Endless Wonder | A Claudia Do...

By Yoyoanaria

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It was always the same for Eric, go to a different place, find the artifact and bring it back before Mrs Fred... More

Endless Wonder
A Whole New World
S01E01 | America's Attic
Final Results
S01E01 | New Agents, New Case
S01E04 | Claudia


47 1 0
By Yoyoanaria


Part Three of Three

The three agents made their way to Emily Krueger's work, she walked in and put on her apron. Lattimer and Bering stood at the counter as Eric watched from his table.

"Can I help you?" She tied the fabric at her back.

"Emily Krueger?" He asked, showing her the badge, she talked to her boss then the three followed her to the back room.

"We saw you leaving professor Marzotto's office, didn't we?" Myka questioned.

"Oh, right. I was there for a meeting. For the play." She pointed to the poster tacked to the wall. "I'm in it, Marzotto's sort of a technical advisor."

"Does he know about your relationship with Cody?" Pete asked.

"He knows what happened.

Why?" She crossed her arms.

"Because when we talked to him about Cody, he didn't mention you." Pete rose his brows.

"Or that you'd just been to see him." Myka added.

"Maybe he was trying to protect my privacy. Why did you guys mention Cody?" Emily asked.

"We needed something translated.

Yeah, have you ever heard Cody speak Italian?" Pete asked.

"Just once, when he did this." Emily moved her bangs, revealing her face.

"How long have you known Cody?" Myka questioned.

"Since the eighth grade, got serious after his parents died. I came here for theatre, he applied for law school. His godmother helped him get in." She explained.

"Lorna Soliday." Pete said with a dry smirk.

"You met her?" She smiled with a knowing look.

"Does she have any family?" Myka asked, her tone lighter.

"Just Cody, and that's not even real family. She made sure that he got that big settlement when his parents died." She nodded; Pete began to recite the script. "Stop."

"You know what it means?" She shook her head. "If people knew the reasons for my fear, they would be able to understand my pain - Does that mean anything to you?"

"Only that he's afraid of abandonment. It scares him...Maybe he thought that I was spending too much time on the play, I don't know...Can I go back to work now?" She asked.

"Yes." Myka smiled and she walked past the agents, the soon left, before Pete snuck a cookie.

"Ten to one this has nothing to do with the hocus pocus Artie's pushing." Pete ate his cookie as they crossed the road.

"How 'bout a billion to one? How about a cute girl in a play by Machiavelli makes her insecure boyfriend freak out?" Myka looked to Pete and Eric.

"Or-or try this. Emily, an actress, is a ruthless gold digger she'd know which buttons to push on her insecure boyfriend to get him made enough to hit her, she goes for the money." Pete evaluated and made fist bumps. "Sues him for it."

Myka and Eric laugh.

"What kind of women do you date?" Myka questioned, an ambulance drove buy and Pete followed him.

"Pete?!" Eric called out, then they followed after, they arrived to see Pete staring at a charred corpse on the ground.

"Pete...Pete." Myka repeated.

"It's Marzotto." He walked off and the two followed.

"What?" Myka blanched.

"The attendant said he heard him speaking Italian before he doused himself." Pete explained, they were caught up by the Sheriff from the station.

"Hold on. Why'd you talk to Marzotto?" He demanded.

"Who told you that?" Pete questioned.

"Secret service hits campus, and people notice and now he's dead. Before this, you said something to make Cody want to knock your heads off. Something you want to tell me?" He pointed; Eric folded his arms.

"We should talk later." Myka spoke.

"Let me tell you something-" The Sheriff began.

"Sure. Something that makes it seem like I couldn't kick your ass in front of your men." Pete sized him up, Eric looked at Myka then intervened.

"Boys, how about we put our badges in our big boy pants, huh? Sheriff." Eric stood between the two, looking down at him, he walked off in a huff.

"What was that?" Myka frowned.

"We gotta get to Marzotto's office." Pete said.

"And how are we gonna get in?" Pete rose the keys in his hand. "Hotshot."

Lattimer drove his car, with Bering in the passenger seat and Lawson in the back.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked Pete, after moment of silence, he spoke up.


"Never mind." She shook her head.

"The vibe thing? My dad was a fireman.

When I was 12, I got this feeling one morning that I was never gonna see him again." Pete explained.

"And you didn't say anything?" She asked.

"I didn't want him to see how scared I was. He died that night in a house fire, saving a couple of kids." He elaborated.

"I'm sorry." She spoke sympathetically.

