Survival of the fittest✔️

Av AnotherFangal

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BTS Apocalypse AU In a world where half the population are living and half are the living dead, you need to b... Mer

1. The Apocalypse
2. Interrogation
3. Information Revealed
4. Arguments
5. Warnings
6. Scars
7. Scouting
8. Discussions
9. Midnight run
10. Trust formed
11. Everything's changed
12. Dull travelling
13. Unexpected Refuge
14. Teasing from both sides
15. Worried
16. Oh shit
17. Messy Return
18. Scouting
19. Gasoline
20. Burning
21. Pointless graveyard
22. Town
23. Hand her over
24. A safe place to rest
25. Close call
26. Storytime
27. Hope
28. Group meeting
29. Deep talk and new clothes
30. Bonding time
31. Into you
32. Truck Chase
33. Long journey chats
34. Dark night
35. Storytime with Jin and Hobi
36. Oncoming horde
37. No bullet in the head today
37. A little push
38. Taehyung's advice
39. We're not alone
40. Ji-booty
41. Don't jinx us
42. Just keep swimming
43. No such thing as luck
44. Almost lost
45. Escape story
46. Innocence killed
47. Rooftop camp
48. Jealousy
49. Emergency Exit
51. Woo
52. I think we're even.
53. B
54. This is the end.
55. Final destination

50. Baehyun

2.8K 164 12
Av AnotherFangal

(30th June)

Without a second thought, you sprinted out the emergency door and down the alleyway. More tears rolled down your cheeks as you ran but you couldn't let them die. You loved them all too much for that to happen. You felt guilty about not saying goodbye but you knew they'd understand, at least you hoped they would. 

You tried not to imagine Jungkook's face as you slowed to a quick walk when you reached the main road and saw a white arrow spray-painted on a building wall. This must have been what Baehyun's meant when he said you'd know where to go. 

The more you tried not to picture it the harder it became, Out of everything his face was the thing most likely to make you turn around and pretend you never left. But you couldn't, if you didn't leave they'd all die. You couldn't see another way around it. Baehyun didn't care about killing them.

After a few minutes, you spotted another arrow pointing down another road and you followed it trying not to think about what was waiting for you when you reached your end destination. You tried not to think about what Baehyun would do to you when you arrived. Kill you probably. You weren't afraid of death, you knew if you died you could see your brother and your parents again. It sounded almost nice to leave this messed up and cruel world behind sounded Peaceful.  

Turning down another street with more arrows through the maze-like you wondered what the Safe Haven place was like. As you were currently walking towards Baehyun you knew you'd never see it. Maybe the guys would slowly accept that you were gone and found love, peace and safety for themselves. That was a best-case scenario anyway. They were stubborn pabos and the percentage they'd follow you was high. 

You stopped behind a rusty bus and peered around the corner. You knew you'd arrived at the right place because there were men stationed at the entrance to a police station with a big X on the wall next to them.

"X marks the spot," you muttered watching them from behind the bus. Taking a final deep breath you took off your bag and left it by the bus, you wouldn't need it anymore. You took the knife holster off your thigh and left it next to your bag. Hopefully, it would save someone's life in the future.

Before your bravery failed you walked around the bus towards the guards. They pointed their guns at you making you raise your arms, one of them tapped your hands together tightly making them go numb in a matter of seconds. 

"This way," he pulled you roughly into the station not caring if he was hurting you or not.  You kept a blank face refusing to show any fear or worry. You were determined to keep your head held high until the end.

Inside it was dark and oddly cold considering it was the end of June. Paper was strewn all over the floor and some of the desks were lying upsidedown or on their sides. You could tell they hadn't been here long because you walked past a group of men attempting to clear out a room and fresh Biters were piled in a corner waiting to be disposed of. Maybe that would give you an advantage if you tried to escape but you knew that would be impossible. This was the end.

He pushed you right and down a short corridor before knocking on a door. A voice inside yelled enter and you did. 

