I Refuse to be a Named Charac...

By Avaleon

80.8K 6K 4.8K

I woke up inside the world of one of the best selling fantasy book series "Deadly Crown." Intrigue, handsome... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Part 4

9.2K 697 660
By Avaleon

Please don't let me be too late!

I pushed my horse ahead, racing towards the Scorpion Camp. While I rode, I tried desperately to think of everything that "Deadly Crown" had said about the bandits there.

In the original story, Lucien had taken the Tarif of the Serpent Camp, forcing Graham and his group to go to the Scorpion Camp instead. At that time the leader of the bandits, who went by the name of Slash, challenged Graham to a contest of wills. He would place one glass of wine on the table for each person that participated in the challenge. Only one of the drinks would be poisoned. The more people who were part of the challenge, the less chance that Graham would drink the poisoned wine.

Needless to say, all of Graham's harem agreed to help. It was a tense seen, as everyone worried that the wine in front of them might be poisoned. Graham had actually lifted his cup to drink, but a young woman, the daughter of the sixth Lord, grabbed his cup and downed it first, succumbing to the poison and dying painfully in front of him.

Even though everyone had chosen random cups, Slash had managed to poison Graham's somehow. If the girl hadn't sacrificed herself... I felt a moment of pity for such a selfless person, upset that I couldn't remember her name from the book. Graham in the story had been sad, of course... but he quickly recovered from her death, and she was forgotten.

Will Luke face the same test? I patted the antidote tube in my pocket, trying to reassure myself. We could face Slash's test. It was Eric and his betrayal that was the most concerning.

The book had been frustratingly vague on Eric's attack and wounding of Lucien. Just that he had nearly been successful at taking his life, and Lucien had never suspected him until it was too late.

I needed to find him now.

Even as a panicked feeling welled up in my heart, though, I saw a large group of people in the distance. Sighing with relief, I drew closer, pulling up my horse far enough away that I wouldn't be mistaken for an attacker. The Scorpion Camp was much less organized than the Serpent Camp, with tents instead of constructed buildings. The Scorpion Camp tended to roam more, ready to move at a moments notice. All the tents were aligned in an incomplete ring, with a large table standing in the middle. It was tall, too tall to sit at, but at the right height for multiple people to stand around.

The table for the challenge.

Distracted by the sight where the poisoned challenge would occur, I almost didn't see Luke at first.

"What are you doing here?" His excited voice broke me from my reverie, and I ran towards him, grabbing his arms and looking him over from head to toe.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"..." Luke stared at me for a few moments, an amused smile on his face. "Did you race here just because you were worried about me?"

I nodded, looking around to find Eric. Before I could locate him, however, I was pulled into a tight hug, a happy sigh tickling my ear.

"Thank you." I felt warm, reaching out and hugging him back. My heart was beating violently within my chest, a sense of relief so strong overpowering me.

He was still alive.


I was unsure how long we stood there, holding each other, before a voice awkwardly spoke out, interrupting us. I stepped away from Luke, feeling slightly embarrassed, only to see a large muscular man with a scarred face watching us impatiently.

"Is Prince Lucien going to attempt the challenge for the Tarif or not?"

"We'll be right with you." I answered, pulling Luke away from the group so we wouldn't be overheard.

Luke followed behind me, a bright smile lighting up his entire face. You would never think that he was about to face a life or death trial by looking at him. I felt slightly annoyed.

"You're facing a poison drinking challenge, what are you so happy about?"

His smile didn't fade. "You're here. Why shouldn't I be happy?"

"..." I was speechless for a few moments at his simple reply, before forcing myself to remember why I had come.

"Don't trust Eric."

A painful expression flashed across his face, making me wish I could hug him again. Before I could move, he quickly forced himself to appear calm again. "Eric is a traitor?"

"He may be working for Fetter."

At the sound of his younger half-brother's name he closed his eyes and groaned. "Are you sure?"

I thought it over. It was difficult to say how much the plot had changed. Luke was a very different person from the villain Lucien in the book. What if Eric wouldn't betray such a good man? "It's not absolutely certain. But please be careful around him."

"I will." There was no hesitation in his voice as he looked back at me.

"You trust me so easily?"

"With my life." He grinned, lifting his hand to show me his wrist. "Just let me know if you want your bracelet back."

I stared at the dark beads, feeling a sense of longing deep inside. I had worn it for years, always thinking of him each time I touched it. But now... it had too many meanings. It meant being a major character, part of this bloody plot.

"I can't take it yet." I answered him honestly, wishing I could say something different.

