Love Shot

By aug_00

607K 35.6K 12.6K

[Completed] "What's a love shot?" "A love shot is when you take a bullet for someone you care for, someone yo... More

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💜Thanks +more💜

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12K 791 124
By aug_00

I sit on the cold sand while letting out a small sigh waiting for my uncle to finish his meeting or whatever the hell he is doing.

I don't know where I am exactly and Sejin uncle didn't really explain what we were doing here and I didn't want to ask him because just the other day I had a stuttering panic attack so I haven't been up for talking.

As I sit on the sand I start to play around with it by drawing little things here and there hoping that uncle would be done soon.

Its actually really nice here and I love looking out at the ocean.

But I feel so sad coming here alone. Nothing can make me feel warm and happy like I did with my parents.

This is the first time I've seen the ocean. My mom said that we would go see it one day, all of us as a family but it never happened but at least I still got to see it.

I just want my mom and dad back but I know they wont be coming back. Its already been a few years and I should get over it but I never will be able to. That's a huge piece of me gone.

"What are you doing out here all by yourslef little one?" I quickly turn my head towards the deep voice and I'm met with a brown haired man with piercing gold eyes.

Gold eyes?

I've only ever heard of one person having gold eyes my entire life and eomma said it was a vampire and not just any vampire but the top royal vampire.

I look at him in shock not fully comprehending whose standing in front of me. He can't really be the top royal vampire can he? But if he isn't why would his eyes be such a bright gold color?

He starts to walk closer to me and I continue to stare at him not uttering a word.

He is really tall, well everyone looks tall to me since I'm only ten at the moemnt and I have a long way to grow, his hair is a light brown but it was also kind of long, specifically from the back and its look really good on him for some reason. He is wearing a long black coat and I see that he is also wearing black pants and shoes. I guess black his is faviorte color.

When he sits next to me I look up at his face and I see how smooth and perfect it looks. There is no bumps, it was just really white and smooth. I want to reach out to confirm my suspicion but I hold back not really knowing if I should trust him. He is a vampire after all.

But I couldn't stop staring at his eyes, they are just so bright and gold. I have never seen any thing like them before. They 're big and when I look closer at them I can see little specks of a darker gold in there but overall its just gold and its beautiufl.

Its as if its putting me in some sort of trance but I don't really mind it.

I shiver from the cold which is what breaks me out of my trance and I look awy from his eyes not wanting to get lost in them again. I don't even know who he is and I'm only a kid and if he is a vampire than I wont stand a chance against him.

Thats why I got keep training like uncle tells me to.

"Here, you seem a little cold." He wraps a scarf, that I didn't see on him before, around me. Its big enough to cover my shoulders and my chest as well my arms.

I instanlty feel warmer just from the scarf and I let out a content sigh from it. I pull it tighter around me and I find instant comfort from it and I relish in the feeling of it. The scent coming off the scarf made me feel safe and warm and it makes me want to keep this scarf forver. The sadness that was consuming me before leaves me and I feel good which I haven't felt in a while.

I want to say thank you but I'm afraid to talk.

What if he makes fun of me just like everyone else has? What if he doesn't like my stustter? I wouldn't want to get him mad or annoyed and I know my stutter would just annoy him.

"You don't need to thank me, I wanted to help." I look at him slighty shocked as I look back up at him. He wants to help but why would he? He doesn't even know me.

He chuckles and looks out to the oceans with a small smile grazing his lips and I feel happy seeing him smile. I felt like I did something right.

"You should wear more then just one jacket and a sweater. Its cold here especially since we're near the ocean." He says in such a stern tone that I find myslef immediatley nodding to his words.

I shiver again and this time around he slowly takes me into his arms and for some odd reason I let him. I expected him to be cold and that I would start shivering from the cold but I don't. All I feel from him is warmth and safety. So wihtout a second thought I cuddle into him with a content sigh. I haven't felt this warm since my parents and I don't want to question why he is so warm when he is a vampire, I just want this warm feeling forever.

"S-s-ssss-so wa-warm." I say softly as to not disturb the peace and he lets out a little chuckle as he pulls me in close. I look up at him with big eyes and he looks down at me with fierce buring eyes and I couldn't help but reach my hand out to touch his cheek which is soft and smooth as I had thought they were before.

There is just something about his eyes.

I know uncle would be so mad that I'm this close to a vampire but this one is different.

"I'm glad I've kept you warm but sadly our short meeting ends here." He lets out sadly and I pout as I bring my hand back down feeling sad that I couldn't talk to him longer. I barely even spoke a word to him, I want to know more about him and this short period of time doesn't satisfy my ten year old curious brain.

"I'm sorry little one but we will get to meet again, don't worry." He reaches forward and pats my head as he slowly cups my cheek and leaning in to lay a genlte kiss on my forhead.

Its weird for him to be like this but yet again I don't question it. I've been warned by so many to stay away from all vampires but I want to stay with him for a little while longer.

"Sorry but you can't remember this meeting till the time is right." He says softly but before I can say anything, I feel all the the warmth leave my body. That feeling of safety goes away and is replaced by darkness and the sadness comes back and it makes me feel lonely.

Slowly the bright gold eyes leave me and there was no more light surrounding me.

I'm alone once again with all the memories of the gold eyed man gone from my mind.

I wake up with a gasp as the memory finished flooding through my mnd.

I've met him before?

I've met Taehyung before?

And he earesed that moment from my mind until it was the right moment but I don't really understand why I just remembered it. What would the right time even be?

"You're finally up." I hear his deep voice right beside me and I let out a yelp as I move to the side and I feel myself about to fall off the bed but his strong arms reach out and grab me before I do.

"Careful." He says softly as he brings me back onto the center of the bed as he keeps me close to him and all of a sudden a sudden rush of warmth and safety cmes back, its the same feeling as before and it makes me shiver from the feeling.

I feel a rush of this feeling going through me and I smile without even noticing. I let my hand cup his face as I trace my thumb acorss his smooth skin just like I did when I was younger.

My uncle came here before, he knows Taehyung and he knows where he is and I've met Taehyung before. I just can't belive it.

"W-w-why di-did you ma-make mmm-me f-f-f-forget?" I ask as I continue caressing his face. He smiles a little at me like he had done before and I take it all in. He looks the exact same as before except for his hair but I really like the way his hair looks right now.

"We weren't suppose to meet then but I didn't care because I just had to see you. You were so close for me not to see you." He says as he rakes his fingers through my long hair and I love the feeling.

I no longer felt so sad just like before, it all left because of his look and his touch. I love the feeling consuming me right now and I can't really describe it that well and I don't care to think too much about it because I just want to relish in this feeling and in this moment.

"S-so n-now i-i-i-isss th-the r-rrrrr-right time?" He nods his head as he pulls me in closer and I notice he isn't wearing a shirt. Why isn't he wearing a shirt? He chuckles and I feel like smaking myself for forgetting that he can read minds.

"I wanted to rest with you and wearing a suit isn't comfartbale to rest in." I smile as I shake my head and look at him with big eyes because I just couldn't believe it.

He was the first vampire I had ever met and talked to.

I'm going to have to talk to my uncle about this because I need to understand all of this. I need to know why we were here back when I was ten. I just can't understand it since Sejin uncle doesn't like vampires so why work with them or be near them?

"Well talking about your uncle he should be here soon, about in an hour, and you can talk all this out with him." I sit up in shock not believing that my uncle will be here in an hour.

How long was I even sleeping for?

"Its been about two days now but you should get ready because once your uncle comes there will be a lot to discuss." I nod my head as I take a deep breath in.

Maybe I'll finally get some answers.

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