Opened Heart

By guessitright

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Taylor Howards is nearly finishing her high school years. She expects it to be easy and simple, but her life... More

Chapter 2- The REVALATION :)
Chapter 4- She's Gone
Chapter 5 - The house up in the tree... Isn't that called a tree house???
Chapter Six- Way Back
Chapter 8-Fights.. and Ashley
Chapter 9- I am in deep Shiz...
Chapter 10- The Tree
Chapter 11: Music Store
Chapter 12- Cookie Slayer
Chapter 13: Sleepover
Chapter 14

Chapter 7- Ricky... My ex and the Carnival

141 5 4
By guessitright

"James, what time is it?"

"Are you obsessed with time?"

"No, I am not. My watch got soaked when you dropped me at the lake and since it's not water proof it is now broken"

"I'll buy you a new one, and it's almost 7 in the evening" he said taking my clothes out of a thingy that makes your clothes instantly dry...... so, I'm wearing some of James clothes right now...

"When wil we go back?, I feel a little creeped out that sun is not shining that much anymore"

"Maybe a little bit later"

"Hey!, don't forget you owe me McDonalds"


I left James there then decided to look around the tree house...

But then I saw a board with a lot of pictures, when I say a lot... I mean A LOT!!!

I searched the pictures one by one, most which I don't remember anymore... I really am forgetful... wish I could forget my broken heart too...

I stopped at one and looked at something weird... James was in the middle, both hands at my shoulders and another one at a boy's shoulder... Me smiling like there is no problem in my life... yeah, right, last time ?I was a carefree Taylor... not the girl I was now though. James and the boy smiling micheiveously, a close mouth smile too. Our clothes all covered in mud...

I saw another one but this tme the boy was smirking...

Another one but this time we were all smiling a teeth smile and our close were still clean...

Another one us throwing mud at each other...

Too bad I don't remember...

"Remember this?" James asked pointing the picture I was looking at...

I shook my head in response...

"Should've known" he said still looking at the picture

And that earned him a shove, but he didn't even move a single inch from his spot...

"Wanna know who he is?, cause I'm sure you don't remember him" he said pointing to the boy that is still a mystery for me...

"Whatever, James" I answered even though I was dying to know inside. Why is that I can't remember anything when I was young but now I remember everything I see. The photographic memory should've kicked in when I was still young, so James can't make fun of me...


I stood there looking at the picture racking my brain to find a person that is named RICKY...but nothing came in mind... I really am forgetful, aren't I?

I must've been standing there for a while...

"T, we're going, come on. I've been calling you since a while a go!" James shouted already down the ladder. I didn't even notice him leaving my side. And now I am unobservant too, just nice...

I quickly got dressed in my clothes, quickly cause the realization came to me... I was all alone in this big tree house...

I quickly got out of the tree house, almost stepping on my own foot and down the ladder almost missing the steps...

And I am clumsy...

As if I don't know that yet...

In no time at all we arrived at the carnival...

Okay, I won't say no time at all cause we like took an hour in getting here and the sun setting didn't really help our problem...

So the carnival almost looked exactly the same... Almost... I remember Abby saying the new rides were so cool... and of course I never did come. I can't believe that I am coming in the carnival with my new best friend James or are we even still best friends??? Oh! Whatever! So let's just say I can't believe I am coming here with James who I just reunited with... there that should do it...

So as I was thinking I wish Abby would show up here without some date but I don't like here not to have anyone with her cause that would make her look like a lonely girl that has no friends, okay, fifty-fifty is that I want her to show up with somebody and the other alone... And last time I tried to go with her when I really got annoyed cause she won't stop asking me to go... And guess what?!?! I felt like third wheel and plus the disgusting pecking on the lips... but that was really one guy that Abby loved namely that's ERICK!!!

That's right I've seen them together as a happy couple before he turned to the playboy he is now... That is why sometimes I even wondered if he even loved her the way Abby did...

Oh! Well, I am not here to replay what ERICK did to Abby!!!

"So, where do you wanna go first?" James asked rubbing his palms together and imitating the face of a mad scientist who discovered his evil potion is working and something like that...

"I honestly don't know", remember the part I remember the whole carnival well not the rides...

" Said the girl who lived here her whole life"

"Hey! You lived here too!!!"

"Said the girl who forgot I moved to California"

"I did not!", well, at that second I forgot that we were just reunited it fact it felt as if we've known each other for years, which is partly true. We knew each other for years but we did not do means of communication...

"Whatever, T." he said " Just pick a ride"

"I told you I don't go here often" I said looking around nervously... for goodness sake!!! I even saw a Haunted House!!! It's nowhere even near Halloween or November... okay, so totally lying November and Halloween is just like 2 days away, equals, slutty girls wearing costumes/ dress that shouldn't even be considered as a dress and man- whores, by the way I did not or did I ever or I am planning to attend a party, I just know!!, okay!!!

