Blood of a Lost Girl (Book 1...

By Danii-N

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*Edited There's a new girl in the village, a girl with amnesia who -unsurprisingly- came from this world. She... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 7

643 31 3
By Danii-N

"Miyuki, what are you doing here?" I heard Iruka's voice come from my left. I started and almost lost my grip. I gave a terrified sob and made a mad grab for the rock. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Iruka said, apologetically.

I turned my head to look at him. He was standing on the mountain, using chakra on his feet. His face showed surprise when he saw my face. I probably had bags under my eyes and my whole face was probably red and blotchy from crying. I've been stuck here for 17 hours and it was currently morning. Never once did I sleep. I could've seen the stars last night from up here if I hadn't been so scared. I've been awake this whole time and they only realise I'm here now? "I-I can't get down."

"Of course you can. You just have to-"

"No I can't! You don't understand, Iruka-sensei. I'm afraid of heights!"

"Then how did you get up here?"

"I-I don't know. Please just get me down from here!" My arms had begun to shake again and they were aching. I couldn't handle being up here. I don't know what made me think it was a good idea to come up here.

"Alright, just close your eyes." I did as he asked and felt him take a hold on me. Suddenly and without warning, I wasn't holding onto the rock anymore, I was falling backward. My eyes flew open and I flailed, panicking. I felt arms take a hold on me almost instantly, but I still couldn't relax. My heart thumped in my chest like it wanted to get out. It was quick and hurt a bit. My breaths were shallow and I was starting to hyperventilate. Why I haven't hyperventilated before is beyond me. "Breath Miyuki! Just take deep breaths. In through your nose and out through your mouth." Iruka commanded. I did as he told me, but it was hard. Slowly I began to calm down.

I felt my feet touch the ground and I stood up. I looked around, we were on the ground, under the Hokage faces. I didn't even notice him walking down. I turned to him. "Thank you, sensei." I said, now much calmer. If this experience didn't make my fear worse I would be surprised.

He nodded, his face showing sympathy and concern. "It's not a problem at all. Did you sleep at all last night?"

I shook my head. "No... I was there the whole night. I- Wait, am I meeting my sensei today?" I asked, starting to get excited.

He chuckled. "As a matter of fact, yes, you are."

I grinned. "Finally. Off to the Academy we are!" I yelled and cheerfully skipped toward the Academy. I heard Iruka laugh at me as he followed behind slowly.


I went to sit in an empty chair, which just happened to be next to Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto sat next down to me. Shikamaru saw him and stopped beside him "What are you doing here, Naruto? This isn't for drop-outs, so you can't be here unless you graduate."

"Oh yeah? Open your eyes Shikamaru. I've got a regulation headband." Naruto said confidently. He turned to me. "Miyuki-chan, why do you have a black headband and not a blue one?" He asked with curiosity, glancing down at my middle where I had tied it.

I smiled. "That'd be because I made it like that." I rested my head on my hand again and tried to keep my eyes open. I was so tired.

Sakura and Ino rushed into class. "I'm first!" They yelled simultaneously as they panted.

I tuned them out. They were too loud. I had to say, they had the worst rivalry I've ever seen. All because of a boy who didn't even care, best friends turned into rivals. I sighed. It's against the girl-code for friends to go for the same guy, but they obviously weren't aware of that.

Naruto was suddenly sprawled on the floor and Sakura was leaning toward me – or rather, toward Sasuke. "Good morning Sasuke. Mind if I sit next to you?" She probably hasn't notice me sitting right in front of her yet.

"Back-off forehead! I'M sitting next to Sasuke." Ino yelled. I sighed. Honestly! These two...

"I was here first!"

"I walked into the classroom before you did! And everybody saw it!"


All the Jounin were gathered around the Hokage's crystal ball, watching the students.

"Most promising new student, Sasuke Uchiha... Is that him? And the girl next to him, Miyuki, was it? The one who was spotted in the forest when the scroll of sealing was stolen?" Asuma asked, interested

"Yes... He's the Uchiha. And yes. Miyuki is a most interesting girl." The Hokage stated, thinking about what he had seen of her so far. She was smart, resourceful and strong. Sasuke, who was a prodigy, had almost been beaten by her in a fair match. She was also a quick learner, having been able to learn that Animal Possession Jutsu of hers.

"He's the only survivor from the Uchiha clan left." Kurenai stated.

"That girl... I haven't seen her before she unexpectedly appeared in the Village a month ago." Kakashi said, his eye fixated on Miyuki.

"Yes... I wouldn't have expected you to. The girl is new to the Village and has amnesia." They were all shocked by this. "She can't remember much – doesn't know where she's from... It's troubling, but it seems as though the amnesia is getting worse. It's as if it's continuing to eat at her memories."

"What do you mean?" Kurenai asked, confused.

"You are all aware that I gave her a tutor to help her learn the basics so that she won't be behind the others?" They stayed silent. They had not known. "Well something happened when she was training and she ended up in the hospital. When I asked her if she knew why she was in the hospital, she told me that she didn't know."

Kakashi looked at him thoughtfully. "Not to be the bearer of bad news, Hokage-sama, but it could've just been an act."

