The Love of My Life

By evilregal_11

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Regina Mills, once a dorky teen, falls in love with someone that she never thought would give her the time of... More



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By evilregal_11

    I gulp as I stare at this huge home just as I always do. Emma Swan lives an extravagant life that I would never understand nor want. Little does the world know that she's not allowed out until she's done her lessons and homework but by then it's too late for her to hang out. But! It's summer! And it's the fourth of July. I remember Emma telling me she wanted to see fireworks and explained it like is was a dream of hers. Her green eyes lit up just like Rapunzel when she gazed at the lanterns on her birthday. I want to see that face on Emma because seeing fireworks for the first time since she was 6 would make her day. I know it will.

      So, I take in a deep breath of the warm air the summer evening brings and sneak across the yard and to the back of her house. There's a thin layer of gravel surrounding the mansion. Her room is on the second floor but it's so high up when I look from directly under it. I take aim and toss the rock at her window. Then I reach for another just in case but most times I don't have to. She lifts her window and pokes her head out with that gorgeous smile on her face.

         "You could've called," she repeats for the millionth time.

"I wanted to be romantic."

     She giggles before disappearing back in her room. That's my cue to take the walk back to the front of her house and wait by the main gate. Time passes by achingly slow leaving me to think. I always think.

     Like right now, I'm thinking about homecoming our sophomore year. The year I met her and the year she became my friend. Zelena was right then: magic does happen at dances. I got to watch Emma cheerlead and take photos with a few fans and then when the time came for the dance she never once left my side. She even encouraged me to dance, which I did. It was completely embarrassing. But that wasn't the best part; the best part was when she kissed me on the ride to my house in her limo. Her lips are so soft and she tastes so sweet and I swear my heart exploded. My dull feelings inside sprung to life and I realized that this is what it feels like to love and not feel lonely. It feels great.

   "I'm ready!" She cheers, startling me back to reality. I hold my chest for dear life, trying desperately to breathe my anxiety away. "Sorry my love."

       "Why do you always do that? And what took you so long?" I whine through the stress. Emma starts walking as she explains so I follow behind towards my car. It's a black benz my grandparents gave me for my 16th birthday. Man has time flew! Now Emma and I are going into our senior year.

"I had to do my make up."

    I squint to assess her face better. If she thought she could hide that bruise from me, she doesn't know me too well. When I frown and cup her cheek gently, her eyes softly closes and she's succumbing into a deep trance.

      "What happened?"

"Nothing serious. My piano teacher is in cahoots with my mom. So he told her it seems like I don't care and I haven't been practicing because I'm not progressing so my mom got frustrated and smacked me. She says I'm wasting all of her hard earned money...."

      "Em," I sigh with sorrow as I mindlessly unlock the car with a click of the button. She shrugs away the topic and quickly slips in.

    I wonder what lie she told her mom today. She doesn't exactly want to come out to the world especially her mother which is fine by me. My mom knows and so does all of my siblings. They keep our secret. Her siblings know too. She has two sisters and one brother. All of them has some sort of talent. The eldest, August, is also an actor, then she's the second child, her sister Elsa who is a freshman and is a very popular pop icon, and then the youngest Hope is a dancer. Growing up they had this show called Keeping Up with the Swans but their mother ended it for some unknown reason.

     Me? I have way more siblings. There's Zelena, Graham, Me, Ivy, Ruby, Lily, and Henry and Mary. There's 8 of us. Kudos to my parents because they are doing one hell of a job raising all of us. We're all happy though, and we all get along and love one another. My favorite sibling is Henry, he's five and an absolute sweetheart. He's the total opposite from his twin sister. Henry also adores Emma which is the best thing.

   The car ride is silent. As soon as I park Emma quickly slips out with pure excitement. She races up the porch and bursts through the house like she owns the place, but nobody cares because everyone loves her.

   "EMMA!" The whole house cheers at once, nearly making me go deaf. All my siblings give her a group hug. It's the greatest thing to see and then my Mama is last.

"It's so good to see you dear!"

