Kingdom Of Madness

By silvertailart

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Gorenora is the daughter of Hades and Persephone. As a baby, her soul was taken by Zeus and she was banished... More

Chapter One: The Life of a Goddess
Chapter Two: Hellboys and Demons
Chapter Three: A Dance
Chapter Four: Tell Me Not Of Thy Tall Tales!
Chapter Five: A Night Never to Forget
Chapter Six: A Blissful Morning
Chapter Seven: Once A Lover, Now A Friend
Chapter Eight: As Time Passes
Chapter Nine: Hounds and Souls
Chapter Ten: An Unexpected Surprise
Chapter Eleven: A Wolf
Chapter Twelve: A Wedding
Chapter Thirteen: Sweet Romance
Chapter Fourteen: Explosion of Madness
Chapter Sixteen: Alpha
Chapter Seventeen: Kingdom of Madness
Chapter Eighteen: The Rightful Queen
If You Wish To Support Us!

Chapter Fifteen: The Ashlands

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By silvertailart

When I awoke, I was laid out on soft smoke-smelling ground. Panic struck me until I spotted Angel chained to a burnt tree, just an arm's length away. I instinctively went for my belt to find it absent and in its place silver chains. They felt like they were drawing my strength. As if it wasn't difficult enough with our unborn draining me, now these bindings were making it worse.

"You're finally awake I see, my Jewel."

Angel went into a coughing fit after speaking and I tried my best to crawl in front of him. He was starting to cough up blood, making my heart rate spike. I quickly used my remaining strength to ignite us in healing, blue flames.

"Whoa, did you see that?" Came a whisper from one of the warriors.

"That's impossible." Another replied.

Angel let out a roar of pain as I heard his ribs crack back into place. I grimaced and embraced my poor husband. They must have beaten him while I was out cold. But to leave him for death is cruel, even for the darkest of souls like my own.

"I'm glad you woke in time. They made you drink some sort of herbal water. Something to make you sleep longer. I've learned the Queen's Third is named, Varnerk. He told me his name thinking I wouldn't make it 'til you awoke."

"Thank the heavens I awoke when I did then."

"How unfortunate you're still alive!" Varnerk shouted while he approached with the larger, male demons behind him.

"You idiot! We are bound! If he dies, I die too!" I screamed, my rage taking control.

My flames ignited with renewed vigour as I lashed out at Varnerk.

"We are forbidden to bind to our mates by our Queen. I had forgotten about that small part of the binding. This is why love makes you weak, little Goddess."

"Small part of the binding? How in the name of Hades is that a small part to be forgotten?"

"Hades be damned! You weak, pathetic, little Goddess!"

"That is my Father you're talking about, so I advise you watch your tongue!"

I stood in front of my mate, guarding him from our captors. Varnerk walked right into my personal space, into the flames. He smirked down at me and wrapped his hand around my throat. Not enough to cut off my air but enough to attempt to intimidate me. Angel released a low warning growl towards Varnerk as his body kept trying to change forms. The silver chains, surprising me, kept him from changing.

"Be quiet Wolf Tribesman! My Queen wishes you alive, but she didn't say anything about unharmed. Continue to defy me and I'll make sure you're both properly punished." Varnerk hissed, tightening his grip.

I showed no signs of struggle, unwilling to give him the satisfaction. I let out a loud growl, like a wolf raising their hackles but he showed no signs of stopping until he got the response he wanted. So, I did the only sensible thing anyone would do in my situation.

I raised my bound fits and rounded him right in the nose. Then as he gasped and released his grip, I bit down into the flesh of his wrist. Blood burst from the overly sadistic Demon from my fangs piercing a main vein and I relished in drinking some of his life essence. He reacted quickly and ripped his wrist from my jaws, making the tears in his flesh deeper and longer.

"You bitch! Damn!"

He cradled his wound, attempting to stop the bleeding. I couldn't help the wicked satisfaction I felt from seeing him in pain.

"What did you do to me? Fuck is this? Pain?"

The rest of the Demons went wide-eyed at their wounded leader. All of them too shocked to move. He must have been a strong leader for his comrades to be this surprised. Varnerk hissed and tore off his armour and then his undershirt to use as a makeshift bandage. He was a very large, muscled male. Even more so than my mate. Although his body was coated in scars. Every inch of his torso looked to be covered in them. I was confused and shocked to see a creature in such shape, especially still alive.

"I'm impressed, little female. I don't give praise very often either, but you did the one thing no man has ever been able to do since the Queen's experiments. You made me feel pain. How? I'm uncertain but still, impressive." Varnerk chuckled and began to regain his composure.

"Gorenora? Are you injured, my Sweet?"