He looked disappointed, but smiled anyways, putting his hand down. "Well then, I'll hold onto it. But just know that it will always belong to you, if ever you want it." His gaze held my own, and I found myself blushing at the intention in his eyes.

"Just be careful." I muttered, turning away.

He laughed, a low pleasant sound that made me smile along. "I promise." He glanced back towards the group and added. "Since it's not certain yet, I won't act yet. But I'll watch him closely."

We walked back towards the scarred man at the table, who I assumed was Slash, the bandit leader. "Now can we get back to the challenge?" He asked, looking pissed.

"Of course."

As Luke calmly answered him, I looked around for Eric. He stood near table, studying it as if lost in thought. I walked closer, and he looked up as I drew next to him, his face turning pale as he met my eyes. I wasn't sure how I looked right then, but I knew it wasn't a pleasant, welcoming expression.

"Miss..." He started to speak but stopped as I held up a hand.

"I will give you one chance to survive." I leaned in and whispered in his ear. "If you protect him, serve him well, then there is no reason for us to fight. But if you hurt him, you will die. Painfully."

I stepped back "I promise you that."

"..." Eric stepped back, his eyes wide, looking confused, before nodding silently.

Slash watched our interchange, seemingly taken aback by my threatening our own teammate, but soon shrugged, regaining his composure and explaining the challenge.

It was the same as the one described in the book: one glass of wine for each participant, including Slash himself. Each person picked a random glass and drank from it. Only one of the glasses would be poisoned. If Luke survived, he would get the Tarif.

The scarred man finished with a lazy grin. "Do you understand?"

Luke nodded. "I do."

"How many of your team will join us?" He glanced at me and Eric, raising an eyebrow.

Eric stepped back as I stepped forward, but before either of us could speak, Luke shook his head. "I'll do the challenge alone."

"Really?" Slash seemed surprised. "You'd have a much higher risk of dying, you know."

Luke didn't waver. "I won't risk their lives."

Slash had them bring two glasses over, setting them both in the center of the table. "Then pick your cup, Your Highness, and I'll drink from the remaining one."

Luke stepped forward, staring at the glasses intently. But as he reached forward to grab it...

"Sorry." I took it first with a smile, tipping it back and swallowing the wine.

"WHAT ARE YOU...?" Before Luke's horrified gaze, I grabbed the second glass, finishing it off as well.

"Are you suicidal?" Slash watched me with a curious expression.

I thought of the poor girl in Deadly Crown who died in Graham's place, and shook my head. "Nope, I'm not important enough of a character to die here."

With a grin I took the vial from my pocket, drinking half of its contents before stoppering it and storing it away. Slash's eyes widened at the sight of the clear fluid, before settling into a hateful glare.

"You've seen Blade. That's her antidote."


"I'm going to kill her."

"You can try." I started to laugh. "She was calling you a 'weak bitch' who had to rely on poisons when I left."

Slash sputtered with rage, his face an angry red, and i laughed harder, smiling widely with relief.

My laughter abruptly changed into a startled shriek as I was pulled off my feet, toppling to the ground with someone, landing onto that person's lap. I was wrapped in a tight embrace, almost too tight to breath. Before I could struggle free, however, a familiar voice spoke up.

"Idiot." Luke sounded near tears. "What were you thinking?"

I tried to pull back, acutely aware that we were sitting on the ground in front of a large group of bandits, but he was holding on too tightly. After a few short struggles I gave up and leaned my head on his shoulder, instead. "If I only drank one he might still make you drink the other. So I took both."

"You drank poison." His voice was angry.

"Um... yes... but I had the antidote..."

I heard a long sigh. "And why didn't you just give the antidote to me?"

"..." I paused, thinking it over. "I didn't want to risk you getting hurt."

His arms tightened, and I was surprised to find he was trembling. "Do you think I could bear you getting hurt in my place?" His voice was weak. "The crown isn't worth it. I'm not worth it. Don't sacrifice yourself for me."

I didn't say anything, allowing him to hold me for a few minutes. Slowly, we got up, and my face reddened as I realized we had been hugging in front of a large group of people. Trying to regain some composure, I held out my hand towards Slash.


He glared at me. "You cheated."

"So did you. Both glasses were poisoned." I was just guessing, but his eyes widened, confirming my accusation.

"How did you...? Ugh, nevermind. You remind me too much of that woman. Just take the Tarif and stay away." He through the bony amulet to me, and I caught it, feeling a sense of relief.


Luke had survived the second task. Even as a sense of relief came over me, however, I felt a stab of anxiety.

