Men with benefits.

By Psychokisses_x

36.2K 1.1K 488

Goku and Vegeta are room mates, they owe certain gang a lot of money. Vegeta has found ways to pay them back... More

New line of work.
Same sh*t, different day.
An offer.
The talk.
The rules.
The night.
The action.
Same old routine.
Game night
New normality.
New house
Christmas eve
New year
It's off!
Following day.
Another visit
The notepad
Truth hurts
Family life
Alternative Ending
One shot


371 15 2
By Psychokisses_x

Vegeta was sat against the headboard of the bed, leg rested on top of the other, taking sips of his coffee he grinned looking over to the side of him. Bulma and Goku sprawled out on the bed, he chuckled taking another sip, he was the only one fully clothed. Bright light from the outside filled the room, clothes from last night strewn across the floor, smell of stale alcohol mixed in with smell of sweat and other juices from the night before lingered.Goku was the first to stir, he groaned feeling a nausea feeling, his head spinning, he looked over at Vegeta what his bloodshot eyes.

Vegeta grinned watching as Goku winced as he slowly sat himself up. "Careful, you're going to feel a little tender down there." Vegeta's grin grew wider as Goku's face snapped with realisation from the night before, his face filled with crimson as he looked over at Bulma then back at Vegeta. "Told you both you'd regret mixing your drinks. Though I must admit, the sex was amazing."

"What time is it?" Goku croaked, feeling tenderness down below. He glanced over at Vegeta. "Why is it hurting so bad?!"

Vegeta smirked looking at his watch "it's just gone past twelve in the afternoon." He looked over as Goku trying to find a comfortable position to sit. "And that is why, I say you have to prep yourself first is important, it should start easing off soon." He tutted shaking his head at Goku, fighting back a laugh as Goku glared over his cheeks still crimson.

"Can't believe I agreed to that." Goku sighed looking over at Bulma. "If this is how I'm feeling, god knows how she must be feeling." Goku slowly crawled out of bed to put his lounge pants on.

"Can't believe you agreed to it? You were the one begging, wouldn't even give me a chance to stretch you properly. And as for her, oh I'm sure she will be feeling as rough as you are." Vegeta smirked as he swung his legs off the bed raising to his feet. "I'll make you both something to eat, you both will also need to keep up your fluid intake."

The thought of food churned Goku's stomach more, the smell of stale alcohol filled his nostrils, reminding him of the night before. His stomach felt so delicate, his face turned pale as he broke out in cold sweats. He looked over at Vegeta cradling his stomach. "I don't think I can stomach anything right now." He groaned feeling his stomach churn more.

"Trust me, you will feel better once you've eaten something. You are feeling like that because your body is dehydrated. Hence why I said, you need to keep up your fluids for today." Vegeta laughed as Goku had a very sorry expression on his face. "You've never been good when it came to alcohol, I always had to baby you." Vegeta started to exit the room with his coffee, his laugh echoed down the hall way.

Goku groaned as he stumbled over to the bed lightly nudging Bulma, he gave her an awkward smile as he saw her face look as pale as his. "How you feeling?"

Bulma rubbed her eyes slowly sitting up looking back at Goku. "We shouldn't of drank so much" she groaned cradling her stomach whilst looking around the room. "Where's Vegeta?"

"He's making us something to eat." Goku passed one of his tops for Bulma to put on.

"Urgh, thought of something to eat...nope, nope! I don't think I can." She covered her mouth feeling an urge to vomit.

Goku smiled at her holding out his hand "think we should at least try something."Bulma groaned more, she threw on Goku's top and held his hand helping her out of bed. They both staggered down the stairs towards the kitchen, the smell of food hit them, churning their stomachs more.

Vegeta walked out grinning at them both handing them a glass of water each. "And what have we learned?"