I turned to face Angel and gave him a soft smile. My energy was drained once again, and my flames died out. Our child was taking a lot more energy than I had expected.

"Not injured. Just tired." I assured him and moved in between his legs.

Once I was comfortable, I returned my gaze to Varnerk. His expression was unreadable and confusing, to say the least.

"Thank you for your praise. It does not go unappreciated."

I decided it would be better to respond than ignore him. Maybe it would improve my chances of gaining their trust and loyalty. Some of the other Demons smiled at me, approving of my thanks to their leader.

"She did experiments on them? What sick, twisted bitch would do such a thing? To her own supposed people, no less." Angel questioned and laid his chin upon my shoulder.

He looked at my tired expression with worry and then up to Varnerk. Embarrassingly, my stomach grumbled, my body needed food. Especially, to support our little one.

"You must feed my wife!"

Varnerk turned back to face us and smirked.

"We must be on our way. She'll eat when we feel like feeding her. If you're lucky, we might even let you both stay with the rest of the group."


"No? I don't see you the one in control here tribesman."

Angel huffed irritated and looked at me again before returning his gaze to the men before us.

"Please, she is with child. If you have any morals and sanity left in you. You'll feed her. I don't care if you starve me! Fucking, beat me for all I care but she needs to keep her strength!"

This seemed to have struck a chord with the cold male before us. He actually seemed lost in thought with a sad smile on his face. It was odd to see his face so relaxed, even though we hadn't been captured for a long time. He didn't seem like the one to show many emotions.

"I was like you once. She was the most amazing woman I had ever met. But that's a tale for another time. Maybe. Fine. Don't tell the Queen this when we see her though. Come! Men! Feed the weaklings wife! Then we will be off!"

So much for mister nice guy. I wonder what they put him through. Angel let out a sigh of relief and kissed our mark, making me flush a bright shade of red. It wasn't long before we were surrounded. Demons removed the chains from the tree and fed me a cold stew and bread.

To which I quickly ate, our child was determined to develop faster, apparently. They pulled Angel to his feet and went to give me the same rough treatment before Angel let out a menacing snarl. One of the Demons stepped before the others. A Demon with a black, wolf head tattoo on his upper torso and gently helped me up.

More Demons with the same tattoo seemed to appear off and on throughout the day as we walked. Angel seemed more edgy than usual and wild. I was starting to worry until I became distracted by some of the Demons transforming into those large feline creatures from before. Others joined in and they were even more creatures.

These new ones were large, bright blue lizards. Almost dragon-like, except without the wings and their markings looked like they were greenish-purple in colour. Then the other new creatures looked like humongous owls. The owl-like birds had white feathers and yellow-tipped wings, with large, sharp talons that could rip a man's face off. I noticed under the feathers their markings pulsed with a yellow glow.

Then before I could count them, a few creatures that looked similar to Angel's bestial form, pranced through the crowd of transformed Demons. Compared to the numbers of the others, the ones that had similar forms to Angel were very few. They came close to Angel in size, but they were all weaker.

They also all emitted a powerful aura and appeared larger than the others. They must be from his Father's tribe. I wonder why they all have alternate forms. How did I create such amazing and beautiful creatures? The Gods only ever called me a monster. Yet, how could a monster create such magnificent beings?

"Because you're not a monster, my Sweet."

I smiled up at Angel and stopped walking. He returned my smile with his own and pulled me into a passionate kiss. We poured our love for each other into the kiss, reminding each other that no matter what happens, we will have each other.

"Thank you, my Love." I purred, breaking our kiss.

Times like these I always felt dazed, like the world had slowed down and all that mattered was him. He was my world and soon enough our little girl would be our world as well. My body buzzed with happiness as the disease felt like it was being lifted from my mind. Angel's chains clanked together as he caressed my cheeks.

"Come on you two." Varnerk interrupted, suddenly breaking our trance and the Madness set in again.

Angel sighed sadly and held my hand tightly as we were pushed to walk again by our captors. The ash of the dead earth beneath my feet was beginning to make me ill. This must be how my Mother feels in the Underworld sometimes. Angel's fidgety behaviour started again as the day began to turn to night. The other Demons were starting to take notice of this and kept their distance. His bones started twitching oddly, almost like they wanted to escape his flesh.

We finally stopped walking for the night and this time we were allowed to be by the others. As soon as Amy, Rovick and Toris came into view my emotions spilled out and I cried as we embraced each other. Rovick took note of Angel's condition and looked at him concerned. As the Demons around us set up camp and started a large fire to light the night, Angel growled at his gaze.

"M-my Lady. I-I don't think. Y-your mate doesn't look so good." Amy stuttered and held onto Toris's arm in fright.

