I Always Fall For the Bad Guy

Bởi W0rdles

122K 2.1K 3.9K

Mal x Reader Xem Thêm

{Part 1}
{Part 2}
{Part 3}
{Part 4}
{Part 5}
{Part 6}
{Part 7}
{Part 8}
{Part 10}
{Part 11}
{Part 12}
{Part 13}

{Part 9}

7.3K 158 156
Bởi W0rdles

Alejandro's stay in the spa hotel is very profitable, he discovers Chris's footage of the season including "Mal's Greatest Hits" a collection of all the bad he's done. Alejandro deciphers Mal's plan to plant evidence of the tampered votes in his bed in the loser cabin and quickly rushes there.

Mal's POV
Cameron calls YN, Zoey, and I in a meeting to figure out who tried to get him voted off.

"I didn't vote for you," YN reveals.

"Me neither," Zoey adds.

"I think we should search the cabin," I arrange knowing that Alejandro will be caught like a deer in headlights.

We head in and I look under Alejandro's pillow and there was nothing there.

"Find anything?" Cameron asks.

"Uh, no," I reply confused.

"You!" Cameron shouts finding the votes in my bed.

"What? No! Why would I hid it under my mattress then suggest we search the cabin?"

"He's right, that makes no sense," Zoey says convinced. YN just stands there silently a confused look directed at me obviously not convinced. Cameron eventually believes me trusting me again.

"Challenge time! Proceed to the McLean spa library pronto!" We arrive but only Chef is there.

On the monitor appears Chris with a party behind him.

"Welcome to episode 100 of Total Drama! To celebrate, I have an extra special 100th episode challenge," he begins to go through a list of what we will encounter when Ezekiel kidnaps him. Chef spits his coffee causing sparks to fly from the surveillance consul and die.

"New challenge! Find Chris!"

We search for ways into the mines, which is where we believe Zeke is. The girls, YN, Zoey, and Gwen all fall down one hole, this is my opportunity to get rid of Cameron.

"Come on I got a good feeling about this one," I declare, grabbing Cameron and jumping down a different hole.

We run into Scott and Courtney, I force Cameron to kiss Courtney to drive a wedge between her and Scott. Then, Ezekiel appears and grabs them both leaving me and Cameron running. The ground gives out underneath Cameron but he catches a root dangling in the hole.

"Mike! Help me!"

"Hang on buddy, I'll go find something you can grab onto," I say as I walk away whistling my signature tune.

"Gravity times nerd arms equals five minutes max before he falls," I laugh.
-End of Confessional-

That's when I run into YN.

Your POV
Somehow I got separated from Gwen and Zoey in the fall, but I here someone I up ahead in the mine so I keep moving forward. Suddenly I hear the screams of Courtney and Scott and slow my pace preparing to run the other direction if needed. Mike appears alone in the mine shaft and I quickly run to him.

"Oh thank goddess!" I shout hugging him.

"YN, are you alright?" he asks concerned. He pulls away slightly to inspect me for injuries.

"I'm fine, just don't like closed spaces with a creature hunting you, meaning you could die at any second with no escape," I burry my face into his chest trying to calm my racing heart.

"Your okay," he says returning the hug and petting my hair gently before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I just want to get out of here," I confess.

"Shh, your okay," he hushes and smiles softly pulling us both down onto the ground.

Mal's POV
We lay hugging for a while, Chris will be fine, this is worth more to me than any one of there lives or the million dollars. YN eventually falls asleep in my arms, she is just so warm and cozy I can't help but drift off as well.

I awake to a growl, Ezekiel is across the room watching us. He slowly approaches as if trying not to wake the sleeping angel. I can not move in this position, so I just stay still in fear.

He looks down at YN, recognition dawning on his face, but anger fills it when he looks at me.

He forcefully takes her from my arms, waking her, as she lets out a shriek.

"Give her back!" I growl. He only growls in return grabbing me as well.

Before I know what's happened I'm in a cage with a bunch of the other competitors including Zoey, Courtney, Scott, and Alejandro, but no YN. I run to the bars looking out at Chris who is dangling over a pit of acid and Ezekiel binding YN's legs and arms together with rope. She struggles a lot fighting him off, but he whacks her upside the head with a rock knocking her unconscious. He gently lays her down against his throne chair and finishes the knots.

"Let YN go!" I shout at Zeke. He sniffs the air and comes by the cage. Everyone else backs up but I hold my ground.

"She should be in here! With me," I growl.

He screeches angrily and returns to his throne.

"What makes YN so special that she isn't in here with the rest of us?" I ask Courtney.

"He had a huge crush on her in season 1 and 3, even though he only knew her for one day. I think it's because she was semi-nice to him," Courtney explains.

"Seems like he only remembers emotions tied to certain people," I think aloud as Zeke pets YN's hair.

Your POV
I groan waking up with a pounding headache. I can't sit up or move, I realize I'm bound by rope and attempt to wiggle free.

Zeke notices my awakening and rushes over to me, semi-grinning, his sharp teeth on display.
Looking around, I see the other competitors in a cage and Chris dangling from the ceiling.

"Zeke, you gotta let us go," I plead. He frowns shaking his head getting drool everywhere.

"But Zeke, it's just a game, it's not worth this," I urge.

"Don't bother YN, he's savage," shouts Courtney. He growls lunging at the cage, shaking the bars. Courtney shrieks jumping backwards.

Zeke then releases rats, who go to work eating the rope holding Chris above the acid. Just as Chris is about to meet his end, Chef runs into the cave with his Spaghetti Bazooka. He hits the rats off the rope with a stick saving Chris.

Unfortunately, Zeke gets his hands on the bazooka at this time, blasting Chef away. It looked like he was going to win when Cameron and Gwen charged into the cave blasting Zeke against the throne with spaghetti. I yelp as he almost hits me.

As everyone celebrates, Zeke escapes leaving everyone panicked but safe.

Mike walks up to me, cutting the ropes loose. I touch my forehead and it's bleeding slightly from where Zeke hit me but I'll be ok. I make an attempt to stand but get dizzy and collapse into Mikes arms.

"It'll be alright YN, I'll get you out of here," Mike lovingly whispers to me carrying me out of the mines.

Mal's POV
At the elimination ceremony it is Cameron who must go home due to extensive injuries and the Zoey is voted off as well. Two for one just the way I like it. We all say our goodbyes.

"Bye Mike," Cameron muffles out.

"Oh, Mike's gone. I'm Mal and I let you fall. So long, sucker," I laugh. He screams for the remainder of the elimination.

YN was put on bed rest in the health cabin so late at night I sneak in to check on her.

I creep through the dark trying not to wake her, "Hey Mike," she whispers.

"Oh, uh hey YN. I just wanted to see if you were okay," I say awkwardly.

"Thanks for coming to check up on me," she smiles.

"Yeah, well, now that I know you're okay, I'll just get going," I stutter, groaning at my awkwardness. She grabs my hand stopping me.

"Or you could stay," she whispers softly, blushing.

"If you want me to," I smirk. She scoots to one side of the bed lifting the covers for me to get under.

I take off my shoes, sliding under the covers. She lays her head on my chest and I freeze. Slowly, I pull her against me letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. She snuggles into me, humming softly before dozing off. I gaze down at her with nothing but love in my eyes, I would destroy worlds for this girl. That is my final thought before drifting off into blissful sleep.

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