Nightmare [Zodiac Story]

By lumin_escence

70.7K 1.1K 532

"๐”–๐”ฌ๐”ซ, ๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ข ๐”ค๐”ฏ๐”ข๐”ž๐”ฑ๐”ข๐”ฐ๐”ฑ ๐”ฑ๐”ฏ๐”ฆ๐” ๐”จ ๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ข ๐”‡๐”ข๐”ณ๐”ฆ๐”ฉ ๐”ญ๐”ฒ๐”ฉ๐”ฉ๐”ข๐”ก ๐”ด๐”ž๐”ฐ ๐” ๐”ฌ๐”ซ๐”ณ๐”ฆ๐”ซ๐” ๐”ฆ๐”ซ๐”ค ๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ข... More

โ– Aries โ–
โ– Taurus โ–
โ– Gemini โ–
โ– Cancer โ–
โ– Leo โ–
โ– Virgo โ–
โ– Libra โ–
โ– Scorpio โ–
โ– Sagittarius โ–
โ– Capricorn โ–
โ– Aquarius โ–
โ– Pisces โ–
โ– Ophiucus โ–
โ– Orion โ–


1.1K 23 9
By lumin_escence

"wake up, it's already 6am."

ophiuchus's eyes fluttered open as he brought his hands up to his head, combing back the strands of hair that fell onto his face. he took a few moments to adjust to his surroundings and when he did, he saw pisces looking down at him.

"wakey wakey breakfast time."

ophiucus groaned as he rubbed his eyes. he was not a morning person. pisces chuckled as he walked back to his side of the room and it was only then that ophiucus realized the other was wearing nothing but his boxers.

"ugh dude put some pants on, i don't need to see your tiny tim."

pisces whipped his head back, bringing his twitching fist up. "tiny tim. why i outta—"

the other yawned, interrupting the other, and sat up and stretched his arms and mumbled, "bro i've seen cocktail wieners bigger than urs."

pisces threw a nearby pillow at him and the aforementioned let out a small oof. the sign sighed, "it's too early for this. quickly get your ass out of bed and get ready for breakfast."

and with that, pisces left the room, resulting in ophiucus falling back onto the bed. he let out a blissful smile, glad he had peace and quiet, however the moment was short lived as the ground came to life and gave the bed a not-so-lightly push.

from the other side of the room, pisces stood with his arms crossed. he was hungry and mad that he was chosen to wake up ophiucus. "if you don't get up now, i'll turn the ground into quicksand and make it swallow you."

ophiucus, now on the floor with tangled limbs, groaned loudly, shouting out, "fine! coming!"


"you look hideous," was the first thing virgo said to her brother, who indeed, looked quite disheveled due to the fact that we was thrown onto the floor like a rag doll.

"thanks, you too," he replied back nonchalantly. he took a banana from the fruit basket and leaned against the kitchen counter. just as he peeled the fruit, aquarius walked into the kitchen, still dressed in her pajamas.

"gross who eats fruits for breakfast?"

she then proceeded to grab a box of frosty flakes from the cupboard and eat them. she didn't get milk for the cereal because she couldn't be bothered to take the dishes and wash them later.

the rest of the air signs and the fire signs entered the room as well. leo, having heard the girl's comment, replied, "not everyone wants to be unhealthy."

aquarius glared at the male. "i don't think you would want your soul sucked out of your body so please kindly shut the fuck up and let me enjoy my cereal in peace."

libra raised her eyebrows and let out a low whistle. "damn she snapped."

the signs then got their breakfast and sat down at the dining table, joining virgo, who was looking through her spell book the entire time. aquarius noticed this and glanced at her.

"what you reading there virgo?"

"nothing, just going over some spells," the girl replied without leaving her gaze from the book.

"yo what up peeps!" a voice was heard from the entrance of the kitchen. they looked up to see taurus, along with capricorn and the water signs, enter the room.

the other earth sign groaned and brought his hand up to his face to pinch the bridge of his nose. "for the last time, please stop using the word peeps," capricorn begged, tired of taurus not being able to function like a proper human being.