A couple of soldiers noticed Angel's odd behaviour and started to approach. I embraced him, filled with concern for his wellbeing.

"S-step away, my Sweet. I can't control it. T-this darker beast in my mind. I could control it before. But now."

"I understand, my Love. It's okay. Maybe the others will help. I could plead with Varnerk." I offered, and he chuckled softly.

"Gorenora. Do not worry so much about me, Love. I'll be okay. Just step back j-just in case. The other's approach."

I gasped as I was roughly pulled away from Angel and he tried to lash out at the man who took me away from him. The others attempted to restrain Angel with much difficulty. Rovick bashed his head into my captor and pulled me into him and Toris. As Amy stood in front of me and hissed at anyone who approached. Angel was calming now but his body was trying to turn despite the silver chains. Varnerk ran towards the commotion to see us. He quickly assessed the situation and narrowed his eyes.

"Unbind him!" He ordered, and the others looked at him like he had lost it.

"But, sir?" One of the demons questioned.

Varnerk pulled out a short sword from his side and smirked diabolically. "Do you really wish to question me? The Queen wants her alive! And because they're bound if he dies so does she. He's a newly shifted wolf. They have to turn to control their darker sides. Just like all of us! Now do as I command! The next time you question me, I'll slice your fucking head off!"

The soldiers scrambled to unbind Angel and once his body was no longer in contact with the silver bindings it started to shift. Everyone gave him room as his body fought itself. I could almost feel the pain he was in. I kept getting faint waves of it, but he must have blocked our bond to save me. He was shifting slower from being stuck in his normal form.

Tears flowed down my cheeks as I watched the love of my life struggle with an unknown force. He held his head as his hands were the first to start changing. He yelled out from the pain and collapsed on his side.

Then it was as if a dam broke, all at once his bones began to break and reshape themselves. His flesh stretched and sprouted black fur as his markings pulsed. His hands turned to paws, his face into a muzzle, his spine reshaped itself and grew. Until almost in a blink of an eye it was over. He was back to being in his fully bestial form, wings free and everything.

My giant mate laid on his side, breathing heavily. I moved away from my friends in an attempt to get to my mate. But Varnerk must have guessed I would try something like this so he was there to grab me. He caught me by surprise and smirked at my fearful reaction. Varnerk grabbed me and stuck his blade once again to my neck. I cursed my stupidity of allowing myself to get into this situation again as he pulled me into the circle the Demons had formed around Angel.

"Awaken, Pup!" Varnerk yelled at Angel.

Angel's eyes snapped open and he immediately stood and snarled at Varnerk.

"Easy, Pup. I've allowed you to live. Only because you're bound to this weakling. I could just easily end another life that would hurt you both." He warned and moved the blade lower.

Angel stopped baring his teeth and took a step back.

"What a good boy. I guess that animalistic mind of yours isn't as far gone as I would have thought. I won't harm your pup. For now. But if you try anything! I'll cut your little offspring right out of her!"

"I'll kill him. I'll kill him for threatening our pup. For threatening my mate. It will be slow and painful. I promise you this, my Sweet."

"He understands. Now please, remove the blade. Varnerk." I pleaded and tried to move my bound hands to cover our youngling.

"Collar him! While he's in this form I want him bound and guarded by five men!"

They moved quickly, and it wasn't long before he was collared, muzzled and immobilized. It was only then did Varnerk release me, and I ran straight for my mate's side.

"Now that, that's over. Rest! We wake at dawn!"

I ran my fingers through his fur and felt sleep trying to set in. The Demons that stood around us watched my every move. Only Rovick was allowed to join us to check up on the progress of the youngling.

"Besides needing more rest, you appear to be fine. Especially, given how quickly your young is developing. I don't know much about Demon young. I think I'll have to ask Amy about that." Rovick explained and stood to leave.

"Thank the heavens."

"We thank you, Rovick."

Rovick bowed and with that, he left to rejoin the others.

"Rest, mate. I shall shift into my other form soon enough."

"How can I rest now? I'm too worried."

His bestial form huffed and stirred up the ashes by his nose.

"Come rest against me. I will protect you, mate."

I did as my Love wanted and laid with my back against his belly, while we both laid on our sides. His mind and aura were different in this form. Everything about him screamed primal and powerful. I tried to fight back sleep as long as I could and found a couple of hours later my mate finally shifted into his normal form. Again, they gave him something to wear and again they bound him. I could feel his rage building as they treated him like an animal.

"Come rest, Darling. I need you."

He calmed, surprising our captors and return to my side. He sat with his legs crossed and pulled me into his lap.

"I'm here now. Sleep, my Sweet."

He rested his forehead against mineand held me until I fell into a deep slumber.

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