Turtwig19's One-shots

By Tyrswing-Productions

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Basically a book where i write a one-shot of a couple i like/dislike. All oneshots are during a different tim... More

Four in one(my game OTPs)
Visor meets Amour
A five in one(game OTPs pluss One more)
Reserved seats(Burningleaf + Amour)
When you become tired(Visorshipping)
Champion befriending(sequel to Visor meets Amour)
Meeting Unovan friends(Amour + Chess)
Forgiveness(Amour + Heartsoul)
Memories(Amour, Visor and Chess)
Beach day(Amour, Burningleaf, Heartsoul)
Sleep well(Chessshipping)
We're home(Chess and Burningleaf)
Watching the sunset(Heartsoulshipping)
Being with you(Visorshipping)
What a secret(Burningleafshipping)
That Perfect moment(#1 Chessshipping)
That perfect moment(#2 Heartsoulshipping)
That Perfect moment(#3 Burningleafshipping)
You and Me(Chessshipping)
Love through gift and comfort(Amourshipping)
You are perfect, just the way you are(Heartsoulshipping)
A Peaceful Morning(Heartsoulshipping)
Seeing The Amour Again

Bad Boy relationship(Chessshipping)

224 4 9
By Tyrswing-Productions

''Honestly Serena, Soft love is overrated''

The words are said towards Serena, who drops her jaw as she hears them.

The two friends are standing in a school corridor, hanging close to the lockers of the school. Serena, a firm believer in 'soft love' as she calls it gets quite the shock as her own friend thinks it is overrated.

Serena: What do you mean overrated Hilda?!

Hilda, a bit taller than Serena and a rebel against rules at heart is leaning against her own locker with her arms crossed over her breasts. 

Hilda: i mean exactly what i said, soft love is overrated as we grow up. 

Serena: But why is that? Soft love is the primary way love is supposed to be!

Hilda's relaxed but still a bit teasing looking face doesn't change as she hears what Serena says. 

The two friends are dressed very opposite of each other. While Serena wears stockings up close to her thigh, Hilda wears a pair of short-shorts. Allowing a bit more skin to be seen on Hilda's legs. And she doesn't even seem to care. Serena wears a black tank top while Hilda wears a white and pink t-shirt with a black west over it. It's pretty clear who the rebel is. 

Hilda: But it's far too soft and innocent Sere, even you gotta admit that. 

Serena: No! cause Soft love is about taking your time!

Hilda: Time is too short to do that, here in my class we get into it fast, we make our decisions fast and we both agree. No need for any of the precious time taking. 

Serena: And what kind of rebel have made this go into your mind? You who aren't into love at all. 

Hilda playfully raises both her eyebrows at Serena, she doesn't seem impressed at all. Just very full of teasing today and amusement over Serena's shock. 

Hilda: I have always been into it, but not in your view, cause we both know what happens when you see someone liking each other. You repport it straight to Dawn who plays Matchmaker. 

At the mention of her actions there, Serena's cheeks are set ablaze. She hates that she does it, but she hates the fact that Hilda always uses it as her weakpoint to see her blush. 

Hilda: In my class, we don't do soft love. 

Serena: t.Then what k.kind do you do?

Hilda's lips form a confident and a bit cocky smile.

Hilda: I simply told a boy i wanted not a regular guy, i wanted a Bad Boy. And boy did i get one too. 

Serena: What?! you simply said you wanted a bad boy?!

Hilda: I sure did, and that guy isn't a simple teaser, he knows i'm too good for that, but he certainly knows how to make a girl his by touch and tactics. 

Serena begins pouting at Hilda. This causes Hilda to let out  a chuckle. 

Hilda: Jealous are ya now? 

Serena: that's unfair, the only guy i got was an idiot by the name of Gary. 

Then some loud noises enter the air, it sounds like a lot of laughter. Hilda let's out another chuckle as she brushes over her chin with her index finger.

Serena: Who is that?

Hilda: He is on his way, i know it. 

Hilda turns towards a staircase further away from the two girls, then enters three boys. All of them with good muscles and what appears to be a load of buff bodies. The guy to the right of the two girls has coal black hair with blood red eyes. He is dressed with a red shirt over a black t-shirt, his trousers are cyan blue while his shoes are black and red. 

The guy in the midle has a blue jacket over another black t-shirt, his hair is brown while his eyes are the same colour, his trousers are black while his shoes match the guy to the right. 

The guy to the left has a blue and white jacket over the third black t-shirt, his trousers are dark grey while his eyes are cola brown. His hair is raven coloured while his shoes are the same as the two others. 

The three guys are the hotbods of this school, their reputations are certainly not the greatest one for a girl who is hell bent on following the rules. Serena however has never bothered to know their names. Why Hilda would smile as the three would appear is beyond Serena. And the three are heading straight for the two, without even knowing it. 

Red: Not bad for a Thursday raid i gotta say.

Ash: Speak for yourself Red, it was near perfection for once. The canteen woman can never see through a blank lie if it stared her in the face. 

Hilbert: And it seems you two gotta know when to stop rivaling each other, here in school they got rules. 

Red: And rules are made to be broken Hilbert, it's all routine for us. 

Hilbert places his left hand on Red's shoulder and smirks confidently.

Hilbert: They sure are. 

But it isn't Red his look has turned to, he looks behind his bro and sees someone whom he knows will want a word or two with Red. 

Hilbert: See ya in a bit Red.

Red doesn't get to react before Hilbert has pushed him back, only for him to fall right into the grip of his girlfriend, Leaf. 

