Power Rangers Chronic Storm 2...

By TheDisneyBrain

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With an entire planet mysteriously decimated, the Rangers take on another mission in hope of apprehending Gen... More

A Shifting Prologue
Chapter 19: Concerns
Chapter 20: Reaffirmation
Chapter 21: Barren
Chapter 22: Entrapment
Chapter 23: Questions
Chapter 24: Weapons
Chapter 25: Evil
Chapter 26: Empire
Chapter 27: Unraveled
Chapter 28: Scars
Chapter 29: Interpersonal
Chapter 30: Home
Chapter 32: Moves
Chapter 33: Fires
Chapter 34: Mother
Chapter 35: Forever
Chapter 36: Otherside

Chapter 31: Delegation

105 7 13
By TheDisneyBrain

The next morning, Carter walked through the crowded streets of Central Terra Venture while looking through some of the busy store windows. Then, he came across a blue colored shop that stood out from the others. He walked closer upon seeing all manner of historical memorabilia. He went in and took a look inside the poorly spaced out store featuring cramped shelves and tight aisles. His relatively tall frame didn't help matters either.

Near the back of the store, a monitor caught his eye. It seemed to be playing footage of Mirinoian history. The video explained the background of Mirinoi's second Civil War nearly a millennium ago. After the first ended, not every naturally born Mirinoian was thrilled about the newfound accord with the settlers. One such Mirinoian, Queen Keyora, once ruled an area to the East of Terra Venture. She fought both human and natural alike to defend the lifestyle Mirinoi had known for centuries. In the end, Keyora lost a most brutal war to the forces led by former Commander Jodie Stanton.

A third Civil War flared up much later, about 200 years prior to the present day, but the video ended after that minor tease. It then informed the viewer to purchase the full five-part series to learn more. The quick history lesson forced Carter to consider Queen's Diane's words; her talk of ramifications. He began to wonder if the Rangers' good deeds had yet to be punished.

Carter returned to the housing complex the team stayed in overnight. Passing by one of the rooms, he found Taylor and Ethan fiercely competing at a video game. Upon closer inspection, it looked to be some type of virtual reality aerial combat game. Walking in behind them, he could tell the pair had no clue of his return.

Taylor tightly gripped the black controls while beads of sweat dripped down from the VR helmet affixed to her head. Every movement of her virtual plane mimicked the movements of her body, leaning left and right, forward and back, despite such movement not making much practical difference.

Ethan, on the other hand, leaned back in his chair, relaxed and unphased by the heat of the moment. Despite that, his hands and fingers moved just as quickly as Taylor's. But then, he stood up from his chair, suddenly, as the battle came to a close.

Taylor could finally let out a sigh of relief and undo her VR helmet when she recognized her victory. "See that?" She pointed to the results screen while smirking at Ethan. "That's what experience looks like."

Ethan passively shook his head. "Yeah, sure, after experiencing me kicking your butt for five straight rounds. You got lucky."

"Good to see you two getting along." Carter's voice startled the pair before they turned around. "Sorry, but the next round will have to wait. We need to talk."

Taylor quickly rose from her chair. "Is there a situation?"

"Not yet, but there will be if we don't handle the fallout from Queen Diane in just the right way. But I don't know what the right way is."

"I thought we had a solution," Ethan replied. "If Jason becomes king, no worries, right? He's kind of young, sure. But compared to 'mother dearest,' he'd be the second coming."

Taylor shook her head. "It's not that simple. Chances are, there will be people who want to tear the whole thing down after they learn the truth. Earth could be without stable leadership for who knows how long. It's a recipe for disaster."

"You seem to know the most about this," added Carter.

"I studied a little history and political science in college, nothing major."

"Enough to give us some much-needed insight?"

"Maybe," Taylor thought fairly far back to her university days. "Either of you two heard of the Glorious Revolution?"

Ethan shook his head but Carter faintly recalled the event. "England, right? 1700s?"

"Close. Late 1600s. Long story short, they ended the absolute power of monarchs and started slowly giving power to the people. Even though their monarchy is still alive, England is considered a democratic country now."

"Ah," Ethan commented. "So that's why the Queen of England doesn't do much."

"Exactly. Unlike here, the entire Royal family is nothing but figureheads."

Just then, Alex entered the room.

"Alex, good," Carter said. "We could use your input."

Alex walked over the trio. "What's this all about?"

"We're starting up a revolution," Ethan replied. "Join us?"

Taylor rolled her eyes. "What he meant was, we're trying to find a way to handle the fallout. The people might not be comfortable with queens or kings after everything that witch has done."

Alex nodded. "None of you need to worry about that. Captain Logan has good connections with some very important people, people that won't want anything to do with the Queen very soon. If things work out smoothly, we can avoid global unrest at best, and anarchy at worst."

