

He received an awkward smile, and then silence.

"Oh, sorry, I never introduced myself, im Savanah, Savanah williams, pleasure to meet you" she said reaching her hand out for a handshake
Tony smirked taking her hand to his lips, and placing a tender kiss

"The pleasures all mine" Tony breathed out.
Her cheeks reddened at the gesture

"Care to dance?" Tony asked as he stood to his feet, hand stretched out in invitation

A wide smile reached her face as she reached for his hand

"I'd love to"

2 weeks later

Giggles and hushes echoed around Tony Stark's home as he dragged his girlfriend behind him

His hand interlaced with hers, her shoes in the other. It was well past midnight and the couple had just gotten back from a casino. It was an immediate attraction between the both of them which lead into dates and eventually dating.

It wasn't uncommon for Tony Stark to have frequent flings, so the media wasn't particularly shocked over it. Yet every single movement between the two was cought on camera.

The tipsy couple stumbled up the stairs, giggling to themselves as they reached the room

"Aw man did you see his face when I won?" Tony asked in glee

"It was hilarious, the poor guy really thought he had a chance" Savanah said between laughter

Tony giggled as he began to undo his tie but struggled causing it to end up in knots

She giggled at the sight, and reached to help him out. She began to undo the knots, her eyes focused on the task.

Tony watched her closely, watching her expressions when ever a knot was particularly tight

He hummed and leaned in for a kiss, sighing in content as he received immediate response.

"Hold..still" she said in between kisses
Tony pouted as she pulled away

"I got plenty of congratulations on my winnings today, where's yours?" He demanded, hands pulling her in by the waist

"Right here" she said pulling him in for another deep kiss as they stumbled to the bed

1 week later

A displeased expression covered the blondes face as she walked inside Tony's residence.A crumpled magazine clutched in her hand

Music blasted loudly from the speakers as she reached Tony's whereabouts
He sat comfortably, a bottle of whiskey in hand.

Her heels clicked loudly as she rushed towards him, smacking the magazine against his chest

"Can you explain me what the hell this is about?" She asked, voice filled with anger

Tony frowned in confusion at her attitude and picked the fallen magazine from his lap

His frown softened as he saw what she was referring to


This only fired her up even more

'Oh' is that all you have to say?" She snarled angrily at his carefree reaction

The cover featured a disheveled Tony Stark, having a heated makeout session with a model

"Tony, you cheated and all you have to say is 'oh'?" She asked exasperated

Tony sniffled and rubbed his eyes boredom

"Look you know me, why are you so surprised" he said apatheticaly

"Everything in this relationship is about you, everything!" She shouted pacing around the room

"You only care about yourself, but what about me?" She asked, voice filled with frustration

"What they say about you doesn't matter to you, but what about what they say about me, what about all the things this is saying about me?" She asked agitated as she harshly pointed to the magazine

"They only know you because of me anyway!" Tony shouted angrily, fed up

She stilled, her body unmoving. Face blank from her previous emotions. The air was thick with silence. Nothing could be heard besides heavy breathing

"I think its time for me to end that" she said softly before grabbing her bag and keys. The sound of her clicking heels dissapeared out the door

Tony groaned, rubbing his face with his hands

And just like that it was over just as fast as it had started

May 29, 2001
Malibu hospital

Tony Stark hadn't been this nervous about seeing an ex before. He had quite a list of them, and half of them he couldn't even remember. Yet here he was, remembering every single moment he had spent with her, Savanah.

It hadn't been a particularly special relationship. Fun and short lasting.
After their breakup, it didn't take long for him to find another fling.

Yet here he was, waiting to see her.
His leg bounced in nervousness as he sat in the waiting area of the hospital.

Pepper had immediate gotten him driven here after she revealed the news, it was the longest car ride of his life

"Mr. Stark?" A feminine voice called out snapping him from his thoughts

His eyes met those of a shorter woman

"I'm Donna, im Ms. Williams assistant" she said smiling

He nodded gently

"Please follow me this way" she said heading to one of the halls

He shakingly followed at a much slower pace, trying to get time for his mind to catch up

"In here" Donna called out, gesturing to an open door

He breathed out softly as his eyes met tired green eyes. The blonde smiled softly upon seeing him arrive

"Hi Tony" she breathed out

Savanah Williams, rising actress, nominated for multiple categories in the Oscars this past week. A woman with a great career in front of her.

Noticing his frozen state, she cleared her throat

"I'm glad you could make it" she said softly shifting in her bed

Clearing his throat he approached and pulled a chair to sit by her side

"I know you must be really surprised" she said letting out a breathy laugh, awkwardly fidgeting with her IV

"Thats one word for it" Tony said softly

Savanah sighed interlacing her hands

"Look, I know we didn't end on good terms, but it did and that should've been the end of it, we are" she trailed off her eyes darting around the room

"And here we are" Tony whispered eyes fixed on his hands

Savanah glanced at him, his face solemn, a sympathetic smile rose to her face for a split second before turning serious

"Its a girl by the way" she said

Tony looked up, eyes wide at the words, yeah his heart definitely sped up at those words

"6 pounds, 10 ounces" she added

Tony let out a shaky breath, then it hit him, he looked around the room
Noticing his actions Savanah pursed her lips

"Shes not here" she said, swallowing softly

Tony frowned , eyes still looking around the room

She let out a shaky breath "I mean, she won't be here, not anymore "

Tony turned sharply towards her, visible confusion in his face

"What?" He asked confused

Savanah fidgeted

"I'm giving her to a nice couple in Australia" she revealed

Tony clenched his fist

"You're what?" He asked, voice cold as the meaning of her words hit him

Savanah avoided his gaze

"Look, hiding the pregnancy was already hard enough, my career is taking off, im doing great, ill be at the Oscars in 2 weeks I can't let a kid hold me down" she rushed to explain

Tony harshly stood to his feet

"I'm sorry, but I dont recall agreeing to this!" He hissed out

Savanah, no longer keeping her calm spoke back

"Did you need to? No this isn't about you Tony, not this time" she yelled out

"You think you can just give her away that easy, without telling me? What kind of sick person give away a baby that easy" He asked his voice filling with venom

Savanah quickly defended herself

"I didn't think you would wanna keep her, you are you after all!"

"SHE'S MY DAUGHTER!" Tony shouted angrily causing Savanah to flinch back at his words

Tony breathed harshly

"You may have given up on her but don't you ever make decisions for me" he hissed out

Savanah remained frozen, eyes wide in shock and fear at his outburst

His eyes and face were filled with anger as he stared at the woman

"And there's no way in hell im letting you take her away from me"

5 hours later
Stark mansion, Malibu

Pepper Potts rushed inside the Stark mansion, phone in hand

"Tony?" She called out, he wasn't answering her calls since he had left
"Tony are you here? To-" she paused at the sight in front of her

If the lack of music and machinery wasn't a shocker enough, this was just something she would have never expected to ever see, because
there he was, her boss, Tony Stark himself humming a lullaby

"Oh hey pep" Tony greeted as he caught sight of the strawberry blonde ,the happiest and widest smile that she never thought he was capable of illuminated his face
"Look" he said as he shifted, revealing the tiny bundle in his arms "the best birthday gift I could've asked for"

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