"suck my dick cap." taurus then went straight to the fridge, grabbing everything that was in sight. she was the type to eat mountains but still look thin. her metabolism was thriving.

as soon as the water signs stepped foot into the room, scorpio glanced at virgo, who was too busy going through her spell book. she felt a burning gaze on her and looked up, only to meet eyes with the water sign. taurus noticed this and pursed her lips together, nearly squishing the muffin that was held in her hand. they stared at each other for a while, their surroundings forgotten, at least until ophiucus called virgo.

"good morrow blood relative, if it isn't too much of an exasperation, could you please get me a concoction of hydrogen and oxygen particles?"

[a/n: i found this on tiktok to credits to the owner]

the only reason ophiucus said that was to piss virgo off and she knew cause she, indeed, was pissed.

"cease your tomfoolery without further ado or we shall duke this out in a bout of fisticuffs, you simpleton," she rebutted back, chucking the water bottle at his brother, who caught it with ease.

[a/n: again, crds to the owner]

the rest of the signs looked at the two, all thinking what the fuck but still laughed nonetheless. i mean, it wasn't too far fetched from their usual group banters.


the rest of the signs turned to scorpio, who stood at the front of the table. he rested his hands on his hips and looked at the two siblings, an eyebrow raised. "now i hope you two didn't forget your tour today. you still need to know the ins and outs of this place along with the basics if you want to join us."

virgo looked up from her book, rolling her eyes at the boy. she smiled sweetly, too sweetly, and brought her hands beside her face, intertwining her fingers. she batted her eyelashes and in a sickeningly sweet tone asked, "oh how ever could we forget such an important task your highness?"

ophiucus gasped dramatically, placing his hands on his chest, right above his heart. following virgo, he added, "my my my, that would be ghastly. how shameful it would be."

gemini and leo snickered while scorpio gave up and contemplated on why he agreed to let them come here, why he became the leader and why on earth he was brought into this world just to suffer. he massaged his temple, eyebrows creasing together and adding to his already stressful expression. the siblings smirked in accomplishment.

"my god you two are insufferable and it's only been a day," he mumbled under his breath.

aries, who was sitting beside him, stifled a laugh as she caught his statement. scorpio threw her a glare to which she just raised her hands innocently. "ok whatever, just go with these guys after breakfast," he said as he motioned towards capricorn, leo, gemini and cancer.

and with that, he sat down on his chair and quietly enjoyed his scrambled eggs, the rest of the signs also enjoying their own food.


"alright so this is the training area which is separated into two rooms, the one for us, the members, and the ones for the newcomers," capricorn explained as he showed the two siblings their training studio. cancer stood quietly beside him, adding a few details here and there whereas the other two signs - leo and gemini - seemed to be in their own little worlds.

it was nearly the end of their tour, which, by the way, took nearly 2 hours. their lair wasn't that huge but there were lots of tiny details you had to learn about such as the booby traps, hidden doors, who was allowed in and who was not, etc. virgo and ophiucus were bored out of their minds as they begrudgingly followed capricorn around the lair.

it wasn't until they reached the combat studio that they finally perked up and listened to their guide. the two siblings absolutely loved battling one another and testing each other's skill. it was one of their favorite activities to do - perhaps because of the fact that their dad sparred with them during their childhood, encouraging and evaluating their skills and techniques. either way, they always had tiny battles with one another when they were back at the castle.

"now this is where we have our weekly battles, seeing if and how much we improve in our powers. sometimes we have competitions as well but—"

capricorn was interrupted as the two siblings escaped her side and went right in the middle of the studio, getting ready to spar each other.

"never mind," he frowned.

"hope you don't mind," ophiucus said, his eyes still on virgo. "we normally battle each other back at the castle, but it's been a while so i think now's a good time to test out our skills."

capricorn was about to protest when leo butted in. "be our guest," he shrugged, ignoring the earth sign's burning gaze on him.

"awesome!" virgo grinned as she cracked her knuckles.

capricorn whacked leo in the back of his head, making the male let out a pained cry. "why are you letting them fight one another when scorpio said not to do anything stupid?" the aforementioned hissed.

