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Part Three of Three

The three agents made their way to Emily Krueger's work, she walked in and put on her apron. Lattimer and Bering stood at the counter as Eric watched from his table.

"Can I help you?" She tied the fabric at her back.

"Emily Krueger?" He asked, showing her the badge, she talked to her boss then the three followed her to the back room.

"We saw you leaving professor Marzotto's office, didn't we?" Myka questioned.

"Oh, right. I was there for a meeting. For the play." She pointed to the poster tacked to the wall. "I'm in it, Marzotto's sort of a technical advisor."

"Does he know about your relationship with Cody?" Pete asked.

"He knows what happened.

Why?" She crossed her arms.

"Because when we talked to him about Cody, he didn't mention you." Pete rose his brows.

"Or that you'd just been to see him." Myka added.

"Maybe he was trying to protect my privacy. Why did you guys mention Cody?" Emily asked.

"We needed something translated.

Yeah, have you ever heard Cody speak Italian?" Pete asked.

"Just once, when he did this." Emily moved her bangs, revealing her face.

"How long have you known Cody?" Myka questioned.

"Since the eighth grade, got serious after his parents died. I came here for theatre, he applied for law school. His godmother helped him get in." She explained.

"Lorna Soliday." Pete said with a dry smirk.

"You met her?" She smiled with a knowing look.

"Does she have any family?" Myka asked, her tone lighter.

"Just Cody, and that's not even real family. She made sure that he got that big settlement when his parents died." She nodded; Pete began to recite the script. "Stop."

"You know what it means?" She shook her head. "If people knew the reasons for my fear, they would be able to understand my pain - Does that mean anything to you?"

"Only that he's afraid of abandonment. It scares him...Maybe he thought that I was spending too much time on the play, I don't know...Can I go back to work now?" She asked.

"Yes." Myka smiled and she walked past the agents, the soon left, before Pete snuck a cookie.

"Ten to one this has nothing to do with the hocus pocus Artie's pushing." Pete ate his cookie as they crossed the road.

"How 'bout a billion to one? How about a cute girl in a play by Machiavelli makes her insecure boyfriend freak out?" Myka looked to Pete and Eric.

"Or-or try this. Emily, an actress, is a ruthless gold digger she'd know which buttons to push on her insecure boyfriend to get him made enough to hit her, she goes for the money." Pete evaluated and made fist bumps. "Sues him for it."

Myka and Eric laugh.

"What kind of women do you date?" Myka questioned, an ambulance drove buy and Pete followed him.

"Pete?!" Eric called out, then they followed after, they arrived to see Pete staring at a charred corpse on the ground.

"Pete...Pete." Myka repeated.

Endless Wonder | A Claudia Donovan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now