
By Xx_Angel04_Xx

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Breakout. Apocalypse. Escape the undead. Stay alive. Can you do it? Rene and Parker are the only ones to esca... More

p r o l o g u e

1 0 0
By Xx_Angel04_Xx

"There's a party tonight, are you coming?"

"You're supposed to be my friend, yet you seem to know nothing about me," I comment. "I don't like parties, Parker."

He rolls his eyes in response. "Fine, have it your way. Its not a party, its a small get- together of our all our friends. We're all going to Lee's house."

"I don't have any friends, so I doubt I'm invited to your 'get together'." I do air quotes to mock him.

He places his hand over his heart and gasps, as if he had been struck.

Rolling my eyes, I finish, "Apart from you, of course. I'm sure I'd be dead in a ditch if it weren't for your fantastic company."

"That's more like it," he beams. "Get changed, Rene. You need to look at least decent tonight-"

"And here I was, convinced that this was not a party!" I throw my hands up in fake exasperation.

"Babe, it's not. But, I'm sure everyone would be touched if you didn't wear stained clothing and actually wore something that's been collecting cobwebs for the last year." He eyes my flimsy, baggy top and old leggings and shifts his gaze to my wardrobe. "I'm sure those marks weren't put there for design."

"Don't call me babe, I don't like you, and if it means so much to you, leave. I'd like to change in peace."

"You take the fun out of everything." He huffs, but obliges. He stands outside of the door and pouts, while I give him a sickeningly sweet smile and closing the door in his face.

It takes me a few minutes to change into jeans, a simple tight top and boots with a small wedge heel. I brush my hair and put it into a nice half up, half down style; by this time, I had already let Parker back into the room. I apply little make up, only mascara and a slightly red tainted gloss and look to Parker for approval.

He stands in a relaxed stance with most his weight shifted onto his left foot, and with his arms crossed over his chest, he looks me up and down and nods. "Simple, but cute. I like it." He smiles and I smile back.


It's a party. I could hear the music blasting the second we got into the neighbourhood. Not to mention the infinite amount of cars littered all around the house. One had actually crashed into a garden, for God's sake. I punched Parker when I found out he had lied to me, though I already knew.

"I though it wasn't a party." I state, annoyed.

"So, there's music. That means nothing."

"That's not very reassuring."


After half an hour of searching, we finally found a parking spot. We headed inside and as soon as I stepped foot into the house, barely inches past the door, the speakers lasting music sent vibrations that travelled throughout my entire body. How did anyone like this? How had this party not been shut down? There was no way no one had reported the house for a disturbance unless they were somehow deterred from doing so.

Parker grabbed my hand and began pulling me through the house and into the main living area. I think he feels guilty because I don't like these type of settings, yet he practically dragged me out of my room anyways. I suppose the least he could do is hold my hand so I'm not heaved away from him because of the flow of the crowd. Plus, the house is huge, and with my petite figure, I'd have no clue navigating my way around.

Eventually, he finds what he was looking for- the sofa, where all his friends are sitting and drags me down to sit next to him.

He receives a chorus of greetings from those around us, while a few acknowledge my presence, and I just nod my head in return.

I pull out my phone, attempting to give off the impression that I'm in no mood to talk, because I'm not. I'd rather curl up in bed under my blankets, while scrolling through Netflix on my laptop to finally pick a film I have already seen and proceed to play on my phone. That's the life.

Apparently though, someone can take the hint. A drunk guy stumbles into me and mutters an apology before taking in my appearance. He looks my body up and down, drinking in as much as he can muster before kneeling down and shoving his hands into his pockets.

"How's it goin'?" He slurs.

"Great," I mumble, not looking up fro my phone, hoping his vision was clear enough that he could see the hint I am trying so desperately to throw at him.

He digs his hands out from his pockets and with them comes a clear, resealable plastic bag filled with a white substance. "Wanna' buy some drugs?"

"No she doesn't," Parker butts in, attempting to protect me.

"Why not?" He asks while swallowing his saliva thickly. That's not a good sign.

"Judging from how messed up you look, I think it would be best to steer clear of them."

Just as I predicted, the guy vomited everywhere. God, what has he taken?

"Jacob!" One of the girls yelled when the guy, who I now know as Jacob, thew up on her, drenching her black mini skirt with clumps of food and stomach acid and the foul smell that came along straight after.

