The Anarchy (Tododeku & Kirib...

By LateNightReader1967

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Edit: The Anarchy is one of the dangerous organizations among Japan. No one dares to cross them as they were... More

The Anarchy: Chapter one- The Hollow Death
The Anarchy: Chapter Two- Background Information & New mission
The Anarchy: Chapter Three- Night Flame
The Anarchy: Chapter Four- Red Riot
The Anarchy: Chapter Five- Attack and Error
The Anarchy: Chapter Six- Recall and escape
The Anarchy: Chapter Seven- The Shadow Killer
The Anarchy: Chapter Eight- Captured
The Anarchy: Chapter Nine- Inner Demons
The Anarchy: Chapter Ten- Struggling on the line
The Anarchy: Chapter Twelve- Repair & Trust?
The Anarchy: Chapter Thirteen- The Truth Hurts
The Anarchy: Chapter Fourteen- Intruder
The Anarchy: Chapter Fifteen- Weakness & Guilt
The Anarchy: Chapter Sixteen- Welcome to the Anarchy
The Anarchy: Chapter Seventeen- Hope for the Future
The Anarchy: Chapter Eighteen- The Worst is Yet to Come
The Anarchy: Chapter Nineteen- Introduction & Choices
The Anarchy: Chapter Twenty- Broken Hearts
Author's Note
The Anarchy: Disconnection Part One
The Anarchy: Chapter Twenty-One- Aftermath
The Anarchy: Chapter Twenty-Two- Keep it a Secret
The Anarchy: Chapter Twenty-Three- Running from the Past
The Anarchy- Chapter Twenty-Four- Encounter & the Truth
The Anarchy: Chapter Twenty-Five- Maybe it's the best
The Anarchy: Chapter Twenty-Six- Truth & Past Memories
[Not a Chapter] Timeline and Notes
The Anarchy: Chapter Twenty-Seven- Trust or Betrayal?
The Anarchy: Chapter Twenty-Eight- Friend or Foe?
The Anarchy: Chapter Twenty-Nine- Running Out of Time
The Anarchy: Chapter Thirty- Blank & Pointless
The Anarchy: Chapter Thirty-One- Final Strike (Part One)
The Anarchy: Chapter Thirty-Two- Final Strike (Part Two)
The Anarchy: Chapter Thirty-Three- Final Strike (Part Three)
The Anarchy: Chapter Thirty-Four- Final Strike (Part Four)
The Anarchy: Chapter Thirty-Five- Final Strike (Part Five)
The Anarchy: Chapter Thirty-Six- End of the Anarchy

The Anarchy: Chapter Eleven- Love is Scary

130 9 2
By LateNightReader1967

Happy birthday, Shouto! I love my icy-hot boy. He's one of my favorites characters from My Hero Academia. Here's a chapter for him. Oh yeah, Ummm. I love you, Shouto but I have to make you suffer. 


Shuzenji was reviewing over her documents when she heard the banging sound on her door. "It's open," she set aside the hospital files. She would have never expected to see the members of an elite organization walk inside her office. "We need your help," Midoriya told her. She didn't ask any questions while checking Todoroki vitals. "What's his name," she demanded. "His name is Shouto Todoroki." Midoriya watched Shuzenji work on Todoroki. "Is he going to be okay?" Midoriya needed to know that Todoroki was going to be okay. Kirishima knew that Shuzenji was unable to recognize. He wasn't going to blow their identities. Shuzenji was glad that no one was present in the building except them. She wondered if she should call the police or not. "What happened to him?" She knew this was Enji's heir. She wondered how this boy got injured in the first place. The purple-haired boy sighed, "We found him inside the League's warehouse. We didn't expect to see the Enji's heir trapped. We brought him here because you're the only one that wouldn't rat us out." Midoriya couldn't let her find out the truth.

Bakugou stood outside of the warehouse with the rest of the unit. He noticed the recent message from Kirishima.

Eijiro Kirishima: We're at Shuzenji's clinic. Todoroki is currently resting while Shuzenji is monitoring his vitals. She hasn't ratted out our location. Stay safe on your end.

Bakugou smirked to himself, 'Toshinori is going to be pissed.' He followed behind the team when they regarded the dead bodies on the ground. He stepped away from the group when he saw someone crawling to the back. He strolled over to the limping body. "Where do you think you're going?" Bakugou watched the man point a gun at him. Bakugou tsked, "Deku should've killed you. I guess you managed to survive against his attack." Muscular's eyes widen at the information. 'This guy is a part of the Anarchy!' Bakugou could see the realization in the man's cold eyes.

"I'm the Hollow Death. You captured one of my friends and used him against us. You're lucky that I can't shoot you." Bakugou wasn't scared of this guy. Muscular smirked, "I can shoot you right now. Shagaraki will be proud if I kill one of the members of the Anarchy." Muscular pulled the trigger on the gun, "What the hell?" Bakugou watched the villain struggle with the gun. "Aren't you going to shoot me?" Bakugou laughed at this man's emotionless expression. "You're pathetic. You're making me waste my bullets on worthless garbage like yourself." Muscular's eyes widen when Bakugou shoots him, "Deku owes me a drink."