      "Its great to see you too! It's been soo long," Emma exaggerates dramatically. My mother chuckles while she assesses Emma's face just the way I did. Her smile morphs into a small frown but she quickly hides it.

"So! I hear that you're going to see the fireworks!"

      "Yeah! Aren't you coming?" The blonde frowns. Mom smiles and slowly shakes her head.

"Sadly no, I have work dear, but you kids have fun!" Mom says to the rest of us. Then she looks to me, "Don't worry, Zelena is coming to take Henry and Mary."

        "Oh good!" I sigh with relief. I really didn't want them to miss out. The rest of us have dates and what not so we can't exactly keep the two tykes around for long. "Okay guys, lets go!"

    Lily, Ruby, and Ivy quickly race back down the stairs with everything they need. The three of them are bubbling with excitement that is actually really contagious. Mom placed rules for us. She said we can't be separated because it could be dangerous so I have to drive all of us there and make sure we get back in one piece.

   The moment we get to the park, the girls take off. I find it weird that my little sisters have boyfriends. They're 13, 14, and 16. They shouldn't be dating, but that's just my over protective side talking. I started dating Emma at 15 so call me a hypocrite I guess. That's besides the point. The point is that these boys aren't like Emma. They could break my sisters' heart and raise all hell. I maybe shy in crowds but when it comes to my siblings I won't hesitate.

     "So what should we do first?" She's all giddy and staring at the fair with excitement. That excitement disappears when I hand her a wig and a pair of my old glasses. Of course I popped the lenses out so she could see. She whines immediately in protest. "Awww do I really have to wear this?"

"Yes Emma please. You know I hate people and if word gets out that you're here in the flesh, everyone will come parading and searching for you. Then your mom will definitely kill you." That explanation is enough for her to cave. She puts on the black wig and places the purple glasses on her face.

      "I feel stupid!"

"You look adorable!" I laugh. She rolls her eyes and stares at all of the people. "So should we get snacks first?

     "First we need to find a spot to sit in the field, preferably away from everyone." I grab the picnic blanket I bought for this special occasion and anxiously lead the way into the crowded fair. I hate crowds, but for Emma's happiness, I'll deal with it for as long as I can.

"How about that hill." Her fingers point past the food vendors at a small little hill that nobody has claimed yet. That's a perfect spot! When I hastily agree she races me there. Her long legs sends her flying; I don't stand a chance against cheerleader legs. "Ah ha! I win!"

     I laugh at her goofy brows and proceed to lay out the blanket to be used. Emma stands back and keeps her eyes focused on the fair yet again. Honestly, I don't want to go anywhere near it; I'm sure she knows. Her excitement is winning her over though so she can't help but ask, "I want to play games and win you a giant bear."

"O-okay, but first." I sit down and pat the space beside me. "Let's sit and talk. Wouldn't you rather watch the sunset?"

         "Can we do that without talking?" She frowns. Slowly she sits beside me and hugs her knees to her chest. We have to talk though. I don't normally speak much but this is something that we have to talk about. She doesn't want to talk about it because it's killing her inside.

"You leave next week and won't be back for two months," I point out. It brings tears to her eyes and she refuses to look at me. "And last year you were gone for 5 months for the movie and you didn't come back the same."

      "I know," she chokes. "I was just exhausted. I'm fine now."

"Are you?"

        "Yeah, because I have you now." My heart flutters at the cute remark. But I have to focus on the serious point to this conversation. It's hard since Em always starts the conversations. I just have this fear that I'm going to say something stupid and ruin everything.

"Emma you just won three awards for this movie. You played Alice for Disney your life is going to be exhausting at this point. You know how tours work. You go to conventions and take a shit ton of pictures until your lips feel like they want to fall off, you have to be up at the break of dawn for interviews, and every day you have to sign your name about a million times. I'm just scared you're going to lose it."

          "Yes, BUT, to prevent that I'll make sure to call you everyday even if it's for like two minutes."


         "Cross my heart." She vows. Her head falls to my shoulder and her green eyes sparkle as she gazes at the sunset. I love staring at her face especially when it's in a peaceful state like this one. "There's a Super Girl show coming out.... I auditioned...."