"Me too." Pete nodded.

"So now when you get a feeling, you..." Eric started, Pete nodded.

They were in his office once again.

"He got his pen out of his pencil cup." Pete shrugged, staring at the mugs.

"At least he died happy." Myka jested, Eric rose a brow and Pete looked at her.

"That's not funny." Pete flipped through a book.

"You're right." She apologised, she looked around and saw the book case. "That's strange."

"What?" He asked.

"The m's are out of order." She pulled out one of the books.

"There's something in there." Pete pointed out, Myka gave him a look and he shrugged innocently, she pulled out a small, locked book, Eric walked over.

"Is this it?" She asked him as rose a brow.

"I don't know." Pete shrugged; Eric examined the box.

"Well, what if it is?"

"Then we're done." Pete said. "So open it."

"You open it, I don't want a ferret or whatever." Myka handed him the box, Pete sighed. He cautiously moved it over to the desk, he opened the latch and flinched back, in case something jumped out. He began to read the Italian on the old pages.

"Don't." Myka said, Pete rose his brows. "Just in case."

Pete turned the pages to find a velvet compartment, rose a brow, the shape was familiar to him.

"What's that?" Pete blurted.

"Something's missing." Myka pointed out.

"Call Artie." Eric told the two and they looked at him, nodding. The door opened to the familiar woman.

"Miss Soliday." Myka greeted.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned.

"You heard what happened to Marzotto?" Pete asked.

"Yes, Sheriff Travis just called, now get out before I call him back and tell him you're searching this office without a warrant." She threatened.

"We're here investigating his suicide." Pete told her.

"Ed didn't kill himself, he had help." She spoke.

"What do you mean?" Eric questioned.

"Somebody broke his heart." She started, she sat on the chair and Pete closed the door. "We were together for three years.

And then we weren't.

I thought we were in love, but things changed and he chose someone else."

"A student?" Myka frowned.

"Did Emily Krueger break his heart?" Pete asked.

"And Cody's, she's a despicable young woman who uses people to get what she wants, and then when she's done using them..." She shook her head.

"We're looking for something, something about this big, we think Marzotto had it, but now it's missing." Myka motioned with her hand.

"Did Emily get it, you know, whatever it is?" Pete shrugged.

"Why don't you ask her? She's helping with the party for the play, Cody's there." She offered.

"Cody's out?" Eric rose a brow.

"Emily dropped the charges." She nodded.

"Okay, we should go." Pete declared, Soliday stood.

"I'm coming with you.

If you're confronting Emily, I need to be there for Cody." Eric wasn't believing her at this moment, it was too convenient, not to mention the way she was eyeing the book they found.

"Let's go." Myka said.

"Do you think Emily would ever hurt Cody?" Myka questioned the woman.

"Not physically.

Even if she tried, she couldn't.

" Soliday answered.

"And why not." Myka pushed.

"Me. Cody has me. I made a promise to his parents when I became his godmother that I would always be there to protect him." She explained as the two men looked at each other, Pete took hold of the book, he saw the shape of her comb and the shape of the missing spot.

"It's only a matter of time before Cody realizes Emily's just small-town trash. Cody is destined for great things, and I'm helping him succeed, with me, he can do anything or be anyone he wants." She started to raise her voice, her breath shaking and her body swaying.

"Uhm, Myka. Could you pull over for a sec?" Pete asked, as she did, Soliday spoke Italian and took hold of the wheel, causing the car to flip in the air, landing on its side.

Myka woke up on the ground, out of the car, she looked around to find Pete and Eric, she went to the car and found Pete and Eric. After retrieving the book and finding Soliday to have the comb, the Farnsworth began to buzz.

"You're looking for jewellery- this, this thing." Artie showed an old painting with the comb in her hair.

"Yeah, we know, we just saw it in a woman's hair. She tried to kill us." Myka huffed.

"A woman? What woman?" Artie rushed.

"Her name is Lorna Soliday." Myka begun.

"She's Part of the ruling class, single, successful, middle-aged, she's a survivor of family tragedies and the death of loved ones she's connected somehow to a young man, that she believes needs her protection?" Artie questioned rapidly.

"He's good." Pete nodded.

"Yeah." Myka agreed.

"The best." Eric groaned, laying on the grass.

"What's the matter with you two, was that Eric? Okay, anyway, look." He pointed to the painting. "This comb is transmitting Lucretia Borgia."

"Lucretia who?" Pete frowned.