Plus the fact that I have a popular best friend helps.

So as I was saying I was looking around nervously... Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot......!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm DEAD...

Oh no!!!

Not HIM!!!

I can already feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I gotta get out of here fast!!!

I quickly grabbed James by the hand before he even noticed him, cause I know that James knows him... Who seriously wouldn't???

I ran, not even knowing on what direction we were heading to...

I stopped when I felt sure we were out of his sight or at least he was out of my sight... so, I took a look at where we were...

Okay, GREAT!!! Just GREAT...

Guess what I entered???, well I'm saying it anyway!!! It's the great horror maze!!!

Okay, I can't believe I dragged or ran myself into here... what was I thinking?!? Oh yeah! I was thinking about him again!!!

Shut up, brain or are you my heart?? Okay, whatever I have more urgent matters to attend to...

Like, how in the world am I supposed to get out of here?!?

Good thing is that James is here... Bad thing is because he'll see me shout like a girl...but, Yeah! But I'm a girl anyway...

Either way I like having someones company with me...

knowing that I'm not here all alone.

"Wow, T. I never knew you had it in you" he said looking around...

Oh yeah, he didn't expect me to choose this but technically I didn't wanna choose this either!!!

"I really never had it in me too, so I'm just as surprised as you are"

Well, this is just great they locked the doors too already and I am with other bunch of people.... Maybe all of them enjoying this? Some were even laughing, now I'm stuck here with all these other people all of us looking for a way out too!!!

I heard that if you play this and didn't get to the right path, you may even end up getting your clothes soaked. And I seriously don't want that again or you either end up getting trapped then if one of the participants already found the exit the employees will come and get you, and they can do that cause they have small cameras all over the place to let them know where you are.

The game will start in 30 seconds...

I really feel. Like in Hunger Games right now except we were not here to kill each other but to find a way out, but what if one of us is a serial killer?!?!

And is seriously wanted everywhere by the police?!???

Okay, Taylor stop over reacting...



That's right just keep doing that...



The game will start in 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.. GO!!!

All of them scrambled out of the tiny room we were kept in, all except me and James who was seriously tugging me to move.

Finally he really pulled me removing me from my spot advancing on the nearest way we think is right.

They went all out for this thing... Well, maybe not... But there were a lot of fake spiders cobwebs skeletons on the walls and stuff I can't name...

I already figured that we were one of the persons who will only get rescued, so there was really no point in find the way out...

"Hey!, T. try this out" James said climbing one of the walls.

I sure as hell will not try that.

"In your dreams"

"Actually that should be in your nightmares, T. Look out!!!"

I didn't even take the chance to look at what he wanted me to look out for. I immediately ran up to the wall James was in, when I looked down. There wasn't even anything there. I looked at James angrily, wanting an explanation why he called me here for if there wasn't even something there!!!

"What don't look at me" he said raising his hands, "I had to do what I had to, to bring you up here, and plus it's fun here and you can totally see the exit from up here and you can't go down back there I know you don't wanna jump if you already see the exit. Besides you only need to keep your balance so this is just like having a balancing challenge"

"You're lucky I'm good at balancing even though I am kinda clumsy or else I'll ask you to carry me all the way to the exit" I said, then something clicked in my mind, "hey!, isn't this breaking the rules?"

"No technically there were no given rules, so we are not technically breaking any of the 'rules' even if there is none"

So, during the rest of the walk, I have been thinking of what if they found us here walking on the walls then we didn't know of some rules they had then they will call our parents from prison telling us that their child will be in jail for 10 years...

Okay, I am so freaking out!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I don't think they will send us to jail, or will they?

Okay, Taylor you are so freaking out too much about this...

But if we really get caught, I will jet blame James on this then I bust him out of jail. But before that I will tell him the plan first. Yup, I am ready to give up my free life for my best friend. Yeah! I'm nice like that.

Now, here goes nothing I will tell him my genius plan...

"Hey, James I just wanted to say that maybe if you know we won't make it there because we get caught. I will blame you for all of this then I will bust you out of jail. Then we will send one last---" I said but was interrupted by James bringing his finger to my lips, a amused smirk on his face.

"Oh please, T. As if we'll go to jail and we technically didn't brake any rules, right?, cause there wasn't any" he said looking at me causing him to turn around.

"oh, sorry for planning what we will do when were sent to jail an be sentenced to be in it for 10 years" that earned a snicker from James and his snicker earned a gentle punch from me. I was going to make it hard but I remembered that we were just balancing on like a very, very, very short width of a wall. So, I refrained myself. I'll save that for later.