"Jesus Christ. He could barely walk in a straight line. What did he take?" Parker muttered to himself.

"I don't know," I replied. " I just hope no one is stupid enough to take it." I glance around and see people lifting their gaze to where Parker's group of friends are sitting.

"I think it's too late. Everybody looks like crap. God, they look like they're all about to pass out."

"It must be a new drug. It's a pretty low chance so many people would react this bad to it. Normally, they relax people, but not to the point where they just barf and pass out."

"I think I'm starting to understand why you don't like parties."

I ignore his comment because I know he doesn't really mean it. No matter what happens, he'll always love the parties, the loud music and the vibrant yet still chilled atmosphere as people sway to the music while talking to the group of friends they arrived with and holding half empty red cups in their slipping hands.

I don't really blame him. I'm sure if I was more social I would love it, too. It would've become something we could share together.

"Should we leave?" I ask.

"No, I'm sure we're fine." He smiles, "It's normal for people to pass out at parties; it wouldn't be one without it."

"If you say so."

The party carried on as usual, with people dancing, though it became a small shuffle. The volume has been lowered, so there was no longer a continuous pounding in my skull, but now a low buzz. We've been at the party for two hours, making it 11pm, and Parker is currently on his third shot. He tries to convince me to have one, but I'm not a big drinker. Earlier, Conner, another one of Parker's friends, had asked me if I wanted a beer while he was getting one and I said yes, so I'm currently half way through my bottle.

Usually, when Parker does manage to drag me along to his 'social gatherings', I'm the responsible friend. The designated driver, though I barely earned my licence while sober.

Jacob, the guy who had passed out earlier, has finally regained consciousness and is going on a wild spree, knocking over whoever is in his path. He's also started a few fights, earning a few punches, but even with blood dripping down his face from his nose and a huge gash above his eyebrow, he is yet to be deterred. So far, he has managed to slip out from one fight, meaning his opponent punched someone else, resulting in them, too, joining the fight, while Jacob starts another.

He just isn't stopping.

It seems the party is calming down but becoming as wild as it was when it first started all at the same time. A few others have passed out, either on the floor or slumped over in a chair on top of each other.

Not that they care.

Must be because of the drugs.

I watch all of the action unfold in front of me. My leg bounces as I let out a shaky breath. There is something seriously wrong. I can feel it in my gut.

"Parker," I shout, though he's right next to me. "How many shots have you had?"

He looks in my direction, though his eyes have trouble focusing on me. "I dunno. I lost count after seven." He chuckles and runs his hand through his hair.

I groan. There's no way I'm going to be able to get him home. He's going to resist as much as he can. "I want to go home. I don't like it here."

"Go ahead, babe. I'll catch up," he slurs.

"I can't leave you, stupid. I'm your ride." I try to hide a smile. He is smashed.

"Its fine. I'll sleep here tonight." He leans forwards and rests his elbow on his knee and his chin in his hand and briefly closes his eyes before opening them wider than they were before, fighting to stay awake.

I narrow my eyes at him, "I don't know if I trust you enough to leave you alone. Especially in this state. What if you decided to try those drugs that has everyone messed up?" Worry becomes laced in my tone.

"You know I'm not that stupid, don't you?" He rests his head against my shoulder.

I pick up his face and hold it in my hands so he can focus on only me. "Of course, but I don't trust anyone else here. They could drug you without you knowing. What if someone gives you a drink that you didn't pour yourself? It could have traces of whatever people are smoking or snorting and I don't want that for you."

He smiles a toothy grin. He isn't taking me seriously.

"I'm being serious, Parker."

He sighs,"Okay, I'm sorry. How about we stay for half an hour more and then we'll leave together, hm?" he raises his eyebrows.

I sigh and release my hands from his face and he slumps back against the chair and i mutter, "I'm holding you to that," but his attention is back onto his friends and a laugh erupts from his chest. I'm sure I could stay half an hour longer if it kept him happy.


It's been twenty minutes. The house is in absolute chaos. Those who were passed out are now up and attacking people just as Jacob did. The amount of fights has quadrupled and blood is being sprayed everywhere, shooting out like confetti. The beige colour of the walls is covered in the deep red liquid and people are acting like savage animals. They're picking up the heaviest things they could find to throw at people. They're resorting to scratching and biting and its not even to protect themselves. They have the upper hand.