"damn relax," leo whined, clutching his head. "it's a good way to find out more about their powers and abilities, plus they're reasonable enough to know not to burn this place least i hope."

capricorn let out a defeated sigh, slumping his shoulders and mumbled an "i guess." while all this was happening gemini was admiring the siblings' battle.

virgo raised a hand in front of her, palms up, and mumbled a spell. in mere moments, red sparks erupted from her hand before a huge black ball of energy formed and shot itself at ophiucus, who caught it with a spell net he created. the male backed his hand away from the net slightly, creating momentum, then rose his left leg up and snapped his body around, kicking the spell back to the owner.

the mage steadied herself, planting both feet firmly on the ground, and brought out her hands in front of her, forming a claw-like shape. a huge gust of wind nearly flew her off balance as she caught the spell and nullified it while closing her hands into a fist. immediately after, she closed her eyes and shot her arms out to her sides, forming a T pose, and muttered an incantation.

when she opened her eyes again, darkness emitted out of them and the room became pitch black, not a single drop of light could be found. this particular spell was pretty powerful and useful as it negates one's senses, however, it won't negate all of their senses unless the owner commands it to. for now, virgo only wants to have a friendly battle so she only nullified the signs' sense of sight. but even so, the room still felt uneasy and heavy enough to make a powerful sorcerer break into cold sweat.

leo, capricorn, cancer and gemini - not being exposed to the siblings' magic as much yet - got shivers down their spine. ophiucus, on the other hand, muttered a spell to grant him enhanced night vision. although the male was not as skilled as his sister when it came to the dark arts, he still knew a few spells here and there.

when ophiucus spotted virgo in the corner of the room, he bent down a bit, building up power in his legs, then with his inhuman speed, bolted to her. the mage sensed the male charging at her and quickly raised her arms to her side and turned it clockwise so that now her arms were in front of her. she absorbed all the darkness back into her hands and in just a mere second, just before ophiucus got to her, she created a shield.

the male managed to stop his tracks before he ran into the shield and jumped back to his original spot. virgo closed her open palms into fists, the shield disappearing with it. the two siblings looked at each other knowingly and smirked, then with a blink of an eye, they both flew to the middle of the room and threw punches and kicks at each other left to right. with each blow, a ring purple light erupted.

the four left on the ground stared up at the fight, barely able to follow each of their attacks. their eyes darted to all directions, trying to keep up with the siblings. eventually gemini groaned and covered his faces with his hands, mushing it around. "my eyes hurt just looking at them. i think i'm gonna get a migraine."

leo hummed in agreement, but still looked at the siblings, having given up trying to follow each of their punches and kicks. cancer gave up too as he ran his fingers through his hair, mumbling something about his poor head. capricorn was still determined though. his sharp eyes managed to monitor each of their movements and noticed that ophiucus was slightly faster and stronger than virgo, who seemed to be more worn out.

ophiucus grinned as he noticed an opening that virgo has missed to protected and kicked her with power not enough to hurt her too much but still enough to send her flying backwards onto the ground. virgo widened her eyes slightly but quickly brought her hand out to release a blast of darkness, which allowed her to get on her feet instead of plummeting into the ground.

but before she could do anything else, her brother flew down behind her and brought the girl into a headlock. he rubbed his knuckles onto his sister's head, giving her a noogie. the captive groaned and pushed the male off, who just laughed. virgo punched ophiucus playfully on the arm and whined, "no my beautiful hair."

"oh look leo, i found someone who's obsessed with their hair as much as you are," they heard a voice behind them. they turned around to find an annoyed leo glaring at a smirking cancer. oops, they forgot they were there.

gemini rolled his eyes at them and smiled at the siblings. "ok not gonna lie, that was cool as hell. your punches went wham, bam, pow! and that thing when the room went dark was really unnerving. really impressive."

ophiucus snorted at the way the male describe the punches but still nodded his head, thankful. virgo raised her eyebrows at the compliment and giggled lightly. "thanks i guess," she replied.

capricorn nodded in agreement. "yep," he said, popping the p. "i'm sure scorpio would be impressed as well. you two really are powerful."

virgo let out a breath and crossed her arms. "i'm sure his majesty would love to get his butt kicked by us."

ophiucus snickered at his sister's petty nature. oh this was gonna be fun.


why is it so hard to write fight scenes. istg that scene took me ages to write—

but here's a 2500 ish word chapter to make up for my incompetence.

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