Where is Eric?

I looked around frantically, but he had disappeared. Luke noticed my unease. "What's wrong?"

"Don't move!" A knife was pressed against my throat.

"Eric!" Luke's face was pale, his hand pausing in mid air as he reached out towards me.

I prepared to stomp on his foot and fight him for the knife, but as if he knew what I was considering, he spoke up quickly. "There is a poison on this knife. If I break skin, then you're dead."

I held myself very still, not wanting to test his statement. "You're a traitor."

"No! I mean... yes..." He paused, confused. "Prince Fetter wanted me to kill Lucien... but I didn't want to."

Luke's face was cold. "Betray me or don't betray me. Why are you holding a knife against an innocent's throat?"

"Innocent?" Eric laughed bitterly. "It's her fault you're like this, Your Highness!"

"Like what?"

"Caring, forgiving... WEAK!" Eric shook his head. "You should be standing above the masses, without a hint of remorse for destroying your enemies. You should be strong, ruthless... but instead you worry that she will be disappointed in you! You've lost your strength!" The pressure of the knife against my skin increased. "But don't worry, once I kill her, you'll be fine! You'll be the prince I know you can be."

I couldn't help it, I chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" Eric's voice was increasing, he sounded panicked.

"You're an idiot. Even if Luke had been vicious and ruthless from the start you would have betrayed him anyways." After all, he had attacked him in the book, even if they didn't explain why.


"Then why did you accept the money from Fetter? Do you think he'll be happy enough by you killing a nameless woman at Luke's side? You brought a poisoned dagger along on a trip where you thought it would be just the two of you?" I mocked him. "Stop pretending to be innocent."

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Eric's face was distorted in the corner of my vision, his lips drawn back in a snarl. "YOU..."

I felt his hand move, and closed my eyes, expecting to feel my skin splitting under the blade. This is what I get for getting involved with this stupid plot. Even being a nameless side character wasn't enough to protect me.

But there was no pain. Instead, I felt the brush of skin, and the pressure of the dagger receded. Surprised, I opened my eyes, my heart dropping at the sight in front of me.

Luke's hand gripped around the blade, bright red blood dripping between his fingers. He had rushed forward and grabbed the poisoned dagger, preventing it was cutting my skin.

"Your Highness..." Shocked, Eric dropped the knife, it clattered to the ground with a dull sound. "You..."

BAM! I punched him in the gut, knocking him to the ground.

"I'm glad... you're alright." Luke's face was already pale, he smiled weakly at me as he sank to his knees. The poison was already acting. I reached out, helping him to rest on the ground, taking off my cloak and gently rolling it underneath his head, before turning to Eric with a snarl.

"The antidote." I barely recognized the threatening sound that left my throat as my own voice.

Eric shook his head slowly. "I don't have one."

He's lying. No idiot would ever bring a poisoned blade without an antidote. What if he accidentally cut himself?

I needed to make him talk, and I didn't have time to be nice.

"Slash." I took out the Tarif and held it up for him to see. " I need a poison."

"Yes Miss." He grinned and tossed me a vial with a light blue tinge to it. Eric stared at me with wide eyes, trying to scramble away. I stomped down on his crotch, causing him to curl up with a howl of pain, as the bandits around me hissed with sympathy.

Before he could recover, I uncorked the vial, grabbed his chin and forced the contents into his mouth. Then, covering his nose and mouth with one hand, I punched his throat with the other, forcing him to reflexively swallow.

As he swallowed the poison, his face grew pale. I pulled out the antidote vial from my pocket once more, it still was half full. "Give me your antidote and I'll give you mine."

"..." He stared at me in consternation.

"Vicious. I like it." I heard Slash's approval behind me but ignored it, every ounce of my attention focused on the man in front of me.

"Quickly. Death from Slash's poison is extremely painful."

My words seemed to push him into action and he tore open his pant leg to reveal a hidden pocket with a small packet. "H-he has to swallow this." He was already shaking with pain, barely handing over the packet. "Now give me..."

"Not until I'm sure it works." I helped the barely conscious Luke swallow the granules in the packet, watching anxiously as his face slowly regained color. His eyes fluttered open, seeing me and smiling.

"You're here."

Reaching out, I touched his head, smoothing back his hair. "I'm here."

He whispered a word I hadn't heard before, the unfamiliar sounds tugging at my heart. Before I could ask it's meaning, however, he had already fallen unconscious. I looked him over, feeling panicked, but noted that his breathing seemed even and his color good.

The antidote was working. I sighed with relief.

