Riverside Bench

By SuperS24z

240 18 1

Alan's close friend, Jessie, was found in the river. Jessie was gone. How? Alan Brender a fired detective... More

Jessie Myers
The investigation
Silence Isn't Always Good
Wounded Heart
Suspect 01
Careful Who You Bump Into
The Night is Dark
He's Gone
Suspect 02
Fire at Heart
Poor Amelia
Last Breath
Never Over
Prison Visit
Lost and Found
Pick Yourself Up
A New Beginning

Courtroom Confessions

6 0 0
By SuperS24z

It was the day Alan was waiting for. His heart raced. He heaved a breath as he woke up his son for school. "Calvin, I have some news to tell you." Calvin jumped up, "Please tell me it's good news." Alan laughed, "You know Calim, he's going to go on trial today." He hugged him, "It's because of you dad, that Jessie gets eternal happiness." He smiled at what Calvin said, it brightened his day. 

He walked to his car, It felt like the sun even danced that day. Alan just felt that sensation of pure happiness. He hummed a tune, Jessie's favorite song.  The file weighed to the size of an elephant. 

The court was a huge, modern building. Alan was a bit nervous as he entered through the grand doors. He fixed his hair and tightened his tie. His suit was tied together with an elaborate computer handbag. 

Sam Finald greeted him by the door. "Good to see you, Sam." He looked confident, but Alan could see Sam was nervous.

"Let's get this criminal behind bars."

Alan smiled, "I agree with that."

A tall man escorted everyone into the courtroom.  He gave everyone a stern look as they walked in.

"Mr. Brender, please take a seat right over here." The man seemed to grow taller as Alan sat down. The man came up next to the judge. "Your Honor, Judge Stills. I hereby present, court manners to be presumed." The judge waved his hand, and the man ran off out near the back door. "Greetings, we have defendant Calim John Myers here. Alan Brender will now rise to hand me the evidence folder. You may rise now." 

Alan rose and headed to the Judge Stills. He handed him the folder. Giving the folder was like giving away a burden. The judge grabbed the folder with a firm grip. 

"Defendant, please state your claim." 

Calim rose with the regretfulness in vain. He almost started to speak, but stopped and then took a deep breath. "I plead guilty to the case. I hereby confess to the voluntary murder of, Jessie Myers, Mia Myers, and-" Calim stopped for a second. "and- Clara Seeker." The judge stopped him, "Anything you would like to add to that confession." Calim cried, "I also confess to the attempted homicide of-  Amelia Myers." 

Alan thought he would be happy, he confessed after all. Alan was right, Jessie was murdered. Would Jessie finally get justice? But it felt empty still. His heart was still not whole. Maybe it would never be whole? He wondered why he feels this way. Why can't he just be happy?

Time passed, the trial went on. Alan stood for his turn. "I speak for Jessie Myers. A great overall person, my friend, a piece of my heart. I lost half my heart, I'm never getting it back. But maybe I could get that piece of my heart back. Calim confessed to his murder. He killed them, innocent people. All those people, they mean the world to somebody. He should feel guilty, he is guilty."

Judge Stills rose his gavel. "Calim John Myers took the lives of the innocent. Now he will give his life to the prison cell." He paused and looked at Alan. "I plead the defendant guilty, and he will serve a life sentence." 

It was over. Alan sat down buried his head in his lap and cried, hard. Tears of joy. Tears of happiness. Sam Finald ran to Alan. They hugged, cried, and laughed. 


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