The Hokage shook his head. "No, it was not an act, I assure you." He paused. "The strange thing is she seems to be able to predict the future as well." A few gasps went around the room.

Kakashi frowned. "She can't remember her past, but she can see the future? How do you figure that?"

"What is it she said to you the day of the Graduation test, Iruka?"

All eyes turned to Iruka. "She said something about Naruto being able to beat Mizuki and a few hours later that's what happened. She watched the whole thing too." Iruka glanced away from everyone.

Kakashi had a thoughtful look in his eye. "Hmm..."

The Hokage turned his gaze back to the crystal ball again. Seems she is unfazed by all the glares she is receiving from the other girls. "She stopped Sakura from hitting Naruto with just a sentence..." He said bewildered. The Hokage had a thoughtful look on his face. "There are too many students. One of them –Miyuki, most probably- will have to be taken as an extra until I can assemble a team for her." The Hokage watched all the Jounin faces.


I sighed again. "Yo, Ino-san, Sakura-san, the seat's taken already – if you haven't noticed yet." I pointed to myself. "Looks like neither of you will sit here." I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

Sakura glared at me while Ino just avoided my eyes. "Get out of my seat!" Sakura yelled. Ino was strangely quiet about this. "I'll just go sit somewhere else then." She said. Her tone was slightly shy, but still sassy. Hm... I wonder. She turned and went to sit next to Shikamaru. Even Sakura seemed surprised at her attitude.

I rested my head on my hand again and sighed, "Clueless." Why they even bothered when he kept ignoring and rejecting them was beyond me. I turned back to the Pink haired girl named Sakura. "Looky here Sakura, there's no name on the seat so it is not yours."

All of a sudden Naruto got onto the desk and glared at Sasuke. Sakura, like the fan girl she was, yelled at him for it. "Naruto, don't glare at Sasuke!"

I perked up and kept my eyes on the two boys. This was bound to be interesting. The person seated in front of Sasuke accidentally bumped Naruto which made him lose his balance and fall forward. And then they were kissing. I burst out laughing. "So worth staying up all night." I said between laughter as Naruto and Sasuke coughed and fake gagged. My laughter soon dissolved into chuckles. I wonder if I can force them to do it again sometime. When I actually have a camera at the ready. I grinned. Yeah, I'm totally doing that in the near future.

Sakura screamed. "Naruto, you are so dead. You're finished!" She said as she cracked her knuckles.

My smile vanished. "Careful now, Sakura-san. Think really hard about what you're about to do and make sure you won't regret it." I said, sending her a warning look. She instantly started to pale and I knew I had her. She gulped. "Good. Now go sit somewhere else. This seat's taken." I stated. I was grumpy because I didn't get even a bit of sleep. Nice was not in my vocabulary today.

Iruka walked into the class and everyone quieted down. Sakura begrudgingly went to sit somewhere else. He made sure everyone was here and then he started. He smiled proudly. "As of today you are all ninjas. To get here you faced difficult trials and hardships, but that's nothing. What comes next will be far more difficult." Way to motivate us, Iruka-sensei. "Now you are only Genin, first level ninjas. All the Genin will be put into 3 man squads, but we have an extra student so one team will consist out of four until another team can be picked out. This will only be temporary. Each squad will be led by a Jounin, an elite ninja. We want each squad to have a balance of strength and abilities, so that's how we set them up. I will now announce the squads."

He called the people's names who are in squads 1 to 6 "Squad 7: Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha. Next Squad 8: Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame." Then he called the other people from squad 9. "Now Squad 10: Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi. Those are all the squads."

I lifted my hand. "Iruka-sensei, what about me?"

He looked shocked. "Oh, Miyuki I almost forgot. You're also in squad 7, temporarily of course." I nodded, grinning.

As soon as Iruka had finished talking Naruto stood up. "Iruka-sensei, why does a great ninja like me have to be in the same group with a slug like Sasuke?"

I sighed. "Naruto sit down, I'm in your group too, aren't I?" He looked at me, nodded his head and sat down.

"Sasuke had the best scores of all the graduating students, Naruto you had the worst scores." Everybody laughed.

"Iruka-sensei cut the guy some slack. At least he graduated." Iruka looked at me, but continued anyway.

"To create a balanced group we put the best student with the worst student."

Sasuke was about to talk when I cut him off. "You're not supposed to interrupt the teacher, Uchiha." I stated, glancing at him from the corner of my eye. I wasn't in the mood to have to stop a fight between two premature boys. Iruka-sensei cleared his throat and told us that we will meet our Jounin teachers after lunch. I sighed, tiredly, and stood up from my seat. I think I'll just go get some food at home and then come back to sleep while I had time.

I walked toward the door, but was pushed to the side roughly. I turned my eyes to the source and glowered. I followed him closely behind toward the place where he was going to eat. I grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. "What's your problem, Uchiha?"

He looked at me coolly as he shook off my hand. "You are."

"Yeah? What did I do to you that was so bad?" I asked, glowering at him.

"Just stay out of my way." I rolled my eyes at that. Idiot.