"And you got the part." I finish for her with a heavy sigh. She sighs as well and drags,

        "Yeaaaaaah." She doesn't seem too happy about it so to make light I decide to say something silly. I hope it's silly enough to make her smile.

"How dare you betray Marvel like this Emma?" She lifts up and, to my delight, let's out her beautiful laugh. She then shakes her head at me and nudges my shoulder.

       "My parents say it's my calling, I have nothing to do with it," she wheezes.

"Oh," is all I can say. Oh is all that comes out because I'm so freaking awkward and what do you say to that?

     We've only been dating for two years so I have no right to down talk her parents. I haven't even met them yet. I mean, everyone saw how loving they are on tv, but nobody sees the demon in her mother. Emma's bruised cheek, hidden from the world, is a prime example. Now I understand why she wants to stay in the closet. I could just imagine if that woman found out that her precious superstar is a lesbian.

     Emma takes the silence in a different direction then I ever could. Her hand links with mine just as the sun finally inches away from the park. The world is dark now and the stars are out. The moon and the fair is the only source of light and people begin to find their spots to watch the fireworks. Emma is so anxious beside me. She's shaking so bad that she has to inch closer for comfort.

      "You're going to love it!" I enthuse and place a kiss on the crown of her wig.

"When are they start-" the first boom startles her into silence. Her eyes go big and remain that way the whole time as she stares at sparkle after sparkle. Different color and shapes explode against the night sky and they put Emma Swan in the deepest trance I have ever seen her in. There's that Rapunzel look I was talking about. Oh and can you guess who that voice is behind Rapunzel? Emma! Of course it's Emma!

      And it was that night where she rested her chin on my shoulder and whispered,

       "If I could marry you right here, right now I would but all I can give you is this before I leave." She dug in her pocket to reveal a velvet box and in it was the most precious ring that I would never take off for as long as I live.

        My thumb mindlessly fiddles with my ring as I hold Bella close. Carla sits completely still beside me and we watch as Emma's makeup artist puts a shit ton of makeup on her face. Emma stares at us through the mirror, trying to hint to me about something that I don't understand, but when the door opens my heart drops. I wish I could have taken the hint sooner.

     "Grandma!" Carla beams and races into the tall woman's arms.

"Hello my little bean! Grandma missed you!" She coos as she lifts my daughter. Carla giggles as Ingrid tickles her and places kisses all over my baby girl's face. I swear I'm scrubbing her face when she leaves. "Regina."

       "Ingrid." I quip.

"Can you two get along?" Emma mumbles lowly as she glances down at her phone. This is what she does when her mom is around. She shuts down and stares at nothing on her phone.

       "I'll try," Ingrid dismisses dryly. "Okay so your sister is going on tour, but I came to tell you that Disney emailed me. They have a job for you and the producers for your show agreed to work around your schedule."

"Mom, do you hear how crazy you sound?" Emma took the words right out of my mouth. But Ingrid takes Emma's stress lightly and squeezes her shoulders.

       "Emma dear you would just love this movie! It's full of magic."

"That's what Disney is Mom," Emma scoffs. She only lifts her head as her makeup artist directs and then when the guy is done with her eyeshadow, she looks back down. Everyone that Emma hires has to be gay or of color because her mom hates both of those things and Emma does it to spite her. I absolutely love when she takes charge against her mother. "What is it?"

       "You are the new voice of TINKER BELL!" You know, I actually get excited because that's great.

"Seriously?! You're joking!"

     "No! I know how much you love Tinker Bell sweetie." Ingrid kisses Emma's temple and pats her head like she's a dog and says, "I really have to help your sister on this tour. Keep in touch with your brother please."

"Got it." And the door closes. Literally everyone in the room audibly breathes.

       "I thought she had bad news or something." Michael giggles. Emma smiles and pats his bicep. "You and I both. I don't know how I'm going to pull this one off." She nervously nibbles on her nail and stares at herself in the mirror.

