The Elemental: My Burning Leg...

By Musics4lifes

500 130 41

Lilith Moonlight, seventeen year old human girl blinded by her true self not knowing what she really is. Disc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 17

6 3 1
By Musics4lifes

Today was the day that we head back to Eripmav and I was a bit nervous. I hopped into the shower to have one last hot steaming shower before who knows when. I tried not to dwell on what 'what if's' on what could happen but focus on the confidence that I still had. Though it was little, it was still confidence and that is what I need to focus on.

After my shower, I wrapped my white soft towel around me and headed into the bedroom. As I walked into my room, my mouth dropped and silence came over me. "Stefan! What are you doing here? Haven't you heard of knocking? If you think you can have a sneak peak than get ready to be disappointed because I am not planning a show for you," I rolled my eyes.

"Well that's disappointing. Not even a trailer? Every perfect show always puts on a trailer before the big reveal," he winked.

As I felt my cheeks turning red, I crossed my arms and asked him, "What do you want? I'm simply trying to get ready," I rolled my eyes again.

"I washed your clothes from yesterday's fight and figured you would want your sword back in case you need it for today," he put his hands up as if he was surrendering. "I heard the shower on and thought it would be a good time to drop it off, though I should have waited a few more seconds," he gave a smirk.

"Thank you," I sighed, "now please, leave. I need to get ready and have my coffee before we go on a vampire hunt," I said. If I don't get my cup of coffee or two...make that three cups of coffee, I am going to feel bad for the vampires I face because I will not be in the greatest of moods.

I finally made my way downstairs wearing my 'warrior outfit' as I like to call it. Black tank top with my mom's leather jacket, skinny jeans, and of course, my combat boots. Standing behind the door, I was able to smell the hot coffee brewing and that woke up my nose and my eyes. My body was still in sleep mode but as soon as I get those cup of coffee inside me, I will be just peachy. I picked out my white coffee cup and pour the hot coffee in. Without realizing, I took three gulps and felt the warmth kicking in. It was still strange to me that I was able to chug down hot coffee without burning my mouth.

After finishing my first two cups, I went to pour another one emptying my coffee pot. Right about when I was going to take my first sip, Stefan came in and saw the coffee pot emptied.

"Aw come on Lilith, I just made that pot and it's already gone," Stefan started. "I'm gonna have to put in two coffee pots, won't I?" he joked.

I shrugged. "If you do, just means more coffee for me. Besides, you can have this cup if you want," I offered.

"Thanks," he took the coffee cup and sipped it. "Sometimes, I wish I was able to chug down this coffee without causing burns to my mouth."

"Yeah, it will come in useful. I can drink more and faster without burning myself," I smiled.

"What time are we meeting up with Kyle, Drake, and Calico?" Stefan asked.

I looked at the time and saw that we have a half hour left until our supposed mean time. "About half hour," I answered.

As soon as I answered him, I saw that devilish smile on him and knew instantly what was on his mind. "Stefan, we have a mission to do," I laughed.

He finished his cup of coffee and walked over to me. "Maybe I need some motivation to face the day," Stefan teased.

"So did I, that's why I had coffee," I joked. I saw his face turns into a pout which made me laugh even more. "Once we are done, then we can discuss further things," I smirked. Knowing that was good enough, he sighed and went to wash the dishes.

I quickly ran upstairs to grab my special dagger and tuck it within my boot than headed outside. I saw the gang there and already felt the dread of it. Calico waved us over and got started on the teleportation. Right when we were about to head off, someone was yelling my name.

"Lilith!" Thea came running over.

Huh, so she does her own errands, didn't see that coming. "If you are here to stop us, it won't work," I rolled my eyes. Plus, I did not have the time to start arguing about this again.

"No, nothing of the sorts. I just got word from Drake's father that when you arrive, that he wants to meet behind his mansion," Thea said.

"Why didn't he just tell Drake himself?" I wondered.

"I don't have a phone," he shrugged.

"Well thanks for the message Thea, we will take our exit now," I quickly said. Less I have to be around her, the better.

Thea left and now it was just us. Calico went up to an oak tree and concentrated on our next destination. Once the portal opened up, we all walked through. Conversation carried around as we normally do but then it got quiet. I glanced over to Calico and a worried feature appeared on his face.

"Um, Calico? Is everything okay?" The moment I asked him, A shake appeared within the portal! It felt as if an earthquake felt.