The blond walked away from the body. "Toshinori, they're all dead. It's best to call the morgue," Bakugou advised to the chief. Toshinori sighed, "The Anarchy is always one step ahead of us." Bakugou watched the chief walk away from the scene. The blond rubbed the back of his neck, 'I wonder what the chief would think when he finds out that Deku is a part of the Anarchy. I need a drink right now.' Bakugou watched Uraraka punch the brick wall, "Round-Face, what the hell are you doing?" He saw the tears lining up from her brown eyes. Bakugou grabbed her fist to stop her, "Stop, you're going to hurt yourself!" She turned to Bakugou and fell into his chest. She cried into Bakugou's chest while gripping onto his shirt. Bakugou wasn't going to pull away from her when she's vulnerable. He hugged her back, "It's okay, Round-Face. I'm here if you need someone to talk to."

'I wonder if this has something to do with her parents. She probably still blames Deku for murdering her family. I've never seen her cry like this before since their funeral. I wonder how she's dealing with everything. She's been keeping everything bottled up. I didn't get along with Deku's friends, but Uraraka was my friend. How many people have suffered because of us? Uraraka wasn't allowed to know the real reason her parents died.' Bakugou tightens his grip around Uraraka's waist, "I'm here for you."

Uraraka built her metal walls around her heart to protect herself. She remembered how happy she was back in school. Deku and Iida were always there for her. She counted on them. Her friends didn't need to worry about her. She lied to hide her feelings, 'Shut up, Ochaco! You need to make sure your friends are happy! If you let them in, they'll think that you're a dysfunctional girl. If you were never born, mom and dad wouldn't be struggling! It's your fault! It will always be your fault.' She wished that she wasn't so worthless.

She glanced up at Bakugou to observe the hint of regret in his eyes. "I need to get going," Bakugou told her.


Todoroki's eyes fluttered open to see the ceiling, 'Where am I?' He glanced around at his surroundings. He remembered that Kirishima and Midoriya brought him here. "You're finally awake," Shouto sat up to look at Shuzenji. "How did I get here?" She quirked an eyebrow at the boy, "You don't remember?" Shouto shook his head, "Everything seems like a blur."

"Two dangerous males brought you here," she explained. Todoroki nods his head, "Where did they go?" Shouto was confused. "They didn't say anything. They just left once they dropped you off." Shouto nods his head. He lay down on the bed, 'They made the right choice to drop me off.'

Todoroki left the hospital later that day, 'I'm glad that Shuzenji couldn't recognize me. It's been three weeks since I was held captive. The dye probably washed out of my hair.' Todoroki headed back to his apartment to find some clothes. He noticed his phone on the table counter, 'No wonder where I left that phone at.' He picked it up to see a few messages on there.

Old Man: Where the hell are you?

Old Man: It's been two weeks! Where the hell are you? You better not be avoiding your father, Shouto.

Old Man: Touya said you've been doing drugs. You're in trouble when you come to the office.

Shouto glanced at the date and realized that the message was just now. He knew that he would have to confront Endeavor soon. He heard the knock at the door. He walked over to the door and opened it. He didn't expect a green-haired boy, "Midoriya?" The green-haired boy buried his face into Todoroki's chest, "I had to see you again." Shouto noticed the blush staining Midoriya's cheeks, letting his freckles stand out. Midoriya extracted himself from the hug and allowed Shouto to close the door. "Is that all you needed?" Todoroki leaned against the door as Midoriya glanced down at the ground.

"I wanted to talk." Midoriya had to tell him. He couldn't keep his emotions buried when he almost lost Shouto. "I love you, Shouto." Shouto froze at the mention of those three words. He never thought that he would ever hear those words again.


"Who would ever love a monster like you?" Endeavor's words echoed. 12-year-old Shouto held back the tears when his father yelled. "Why do you hate me? What did I ever do to you?" Shouto collapsed to the ground and covered his cheek. Tears were threatening to fall from his mismatched eyes, "You're a disgrace! A repulsive freak."

17-year-old Shouto smiled, "I'm glad that we met." Inasa grabbed Shouto's hand, "Yeah, I'm happy that I found you." Shouto leaned his head against Inasa's shoulder with a bright smile. Inasa watched the boy admire the stars, "You're beautiful, Shouto." The boy giggled and allowed Inasa to hold him. "Sho, do you love me?" Shouto pulled away from Inasa, "Why are you asking? We've been dating for five years. Why wouldn't I love you?" Inasa placed his hands against Shouto's cheeks. "I love you, Sho. I love you more than anything." Shouto loved this boy. He didn't know that Inasa was leading him in a spiderweb. "Don't you love me?" Shouto saw the worry and anger lacing Inasa's eyes, "O-Of course!" Inasa grabbed Shouto's chin to face him. "Then say it," Inasa's voice sounded harsher. Shouto bit down the whimper, "I love you!"