"That's great," Carter replied. "Sounds like we can leave it in your hands, then."

"You can. I can't thank you Rangers enough for your hard work. But soon, you'll all have to return home. When that happens, it'll still be Time Force's responsibility to keep the people safe. Whatever comes, you can rely on us to handle it."

Carter smiled. "I know we can."

Taylor twinged uncomfortably at the mention of Time Force. She hid her feelings as best she could while her past forced its way back into her mind; the memory of letting him walk away while she stood there, nervous, afraid, and unable to utter a single word. She regretted every step he took further away from her, regretted every step she couldn't bring herself to follow.


Once the afternoon hit, the team wrapped up their visit and prepared to head back to Earth. Commander Scott volunteered to lead the team back through Terra Venture's East Gate where the Astro4 awaited them further down the path.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Commander Scott," said Carter.

"Oh, don't even mention it. It was a pleasure for all of us to host the Power Rangers once more."

The Rangers waved goodbye one last time and headed down the tree paved road towards the Astro4. A bright and clear near-evening sky graced their return. The rays of sun majestically cut through the tree branches while a gentle breeze whisked through the leaves.

Carter walked next to Alex. "Any updates from Captain Logan?"

"Nothing yet, but he'll have a solution soon."

"Okay. I rather not leave until I know how this all plays out. I'm partly to blame for everything that's happened."

"No," Alex quickly replied. "Looking back, blaming yourself, it helps no one. Time moves forward and so do we. That's how we repent for our regrets. My father told me that often."

Carter nodded. "I like the expression, but time isn't so straightforward nowadays."

Alex paused for a few moments. "You have a point. I may need a new expression."

Kendrix looked closely at the path and came to a realization before looking to Jason. "Hey, I think this path is the same one we took after you recruited me."

Jason looked around, noticing the familiarity. "I think you're right. Crazy that we can still recognize it after almost 1000 years. Which means that the warp vortex we took back to this time would beeee... right over this small hill." He pointed to a small green hill among the trees.

"If I recall correctly, couldn't you have activated the time portal from anywhere?" asked Kendrix with a slyness to her voice.

"W-Well, ehehe, that detail maaay have slipped my mind back then."

Kendrix giggled. "I'm glad. I'll always remember our walk."

Jason started to gently slip his fingers in between hers. But suddenly, a massive explosion could be seen and felt in the distance. A cloud of dense black smoke rose above a backdrop of orange and red flames. The team vigilantly looked around them as burning metallic parts started hurtling towards the ground like sharp meteors.

Carter examined one of the smoking pieces. His eyes widened, recognizing it as the charred remains of one of the Astro4's bridge levers. "Everyone on guard! We're under attack!"

"Freeze!" a voice from the trees cried out.

The team turned towards the sound, ready to fight. Then, a group of twenty men dressed in green and gray armor pinned the team down at gunpoint.

Jason recognized them by their uniforms. Without hesitation, he readied his Morpher. "The Zavira Enforcers. I've only ever seen them twice before and never this close. I don't know how you got all the way out here, but you should have brought more than one squadron if you wanted to make this a fair fight for the Power Rangers."

Alex slowly approached the men with his arms up. "I don't know what this is all about, but we are not your enemies. I am Time Force Officer Alex Drake. I can vouch for anything we've been falsely accused of."

A rustling in the trees led to a call out from a familiar voice. "That won't be necessary, Officer."

Just as soon, the number of enforcers doubled and the Rangers found themselves completely surrounded. And none other than Queen Diane herself slid out from the veil of the forest, centering herself among the squadrons.

"Your first mistake was letting me live," Diane stated with a cold, seething glare. "Your next mistake was coming to a planet that is loyal to their Queen, as they should be. I'll have to properly reward Commander Scott at a later time."

Jason's arms began to rattle as his hand slipped off the top of his Morpher. He could not contain the rapid pounding on his chest as his senses started dimming. "Mother... why...?"

"You can't follow this woman!" Taylor cried. "She has lied and killed just to keep people who don't agree with her in line!"

Some of the enforcers noticeably looked back towards each other. But another enforcer angrily stomped towards Taylor. "You watch your tongue when you address the Queen!"

He tried to smack Taylor in the side of her face with his blaster, but Taylor ducked under the attempt and kicked him to the ground.

"You bastard." Jason got ready to morph, but Carter motioned for both him and Taylor to cool down.

"We are severely outnumbered here," he said. "I know how you feel, I really do. But we've already learned a valuable lesson about mistimed aggression."

Another enforcer stomped over towards Jason. "You will not morph in the presence of the Queen!"

He also tried to smack Jason with his blaster. But Jason caught the attempt with his hand. Just as soon, the rest of the blasters pointed directly at him.

