The Fighter

By gabby_vazquez

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My life turned upside down when I was 13 My father was murder right in front of my eyes by his own brother M... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Authors Note

Chapter 20

38 2 0
By gabby_vazquez

I slowly crawled my way towards Aiden who was still not moving. I put my hands on his back gently shaking him. He didn't respond. I checked his pulse and it was weak, very weak.

"Aiden please get up," I cried "we got to go come on get up."

Another explosion.

I clutched on to Aiden as I cried. I didn't want to leave him.

I shook him some more, "Aiden wake up please we have to go." I cried some more "please I can't lose you too."

As soon as I knew it I was being pulled to my feet. Jackson grabbed me forcefully pulling me away from Aiden, but I tried to resist.

"Jackson let go of me!"

"Victoria we don't have time. We have to go now." He said strictly.

I was crying so hard, "I can't leave him."

"You are going to have too," he said yanking me away from Aiden and I was suddenly numb.

Somehow I was moving along with Jackson as we met Rachel in the corridor.

She saw the look of horror in my face and gave me sympathetic smile.

"Is the truck ready?" Jackson asked.

Rachel nodded, "yeah everything is ready we have to move."

Jackson looked at me like he was waiting for my word.

What else was I suppose to do?

If I stay here I'll die.

And I don't think Aiden or my father would be happy about that.

So I nodded my head and as soon as I did we heard footsteps coming our way. Then we heard shouting and we knew it was the guards.

"Shit let's go," Rachel said and we started sprinting.

The footsteps became louder and the guards were right behind us shouting.

"There she is! Kill the traitors, keep the princess alive!" One of the guards said.

So we ran faster as they started to shoot at us. We quickly went into the stairway blocking the door with whatever we could fine, but then we were off again.

I felt like I was going to tumble down these steps because of how fast we were going.

We were finally down in the basement heading our way towards the delivery deck. Jason was already there loading stuff up.

"Let's go! Get in!" He yelled.

Jason climbed in and then helped Rachel in.

Then Jason pulled me up with the help of Jackson.

I turn around to Jackson, "come one Jackson."

Before he took a step in the truck we heard a shot.

Jackson stood still and slowly looked down at his chest.

I was breathing heavily as I saw blood soaking his shirt.
He looked at me once more with a sad look before falling to the ground.

"JACKSON!" I screamed ready to jump out of the truck, but I was pulled back into the truck and the doors shut. We quickly pulled away and I backed up against the wall of the truck.

I was shaking in fear because I couldn't wrap my head around what happened.

"What the fuck. What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK." I kept repeating.

Rachel was next to me comforting me as I started to hyperventilate.

"I can't do this. I can't do this," I repeated

"They aren't following us anymore," Jason told Bryan

"Great take the fucking wheel," he said as him and Jason switched places.



They were both gone and I just left them then. I should of been there for them. I shouldn't have left Aiden.

Bryan appeared in front of me grabbing my face in his hands so I would look at him.

"Victoria you need to calm down," he said as gently as possible.

"This is all my fault," I cried as Rachel rubbed my back.

"Don't," he growled "don't put that blame on yourself. None of this is your fault do you understand me."

"They are all dead because of me," I cried even more.

"Rachel can you please go to the front with your boyfriend?" Bryan commanded.

Rachel scowled at him, but obeyed making sure Jason was alright.

"Victoria this is not your fault okay. None of us expected this, but we knew the risk going in. Jackson knew the risk and you can't blame his actions on yourself," Bryan explain to me.

"What even happened?" I asked him.

Bryan shook his head plopping down next to me, "I don't know. We think it was your uncle who orchestrated the attack. He wasn't at the games. He must of none what was going to happen."

"But why? Was he trying to kill me?" I asked.

"If he was trying to kill you I think a sniper would've been a better bet. He had to have a motive. There is no way he would just kill hundreds of people just to kill you too," he said to me.

I leaned my head against the cool metal wall closing my eyes.

"I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of me and now hundreds of people are."

"At least you're safe," he retaliated.

I looked at him like he was crazy, "I would trade my life for theirs any day."

"I know you would and that's why you are going to be great at this."

I didn't say anything. The silence stretched between us.

"You know you were going to lose that fight anyway," Bryan said jokingly.

I smiled a bit, "No I wasn't."

"Yeah you were," he laughed "You easily could of ended the fight, but I guess you decided to throw it."

"I felt like I had too."

"You never have to do anything you don't want too," Bryan said to me.

"You're making me do this."

"You can gladly jump out if you want to."

We both laugh and Bryan spoke again, "you should try to get some rest. It is still going to be a while."

I nodded my head and laid it on his lap. He put his arm around me stroking my arm with his hand gently calming me down.

"Tell me all this sacrifice is going to be worth," I whispered to Bryan.

"It will be," he said "It always is."


I don't remember falling asleep, but I remember the dream I had. 

And it was a blissful dream.

I was back in the sunflower field with Aiden. We were dancing. We were happy. 

He told me he loved me and I told him I loved him back.

He kissed me passionately until I couldn't breathe anymore.

Like I said it was all a dream and I would do anything for it to be reality.