Parker and myself, as well as a few others that managed to seek shelter, are hiding behind a couch that had been pushed over due to all the commotion. Its pushed right against the wall and, in their frame of mind, I'd say we're as safe as we could get.

Screams emit from everywhere. Upstairs, where some of the crazed freaks had chased a group of girls up the stairs; they must've been caught. The kitchen, a place that was used for drinks and conversation is now used for disaster and gore.

But, its not only coming from the house.

Its coming from the entire neighbourhood.

How did simple, suburban families get sucked into this? Where did they even get the drugs from?


They were bargained off. Whoever got their hands on this drug first, must've used it to persuade everyone to keep quiet. It was simple. If they didn't report, they got drugs. And now everyone is 'infected' with whatever is running through their body; their veins.

My eyes widen in shock. "Parker, please tell me you didn't take the drugs," I plead. I don't know what I would do if I lost him to this.

He stares back at me, his eyes just as vast as mine, "Of course not, I'd never take drugs that make people as messed up as that." He has fully sobered up now. I'm not surprised.

I'm about to tell him that I'm so thankful, that 'Thank God you didn't take them, I don't think I could lose you in all this chaos,' but before I have the chance, an ear splitting shriek shreds through the air. Lee has been ripped away from us. Only we remain behind the sofa. Originally, there were four people behind us, including Parker and myself. It seems we were so wrapped up in worry for each other, we forgot about the continuous danger on the other side and hadn't realised that we weren't as safe as we thought.

"We need to get outta' here," he whispers.

"Obviously, yeah," I fire back.

He rolls his eyes and moves so that he can peek out to check all of the commotion. I do the same, but come into contact with one of the former party goers. My breathing quickens as I take in his appearance.

His mouth is pulled back into a snarl and an aggressive growl escapes his lips, which have turned a deathly blue colour. His eyes stare at me in hunger and it seems he is scowling at me with the way his eyebrows are arched down. His skin looks awful. A dull peach colour- he looks like a decomposing body- takes my attention. His skin seems greasy, more so than normal, like his body had just decided to release all the fluids he held in his body.

He growls again, louder than he did before, which breaks me out of my trance. He begins edging towards me and I back up until I come into contact with Parker's back.

"Parker," I whisper. I don't want to provoke him. "Help me."

Parker turns and I see a look of alarm on his face. He turns back to look out his side.

"Are we ready to go?"

"Its as good a time as any," he replies.

He grabs my hand and edges us out from his side, while the infected stumbles towards me, not removing it's predatory gaze from me.

Parker slowly eases us into a standing position and bends down to whisper in my ear, "Run," as his eyes constantly flicker around the room, watching out for any danger.

I nod and oblige, following him when he pulls me out of the house, only feet away. A few of the infected notice us and begin chasing us out of the house. Parker quickly removes his hand from mine to grab for his car keys which sit in his jean pocket and i whimper from loss of contact.

I begin to stumble when he lets go, I feel like I'm about to pass out and my legs which are growing sore aren't enough to support me. A rush of adrenaline travels throughout my body and I manage to run right up to Parker's side and latch my hand onto his.

"Give me the keys," I say, breathless. Why did we have to park so far away? "I'm driving, you're drunk."

"What? No. I've sobered up; I'm fine."

"Don't argue me on this," I narrow my eyes at him.

He sighs and rolls his eyes, which causes him to stumble but he listens and gives them to me.

We eventually reach the car, with the infected hot on our feet. I unlock the car and throw the door open and quickly enter. Parker does the same.

They surround the car. "God, Rene. What causes this?" he says, in shock. He clenches his jaw and I can tell what is happening is really affecting him. "They took Lee. They ripped him apart. God, I'm pretty sure one of them ate him." He lets out a shaky, uncontrollable, yet desperately trying to be controlled sob. I rub his arm in reassurance, unable to do much more to console him due to the awkward position of the car.

I let out a shaky breath of my own before shoving the key into the ignition and powering up the car. The engine roars to life as every part, every corner of the car is surrounded by the infected. I reverse the car, not caring if I hit them. Better dead than alive, anyway.

We speed down the road with them trailing after us until they're out of sight, unable to keep up to speed with the car.

As we drive back to our place, no words are exchanged and we sit in silence with only the noise of the engine and our laboured breathing filling the air. The silence is not awkward, but strained.

What are we going to do?

Thank you for reading :)

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