Cellphone | YoongixOC BTS

By JxSerendipity

479 24 6

Ayla has been in Korea for barely a few hours, and already has misplaced her cell phone, along with ID, and h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

56 2 0
By JxSerendipity

"Are you awake?" Yoon asked as soon as I answered my phone.

It was the beginning of my second week in Korea. I was significantly less jetlagged, but still very exhausted.

"Barely." I yawned.

He laughed, "get up, get dressed."

"Why?" I asked, confused. I sat up in bed, glancing at the time on the clock. It was still early.

"There's a car coming for you in an hour. I have a surprise planned for you today."

"Wait- really?"

"Yes! A little birdy told me of an event happening today, and I want you to be there for it."

"Okay.." I said, confused. "What kind of event?"

"You'll see. Be ready in an hour."

The line went dead.

I frowned, a million thoughts flooding my brain. Who was this Yoon person, really? And what kind of event? Was this how I was going to die? I sighed, knowing full well that I trusted this guy too much, and that I was going to go, death or not.

I went to shower and get ready, thinking about the event and what it could be the entire time.

I picked out a plain shirt and jeans, unsure if I needed to look nice or not. I decided to throw on a floral cardigan to complete the look, making it look slightly dressy.

I headed downstairs, and realized that I had no clue what type of car was going to be picking me up. I stood just outside the doors of the hotel, where there was a small driveway for pickups and drop offs. A few cars were pulling in and out, and I waited anxiously to see if any of them seemed to be for me.

It wasn't long before a large, black vehicle pulled into the driveway, pulling to a stop before me. I was surprised, this was the type of car you'd see pull in for a celebrity. A large SUV with black tinted windows that looked like it was bulletproof. The driver got out, looking at me.



He walked around to open the door for me. I blinked, looking between him and the open door.

I climbed in, thinking the entire time about how completely strange this was. Why was myself, out of everyone, being picked up in this kind of vehicle? Was I reading too much into it?

The door was shut behind me, and a few moments later we were pulling out of the drive.

I watched the sights pass by as we went to an unfamiliar area that I haven't explored yet. We pulled to a stop at a small side street. The driver came around opening the door. I climbed out, confused. Another person wearing a black top and pants came in behind the driver, and bowed politely.

Without speaking, he gestured for me to follow along with him. We went into the back of a building, and my mind screamed at me with how sketchy it was.

I followed anyway, heading up the flight of stairs behind him.

At the top of the stairs, there was a man waiting.



He nodded, and moved to let us pass.

We went through the door at the top of the stairs, and I gasped. I was led out onto a beautiful rooftop garden. Flowers of every colour lined the rooftop, leading to a centerpiece where beautiful stone benches sat. There were microphones placed on the benches, and I could see someone setting up the area for something.

The man took me over to a set of chairs, where there were a few girls bouncing in their seats. We stopped at one in the front row, with a sign marked "reserved." He removed the sign and gestured for me to sit.

I sat down, wondering about the sign, and about everything going on. That's when I picked up on the chatter around me.

"I hope they're as attractive in person."

"I can't wait to see them!"

"Ah I can't wait to see Jimin in person."

"What about Jin?"

Someone laughed, "worldwide handsome!"

Wait. Jimin, Jin. In person? Where exactly did Yoon send me?

It wasn't long before the staff were quieting down the crowd. "Congratulations contest winners. We ask that everyone stay quiet during filming, and everyone stay seated until BTS leave the set. Thank you."

Wait. What? Really? The wonder of who Yoon was ran through my mind again. If these people were contest winners, then how did Yoon get me a spot?

All thoughts left Yoon and turned to BTS as I heard the door that we had entered in opening. I was seeing bts? This close?

I looked towards the door to see the seven boys I had been dreaming of meeting walking in. I swear I was going to faint.

They walked up to the benches and sat down, waving at all of us along the way. Hobi was dancing along to the music playing for their entrance, while Jimin was laughing. They picked up their mics and said various hellos to the audience. The boys were all chatting amongst themselves as they got settled, but I noticed Yoongi sitting down at the edge in the back, staring intently at his microphone, brow furrowed. I wondered what was bothering him. At that moment, he glanced up, eyes meeting mine. I blushed and immediately looked away. When I looked back up again, he was smiling, whispering something to Jimin beside him, who gave him a smirk.

Everyone was quieted down, and a woman walked over to sit opposite the boys. She spoke to them for a moment, before prepping for filming. I realized that it was an interview taping.

I watched in awe as they breezed through their introductions and the first few questions. As always, they were their playful selves, Jin blowing kisses, Jimin giggling, jungkook bouncing excitedly. It was amazing to see it in person instead of on a screen. I was starstruck, and thankful. When I came to Korea, I knew I was going to see them from an arena seat, but I had no idea I would befriend someone, who I may date, who would allow me to see bts so close. I thanked whatever forces led me to where I was.

The interview wrapped up quickly, and the members stood, waving again, and responding to comments from the crowd. I watched, unsure of what to say. I was happy enough just sitting back and watching them interact with fans. My eyes roamed over the boys, a smile on my face. Yoongi looked at me at the same time as I glanced at him, and he smiled. He waved at me, and I waved back. When the boys turned to leave, I had to stop myself from freaking out, amazed that yoongi noticed me.

Shortly after the boys left, they let everyone head downstairs. The car was waiting for me again. I noticed some of the fans looking at me with curious expressions, but I climbed into the car.

As soon as I was away from the chaos, thoughts of Yoon entered my head. I didn't enter a contest, and they reserved a seat for me. He sent a whole car for me. Who was this guy?

As soon as the car dropped me off at the hotel, I went to my room, and opened my phone to dial as soon as the door was closed.

Yoon answered, and I could hear him shushing someone before saying hello. 

"Who are you?" I asked immediately. I sat down on the sofa, kicking off my shoes.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, how did you set this up? They said something about a contest?"

"Ah- yes. There was a contest, to see the interview taping."

"And? I know you set it up. I didn't enter a contest. You sent a car to pick me up. Yoon, what's going on? I mean- I'm sorry, I don't mean to not sound thankful. I'm really happy and grateful you did this. But what is going on?"

"Take a breath." He said, pausing so I could catch my breath, "I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner."

"Told me what?"

"My mystery job. I didn't want you to freak out, or run off, or I don't know. I was just worried."

"Okay...so what do you do?" I nibbled at my lip, somewhat worried now. What could be that bad that he felt that way?

"I'm- I uh- I work for Big Hit."

I stopped. If he worked for big hit, it made sense. He would have easily been able to arrange an extra seat at the taping. He also would be at the show, of course, it was his job.

"That's why you're going to be at the show. You work for Big Hit."


"And you also said you know bts, when I mentioned their music. You don't know of them you really know them."

"I do."

"Wow," I said in English. I didn't know what to say, I was speechless. I heard a chuckle on the other line.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to freak you out."

"No I-wow."

He laughed again. I heard another voice in the background. "Shush, kook-Okay Ayla sorry I have to go! I'll talk to you later!"

The line went dead.

I tried to process what just happened. This person, one who wanted to go on a date with me, worked for big hit, which meant they worked with bts? I didn't know what to think. I was upset in some ways, because Yoon had kept it a secret from me, but I was curious to know more about him. I guess I just had to wait and see.

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