You were now in what must have been the Chief of the station's office before the Infection started, it must have looked grand back then. Pictures of past Chief's were still on the wall along with some Wanted and Missing posters that had become ripped and faded. 

The office chair swilled around and you saw Baehyun sat there a smug look on his face. His black hair was greasy and starting to mat at the back as it'd gotten longer and he hadn't taken care of it. He had a fresh cut on his cheek that you hoped was really hurting him and because he was wearing a black vest you could see a scar on his shoulder where your arrow had hit him a long time ago in the Warehouse.

"Y/N," he smiled fakely clasping his hands. You didn't speak or change your facial expression, you just stared into the cold eyes of the man you used to feel safe with.  "I'm so glad you decided to come. I've been looking forward to his moment for a very long time. You killed my family so I get to take my revenge and kill you."

He was trying to bait you out. Trying to trick you into retaliating so he had his first reason to hurt you but you refused to break. You just looked blankly at him hoping he would get on with it and kill you quickly. That was unlikely though.

He stood up and walked around the desk to stand in front of you nodding to the guard holding your arm who released and left, closing the door behind him.

"Why did you decide to leave them? Didn't want to feel guilty if you caused their deaths?"

You looked past his head and to the boarded-up window behind him. He was right you didn't want them to die for you. "I don't want them to get hurt because of me. There's been enough injuries on my behalf." 

"Oh yes," he sighed tapping his forehead, "Let's count shall we?" You narrowed your eyes a fraction and tilted your head slightly but didn't interrupt him. "First we beat them up when you first escaped and went to the Warehouse, then we almost succeeded in burning one of them alive. I almost killed all of you when we raided the Town Hall you were staying at. We were so close to sniping whichever pabo was stood on the balcony."

"Don't you speak about Tae like that!" You spat at him which gave him a reason to slap you hard across the face making it sting instantly.

"I'll talk about your low life friends however I want." He growled his voice low. "Anyway, we chased you all the way to Seoul where we got your pathetic leader in the shoulder, shame you probably patched him up before he could bleed to death. We would've gotten you sooner but your idiot's little friend tripped you just as one of my guys pulled the trigger."

You bit your tongue. The guys were double the man Baehyun was. He wasn't worthy enough to even speak their names. 

"But now I have you here and that's all that matters," he leaned forward until his nose was almost in touching distance of yours. "After I kill you I will make sure you're friends are hunted and killed in a slow and painful way until they are begging me to end it."

"You said you wouldn't hurt them," you reminded him your voice shaking from anger. You hated Baehyun with all your might. 

"I lied. As if I'm going to let them escape from my grasp when I have the fools who ruined my scouts and raided my camp for months. I will kill them and they can join you in hell!"

Without thinking, you launched yourself forward and bit his nose as hard as you could. You felt your teeth sink into his skin and an iron taste fill your mouth. He cried out in pain trying to push you off but you forced your jaws together as hard as you could hoping to give him as much pain as possible.

A bang from behind you and footsteps indicated the guard had come back in. He gripped your shoulders and attempted to pull your off Baehyun. When they didn't make you let go a sharp pain hit you in the stomach from Baehyun's fist and you let go instantly his blood dribbling down your chin and onto your shirt.

Baehyun held his bloody nose in his hands which made you smirk. It didn't last long as Baehyun hit you again making your head tilt back and pain to explode through your cheekbone. 

"Lock her in a cell, give her just enough water to survive but no food. I want her to suffer." He ordered picking up a rag and holding it to his nose. 

You were dragged out of the office and shoved roughly into one of the dark iron walled cells, he rolled a water bottle at you. The locks clicked into place and you relaxed, at least you were alone so you could think. You managed to wiggle out of the tape holding your arms in place and rubbed your sore wrists. This was going to be a hard few days if Baehyun let you live that long anyway. Hopefully not too long though you didn't want your death to be drawn out too much.

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