*27 years later*

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It had been 27 years since the mess all happened....honestly I wish I could forget it. I was sitting on my porch swing and listened to the trees rustling in the wind for the most part it was very peaceful...

Alot had changed since then, my brother was sent to a mental hospital,  I inherited my father's house, me and Eddie got married and we have a beautiful daughter.....you would think that I'd be completely happy, I mean I am don't get me wrong but something always felt....out of place but I couldnt ever put my finger on it....

I inhaled the fresh cut grass and the fresh air blew through my hair gently I was then broke from my thoughts when I heard the spot next to me on the swing creak I glance over to see Eddie with a mug of coffee in each hand giving me one
"Here you go"
I smile at him
"Thanks Eds"
I said taking a sip of it and looking out to the distance

Our daughter already left for school and it was just me and Eddy , it was sad to see everyone leave Derry as the years went on, I havent hears from any of them since they moved away it was as if we were forgotten or something on those lines anyways....

Later that day....

I got into my car as I saw Eddy leave for work and we waved to each other he went one direction and I went the other and headed out of town a bit, I listened to the car radio as the wind blew through my hair from the early summer breeze it was peaceful sure but I still felt like something was itching at me in the back of my head but what was that ?

About a half hour later I reached a gate to the mental ward in which my brother resides, I usually try and visit whenever I can to see how he's doing...I got inside and I went to the front desk

"May I help you ma'am?"
The man at the front desk asked
"Yes I'm here to see Henry Bowers? I'm his sister (Y/N) "
The man looked at me like you're serious? But I didnt pay it any mind, he then had a staff member lead me down the hall to where the patients sat in an activity room some were watching tv others doing activities...

I looked around until I saw Henry by the window doing what looked like beading a bracelet or something, I slowly approached him
I spoke softly, he then turned his head hearing his name and when he saw me his eyes seemed to light up well what little light they had now a days
"(Y/N) ..you came"
He said with a small smile, I smiled back and sat down at the table he was at
"How are things on the outside?"
He asked me not making much eye contact, he barely did anymore it was like after what he did to our dad and almost to me.....he just couldnt look me in the eyes anymore which I guess in a sense I could understand....

(Flash back 27 years earlier)

I was sitting on my porch a bit of my father's blood splattered on my cheek and hands from crying on his chest and the police had been questioning me about what happened before the incident
"Now young lady what exactly happened before your dad was killed?"
The officer asked
"I...I really am not sure....it was just a typical day I was coming home from seeing friends and when I came inside.....I saw my dad.....dead"
I say with tears streaming down my cheeks, the officer put a hand on my shoulder
"Its alright you're safe with us"
He assured me but it didn't really make me feel any better, I watched as they wheeled out my dad in a body bag out of the house and I looked away so I didnt see much of it, I didnt want to have that as my last memory of my dad....

About a couple minutes later, someone was walking up the driveway and I looked up I couldnt quite recognize the figure it was so....bloody but when I got a closer look it was Henry
I shouted which made the cops turn their heads and see him a couple of them rushed to him and tackled him to the ground and cuffed him and I covered my mouth and watched as they put cuffs on him and held him down it was a horrible sight to see. They picked him up harshly and were gunna put him in the police car
"Wait please!"
I shout, the officers stop but still had a firm grip on him, I walked down from the porch and over to him....his eyes looking angry yet scared somewhere in there was my big brother but I had no say with what happens to him being so young. I just hugged him with tears in my eyes
"I love you Henry....you'll always be my big brother"
An officer put his hand on my shoulder and I let go as they shoved my brother into the back of the police car and drove away......

(Back to the present time)

I gazed out the barred window of the mental ward then looked back at Henry who was still looking down
"Henry look at me"
I say putting a gentle hand on top of his, he flinched at first but then glanced up at me
"I'm not mad at you for what happened....more along the lines of just....confused"
I said softly which was true I know that our dad was harsh on Henry but I didnt think he deserved to have what happened to him to be perfectly honest....

Henry was silent for the most part till be eventually spoke...
"He was a bastard......he got what was coming to him"
He said in a low kinda dark voice which made me cringe a little to be honest. I pushed a tin towards him
"I made your favorite"
I said as I took my hands away from it, he reached over and opened it to reveal some cookies, I usually always bring him something on my visits here it seemed to cheer him up a little bit
He said quietly, I wish he didn't have to stay here in this place but I can't say he is ready for the outside yet either, we visited for about an hour but then I had to head for home
"I'll be back in a week or so"
I said to him as I got up and he grabbed my wrist rather hard I looked at my wrist then at him
"Dont go..."
He said softly though it still sounded harsh
"I...I have to Henry, Eddy will be home soon"
I say trying to think of an excuse to leave he still had a firm grip on me
"Hes just a loser always was always will be"
He sneered soon a staff member saw this and took my arm out of his grip and I rubbed my wrist from it stinging a bit, I then backed away and walked out my brother watching me as I left the room and walked outside.....

I got to my car and looked back at the ward seeing my brother look out the window at me, I didnt want to leave on one hand but the other hand knew that if I stayed to long Henry would get angry by the time I left....so in another sense it was good for him to be here and maybe in time he can leave there and come home and start all over....

I then got in my car and drove out of the gates as they closed behind me the ears in my rear view mirror as I drove away....some days I wish Henry didnt do any of this the maybe things would be different and better....but this is my reality and its something I gotta face.....

I'm Your Protector,  Henry Bowers's Little Sister (Eddie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now