I'm Your Protector, Henry Bo...

By MySancuaryLittlePony

39K 698 257

in this story you are Henry Bowers's little sister he is a bully and a jerk but for you he's over protective... More

*27 years later*
*27 Years Later* Ch.2
*27 years later* (Ch. 3)
*27 years later* Ch. 4


2.7K 51 15
By MySancuaryLittlePony

While everyone rode off in separate directions, I stood there a bit confused. I looked up at the house they ran out of not just moments ago, what was the big deal about this old run down house that scared scared my friends so badly that it made them turn against one another?.....

I eventually wall away from it but it felt like there were eyes on me, I looked around and didnt see anyone in sight which made me cringe a bit. I continued to walk down the street...

~1 hour later ~

I was walking in town when I spotted Edie going into the pharmacy,  my eyes lit up seeing he was okay. I run to the pharmacy and walk inside looking for Eddie,  he was at the counter getting his prescription for his meds
"You know your meds are placebos right?"
I hear the bitch Greta ask Eddie
"What's that mean?"
Eddie asks
"Means bullshit"
She points out to him, oh I wanted to knock her teeth in so bad she's such a bitch. Eddie just stood there quietly, poor Ed's I cant believe someone that nice gets tortured so much especially when it came to his fears and worries about diseases and illnesses in the world, I then caught Greta signing something on Eddie's cast and him walking out of the pharmacy. I then walk after him and try to catch up
I say waving him down and he looked back and saw me a blush gracing his cheeks when he saw me
"(Y/N) hey"
He said a bit sad, I finally caught up to him
"What's the matter?"
I ask him, he was quiet what seemed like forever then spoke
"My mom dowsnt want me being around any of the guys or Bev anymore....or you..."
He said looking so sad, that bitch...

I then put my hands in my pockets
"Wellllll, you're seeing me now and I dont see that woman getting her butt outta her chair to fast at home I think we got time to talk"
I say trying to lighten the mood it did make him smile a little bit but then I looked down and saw the word "LOSER" written on Eddie's cast
"What the fuck?! Did Greta do that?"
I ask agitated,  Eddie looked off to the side and nodded
"Oh I'd like to zonk her lights out"
I say shaking a fist towards the pharmacy then looked back at Eddie and I took a red marker I had in my pocket and opened the marker lid with my teeth and then lifted Eddie's wrapped up arm and started to draw on it, he watched as I did this I marked a "V" over the "S" so now it read "LOVER" ....

Eddie's POV:
I watched as (Y/N) took my casted arm and begin to write on it, after Greta wrote "LOSER" on it I felt really badly now I'd be stuck with those words for the weeks I had my cast on, but then I saw (Y/N) start to mark over one of the letters so it read "LOVER" instead it made me blush a bit, this girl I tell ya shes gunna make me keal over with the amount of blushing I've been doing lately....

(Y/N) POV:

Once I finish correcting the letters on his cast, I even added my name with a heart
"There now that's better huh?"
I ask him, he blushed and nodded
"Yeah...thanks (Y/N)"
He said with a smile, I then scratched my head and looked around
"Uh ya know Eddie....theres something I'd like to let you know...and I better do it before I chicken out...."
I say a bit nervous which made Eddie raise an eyebrow
"What is it?"
He asked me, this was it I was going to tell Eddie I liked him after so long I was finally gunna tell him
"Eddie....you see I...."
Shit even I was starting to get nervous to tell him
"What is it?"
He asked again, I didnt know what to do at this point
"Look just...."
With out much else to say I grabbed him by his shoulders and leaned forward and kissed him...

Eddie's POV:

She looked so nervous I wasnt for sure what was happening exactly, but then she gripped my shoulders and I was a bit nervous what was she going to do? Before finishing that thought I felt her soft lips on mine...

My face was ignited red, the girl I liked for so long is kissing me!!!!

(Y/N) POV:
After a few moments,  I pulled away slowly and his face was red and his eyes were slightly widened
"Are you okay Eddie?"
I asked him, but it was like he was frozen in place I then wave my hand over his face
"Hello Earth to Kasbrak we need you back here"
I say and he snaps out of it and we just looked at each other for a moment or so I'm not for sure he knew how to handle this moment honestly he was so quiet
"Look Eddie....I...I like you okay I've liked you for a few years now and up until now I have never had the guts to say anything because I was worried youd not like me back and I....."
He stopped me
"Its okay really because.....I....I like you to (Y/N)"
He said a bit embarrassed to admit such a thing, I blushed a little bit and I cleared my throat
"Uh well want me to walk you home so your mom doesnt have an aneurism?"
I said with a soft chuckle he nodded and we walked down the street together in silence for the most part....

I wasnt quite sure what to say I think Eddie was still in shock honestly from that sudden kiss, we finally reach his house and I looked at him
"Wellt his is you....maybe see you later?"
I ask him, he nodded and I smile and kiss his cheek
"Stay cool Kasbrak I'll see you later"
I say and walk off, I cant believe I kissed Eddie! Oh it was the greatest moment ever his lips were so soft and inviting I couldn't stop thinking about it...

I was halfway home when I saw Henry with his friends driving down the street I ran behind a house so he didnt see me and waited for him to be out of sight, soon as he was I sighed in relief. I ran down the street and hit Neibolt again, this was the quickest way back home, but that damn creepy house the one where it felt like eyes were always on you made me stop in front of it. What was the big deal anyways?

I then approached it and walked slowly past the rusty gate and then up the pathway that was covered in dead grass and trash....

I walked up the creaky steps and up to the door, I was about to open it when I hear honking and yelling
I turned to find Henry getting out of the car and coming towards me
"I'm fine Henry jeez !"
I say annoyed, he then grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me away from the house
"Let go of me dammit!"
I shouted
"No! This time you're staying in the car with me and the guys! I dont trust you being out and about on your own!"
I kicked his knee making it buckle and he let go of my wrist
"I'm not a baby anymore Henry! So stop treating me like one!"
I shouted at him he was so dumb founded by this and I glared at his friends who looked off in opposite directions
"You cant control me Henry!"
I shout at him
"Watch me!"
Henry said as he grabbed me again and got me into the car and Belch zoomed off, I cant believe this my brother is acting like I'm his property and it pisses me off...

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