18-year-old Shouto hid inside Inasa's closet. "Where the hell are you? I'm sorry, I hurt you. You know that you shouldn't make me angry. I promise that I won't hurt you." Shouto held tightly onto his sweater, 'He's lying! He's going to hurt me again. I need to leave, but he'll find me.' He wished that he didn't accept Inasa's offer to move in with him. Shouto hugged himself, "Leave me alone!" Inasa was banging the door of the closet, "Open the door, Shouto. You're making me angry!" Shouto ran to the door and opened it. Inasa slapped Shouto across the face. "You better listen when I speak to you." Shouto hugs himself, "Let me leave!" Inasa tsked, "You've been spending so much time with Midoriya. What did I tell you about speaking to him?"

"Don't you love me?" Inasa forcibly grabbed Shouto's wrists, "Say it right now!" Shouto shook his head, "No, I don't love you! LET ME GO!" Inasa lifted Shouto to his feet and shoved him against the wall. "What the hell did you, whore!" Shouto felt Inasa's hands around his neck, "I love you, Inasa! I love you!" Inasa smirked, "Promise that you wouldn't leave me!" Shouto didn't know what to do, so he nodded his head. "I love you, Sho. I can't let you. You mean the world to me. I'm teaching you that you should never disobey me. No one would ever love you as I do."


"Todoroki-Kun, breathe!" Todoroki glanced at his friend to see his concern. He felt like he couldn't breathe. "Follow me," Midoriya slowed down his breathing for Shouto to follow. He didn't think that Shouto was going to have a panic attack. Todoroki didn't notice that he was on the ground holding a death grip on his shirt. He was scared of love. He didn't want the abuse to start again. He loved Inasa, and he hurt him. 'Midoriya wouldn't harm me as Inasa did. He was different.'

"I'm sorry," Todoroki glanced at the ground. "Please don't hurt me," Shouto's voice sounded small. Midoriya shook his head, "I won't hurt you."

'He'll hurt you.'

"Todoroki, I'm not like Inasa or your father."

'He's lying.'

"Todoroki, I know you're afraid. Inasa can't hurt you again. I won't let them hurt you again. I promise you that I would never hurt you. I love you."

'Inasa loved you, and he hurt you. Can you trust him? Inasa promised that he wouldn't hurt, but he did.'


Midoriya grabbed Shouto's hand, "Todoroki, I will never hurt you. Don't you remember what happened? I wasn't going to let him abuse you again. Can't you remember?"


20-year-old Shouto wasn't allowed to leave the apartment unless it was for work. Endeavor made sure that Shouto stood by Inasa's side. Shouto was trapped. He wasn't allowed to speak to any of his friends. "I told you to stay away from them. Did you fucking see how Midoriya was looking at me at the office? He doesn't work there, so why was he there!" He threw a lamp at Shouto. The boy dodged and watched the lamp shatter. He tried to run, but Inasa was faster. Inasa grasped Todoroki's neck, "You're worthless, slut. No one is going to save a freak like you! No one is going to love you as I do!" Todoroki's tears stream down his cheeks, "I'm sorry!"

Inasa stopped when he heard knocking, "Todoroki? Is everything okay?" Todoroki recognized that voice. "Help me, Midoriya!" Inasa punched Todoroki across the face, "Shut the hell up!" Midoriya heard the screaming and yelling coming from the other side. He tried to open the door, "Don't worry, Todoroki!" Midoriya ran back and crashed into the door.

His eyes widen when he saw Inasa grabbed Shouto's shirt with his hand raised in the air. Shouto looked terrified while sporting a few bruises. "Get your hands off of him!" Todoroki watched the two fight, 'He's helping me. Why are you risking your safety to save me?' Midoriya took the beating, "You think that you can take my Shouto away from me!" Inasa was on top of Midoriya as he punched the green-haired boy. Todoroki saw the frying pan on the stove. He swung it behind Inasa's head, knocking him out.

Midoriya tied Inasa onto the chair while Todoroki was grabbing the first-aid kit. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" Todoroki pressed the cloth against Midoriya's busted lip, "It didn't matter." Midoriya hissed as Todoroki wiped the blood away. "Todoroki-"

"Why did you help?" Midoriya saw the tears lining up, "You're my friend, Todoroki. I couldn't let him hurt you. You didn't deserve any of that. How long has this been going on?" Todoroki glanced down, "T-Three years." Midoriya hugged Shouto tightly.

"He's never going to hurt you again. I promise you. I will never let him hurt you again."


Midoriya looked into Todoroki's mismatched eyes, "I promised you that I wouldn't let anyone hurt you again. I won't hurt you. I would never hurt you. I love you, Todoroki." 

A/N: I hope you guys enjoy today's chapter. 

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