"Run!" Calico yelled.

I picked up the pace and could see the ending closing. I could feel my heart pumping repeatedly. As the portal was closing, I sprinted as fast as I could making through the otherside than tripping over my feet onto the dirt ground. I turned my head back to see the portal closed and my friends, gone.

Panic and anxious crept up on me. Where did my friends go? What in the bloody fuck just happened? I looked around my surroundings with no sight of my friends. Did I just lost my only family I had left? My friends... I have to find them. I stood up and dusted the dirt off of me. I looked around and realized I have no idea where I am. Great, now I'm lost. Then, an idea popped into my head like a light bulb going ding. I rapidly pulled out my phone to call Stefan. As I pressed call, there was no ring, instead it was dead silence. Furious, I looked at my phone and saw that I have no signal. God damn it!

Anger and anxious flooded within me to where I couldn't think straight. All I could do was punch something, anything to let my anger go. I could feel the fire building up. I walked over to the tree and started throwing punches. Rapidly throwing them, beating up a Walnut tree with no care. After a few moments of punching, I wanted to break down but than something caught my eye. The area where I was punching the tree's had burnt marks on it as if there was a fire. I looked at my fists and it was glowing fire around it. What the? I looked at my fists as if they were the strangest things I have ever encountered. Knowing the glowing of fire wasn't going to settle, I calm my nerves by taking deep breaths. After doing five, I could feel my body calming down and the glowing fire fading.

Knowing that standing here and beating up defenseless tree's in anger was not going to solve this case. Guess I ought to walk around and see what is close to me and to find out where I am exactly. One thing that puzzled me was though I made it through, why did it lead me to an unknown area?

I walked what felt like twenty minutes and finally made it outside of the woods. I found myself on the street and as I looked both left and right, there was no town nearby. As I sighed, I pondered around thinking which way I should go. All of a sudden, I could hear a car driving, driving past me down the road. Hoping it was a sign, I made my way and turned right.

Thirst came upon me as I walked what could be, five miles. My legs were tired and I was ready to sleep. I was walking up this very long inclined road upwards. Only a few cars have passed me and the thought of hitchhiking would of been a great idea but I have watched enough crime shows to know that is how you get yourself killed. Sure, I could burn the person to a crisp but the smell and trying to hide the body, not something I felt like doing. Finally I made it up the hill and could feel myself getting worn out. If it wasn't for the past training from Stefan, I probably wouldn't have made it this far. Though regardless, I need more physical training, definitely need to improve my run.

As I looked down, I could finally see a town which brought hope to me. "I can do this," I told myself. I picked up the pace and headed for the town that awaits me. Knowing I do not have a plan of what I am going to do nor say, I dwelled on it while I was on my long walk to the town.

I finally made it to the town and read the sign that stood in front of it, Ashyhill. That sounds...interesting I suppose. It looked like a small average town, nothing fancy. Though compared to the woods, this was fancy. As I looked up, I could see the sun settling down which means the night time will be soon. I walked up to the first building I see and realized it was a bar. After today, I definitely need a drink. I made my way inside the bar and up to the counter. It wasn't pact which was good but with the night coming along, people getting off work, it may become more busy.

"What will it be?" A bartender stood in front of me. He was taller than me by a few inches. A slim built, long brown hair and green eyes. A sparkle glow came from his face and instantly knew he was a vampire. Just my luck, can things get possibly worse.

"I think I am about to head off actually," I said in a calm voice. I have no idea if he is one of the rogues or is not.

"Don't worry, I don't bite," he gave me a smirk which sent chills down my body. "I assume you know of me."

"Know you? No. Know what you are?" I whispered, "Yes." I lowered my arm to my boot getting ready to pull out my dagger in case he is wanting a fight.

"I wouldn't pull out that dagger of yours," he smiled. "This bar has a very strict rule of no fighting allowed. In other cases, I am not going to harm you."

"How did you...oh never mind. Just give me rum and coke," I said with a hint of annoyance. I may be a beer gal but after today, I need something stronger.

Within a few moments, the bartender came back with my drink, "On the house," he said.

"You're not going to ID me?" I questioned him. Surely I don't look over twenty-five nevertheless twenty-one.

"I can tell you are at least eighteen thus makes it legal but also I know of you and heard about the prophecy. I am no trouble for you thus you are no trouble for me," he answered simply.