When Bryan woke me up it was dark outside. I assumed we were at our destination already if he was waking me up. Bryan helped me out of the truck when Jason opened the back.

When I jumped out I took a good look at my surroundings. I never seen one of the villages before, but I never imagine it to be like this. It was poor and run down. Very small with one story houses scattered all across the land they hand. They had vendor sets all around and just dirt everywhere. They had a small farming patch a little further from them I could see, but it wasn't much. They must get there stuff from other villages nearby if there are any nearby. I can't believe this is where they lived for most of their lives. They must of had it so hard. No wonder why they want things to change. The cities were taking everything away from them so they could thrive. It was a sick system and I hate that I was apart of it, but I was a kid. I didn't know better at the time. 

A man came out of one of the houses. He was an older man with a dark beard and little grey hairs growing inside of it. He was wearing baggy old clothes and had a welcoming smile on his face. 

He looked a Bryan, "Where is Jackson?"

Bryan got sad all of a sudden and shook his head, "We got ambushed. There was a bombing at the tournament. He didn't make it."

The man took a long deep breath and exhaled, "he was always the type to sacrifice himself to save someone else life."

Bryan didn't speak it was Jason that was next to speak, "We stole as much supplies and food as we could. Once the first bomb went off we had to leave before we all weren't going to make it out of there."

The man nodded and looked at me. He smiled again, but then frowned.

"Would someone get the princess a jacket she must be freezing she barley has clothes on."

He was right I was freezing, but I was too numb to realize it.

Bryan handed me his security jacket and I wrapped it around myself. The man smiled at me again.

"You must be confused and overwhelmed. I am Angelo. I was a great friend of your fathers. You might not remember me, but I was his right hand man when he was the leader of alancia," Angelo said.

He did look familiar, but then again I really don't know at this point.

"This doesn't look like much of a rebel cause," I said with a bored tone 

Angelo chuckled, "It may look like we don't have much, but sweetheart we have more resources and supplies hidden away. We can't have the wrong people finding them. Plus, we have hundreds of villages on our side. Appearances aren't everything."

I nodded my head very slowly not really wanting to answer.

"Come inside let them unpack. You must be tired and hungry. Plus we have much to discuss," He gestured me to follow him so I do. 

The house was small, but it was very nice. He had a small living room that was connected to the kitchen and what look like two rooms. Who else lives here?

"I hope you like chili because that is what I made tonight. I figure we have a special dinner for our new guest," He says.

"I don't really have preference for food," I say as I sit on the couch, "So whatever you have will be fine."

He nods handing me a bowl and then sitting in front of me. I took a bite of the chili. It was really good actually, but I also barely ate all day so I was happy with anything.

"I hope you don't mind, but you'll be sharing a room with Bryan his room actually, but if you are uncomfortable we could always kick him to the couch," he leaned back in the chair and chuckled.

I laughed with him, but then got curious "Jason told me you took Jackson in as well? How does Bryan live here too?"

He nods, "I did take Jackson in when I found him on the side of the road one day a couple days after he lost his family, but he lived with another family. Not saying I didn't raise him because I did, but Bryan was already living with me because his father died of pneumonia a couple weeks before I found Jackson. So he was there first, but doesn't mean I wasn't going to take care of him. They both are like sons to me. Bryans mother died giving birth," he pauses "around here it isn't unusual to not have parents or a family because we don't have the right type of medicine to cure everything. Many people die of diseases around here . It is pretty sad, but we take care of each other here. We are all one big family. If someone is left without a home we take them in no matter how much it cost us."

"That is very humble of you," I say to him.

"Thank you," he smiled "I try to be in these hard times."

I just smiled at him and took another bite of the chili.

"I'm sorry for everything that you had to go through," Angelo speaks again "I know it must of been very hard for you and I'm sorry I couldn't get you out sooner."

I shook my head, "It's not your fault."

"I know, but doesn't mean I still can't apologize."

"Your kindness already is enough for me, "I tell him.

He chuckles, "You are so your father's daughter. I see a lot of him in you."

I freeze.

"Everything I'm doing is because of him. Because he would've want me to finish what he started. He would want me to prepare you for the life you were destined to have."

"And what life is that?"

"A happy and peaceful one."

I smiled, "that does sound like something he would say."

"yes he would've said that."

"I miss him so much," I blurt out.

Angelo takes a minute to respond, "I miss him too. He was one of my eldest and dearest friends. He didn't deserve what he got."

He looked at me, "And we will make your uncle pay for what he did," he smirks "or should I say you will make him pay for what he did."

"Oh I'm counting on it."

He chuckles again and gets up, "When you are finished your dinner you can put it in the sink and I'll clean it tomorrow don't worry about it. There is a shower right next to Bryans room that you can use. Warning you we don't have hot showers. There are fresh towels in there and you can raid Bryans clothes for something to wear until we can get you some of your own. I am going to retire for the night."

I nod, "thank you again for everything."

He smiles, "goodnight Victoria," with that he walks to his room and shuts the door.

I finished the chili quickly and put it in the sink like I was told. I walked to Bryans room admiring how simple his room was. I grabbed a simple white shirt and old grey sweats to wear. He probably wouldn't mind and then I headed for the shower. 