Ash snikkers as Red gets a bit burned on his cheeks by embarrassment, Hilbert waves to him before he looks straight, and sees Hilda and Serena. His already mischievous look grows as he lays his eyes on Hilda, standing there like she would be waiting for him. He sneaks a glance at Ash and sees that he has not been able to look at Serena, the top student herself, 

''I know that look in his eyes, she is his goal. To conquer the heart of the top student herself'' he thinks to himself as he begins walking towards Hilda. Ash follows him, finally focusing on Hilda. 

But, being a self declared Bad Boy by his class, Hilbert blocks Ash by then leaning against the lockers while facing Hilda. In a true check out fashion, As he does it, Hilda finally seems impressed at him. Ash facepalms and walks up on Hilbert's side. 

Hilbert: Fancy seeing you here Hilda. 

Typicall Hilbert, acting flirty towards her. 

Hilda: Fancy seeing you sacrifice your own friend to have time with me. 

Ash: Well it was necessary. Red Wouldn't shut up about the raid on the canteen. 

The remark from Ash earns him a smack to his face by Hilbert for exposing their routine fun activity.

 Hilda: You raid the canteen?

Hilbert: It's a mission we do everyday to secure ourselves some provisions for the day. Easy fun and fun at the same time. 

Hilda's interest hasn't died down from the teen that is facing her, he scoots closer to her while she still looks into his eyes. 

Hilda: i see, that's why there is always a complain that someone is stealing food. 

Ash: We aren't exactly stealing, it's just lying around ready to be taken. 

Hilbert: It's free real estate. 

Hilbert then whispers to Ash: Go try yourself on the girl behind, she is your goal after all.

Ash whispers back: i will, just wanna wait for the right moment. 

Then things go a bit different, Hilbert then takes ahold of Hilda's chin and slowly pulls her closer. As his touch grazes her skin, she yelps while slowly complying to him. But as she comes closer, she slowly slides her arms around his neck. Slowly making the two look like a couple. 

Hilbert: That's new of ya Hilda, never knew you fell that much for me to hold me by my neck.

Hilda: Oh shut it hotbod, this is just the beginning of what you'll see. 

Meanwile, Serena has seen enough.

''This is a bit sickening, Hilda will have to fend for herself when they trick her into breaking the rules'' she thinks to herself as she turns around to walk away. 

But destiny strikes at it's most opportune moment. 

A hand is placed on her shoulder, stopping her from walking further. The hand causes Serena to freeze, her hands begin to shake, who is behind her?

As she slowly turns around, she lays her eyes on the buffest body she has ever seen, and it's not even in full view. She looks up, right into the face of Ash Ketchum. 

Ash: Greetings, i don't believe we have met, Top Student. 

Serena gulps and says: w.we haven't, w.who are y.you again? 

His eyes flicker a bit mischievously, the bait worked. 

Ash: I'm Ash Ketchum, and you are Serena Yyvonne, is that right?

Serena is about to ask how he knows her name, but she realises that she is a all known student, none doesn't know who she is. 

Serena: t.That's right. 

Ash: Nice, it's not everyday one gets to talk to the Top Student of the hell hole that is school. 

Serena: Hey! 

Ash looks amused at her for her quick response.

Ash: Something wrong?

Serena: Don't swear! It's childish!

Ash: Is it now? 

She is about to answer, but Ash has already taken her wrist and is inspecting it. Almost like he would have looked at money to see if it is real. 

But it isn't worth he is looking for while inspecting her hand and wrist. It's something he doesn't find in other girls whom either he has tried himself at or girls who have tried themselves at him. What they are lacking, Serena has he finds out as he inspects every finger and ever aspect of her hand up to her wrist. 

His grip isn't even hard or demanding, he is holding her wrist gentle, almost like he would be holding a puppy or a kitten. Serena however has begun blushing again. 

Serena: Uh, w.what are you doing?

Ash: Hmm, you've got a nice skin ms Serena. 

That sentence causes Serena's cheeks to burn even brighter than anytime before, never has anyone, not even a boy told her that her skin is nice. 

He then, very mischievously drags her closer to him, her cheeks burn even brighter as she feels his right hand sneak on behind her back. Holding her close to him, and accidentaly making both her hands land on his chest, his really buff chest. And it is enough to make her faint, Ash however has different plans than for her to faint.

Ash: Hmm, liking what you see?

His voice reeks of teasing, it causes Serena to let out a yelp off her own, She tries to look away from Ash but, she fails. She sneaks a look towards Hilda, and gets shocked to see that she is making out with Hilbert in a full view of other students. 

Serena gets her focus back on Ash, she looks up into his eyes, seeing a sudden thing in Ash's eyes she has never seen. a genuine interest. Something that in her soft love philosophy is a must for a relationship to work. And, secretly though she won't tell Hilda, she feels a growing feeling of wanting to know this guy. 

Ash: So, i gotta ask you something.

Serena slowly nods, not daring to speak.

Ash: Wanna meet up after school and go on a date? 

On hearing him question her on this, she feels weak in the knees. A boy, a Bad Boy asks her on a date?! 

Instead of answering with words, she slowly nods. Not wanting to spoil the moment with her voice. Her answer causes his lips to form a smirk, one that she doesn't seem to settle good with. 

Ash: nice, but before i go, you gotta get a gift. 

And the gift, turns out to be another real confusing emotion for Serena. 

He leans closer, and gently pecks her lips. He let's go off her and blinks. then he walks away while Hilbert and Hilda both has disappeared. 

Serena however, leaning against the locker again. Her mind is locked on one thing only, the soft but lovely lips of Ash Ketchum. 

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