"See... see he's cured! Now give me the antidote!" Eric's eyes were bulging, his entire body shaking as the pain from the poison increased.

"As I promised." I smiled, a cold expression, and opened the vial, dumping the contents on his head. "I've given you the antidote."

He stared at me in horror. "You... you lied!"

"I never promised to let you drink it." I stared back at him as he curled up in agony. "I warned you what would happen if you hurt him."


"I made a promise."


I turned away from him. "I keep my promises." Leaning down to look over Luke's condition, I ignored Eric's screams as they became weaker and weaker, fading into silence.


As I listened to him die, externally my face was calm, but on the inside I felt horrified. How much have I changed since coming to this world? My grim and violent actions disturbed me. How had I come so far from the girl who was disturbed even by written descriptions of violence to someone who wouldn't shy away from killing another person? I was slowly losing myself, becoming more and more the type of person who belonged in this terrible plot.

Who am I?

But even as I panicked inside, I stared down at Luke's peaceful sleeping face, and my thoughts slowly calmed.

I've changed the plot so much. Luke was supposed to be a vicious killer. A terrible villain. But now he's kinder... softer. I'm happy... but how is he going to survive in this bloody world? Can he be ruthless enough to protect himself?

I reached out, brushing his dark hair from his face, sighing quietly.

Maybe it's fine if I need to be a little bit of a villain, if he can live a better life. If he can be happy.

He's worth it.


I woke Luke up, helping him to climb into the saddle, and got up in front of him. Having him hold onto me, I slowly walked the horse away, ignoring Slash's invitation to visit again soon. His approval only made me more uncomfortable. As we rode, I slipped the Tarif into Luke's pocket, sighing with relief that we had survived the second task.

But there's still the third task after this...

We rode for the rest of the day, coming up to the bridge as night fell. I helped Luke to the ground, making camp as best I could from the meager supplies in my pack. I started a fire, sitting us both next to it, and holding his injured hand carefully, cleaning out the wound.

Luke hissed with pain, fully awake for the first time since leaving Scorpion Camp. His eyes widened as he searched around, panicked, but on seeing my face he relaxed, leaning back once more.

"Are you alright?" He asked, watching me closely.

"So asks the man who grabbed a poisoned dagger."

"Says the woman who drank poison." He countered gently with a smile.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. "I'm uninjured. Which is more than you can say." I continued cleaning out his wounds.


"I killed him." I answered bluntly.

"..." He stared at me silently for a few moments, and then sighed. "I'm sorry you had to face that alone."

I looked up to meet his gaze. "Do you blame me?"

He smiled sadly. "How could I? If he had hurt you, I would have done much worse."

I finished cleaning his wound and began to wrap his hand, the motion practiced.

"You've gotten better at bandaging wounds since we first met."

I chuckled at that. "Blade taught me to hunt and use a sword. She gave me plenty to practice with."

"I'm glad you can protect yourself." He whispered. "I wish you didn't have to know how to."

I finished wrapping his hand, and patted it. "Speaking of Blade..." I looked up. "Care to tell me why you used up your one favor with her to have her teach me how to hunt and fight, instead of getting the Tarif easily and not risking your life like a fool?"

He struggled to sit up, his face swaying close to mine. The firelight reflected in his dark blue eyes, making them seem as if they were glowing. I stared back, feeling my heart beat faster at the sight.

His smile was nervous. "You being safe means more than the Tarif."

"The Tarif is the only way to win the crown." I reminded him.

"You're worth more than the crown." His smile widened. "I love you."

"..." I stared back at him, shocked. I had understood that he had on some level had feelings for me, as he had given me his token, but I hadn't expected him to so bluntly say it out loud. He laughed slightly at my expression, continuing.

"I don't want to hear your answer yet, if that's okay. I'm trapped in this race for the crown right now. I can't even quit, no matter how much I want to." He shook his head. "I'll end up like Corran, dead even after I've surrendered. The only way to be free of all this is to beat that old man's foolish game."

"You've already been betrayed once." I whispered. "You need someone to watch your back."

He reached over and held my hand, squeezing it gently despite his bandaged wounds. "I'm fine. I'd rather you be far away from all these plots, and be safe."

"..." I leaned my head against his shoulder silently, thinking.

"Do you want to know how I knew about Eric?" I hesitantly started to talk, feeling nervous.

He didn't answer for a while, and then whispered. "You can tell me later, you don't sound ready to talk."