I turned, but looked back. "Maybe you should just stay out of my way. Or you'll get run over." I walked away, not even sparing him a last glance. He held no interest for me.

I walked into town and bought some fruit from random stalls and some Dango as well. I ate most of the fruit on my way back to the Academy, but left out an apple for later. As I walked, I suddenly noticed Konohamaru coming towards me. I paused mid-step. "The old man told me to give this to you." It was all he said after handing me an envelope and walked away. I put it in my pocket, shrugging, and I started eating my Dango. I spotted Kiba as I walked into the Academy grounds and walked toward him. I smiled at him and pushed the rest of the Dango in his hands. Before he could say anything I walked into the class and sat down. I decided to open the envelope. Inside it was a set of keys, another map and a note. I decided to read the note first, although I already had a theory of what this was for.


Dear Miyuki

You have proven yourself as a friend of the Leaf, and for that I

proudly present to you the keys of your own apartment.

Congratulations, you are now an official Leaf citizen.

-Hiruzen Sarutobi, 3rd Hokage


I scowled. That liar. I didn't prove anything. They went through my memories. I sighed. Well, now I had an apartment. That's a good thing, I suppose. I yawned, lying on my arms. Almost instantly I fell asleep.


I heard distorted voices as I slowly woke up. It seemed to be my temporary team. "Yeah, Sasuke's right. You're so clueless Naruto." Sakura's voice came from in front of me.

"I have no idea how she can keep sleeping with the two of you making so much noise." Sasuke commented, his dry voice floating over toward me. He must be looking at me.

I heard the door open and the eraser fall on our sensei's head. Naruto started laughing. "I got him. He totally fell for it."

"I'm sorry sensei. I told him not to do it, but he wouldn't listen. I'd never do anything like that." Kiss-ass, oh whoops I mean Sakura said. Honestly, the girl had to be more honest with herself. I could practically smell how happy she was that it actually worked.

"Hmm... How can I put this? First impression of this group... you're a bunch of idiots." Our sensei said, his voice sounded familiar. I wonder if he even realised I was in here as well.

I could basically feel the air shifting as all their moods dropped. I heard footsteps come near me and sensed his hand coming toward me. As his arm came closer to wake me, my own arm shot out and grabbed his. I heard their intake of breaths and tightened my grip. I twisted his arm behind his back and pushed his upper body down.

I blinked and let go. "Sorry..." I murmured. "Just a reflex."

Kakashi raised an eyebrow, rubbing his arm. "Well, let's go to the roof." And with a 'poof' of smoke he was gone.

I vanished and reappeared on the roof in front of Kakashi. He looked shocked to see me there. "You're not someone who let's your guard down easily, are you?"

I shook my head, not saying a word so he stayed silent as we waited for my team to get here. "Geez you guys are slow."

"Well, excuse us for not being as fast as you." Sakura snapped at me

I chuckled. "You're excused." Kakashi sweat dropped.

"Alright, why don't you introduce yourselves? One at a time." Kakashi said in his lazy voice.

"Introduce ourselves? Well, what are we supposed to say?"

"Things you like, things you hate, dreams for the future, hobbies, stuff like that."

I sighed when I spotted their perplexed expressions. "I'll begin then." Kakashi nodded, giving me permission to start. "The name's Miyuki, just Miyuki. I have a lot of things I hate – like heights for example – and lots of things I like. Something you should know about me: I can be very lazy, but I get things done. My hobbies are simple. I enjoy training, messing with people and walking around –especially at night. Anyway, my dreams for the future... Actually I haven't thought about that, but maybe I can be an ANBU or something." I said with a shrug.

Kakashi nodded. "Next, you."

Naruto proceeded to tell us about how he likes ramen and so on... Then it was Sakura with her all Sasuke fan club answers. Then it was Sasuke's turn.

"Good. You're each unique and have your own ideas-" I cut Kakashi off before he could continue.

"Now, now, sensei. It's your turn." I said matter-of-factly, leaving no room for argument.

"Me? I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like, things I hate... I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future: Never really thought about it. As for my Hobbies... I have lots of hobbies."

"He loves reading make-out paradise – a very perverted book. Right, Kakashi-sensei?" I stated matter-of-factly and gave him a closed eye smile. I've seen him walking around with that...that... How could you even call it a book? There wasn't even a decent plot in it. A light blush coloured my cheeks. I just had to see what Kakashi-sensei reads, didn't I? Curiosity killed me. Again. I always seemed to pay for being curious.

Kakashi's eyes widened. "Well in any case, we'll have our first mission tomorrow."

Naruto saluted Kakashi, "What kind of mission are we going to have?"

"It's a task the five of us will do together." Kakashi said with his arms crossed. He explained the rest and told us not to eat breakfast.

I stood up. "Well, looks like it's time for me to get going. Don't worry Kakashi-sensei, I won't eat my breakfast." I winked and disappeared from sight. Right, as if that'll happen. I'm not scared of puking.

I appeared inside the Hokage's house and fell on my bed. Time for me to get some sleep. I figured I could find my apartment tomorrow.



You may realise that further along I don't use anyone else's point of view except Miyuki''s and the third person point of view. It's all because, well, simply put, I can't get into the other characters' character

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