Journey of the Heart (Camila...

By BefallenChains

134K 4.7K 1.5K

You are Alexandra McKenzie. The sole heir to a multi-billion dollar enterprise. You're the typical privileged... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Author's Note *Not an update*
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty-Six:
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter One

7.8K 153 98
By BefallenChains

Author's Note: There will be mention of some other famous people and their characters may be bad influences in the story. I do not believe they are bad in real life, they just fit that bad boy/chick facade and look. :) 

Now onto the my first chapter. Hope you like it. This is my first fanfiction :D


Your POV

I wake up to the sound of your phone ringing. I wanted to ignore the sound, but it just kept on ringing. With my eyes still shut, you aimlessly search for your phone. Knocking over a couple of things, I finally feel the ringing device in my hand. I bring it to my already hurting head.

"What?" I grumbled at the person waking me up from my sleep.

"Don't what me, missy. Do you have any idea what time it is?" Mother. Great.

"Nope," I say, popping the P to exaggerate my lack of care.

"Well for your information, it's 2. You were supposed to meet with Mr. Tanner at 12!" She yelled. I pull away the phone because my head really couldn't handle the loudness.


"You better be. We could have lost this business opportunity if it wasn't for your dad's -" I pull the phone away again, not really interested in the long story of my father's business heroics. It was always the same. I make a mistake and my father, or mother, comes to save the day. "How do you expect us to sign away the company to you when you're older?"

"Mother, can we discuss when I don't have a jackhammer pounding against my head? You and father can yell at me all you want when you get home," I suggest.

"We're not coming home. We have to take a trip to Europe for business. We'll see in a couple of weeks. While we're gone, please don't cause us anymore strife." And with that, my mother hung up on me.

Great. I have the whole place to myself. Once again. What to do???

There's only one thing to do... Go back to bed.

Once I was able to actually get out of bed, which was two more hours after getting rudely awaken from my mother. I make my way downstairs to find Charlie, my caretaker, prepping dinner.

"Finally you're awake, Alex. I was about to go upstairs to see if you were still alive," he joked.

"A long night won't kill me. The morning after, maybe. Thankfully we have drugs to help with that," I stated as I sit down on the long empty table.

"Please tell me you only took Tylenol or Aleve for your headache and not-"

"You worry too much, Charlie. And yes, I only took over the counter medicine. Besides, I don't have any more drugs thanks to Taylor (Momsen) and Justin (A/N: Don't really think they use drugs, but they fit the bad boy/chick look. Don't mean to offend anyone.)," I tell him while flipping through my phone.

I see pictures from the night before of my night out with Justin and Taylor. We were at some club that I forgot the name to and we were being hounded, as usual, by paparazzi and randoms as we left. Thankfully nothing bad happened last night... Not that I can recall.

"You know I worry about you, Alex. You telling me not to won't change that. You're like a daughter to me," Charlie explains as he places a plate of salmon and vegetables in front of me.

"At least you're not ashamed to call me your daughter out loud," I mumble to myself.

"Your parents love you, Alex." I look at him with a disbelieving glare. "Just in a different kind of way," he adds.

He sits next to me with his own plate of food and we start to eat in a comfortable silence. Charlie has always been there for me ever since I was young. He was my nanny when I was 5 and he stayed with the family because my parents became too involved with the company and left me alone most of my life. Charlie was basically my legal guardian. He was the only adult that I could trust whole heartedly. I loved Charlie like he was my own father and mother.

After we finished dinner I headed back upstairs to my room to get ready for the night ahead. I already texted a couple of my friends to set up a plan for tonight. Apparently there was a huge rager going on at one of our friends place so we were going to go there. At least it will be private, slightly anyways. I'm sure some of the people attending will bring randoms.

When I heard the honk of a car, I make my way downstairs to find Charlie waiting for me with a concerned look on his face.

"You shouldn't be partying all the time, Alex. The media is already on you as is and your company is-"

"Not my company, Charlie. My parents'. And as for the media, they can say all they want. It doesn't matter to me. I'm young. I'm free. Let me live life," I tell him.

This doesn't stop his concerning facial expression.

I sigh. "Look, since I'll be out of the house. Why don't you have a night out as well? You're always cooped up in here organizing the house for only us two and you know I don't care how the house looks. Live a little as well. I'll see you in the morning," I pause. "Maybe in the afternoon."

This makes him chuckle. I smile knowing I at least made him laugh a bit.