"Enough!" A perturbed Diane stepped in between Jason and the enforcer. She dealt a swift punch right into the enforcer's midsection, forcing him to his knees in agony. "No harm shall come to my son. As for the rest of them, they are all traitors to the kingdom."

"We're the traitors?!" cried Carter.

"Hmph, you are whoever I need you to be. You Rangers attempted to usurp the throne in a feeble attempt for power. Treasonous enough. But then, you abduct my only child and force him to risk his life doing your bidding. Unforgivable. A terrible tale, but one my people will believe."

The enforcer next to Jason looked back to the Queen with widened eyes for a split second before returning his focus to Jason. Several enforcers behind him wore a similar expression.

"Mother, no!" Jason cried. "This was my choice! You know that! I'll tell everyone the truth, one way or another!"

Diane sighed while pushing a button on her wrist. "I'd rather you not have to see what will become of your so-called friends."

A box-shaped device dropped onto the floor and started growing larger. After it grew to full size, it started to transform into a circular apparatus. Diane pushed another button and activated it, creating a standing blue and white portal within.

"You can't do this!!!" Jason cried. "If you really want to protect me then, please... please just save them, let them go home, anything!"

Diane's cold, uncompromising expression held strong. She motioned her hands towards a pair of enforcers who forced Jason to move forward towards the Stargate. "A few sessions of memory acclimation should do the trick. I'll be making sure that even the faintest remembrance of your spandex-laden escapade is stripped clean. Allowing you to take part in this was my mistake. And for that, I apologize."

Jason's entire body felt weakened by the words. He looked back at his team with misty eyes. "No... I can't forget... I won't!"

"Come on, kid," the enforcer next to him stated monotonously while he slowly focused his blaster back on Jason. "Don't make this harder than it has to be."

"Jason..." Kendrix' resolve did not fade. "Please, stay strong for us."

Carter looked to Taylor and motioned his eyes towards the Stargate.

Taylor carefully nodded as both slowly placed their hands behind their backs and readied their fingers on their Morphers. But before they could act, a small, dark tear in the air started to manifest and expand just over the small green hill. As the rift continued to grow, the entire group could feel its gravitational pull tugging them towards it.

"What in the...?" Diane stared upon the rift in disbelief. But she refocused herself and pointed at one of the enforcers. "You! Investigate the matter!"

"Yes, My Queen!" The enforcer moved in closer to the newly formed rift, but the continual pull soon became too much for him to resist as his feet slide against the grass below. "N-No! Help! It's pulling me in!!!"

"Chronic Storm, Ranger form!" Carter instinctively morphed and jumped in to grab hold of the enforcer's arm. "I've got you!"

But the rift grew larger, still. Tree branches, dirt, and rocks started ripping from the ground and falling victim to the dimensional tear. The Stargate apparatus began chipping and breaking away; the loose parts sucked into the rift as if magnetically attracted.

Carter's grip slowly slipped, and before he knew it, the enforcer left his hands and was flung into the rift, vanishing from this reality. Soon, the Stargate apparatus collapsed completely, leaving the portal itself to be consumed by the rift, resulting in a lightening of its color. The others tried to escape, but the gravitational pull became too strong to run from.

Jason focused his aura into his hands to hold on to the ground and counter the force, but a tree yanked from its roots started to hurtle towards him. He turned around, staring helplessly as it gained speed.

"Chronic Storm, Ranger form!" Taylor moved quickly and morphed while using the gravitational force to speed herself up en route to Jason's position. She then lunged at the tree shoulder first. Her quick thinking knocked it off its trajectory, forcing a most violent entry into the newly colored rift.

"Taylor!" Jason grabbed her arm before she could be pulled in. However, his grip started to quickly loosen.

"Thanks, kid. But I don't think it'll make much of a difference."

Enforcer after enforcer started to be pulled in with Diane and Alex soon following. The Rangers all began losing their grip as the force lifted them into the air.

"Hold on guys!" cried Carter.

"Where will it take us!?" asked Ethan.

But before a theory could be postulated, all became engulfed by the vortex and were sent hurtling through time.

Just as fast as it happened, it ended. All of Diane's enforcers, the Queen herself, the Rangers, and Alex, had all been transported elsewhere.

Jason started to come to and lift himself from the ground as he took in the vibrant forests surrounding him. "Wait a second... this doesn't really look that different. Guys, get up! I think we're still on Mirinoi!"

Ethan got up rubbing his head and looked around. "Ugh... It sure looks like Mirinoi. So all that build up was for nothing?"

Jason helped Kendrix up who immediately recognized the far more familiar Terra Venture skyline in the distance. "No. It did do something." She pointed out towards the tallest building. "I think we've been transported back to the year 2000."

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