I nodded slowly. I wanted to answer Luke's feelings honestly. But if I did, I would need to tell him everything. The thought made very uncomfortable. Would he think I was crazy? A liar? Would he look at me differently if I told him I read about this world in a book? Or worse... would he want to use the knowledge of the plot I had to win the crown, like Graham used Chloe?

Luke was right, I wasn't ready to talk just yet.

After a while Luke turned to face the flames, and we sat silently.

"Wait for me, please. I'll come find you in the forest, and then tell you I love you again. Then I would like to hear your answer."

We spent the rest of the night sitting side by side, talking about everything and nothing, just like when we were younger in the Ninth Lord's Household.


In the morning, we silently crossed the bridge, entering the Eastern Forest once more. As we neared the branch point where we would have to part ways, both of us slowed our pace.

"You have to reach the Western City before two days are up." I finally spoke up. "Otherwise you won't qualify for the third task. "

Luke sighed quietly. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too."

He smiled at my words, leaning closer. "At least I know where to find you when this is all done."

A gentle hand brushed my cheek, and he stepped closer, pressing his lips to my own.

A hesitant first kiss that slowly turned more confident as I returned it. Finally he parted the slightest distance, resting his forehead on my own.

"Stay safe." He whispered.

"Be more worried about yourself." I answered back, reluctant at the idea of parting.

But if I followed him, I was abandoning everything I had worked for. I would be jumping head first into the plot, becoming a main character. If I went to the Western City, there would be no turning back.

I let him go.

But as I watched Luke walk away, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had made the wrong decision.


Luke settled into his palace quarters looking around with a spiritless glance. The room was richly furnished, but felt cold and empty to him now.

Of course it does. She's not here. He laughed at himself, sitting down with a sigh. He had known he would miss her terribly, known it would be painful to leave her behind. But he had done it anyways.

Because more than I need her to be by my side, I need her to be happy. He would never forget the disappointed look she had given him when she handed back his token. When she saw the greed in his heart, the desire to keep her by his side.
It wasn't easy. The more time he spent by her side, protecting each other, caring for each other... it was addicting. The feeling of having someone to worry about, who thought about you in return. He wanted to be with her, to see her every day.

I hope she's doing well. She would have arrived at her cabin in the woods a day or so before he made it to the Western City. She should be settled in, perhaps going hunting.

Luke rubbed his chest idly, the ache there growing worse. I miss her.

But she's safe. And that's what matters.

He whispered a word he had buried deep in his heart, resting his head in his hands.

"Your Highness." A knock sounded at the door.

"What is it?" Luke's voice was cold as he answered. He had instructed the servants that he didn't want to be disturbed.

"Someone is here to see you..."

Luke shook his head. "I don't want..."

"A young woman. She says she's here to get her bracelet back."

Jumping to his feet, he flung open the door. "Where is she?"

As he breathlessly ran into the sitting room of his quarters, he was greeted by a familiar face smiling back at him. In the candlelight it was difficult to see her eyes clearly, but the joy in them was evident.

"Luke!" She called out sweetly, rushing forward to greet him. Her smile was bright and lovely, and up close Luke could see the beautiful golden color of her eyes as she stared up at him. "I'm come back to you!"

Luke smiled warmly, standing in place a short distance away, his hands resting comfortably at his sides, slowly clenching into fists. "Welcome back."


I came back from hunting, feeling tired. Staring around my cabin, I sat down and groaned.

It was no use.

I couldn't get back into the familiar rhythm I had lived in for so long. Even as I went through the motions, my mind was far away. Every spare thought was worrying about him, hoping he was safe. I already regretted not telling him more about the third task. It would be difficult, dangerous. A lot of people would die, in true Deadly Crown plot fashion.

What am I doing?

I sat in my safe, remote home, a nameless side character just like I always wanted. And I was miserable.

The plot is bloody and dangerous. Every important character dies and gets replaced... and then their replacement dies.

I stoked up the fire in the hearth, the heat of the flames reminding me of sitting by Luke's side in the camp.

It's not the kind of story to try and be a hero in.

Sitting back down, I stared at the fire, my thoughts racing.

Unless... I think he's worth being part of the plot.

I laughed quietly. "Fool." I wasn't sure if I was talking about Luke or myself, or perhaps both of us.

Just as I stood up, a knock sounded at the door.

Luke? But should't he be in the Western City. Excitement flooded my veins, even as I argued silently with myself that it wasn't possible for him to be there. Cautious, I grabbed my sword in case it wasn't him, opening the door carefully.

"Luke...?" I started to call out, and then stopped.

Standing outside my home was a handsome prince.

But not the one I wanted to see.

Graham smiled, stepping into my home. "Hello again."

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