𝐀π₯𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 | Beverly Marsh...

By itssjustmebitches

108K 2.4K 8.6K

Y/n Denbrough is Bill Denbrough's twin sister, they are extremely close and when their little brother Georgie... More

{9} (extra)


7.3K 198 358
By itssjustmebitches

We were all making our way towards the door when I heard a weird voice say, "Eddie". "What are you looking for" it was all like I forgot it.

"She was just here. Where the fuck did she go?" Richie inquired. The door slammed and o jumped, then I realised Eddie wasn't there. "Guys! Guys!" We heard Eddie's scream. "What? Eddie?" Bill asked, trying to open the door, but there was no help. "Eddie! Open the door!" Bill yelled.

"Richie!" A boy's voice snapped. "You okay?" Bill asked, smashing onto the door. "Eddie, what's going on?" He asked. "Eds! Eddie!"

"Richie?" Bill noticed Richie had gotten into the other room, and I was in a weird trans thing. "Richie! Richie!" The door smashed shut and I snapped out. "It won't open!" He yelled. "Open the door!"

"Let's get outta here!" Bill yelled when we finally got the door open. Then we heard weird noises from a madras. "Wanna play loogie?" An ugly and disgusting boy asked. Then he threw up something I think is blood and it came peeling towards us. (That make no fucking sense but no one cares anyways).

The blood kept on floating towards us. (Fuck!). And we turned around. There we saw three doors which said; left one 'not scary at all', middle one 'scary', right one 'very scary'. We all looked at each other before sprinting towards the left one. We opened the door hungrily.

"Where's my shoe?" Betty Ripsom asked as we looked into the darkness. Bill turned on the light, just to see a half Betty, hanging from the ceiling. We screamed in fear, obviously, and Richie slammed the door shut.

"Where the fuck were her legs!?" He screamed, "Holy shit, what the fuck was that!?" He screamed again as we clinched onto each other. "This isn't real! Remember the missing kid poster. That wasn't real so this isn't real!" Bill said, standing in front of us. "Come on. Ready?" Bill asked and both Richie and I answered with 'NO!'. And Bill opened the door.

"Oh, thank fuck!" Richie sighed in relief. Luckily there was no half body Betty there but just the corridor from earlier. "Where's Eddie?" Bill asked just as we heard Eddie scream for help.

"Eddie!" Richie yelled as we ran through a door, then I almost crashed into Bill from the sudden stop. "Holy fuck!" Richie said as the same clown from the cellar and from our garage turned it's head towards us. "Eddie!" I said. "This isn't real enough for you, Billy?" It asked, looking straight into his eyes. "I'm not real enough for you?" It asked again, acting sad. "Oh, shit" Richie said.

"It was real enough for Georgie" it told us and then looked at me and laughed his ugly ass laugh. "Holy shit!" Richie yelled as it roared and ran towards us.

I was too scared if something would happen to Bill so I rushed in front of him and Rich.

Then, out of nowhere, Bev yelled and took a spear through it's head. "Get Eddie! Get Eddie!" Someone yelled and we all ran to him. "Oh fuck! We gotta get out of here!" I yelled. And it turned around, growling madly at us. "Get Eddie. Let's go!" Bill yelled.

"Guys watch out!" Richie yelled and Eddie continued so sob and scream, it was clear he was in pain. "No, no, no, no!" He yelled. "Eddie, look at me!" Richie yelled, grabbing onto his face.

"He's gonna get us! Guys!" Eddie shouted flustered, "NO!". It took an abruptly step towards us, right in all faces and then laughs. Then it scratched Ben's stomach. "Ben!" Bill and I yelled. And then Richie did too.

Then it continued to growl, and backed away. "Let's get out of here!" Richie yelled. "Don't let him get away!" Bill yelled and got up, I did too. We went out, holding hands tightly, sisterly and brotherly.

Then we heard a faint Beverly shout, "y/n, Bill! We have to help Eddie!". "No! No!" Eddie screamed as we ran into the room again. "I'm gonna snap your arm into place" Richie told him. "No!" I yelled and Eddie yelled, "Rich, do not fucking touch me!" At the same time. "Okay, one, two, three" Richie said. "Do not touch me!-" and Richie snapped and Eddie screamed in pain. I had my hand over my mouth and without realising it, I clinched a little bit onto Bev.


"Hole shit!" Mike yelled as we ran out of the house. "You! You did this" Mrs. K pointed at us as she grabbed Eddie. "You know how delicate he is" she said. "W-we were attacked, M-M-Mrs. K" Bill stuttered. "No. Don't" Mrs. K stopped him. "Don't try and blame anyone else" she demanded sternly. The anger bowled inside of me now, no one talks to my brother like that.

She slammed the car door and grabbed after her keys, but she dropped them. "Let me help-" Bev bended down time take them up but Mrs. K interrupted, "get back!" she snapped and grabbed her keys.

"Never talked to her like that again!" I demanded as I approached her. She just pushed me down and went to Beverly. "Oh, I've heard of you, Miss Marsh. And I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son" she told Bev right in her face before turning around.

"Mrs. K, I... s-s-s-" "no! You are all monsters. All of you" she interrupted again, turning around and pointing at us, "and Eddie is done with you. Do you hear? Done!". She hurried around the car and started it, before she dove away. And the others began to follow. "I'm fine, don't worry. My butt hurt a little, but I'm okay!" I assured them and Bev turned around and ran and helped me up.

