Life After The Mental Institu...

By StylesImagines444

46.7K 833 175

Two years after Piper and Harry got married, they broke up when Harry had a one night stand. Sydney was nearl... More

Cast List For Life After The Mental Institution!
Life So Far.
Not Feeling So Hot?
Any Change?
Which One?
Kiss Me! (Warning! Dirty Scene!)
Home? (Teaser/Filler Chapter)
Home Sweet Hell!
Fantasy Seems Better Then Reality.
Birthday Time! (Filler Chapter)
See Life World Part One!
Sea Life World Part Two! (Final Part)
Prue Part One!
Prue Part Two!
Prue Part Three!
Prue Part Four! (Final Part)
The Funeral.
First Normal Day In A While.
I Spoke Too Soon!
Work And The Letter.
Josh Newton.
Not Just One Turner Part One. (Teaser)
Not Just One Turner Part Two. (Teaser)
Not Just One Turner Part Three. (Teaser) (Final Part)
Darcy's Second Birthday!
The Vowel Renewal Part One.
The Vowel Renewal Part Two. (Final Part) (Warning! Sex Scene)
Planning Phoebe And Niall's Wedding.
Family Of Five! (Filler)
Niall And Phoebe's Wedding Day!
Not Just Ours.
Mom's Birthday!
The Results And Surprise!
I'm Your Dad!
Baby Styles Number Three Part One!
Baby Styles Number Three Part Two! (Final Part)
Dinner Time!
Pregnancies. Who Needs Them? (Warning! Sexual Content!)
Phoebe. (Filler Chapter)
Daughters Part One.
Daughters Part Two. (Final Part)
What?! (Teaser Chapter)
A Son?
Do You Want Me To Stay?
Where Do We Go From Here?
Epilogue. (Final Chapter)


1.2K 23 8
By StylesImagines444

Chapter Seven

"Which one?" I asked as the doctor came out, he smiled at us, then, sighed.

"Sydney is awake." He said and Harry and I rushed into the room to see Sydney, sitting up in bed.

"Mummy? Daddy?" She asked and we nodded and rushed over to her, drowning her in kisses and hugs.

I, then, looked her to Darcy to see her still in her coma and I looked over at the doctor.

"What about Darcy?" I asked, making Harry look over.

The doctor sighed as he read through some of his paperwork. He, then, look back up at me.

"She is not doing very well. Her immune system is not doing as well as we thought with fighting this virus..." He said and I nodded.

"Right? So, what does that mean?" I asked and he sighed.

"Darcy needs to awake from the coma on her own be because we cannot wake her. We don't know when she will wake up." He said and I turned to Harry, who had tears in his eyes and I started to sob.

Five Months Later.

"Sydney! Come back here this instant!" I scolded as she ran around the house, giggling.

Sydney was going to be three in a few months and Harry and I were working hard to plan her party. Harry has been staying with us while he helps look after Sydney and while he waits for Darcy to wake up. She hasn't woke up yet and her birthday was in a few months as well. Harry came out of no where and scooped up Sydney, placing her in her chair for lunch. I smiled and entered the kitchen.

"Thanks, Haz." I said and he nodded and smiled.

We sat down and began eating lunch. I have a ham, lettuce and cheese sandwich for lunch with a glass of coke, Harry had a plain ham and cheese sandwich and a glass of water. Sydney had a corned beef sandwich with a cup of juice. I smiled as I looked at Sydney and Haz, they both chewed the same way. Just, then, the phone started to ring and I got up and went to answer it.

"Hello?" I said once I had answered the phone.

"Hello, is this Miss Turner?" The lady asked and I frowned.

"Yes, speaking." I said and I heard a sigh.

"Your Daughter, Darcy Piper Styles is awake." She said and I gasped. Darcy's awake.


We rushed through the hospital halls. Harry called Lou to come and look after Sydney while me and Harry see Darcy. We got to Darcy's room to see nurses and doctors rushing around her room. We entered the room to see Darcy sitting up, smiling to the doctors. We gasped and rushed over to her and her eyes lite up.

"Mama. Dada!" She screamed and I cried while hugging her. I stared Harry in the eyes and smiled.

Hey, guys! What do you think of this chapter? Darcy and Sydney is awake, but... Is it over? Thanks for the support!

Read, vote and comment!

Emma xxx


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