I stripped my fighting uniform off of me grateful that I don't have to wear this stupid thing again. I stepped in the shower and immediately formed goosebumps because of how cold it was, but it was also nice. This numb feeling  matched the one that I was already feeling. I dunked my hair under the shower ring letting the water droplets pound on my head, soaking me in every bit that they could.

In this moment I started to mourn everything that I lost.

My home.



My mom.

My will to live.

I wanted to get it out of my system because I needed to let go. I needed to move on and keep going. Keep fighting for the people that need it the most. Keep fighting because the people that aren't here anymore would have told me to anyway.

This darkness and numbness that I'm feeling has consumed me, but I will not let it control me.

I am not a fucking quitter. 

Not when it comes to the people that I care about.

In about ten minutes I turn the shower off and dried myself with the raggedy towel that was given.

I slipped on Bryans clothes automatically feeling warmer than before. I walk back to Bryans room to find him already sitting on the bed. He looked up at me and smiled.

"You look good in my clothes."

"Shut up," I laughed dropping my old ones to the ground "Angelo said it was okay if I borrowed your clothes."

"Do you hear me complaining?"

"You are insane."

"Maybe, "he says standing up "feeling any better?"

I shrugged, "I'm definitely calmer then I was before. Angelo is a really nice guy. It sucks I don't remember him."

He smiled, "Yeah Angelo is great. He is a person you can defiantly count on."

"And what about you?" I asked

"What about me?"

"Can I count on you?"

"Of course you can count on me," he exaggerated "What kind of dumbass question is that."

I laughed and he joined in as well.

"Well we're stuck sharing a bed unfortunately, but if you don't want to share a bed then I can definitely crash on the couch. I don't mind," he explained to me.

I shook my head, "I would like it better if you stayed. I don't really feel like being alone tonight."

He nods "Well okay then."

Emotionally and physically tired I climbed in the bed and laid down. Not soon long after Bryan joined in next to me.

"I never really realized how bad you guys had it until I got here," I mumbled to Bryan.

"No one really does until they come here," he replied.

"Angelo told me about your parents," I mentioned "I'm sorry you had to go through all of that."

He chuckled, "I guess we both are pretty fucked up."

He looked over to me, "You should get some sleep. You had a really long day."

I mumbled an okay and he chuckled at my response.

In a couple minutes I was fast asleep.

Only dreaming of Aiden.


I woke up to the sound of chatter.

I realized that the bed was empty next to me so that means that Bryan was already up.

I decided to get up and find out what all the chatter is about. I walked into the main area to see everyone here. When I mean everyone I mean Rachel, Jason, Bryan and Angelo. They all looked worried and pissed off. I guess they heard my footsteps because they all turned and looked at me.

"What's going on?" I asked them.

Bryan and Angelo looked like they wanted to say something, but didn't.

"Tell her damnit," Rachel said.

"Tell me what?" I was getting eager.

Bryan sighed and held up a newspaper.

"This was released just this morning," he said.


What the actual fuck.

My uncle is a psychopath.

He wasn't kidding when he said he was going to use me to get the people to like him again.

"So the whole bombing was an elaborate plan?" I said.

"Basically yeah," Bryan said "And we walked right into it."

"We couldn't have possibly have known," Angelo said.

"None of us could've known that was going to happen," Jason pitched in.

"So what do we do know?" I asked everyone, but I looked at Bryan. He had this look of worry and guilt in his face.

Angelo sighed.

"Now we prepare for war."







the book is finally finished.


I hope you liked the ending like I said I changed it like ten times, but I'm pretty pleased with it.

okay quick note before I get into more details about what's coming. so I just wanted to thank you guys so much for being patient with me. I know it took me three years to finish this and I was going to give up, but without you guys this wouldn't have happen so thank you. I really appreciate all of you so much. love you all.

Anyway let me know what you think about the ending. Who is excited for book two?

Anyway I will be starting book two in about a month or so. I will be uploading the epilogue in about a week or so I need a little time to breathe. I will let you know in this book when the second book is published so be patient with me.

Anyway here is the synapsis of the second book....

Victoria Reynolds just wanted a normal life.Instead she got thrown in this dark and sinister nightmare.One year later now in the village Dunmor where she escaped her psychotic uncle after he bombed the finals and killed thousands of people.Still no one knows it was him, but riots are starting in Alancia.The tournament became kill or be killed.Millions are sufferingAnd she must come up with a way to take back what is her.War isn't what she wants, but a war is what her uncle wants.He will stop at nothing to make sure she ends up dead like her father. His only regret is he didn't do it sooner.She thinks Aiden is dead, but he's very much alive.Aiden has been running and hiding from the capital figuring out a way to find Victoria. He has seen and heard so much. He needs Victoria to know what's going on. Feeling incomplete and torn without Victoria he will not stop until he finds her.To make things right.Lost, heartbroken, and damaged Victoria must pick herself back up for her people. She is fighting to survive.And a survivor she will be.

cool huh.

Anyway thank you again so much

I hope you guys really enjoy this book.

see you in the next one

well technically the epilogue but you know what I mean


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