
By PinkMilkJunkie

70.6K 3.7K 491

Kongpob and Arthit have been friends forever, but what happens one develops feelings for the other More

broken hearts
Trips and falls
Shutter to think
Mother knows best
No escape
No escape continued...
Descent into madness
Sleeping beast
Not so bright ideas
Operation Happy Bunny
Bad temper
Poor thing
Drunken night
Special Chapter: Christmas Party


9.1K 265 23
By PinkMilkJunkie

It was a peaceful quiet night and a seventeen year old Kongpob lay dreaming peacefully. He was suddenly startled and fell out of the bed when he heard a loud knocking on his 2nd floor bedroom window.

Kongpob kicked the covers off his legs in frustration the incessant knocking would not stop until he made it to the window and flung it open. There he found his senior and long time friend Arthit sitting on a tree branch sweating profusely.

"What took you so long?" Said Arthit as he made his way through the window.

"It's the middle of the night I was sleeping you ruined a perfectly good dream." Kongpob said visibly irritated.
"Did your parents lock you out again?" He asked as he took a step forward staring deeply into Arthits doe like brown eyes.

"If you already know why ask?" Said Arthit quickly going around Kongpob to avoid the younger boys stare.

Kongpob merely shook his head laughing. He found it funny how the senior never really looked him in the eye.

"Don't you own pajamas?" Arthit asked as he once again looked away from Kongpob who stood by the window only wearing a very fitting pair of briefs. The moonlight was shining on his tan skin highlighting his very fit abs and muscles in all the right places.

"Why jealous?" Kongpob said smirking

"What's there to be jealous of pipsqueak" Arthit said taunting his junior despite the fact he was now taller than him.

One..this is how I like to sleep and TWO you're the one who came without calling." Kongpob said in disbelief before walking over to the senior...and saying "and THREE "I'm much taller than you know while towering over the smaller man."

Arthits face faltered as he felt uncomfortable with Kongpobs closeness the younger boy had grown a lot between the time he was away at school.

"P' Arthit you should shower you stink" Kongpob said scrunching his nose.

Arthit quickly lifted his arm then sniffed "Oy you're right let me borrows clothes" he said as he made his way to Kongpobs wardrobe.

"P' Try the dresser those clothes are probably to big for you" Kongpob said laughing Arthit had always made fun of him for being smaller until Kongpob had a sudden growth spurt shooting past him.

Umph...Kongpob was suddenly hit in the face with a shirt

"Haha very funny your not that much bigger than me." Arthit said as a pulled out a shirt and shorts he thought wouldn't be to big.

Arthit went to take a shower leaving a still laughing Kongpob in the room.

"Why does he always have to get so close" Arthit said as he looked into the mirror rubbing his bare chest trying to calm his heart. He wondered why it always beat so fast whenever he had to spend the night in the younger boys room.

He then shook his head not wanting to think about the issue any longer and contributing the quickened heart beat to the giant tree he had to climb to get in.

As Arthit took a shower Kongpob laid stretched out on his bed playing a game. He died when an incoming text came in

Kongpob was about to go back to playing his game when his phone was abruptly snatched and he was once again hit in the face with the same shirt from before.

Arthit let out a fake laugh as he read Kongpobs messages "am I interrupting your plans tonight? Arthit asked with a raised brow.

"Nope" Kongpob answered honestly

"Tired of this one already?" he asked shaking his head.

Kongpob just shook his head yes while putting on his shirt. "She always wants me to come over and her parents are never home it's getting boring fast."

"If that's the case you shouldn't lead her on Arthit said with a tinge of jealousy he was had never been good at talking to girls, but for Kongpob it came easy he was charasmatic and easygoing. The perfect gentleman until the moment he got bored with whatever girl he was seeing at the moment.

"'re right...sooo bow about you do it for me?" Kongpob asked

"What why me?...I won't not again no last time I got slapped so hard you could see the handprint two days later"
Whenever Kongpob wanted to break up with someone he always asked Arthit to be there sometimes he asked him to do it for him.

"Please P' Arthit" Kongpob said stretching his body to hold his waist and looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. "She won't listen if I do it you're better at it then me."

When Arthit continued to shake his head No Kongpob released his waist only to pull the older boy closer he then rubbed his head against the crook of Arthits neck."Please...please"Kongpob begged not letting go Arthit who was struggling to get out of the younger mans hold.

"Fine I'll do it just let me go." Arthit breathed a sigh of relief as Kongpob let go with a smile his heart felt like it would jump out of his chest, and his face was red from Kongpobs breath on his ears.

"Thanks so is tomorrow good for you?...I have a date next Saturday it'll be inconvenient if it isn't done by then."

Arthit grabbed the nearest pillow and began to beat Kongpob with it. This friend of his really was shameless.

Not long after they both fell asleep.
Arthit awoke to a pair of deep brown eyes staring at him with a bright smile.
He reached out and ruffled the persons hair. "N' Sprite what are you doing in here?" He asked with a small smile of his own.

"This is my house and my brothers room shouldn't I be asking you that P' Arthit?" Sprite fired back quickly.

Arthit laughed at her quick comeback. Her and Kongpob were just alike intelligent and free spirited. He quickly grabbed the nine year old and began to tickle her mercilessly.

"P' don't no stop." Sprite couldn't stop laughing as she struggled to get away.
"P' Kongpob!!!" Sprite screamed

Kongpob quickly appeared only to clutch his stomach laughing at the scene before him. "Okay...okay that's enough he said walking towards the two. "Hurry and get ready P'. We have to go it's 12pm already." Kongpob said rushing Arthit before he could go back to sleep.

Sprite quickly ran to Kongpob "where are you going with P' Arthit?" she asked with a quizzical look.
"Date" Kongpob said winking at his little sister she opened her mouth in shock completely ignoring Arthits denial and ran downstairs giggling.

There was a thud as Kongpob dodged a pillow thrown by a very embarrassed Arthit. "P' it was a the face." Kongpob laughed before being hit with another pillow he failed to dodge.

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