Otsutsuki (Book 2 of the Afte...

By Therandombandgirl

111 2 0

Asa has been searching for who ordered her capture with Jiraiya for months now. When she finds him it is not... More

Part 1: The Benefactor
Part 2: Puppets
Part 3: Mourning
Part 4: Above All Others
Part 5: Healing
Part 6: Back On My Feet
Part 7: Recovery and Clan heads.
Part 8: Hyuuga
Part 9: Naruto Uzumaki
Part 11: Clan Head's
Part 12: Push

Part 10: Clan Meeting

11 1 0
By Therandombandgirl

"So, I have summoned you for several reasons." The Hokage started as I tried to hold back a yawn. Today is the first day of Clan meetings. Ninja have been pouring in for the past few days and I haven't actually met that many because I have been spending all of my time with Naruto. He's just like his mother but acts like his father. What really kills me though is how much he reminds me of Obito. "I noticed you have been spending a lot of time with Naruto." He said after a few minutes. I didn't let my expression falter from my emotionless face. "Yes. I have become very fond of him. I was going to ask if you would mind me taking care of him. He can live separately I just wanna be the person they call when he gets sick or hurt or if he needs an adult to escort him somewhere." I said and something in the Hokage's eyes softened. "I believe that can be done." 

I cheered internally for just a second before the Hokage began to talk about the other reasons I have been summoned. "I have spoken to Uchiha Fugaku as well as Kakashi and they have agreed that you are ready to be back on missions." I nodded. "Uchiha Itachi is to be placed on your squad among Bird's retirement." I took this with a grain of salt. "It will be several months yet, but he is expected to join by next spring."  "He's too young." I argued instantly. "He's a child." I argued and the Hokage only bowed his head. "There is a council meeting in a few weeks. I would like you to come and share your opinion." I nodded. "I will be there." "That brings me to my last point. I know that you are to participate in the Clan Meetings going on for the next couple days. While the Leaf Village stands behind you not all of the Clan heads will. The Otsutsuki name is shrouded in legends and paraphrased stories. No one knows their true power and that is a dangerous thing among shinobi. I ask that you heed my advice: Don't make enemies but know who they are. Surround yourself with the allies of your allies as much as possible." 

When I arrived home the sun had barely started to rise. I expected Kakashi to be asleep but I was happy to find him up and making breakfast, naked from the waist up, eyes half open, suppressing a yawn when I walked in. "Good morning, Kashi." I said as I walked over to him. He smiled when he saw me and my heart fluttered. "How did it go?" He asked and I just sighed. After telling him what the Hokage said over breakfast I ran upstairs to get dressed. The first of three days of meetings is also the only formal one. We meet at 8 A.M. and any new members or guest are announced to the existing Clan Heads. There after we would speak about how we inherited the tittle and any major changes to our clan with the change before we adjourned for lunch. 

Kakashi is a very attractive man. I used to forget that all the time when we were kids. As a young teen I had to watch girl after girl get turned down by him. I never understood why he kept turning them down, then again I never accepted any of my numerous date proposals. But right now I feel like we are children again because the second I arrived at the Uchiha compound, seeing as they are the ones hosting this year, heads were turning and women were blushing. I couldn't help but frown. "If one more man looks at you the way that guy just did I might start a war." Kakashi whispered to me after a second and I realized that Kakashi was not the only one getting looks. Suddenly, I became aware of just how sexy the outfit that Mikoto put me in was. It was a dress with half length sleeves that showed quite a bit of cleavage with a dangerously low cut neckline and a simple black bow on the back. I paired it with some black sandals and pulled my hair down into ringlets around my face. 

I greeted Fugaku who pointed us to a line at a blocked door that led into the meeting room. Kakashi and I chattered about his mission while we waited. When we were next we linked arms and walked in the door way and pausing so we could be announced. "Otsutsuki Koharu. Mother: Unknown Hyuuga and father Unknown Otsutsuki. Captain of Leaf Village ANBU. Hatake Kakashi. Mother: Hatake Aina. Father: Hatake Sakumo. Captain of Leaf Village ANBU, fiance to Otsutsuki Koharu." We then walked to our seats which were beside Mikoto who was sitting beside her husband at the head of the table. Behind them stood Hizashi and another Uchiha I did not recognize. Two more ninja joined them behind me. I couldn't help but notice that one of the ninja was Itachi. After a few more introductions people began to explain their reason for becoming Clan Heads. 

There were two who simply inherited the title after coming of age and one who took the title from his father who was a known tyrant. Then it was my turn. Fugaku had told me that since my reason was obvious as a Clan Head that I should take this time to make a statement regarding the uneasy stirrings of many. "Otsutsuki Koharu. Please stand and give testimony." Fugaku said and I stood up at my seat. "I am Otsutsuki Koharu but I prefer to be called Koharu-san or Asa-san. I know many of you are uneasy about my power. It is true that the full extent is not within my control and therefore unknown. However, I have been training each ability as they come, as they are being released over time by the weakening seal inside me. I am not interested in violence or power. I am a pacifist who is working to protect peace." I said and then took my seat. There were some murmurs that went through the room before Fugaku cleared his throat. "We will now adjourn for lunch. We will meet again in two hours. Feel free to explore the village. The Uchiha will be happy to show you around." 

Kakashi and I sighed in relief as we walked in our front door. Now that the morning portion is over with we could change into our normal attire, which we happily did. We ate a quick lunch before returning to the Uchiha compound to socialize with the Clan Head's returning from lunch. "I am really regretting taking Fugaku's invitation." I grumbled to Kakashi who snickered under his breath. "I told you it was going to be boring and long." He said and I only rolled my eyes. "You also told me that doing this was in my best interest so I can see if there is any true threats." I said and he shrugged. "That is true. I want to know exactly who is ready to put you in their Bingo Books." He said and I nodded in agreement. "It's time for me to start achieving my goals and I can't do that if I am looking over my shoulder every minute." I said and he nodded. "Agreed." 

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