"If you had to choose, which one would it be?" When Michael finishes the last touch he straightens his posture and claps his hands together adorably as he admires his work. Emma frowns in thought and shakes her head.

      "I guess....which ever one is more fun? Voice acting is always fun."

"How about the one that pays more," I offer. Emma rolls her eyes at me and rests her face in her palm.

        "It's always money with you. Gina, you're a multi billionaire. You own the most important company in the world, you created Disney's CoCo and you contributed to one of the funniest seasons of Sponge Bob so why does it matter what I do?" I mean did she just have to list out half of my life like that?

"I don't know but my assistant keeps blowing up my phone so-"

       "You have to go to work? Yeah, I thought so." She quips coldly and stands from her seat. Without question she takes the baby from me runs her fingers softly through Bella's hair. I roll my eyes at how aggravating she is and stand while grabbing my purse. "Bye baby girl, I'll miss you."

    I swear, Emma can be a real bitch when her mom stresses her out. I know this is like her first photoshoot in a while and she wants us all here but duty calls. If she were in my shoes she would have done the same exact thing. I can't just ignore my job because if something goes wrong then I'll lose everything Ive built at 17. The first iphone I ever made was from a bunch of old scraps and then it all went legendary from there. So, this is a part of me and there's no way, as an engineer or an animator, will I ruin my life.

    "What about me mommy?" Carla bounces with her big dirty blonde curls going wild. Emma places Bella in her carseat and then lifts Carla in her arms too.

"Of course I'll miss you mamacita!" She gives Carla a million heartfelt kisses before placing her to her feet gently as well. My heart swells at the special bond she shares with our kids. It's so precious and perfect. Our family is so so perfect, but the love of my life? She's imperfectly perfect and I wouldn't ask for anyone else.

      But this doesn't change our story. It's like a cheesy movie where two teens fall in love and then they get married at 18. Everything is great and so sweet. They have kids, make love nearly everyday, have the most cutest date nights. But then life hits them hard and everything turns bitter. They lose alot together and they're stuck on this roller coaster. Then in a blink they're arguing everyday and they don't really understand why but they just do. That's Emma and I, but I love her. Even if I don't kiss her goodbye.

    "Are you serious right now?!" I snap at the most important people that this company has. They all shrivel at my harsh tone and seem to be melting in the heated conference room. I don't give a damn about how uncomfortable any of them are.

       "You mean to tell me, that all of a sudden the phones are malfunctioning after I gave the okay to manufacture millions of them? That is ridiculous!"

"M-maybe the root of the problem is a small one?" I slam my fist on the glass table, nearly breaking it, and snarl at the one man who was supposed to see this through.

      "YOU are my CEO Steve! You were supposed to make sure everything is going by the plan. People will be lined up at stores all over the damn world just to buy a new phone! Do you know how stupid it makes us all look when we have to push back a release date?!" Steve adjusts his glasses and refuses to look at me.

    That only fuels the fire inside but if Emma were here, she'd rest her chin on my shoulder and remind me to just breathe. Breathe baby, all you gotta do is breathe and life will feel better....

     So I do just that. I take in a deep breath and I let my mind clear from all of my random thoughts. One thought; however, remains and it will potentially save everything. So, on a calmer note I face everyone with a new plan.

   "Okay, I need each and every one of you to get a beta and figure out what's wrong. Steve and I are going to one of the factories." I snap my fingers at him and he quickly gets up. So does everyone else. They all rush to grab their paperwork and head to their offices.

"Um Regina?" I turn to my assistant and my facial expression softens so that the fear in her eyes will slip away. "What about the girls?"

       "I know it's alot to ask," I whisper as I lock my pinky in hers. She blushes and adorably nibbles on her lip in attempts to hide her feelings. "Can you please watch them for a few hours?"

"Y-yes. Of course." Rose nods professionally. When I let her go she takes one shy look back at me before slipping out of the room. Steve lifts a knowing brow at me and shakes his head.


"Don't forget you have a ring on your finger Reg." I roll my eyes at him and motion for him to follow so I can fix this damn mistake that my staff weren't supposed to let happen.

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