"I love you, Charlie. I'll be fine."

With that, I lean up to kiss him on the cheek as I head out the door.

The party was like any other rich kids' party. Lines and lines of alcohol and/or drugs were found on various tables around the big and spacious mansion. People scattered all around the place. Some passed out. Some coupled together against the wall, on the couch, on a table, you name it. Others were simply there for the show and recording everything for future exploitation and an upper-hand.

This is why I usually stayed away from parties such as these. It's fine for random people to be taking advantage of you but the feeling you get when you learn that someone close to you leaked out a video hurt far more than you would imagine. 

"Oh my gosh! Lexa, you're here! I thought you wouldn't make it after the stories I heard about you last night. Apparently you and the others tore up the street last night. I'm amazed you're even breathing," Grace states as she squeezed me like an orange.

"You still listen to those trashy tabloids, Grace? Haven't you learned that whatever they say is always a lie?"

"The stories were very accurate according to Taylor," Naomi said from behind me, giving me her best know it all smirk. "She even said that you were the life of the party. What with you practically doing a striptease up on the bar table. I just can't wait to see that on TMZ or even Youtube."

"So you can pleasure yourself to it I'm sure. Always good to see you, Naomi. If you would excuse me, I believe your boyfriend, Tyler, is asking for my presence," I tell her off while walking towards Tyler, who was in fact calling me over.

"Hey! Long time no see. I feel like you like spending more time with the A-listers more than your old high school friends nowadays," Tyler slurs as he gives me an all too familiar hug that I knew would turn into groping my butt. I quickly grab his hand when he made the move.

"Good to see you too, Tyler," I laugh. "How are you and Naomi?"

"Shhh, we don't have to talk about her. We have to get you on our level! Come on, the party is really in the pool house. It has the best party favors," he winks as he links our hands together and leads me outside.

I don't protest to it because I really just wanted something to numb everything around me in my life.

Within the next two hours I gulped down various alcoholic shots and bombs and dropped a couple of pills here and there that were in a fish bowl for others to take. It was like Halloween for messed up young adults. By the end of my binge drinking and pill popping, I was too high to stand so I made my way to the nearest couch and plopped myself down. Tyler soon comes to join me.

"Man, Lex, you're messed up," Tyler starts to laugh.

"Shut it, Chapman. You know I can handle myself more than you can. Who was it again that I had to bail out of jail for a DUI and possession of drugs?"

"That's true," he agrees. "I can always count on you," he adds.

We have the same old staring contest that we always end up having during these kind of nights. He leans closer. I lean closer. He leans a little bit more. I lean a little bit more. Before you know it, we're fighting for dominance with our mouths and tongues. Eventually it turns into a heated, very heated, make out session that leads to us wanting more.

"Upstairs?" Tyler pants out.

"For someone to find us? No."

"There's a dozen rooms here."

"And there's more than a hundred people here," I counter.

"Come on," he peppers my neck with kisses, knowing it will make me cave eventually. "I've missed you. I've missed this."

I groan because I really couldn't resist, probably because of the alcohol but also because Tyler and I were inseparable whenever we were together. Hence why Naomi hates me.

"My house. Nobody's home," I whisper into his ear as I nibble on it.

He pulls away. A grin plastered on his face.

All too quickly we make it out of the overcrowded house, successfully avoiding Naomi and any other nosy friends of ours, and into Tyler's Pontiac.

"You sure you can drive?" I ask.

"Babe, I got this. Now stop stalling," he laughs as he pulls out of the driveway and onto the road.

The road was a blur. I don't know if it's because of my hazy mind or because Tyler was driving way too fast. What I do know is that Tyler wasn't in the right mind to drive.

"Maybe you should slow down a bit, Tyler. There's no rush," I tell him.

"I'm fine, Lex," he grabs my hand. "I'm an excellent driver."

"Says the guy under the influence while driving," I chuckle

"Hey now. You've got my back and I've got yours. Now stop distracting me. I'm driving," he laughs

"Well then, I guess I shouldn't be holding your hand while driving. You know, two hands on the wheel and all," I state while tugging away my hand

Tyler laughs as he holds a tight grip around my hand

"Not going to happen, McKenzie. Your hand is mine," he fakes an evil laugh

We continue to play tug of war, laughing and enjoying our time. We didn't even notice the semi truck coming right towards us until the blinding light engulfed us. 

And then complete blackness.

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