"Borgia; she's a cutthroat Italian who ruled Italy in the 1600s with her father and brothers." Myka elaborated whilst Pete rose his brows. "My family owned a book store, remember?"

"That's right, that's right." Pete nodded.

"So what do you mean the comb's transmitting?" Myka questioned.

"An alchemist made it, okay? Out of what, I don't know, it's supposed to be some kind of Renaissance roofie. Somehow the crystals in the ionized metal are affecting brain chemistry." Artie explained and Eric broke out of his groggy state.

"What about the phrase?" Eric spoke.

"Yeah, the phrase. That's like some kind of phonetic trigger. This is a very, very, very unhappy woman. Very unlucky in love." Artie paused. "There's supposed to be a jewellery box."

"We found it in Marzotto's office. He must have given Soliday the comb." Myka answered.

"Like her, she wants love at any cost, she wants love, and she is gonna kill to get it." Artie pointed.

"She wants...She wants Cody, so she wants Emily gone." Pete pointed out.

"And Emily's at the party." Myka nodded.

"What are you talking about a party? What party?" Artie demanded.

"God, some renaissance blowout for some Machiavelli play." Pete rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Machia- this woman's gonna be there? You've gotta stop this woman. Lucretia Borgia, 600 years ago, started a bloody reign of terror, and this comb is gonna wanna start it all over again, it's got twisted desires, and it'll amplify, it'll spread like some kind of orgiastic virus- first to Iowa, then to Nebraska, then to Illinois-" Artie rushed out.

"We understand." Myka nodded.

"Probably first to Illinois and then-" Artie was cut off from the Farnsworth.

"Okay, look, we need to get you to a hospital first and-" Myka began, helping Pete up with Eric's help.

"No, look, I'm trained to take a bullet if necessary." He began to walk. "But I'm not sure how to stop a dead Italian cougar."

They arrived at the party; students flooded the ground in a trance.

"We need some kind of approach." Pete said.

"Well, I have no more color-coded plans." Myka said, making Pete smile.

"There's a silver lining."

"Okay, I'll go in, grab Cody, you flank." Myka stated.

"No, you flank." Pete countered, Myka grabbed his arm. "Trust me."

Myka looked at Pete, then Eric who nodded.

"Okay." Pete and Eric went to get Cody, the crowd slowly turned to the two.

"That's not creepy." Eric muttered; they began passing the students.

"How you doing? That's nice." Pete awkwardly greeted. When they got to the front, Cody had Emily in his arms, close to the fire.

"Come on, man, you don't wanna do this. Look. You don't wanna hurt her. Just let Emily go." Pete negotiated.

"He intends to." Soliday smirked. "Her dying scream will be the trigger-"

"Look, nobody's screaming, okay? We're gonna take a deep breath, and we're all gonna come back down to Earth." Pete said, looking at the comb, pointing it to the fire, making it rise. Cody knocked Pete to the ground with a grunt, Eric pointed his Tesla gun at the boy, only for it to be knocked out of his hand and he joined Pete on the floor. "Cute. Kid's fast. What's your pain, Lorna? What are you afraid of?"

"You know, so does she." Lorna turned to see Myka, a gun pointed to her.

"Show's over." Myka put down the container. "Drop the comb...thing."

"Did you really let your lover die?" Lorna smirked.

"Shut up."

"For a chance at glory?"

"I said. Shut. Up." She demanded, Lorna brought comb up to Myka, causing her to put the gun to her neck. After Pete stunned Myka away, they were able to knock Lorna out and denaturalize the comb. The can began to glow and they looked at Eric.

"Duck!" They held their arms over their heads as lights flew over their heads. They went to Lorna who looked utterly confused.

"What did I do?"

"It's okay, it' over." Myka assured, they looked over to Cody and Emily, who looked scared, yet relieved.

Back at the Warehouse, Eric and Artie were storing the comb.

"Love hurts, I know." Artie said and walked away, but stopped to noticed Eric staring at the painting. "Eric."

The agents jaw was clenched when he turned around.

"You got to save her this time...right?" Artie smiled and Eric nodded, they walked away from the painting and towards the office, on their way-out Eric looked to Artie.

"I think they'll be a fine pair of agents. Something that the Warehouse likes." Eric noted, Artie looked at him surprised. "They make a great team."

"Good." Artie smiled and got to work; Eric looked out the window to the shelves of the great world he had come to love.

Hello there! Sorry for being MIA, but I hope you enjoy it and I hope to update more!

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