"I saw the well. W-w-we know where it is, and next time we'll be better prepared-" Bill told us and I nodded in agreement but Stanley didn't seem to agree. "No! No next time, Bill! You're insane!" He exclaimed, sounded like he was about to cry. "Why?" Bev asked, I think, and hope, she was on Bill and I's side, "we know no one else is going to do anything" Bev defended us. "Eddie was nearly killed! And look at this motherfucker! He's leaking Hamburger Helper!" Richie yelled, waving his arm towards Ben.

"We can't pretend like it's gonna go away!" Bev argued, "Ben, you said it yourself, it comes back every 27 years". "Fine! I'll be 40 and far away from here. I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town, too!" Ben said. "Because I wanna run towards something. Not away" she told, oh, god, she's so-. "I'm sorry, who invited Molly Ringwald into the group?" Richie asked and Beverly showed him the middle finger. "Richie-" "I'm just saying, let's face the facts. Real world. Georgie is dead! Stop trying to get us killed too!" Richie stated and pushed Bill. "Nu-huh, not in a million years!" I muttered under my breath and pushed Richie. "Georgie's not dead!" I yelled in his face.

Richie and I was kinda used to fight, well at least with words tho, or playing. "You couldn't save him, but you can still save yourself" he said and tried to get away. "No, t-t-take it back!" I stuttered as I grabbed him, "you're scared and we all are, but take it back!" I demanded sternly and pushed him in the chest, hard. Then he pushed me. I grabbed his Hawaiian shirt and punched him in the face.

"Y/n!" Bev and Bill yelled, I ignored them and stared at an angry Richie. "You're just a bunch of losers!" Richie yelled as Stan and Mike grabbed his arms and helped him up. "Fuck off!" He yelled again. "Richie, stop" Stanley demanded. I was about to grab Richie's shirt again but bill dragged me away. "You're all just a bunch of losers and you'll get yourself killed trying to catch a fucking stupid clown" Richie yelled angrily.

"Stop!" Beverly shouted as Bill and Ben dragged me away from Richie again. "This is what it wants. It wants to divide us. We were all together when we hurt it. That's why we're still alive" She told us, looking at us one by one. "Yeah? Well, I plan to keep it that way" Richie interrupted, and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you ever shut up, I'm so tired of hearing your annoying voice" I snapped as he walked away, while passing me he crashed our shoulders together. And then, Stan left too, and then Ben and at the end, Mike too.

"Mike..." Bev called. "Guys...I can't do this. My granddad was right. I'm an outsider. Gotta stay this way" he said, shrugging his shoulders. We just stood there, watching the others making their way home. I felt someone stare at me, I looked to my right and met Bev's eyes. Oh, those beautiful blue eyes, when they meets my e/c, oh damn it.


Bill and I were cycling to meet Bev. We pulled up were we were meeting but no Beverly. After another 10 minutes we looked at each other, concerned. Had she forgot it, or had It got her? Bill sat up on his bike again and started biking towards Beverly. We arrived and went up the port. And the door was open so bill and I looked at each other questionably. "Beverly?" Bill called as we walked further into the house. We stopped and went slowly over to the bathroom. Her dad was laying on the floor, unconscious.

We went to Beverly's room. My breath hitched as we saw something was written on the wall and ceiling.

'You die if you try' it was blood too.

"Beverly!" We ran away from her room. We ran all the way to the arcade, and of course we spotted Richie at the street fighter, I guess.

"Richie!" I called as we walked nearer him. "What do you want?" He asked annoyed, not taking his eyes off the video game. "See that guy I'm hitting? I'm pretending it's you" he told me. "I-I-it got Beverly" Bill stuttered. "What are you talking about?" Richie questioned.

"It, Richie! It got Beverly!" I said, hopefully he would try to listen. And Richie finally took his eyes off and turned to us. His eyes, with the big, thick glasses, met my watery. I hadn't even realised it.


We were all together again, well, except Beverly, and we were biking down the road to the well house. Bill and I in the front and the others behind us.

We pulled up at the well house and went in the port. "Guys, spikes" Bill said. Eddie took off his fanny pack and threw it away as Bill and I fixed the spikes, I guess.

As we walked into the house I felt someone's eyes on us but I ignored it. The door creaked as Bill opened it and I quickly grabbed his hand.

"Stan?" Ben calmed and Richie, Bill and I turned around to see. "Stan, we all have to go" I assured him. "B-b-b-Beverly was right. If we split up like last time, that clown will kill us one by one. But If we stick together, all of us, we'll win" Bill explained, almost like it was a card play or something, "I promise" he added at the end. " and we won't leave you, Stan" I said with a smile when he took those few steps inside.


We made our way down some stairs and we all flashed our torches around in every corner we could get to.

"Hey, Eddie, you got a quarter?" Richie asked Eddie, obviously he asked Eddie. "I wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing" Eddie and I said, we look at each other awkwardly. We took our torches and lighted down the well.

"Beverly!?" Richie yelled down the well, but it just echoed. "I can go down" I smirked playfully. "How are we supposed to get down there?" Mike asked.

Bill got some rope. "All right. Come on" Bill said and Mike checked off it was safe. Bill got up and made himself ready. "Nu huh, I go first" I said and pulled him down. "No! I'm first, what if something happens to you" he said. "What if something happens to you" I argued and poked his chest. And before he could do anything I took the rope and jumped.


Hey, please tell me what you think<3


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