"Uh, thanks. Really. How do you know of me? This isn't Eripmav." Surely doesn't look of it.

"No but the vampire community knows about the prophecy, as far as I know you only kill the bad creatures," he said. "Ever since some of the vampires turned rogue, I left that place and came here. I still follow the laws that the council have made but I couldn't live in such a place knowing I could be a target for not joining the uprising," he explained.

"You wouldn't know who could possibly be behind it, would you?" I asked him, hoping he would know something about it.

"I do not, but there were rumors that they want to take down the council. Now, the one who has the most authority is Lord Thornes. Rumors were, they want to take him down. Apparently with him gone, the leader of the rogue vampires can rise above and take out the rest. Lord Thornes is a good man, sure makes mistakes but his overall character, he is and always has been a good man," he said.

"You seem to care about him, do you guys have a past? Old friends?" The way he talks about him, makes it sound like they know each other.

"Friends, no. Family though, yes. He's my older brother," the bartender gave a smile from seeing the shocked expression I had. "I'm Lazarus brother, Ravakin." He studied my face and gave out a slow sigh, "He hasn't mention me, has he?"

"I'm afraid not. Though to be fair, I have hardly really met him. I was there for business and still am technically," I explained.

"Business? What for?" He asked curiously.

"SIA," I easily answered.

"Ah," he said while giving me another rum and coke as I finished mine. "Great organization, to an extent that is," he stated.

"Wow, a vampire who appreciates the SIA, that's a new one for me," I joked.

"What can I say, they helped me out back in the day when I was in danger. They make mistakes but their heart is in the right place," he smiled. "So since you know Lord Thornes, I figure you know his son, my nephew, Drake.

When he said his name, it then hit me that Drake, Stefan, and Calico were possibly trapped in the middle of who knows what and where. How am I supposed to rescue them now? How am I going to tell Drake's uncle, Ravakin about their whereabouts? Wait...forget Ravakin. How am I supposed to tell Drake's father, Lazarus Thornes, who is the lord here. Could my life get anymore complicated? Actually, don't answer that.

"Uh Lilith? You alive in there?" Ravakin stared at me waiting for an answer.

"Sorry, I spaced out a bit, what were you saying?" I asked him.

"Drake, I heard he joined you guys with the SIA. If you're here, where is Drake?" Ravakin questioned with a straight face.

Shit, I was hoping he was not going to ask that. Think Lilith, think. What would a responsible adult would say? Let's see... "They are trapped in some portal of who knows where," wait...did I just say that out loud? Way to go Einstein. Look at Ravakin's shocked expression from your outburst. Fuck.

"What did you just say?" Ravakin angrily asked while giving me a glare.

Great, now what am I supposed to say to an angry vampire to calm him down? Guess I will just have to come right out and explain the situation. Finishing up my second rum and coke, I knew that I would need a third just to explain what happened. Luckily Ravakin was already on it and made another rum and coke again. He gave me the eye as to explain exactly what I meant.

As I gave out a big sigh, I started from the beginning. "So you know Drake now joined us, so back at the SIA we were getting ready to leave. My boss Thea came and passed along a message from Lord Thornes stating he needed to talk to me. Thea made it seem like it was urgent. We were already heading to Eripmav to find out who is behind the leader of the rogue vampires. Calico, my uncle, who is a fae, made a portal so that we can arrive in Eripmav. During our walk within the portal, something like an earthquake erupted within. We all tried to make a breakthrough but I only made it outside of the portal while everyone else didn't and thus having the portal closed up. I ended up miles away from here in the woods. Hours later, after a very long tiring hike to the nearest place, I made it here," I finished up explaining what happened.

"So what you're saying is that my nephew and your friends and uncle are trapped inside a portal and that something similar like an earthquake occurred? This is horrible! We must go see Lord Thornes about this. It is his son after all," Ravakin hurried to his co-worker to let him know that he had to take off. "Let's go," he said as he took off to the exit.

"What's going on? How can Lord Thornes help?" I was becoming more worried than I was.

"If you were getting closer to finding out who the leader of the rogue is, came back here to finish that mission, than everything that has happened was for a reason," Ravakin explained.

"You mean this could of happened because whoever is behind the leader of the rogues are coming after us?" I glanced at him with worried in my eyes.

"They aren't after us, they are already here." Ravakin gulped.

As I looked around us, many rogue vampires with scarlet red eyes stared at us as if we were the very last meals. Ah fuck.

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