"That you are a patronising bastard!" Bulma snatched the glass off Vegeta taking small sips, her mouth felt so dry, so it was a relief feeling the cold drink soothe down her throat, wetting her mouth. She gasped after the sip feeling a little more alert. She huffed as Vegeta grinned at her and Goku. "How are you fine?!"

"Because I know my limit, and not stupid enough to mix my drink." Vegeta lightly poked Bulma on the cheek whilst watching as Goku gulped down his glass of water. "You two are a mess." He grinned as they both glared over at him.

There was silence between them as Bulma and Goku reluctantly ate their food Vegeta had made them, neither wanting to decline the food since Vegeta looked over giving them a stern look ensuring they at least ate some of it. It was a slow afternoon as Goku and Bulma managed to get themselves dressed, ensuring they kept up with their fluids to keep Vegeta quiet on his lectures. The evening drew in, Bulma had headed home, leaving Vegeta sat on the sofa with Goku laid across resting his head on Vegeta's lap. They watched a film at a low volume as Goku was still dealing with a migraine. There was a knock at the front door that caused Vegeta to stir a little, which caused Goku to whine at him. Vegeta stroked Goku's hair ignoring the knocks, they both startled as they heard their door open. They both jumped onto their feet exchanging looked before they started to head towards the door.

"Bulma?.." vegeta shouted out as they walked into the corridor. He froze with dumbfounded expression as Adele stood with a boy who stood behind her.

"Well you two didn't answer the door so I checked if the door was unlocked, if you both didn't want anyone over ya should of really locked the door." She smirked as Goku and Vegeta stood staring at her with their mouth ajar. "Hope you don't mind me staying here for a bit, oh and meet my boyfriend Eifion (ivy-un) He's going to be staying here too."

"Wow, Adele!" Goku massaged his temples "does our family know about this?! How did you get here?!"

"Well Eifion drives." Adele shrugged as she walked in with Eifion shutting the door.

Vegeta folded his arms eyeing up Eifion. "How old are you?" He quirked his brow.

"Uh, does it matter?!" Adele snapped glaring over at Vegeta.

"It kind of does considering you've brought him here to stay over, he doesn't look same age as you!" He glared over at Eifion who stood with a smug grin. "Don't think you two will be staying here for long, I'll let you stay the night but then you can go home!" He looked over at Goku "call your parents to let them know she's here. I have a feeling she hasn't said anything." Goku nodded as he headed over to grab his phone. Adele glared at him pouting, Vegeta smirked back at her. "I was young once too, what you are doing isn't anything I haven't already done before. As for your fuck boy, he will be sleeping in separate room. Your under my roof girl, and I won't allow you to use this place as some fuck den." He folded his arms glaring at her.

"Oh that's rich coming from you! Have you forgotten I caught you sucking off my cousin!" She smirked as Eifion chuckled.

Vegeta smirked shaking his head at her. "Yes, and it's my house so I can do what I please, because guess what? I'm a grown up!"

Goku walked back in hearing them bickering he massaged his temples. "Guys, please. I've got a migraine."

Vegeta looked over at Goku "well you can sort these two out then!" He stormed off towards the lounge.

Goku looked over at his cousin and her boyfriend who's cheeks were crimson. "Right, I've told my parents, they expect you home tomorrow."

"Fuck sake! I don't want to go back!" She threw her hands in the air in annoyance before smacking them down to her sides, she looked up at her boyfriend before looking at Goku. "Your boyfriend won't let us share a room!"

Goku raised a brow staring at Eifion before looking back at Adele. "And I'm going to have to agree with him."

"What?! But-" Goku cut in from her protest.

"I don't know who he is, if you are wanting to stay here the night you will have to sleep in separate rooms." Goku glared at Eifion who rolled his eyes, and placed his arms over Adele's shoulder.

"Urgh! This isn't fair! I didn't come here to be mollycoddled!" She yelled out in annoyance as she stormed up stairs with Eifion.

"Adele, please stop raising your voice. I've got a migraine." Goku massaged his temples as he followed them upstairs to show them to the spare rooms.

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