"Hey!, we're already very near"

"Really?" I asked, cause I don't believe it we are almost done and we didn't set any traps off and maybe, just maybe we are the first one to finish. And awhile ago I thought we were one of the one to just be rescued out of a trap... Turns out I'm wrong...

"Ok, I'll go first. Then you will jump, then I will catch you"

"I'm heavy. How will you manage that much weight?" I asked him it was true I really am heavy...

"hey! I think I can carry you. Remember awhile ago I carried you in going to the tree house?" he asked grinning.

"Oh!!! Just shut up!!!"

Then he jumped down... Here goes nothing. I tried to move my feet to let myself fall. But I just can't. I'm too scared...

"Come on, T. Let's get this already over with!!! It's late" James shouted from below it's not that low anyway. I don't understand why he need to shout it out loud. And I don't know why I just can't just jump from this thing.

"I'm leaving without you" he said looking up

"Then go! I don't need somebody to catch me!"

"Okay. Let's see what will be their reaction when they see you up there"

I sent one final glare at him before thinking... This is it, I need to do it now.

"Here I go!"

I FELL for like two seconds but it seemed like forever to me!!!

Then I felt strong arms secure me safely to their chest.

"Told ya. I'll catch ya" he said a smug smirk on his handsome face.

"Well, thanks a lot" I said rolling my eyes at him.

"And that doesn't mean you won't treat me to McDonalds anymore" I said smugly not forgetting about the deal we made. How will I forget?, my stomach has been growling like crazy!!!

Which probably means I am hungry!!!

And it turns out that we were also the first ones to exit that place so we got this huge teddy bear with a red tie on it's neck!! It was absolutely beautiful!!! plus they didn't know that we walked on top of the walls

"And now we are off to buy my growling stomach some food" i said to him, already dragging James outside. Not wasting time.

Tonight was actually one of my night that should be remembered besides that I saw my ex- boyfriend and almost crapped my pants with the thought that we were inside the horror maze, which turned out that was kinda lame cause we didn't even get scared and all. Except for me I kinda got scared from jumping, but does that count?


"What would you like to order, sir?" the girl at the counter said, clearly flirting with James shamelessly even with me there. I am not thinking that I own James or anything but judging by this girl, and I am not one to judge but I think she is a part time cashier girl, but she is whole day whore... You can easily tell her eyelashes are fake. Then you can even tell her make up was only the thing her face is covered in, then she turned to me, glaring I might add. What did I do?!?, okay, I just mentally kinda insulted her except if she likes being called a slut... wait did I say my thoughts out loud?!? And now she is looking at me annoyed and still glaring.. Well, there is the chance too that I am with James, right?!? Cause everybody wants James except me and Abby or does she like him too?, I don't know and how will I know it's not like I have super powers or anything that includes mind reading... I wish I have cause that will be so cool...

I felt a nudge at my shoulder...

I looked at the source and saw that it was James, oddly I feel like I should be doing something then I looked up then saw the choices for the food... Oh!!! Yeah!!! My order...

"Sorry" I smiled apologetically at the girl, "I'll have some medium fries, Burger McDo, and sprite"

"Is that all?" she asked the most annoying bored look on her face, that makes me wanna rip her face off...

"Actually, no that is not all, I want you to go have some attitude check"

I thought, cause I will never have the guts to say that maybe someday... Instead, I just smiled at her

"Okay, is that takeout?" she asked sickly sweet to me that even a blind person will know that she had that smile that she looks like gritting her teeth but her lips are in a smile.

"Yes" exactly at the same time James said "No"

I sighed and I heard James sigh at the same time... Then...

"No" And again James said the opposite

"Just takeout" James sighed looking at the girl who instantly had the most flirtatious smile on her her lips and batting her eyelashes.

"Here you go" she said still batting her eyelashes furiously making her look like a girl that just got something in her eyes. And she did all that while I rolled my eyes at her flirting.

I took the order even before James had the chance to. Already, taking one of the fries out. I told ya I was hungry.

We went back to the car, me still getting fries out of the plastic, I don't care what other people think of me anyway...

"What was that about?" James asked getting in the driver's seat.

"What was what about?" I asked a opened burger in my hands and a huge bite from it in my mouth.

"I'll let you finish that first" he said chuckling.

I know I looked like a squirrel who is just in the middle of it's feeding frenzy, but what did I say, right, I don't care!

"Nah, just tell me now" I said halfway done through my chewing.

"Okay... Awhile ago you look like you could stab the girl"

"Who girl?" I asked almost done with my chewing.

"The counter girl" he said still not moving the car... Oh yeah wondering why were in a car cause I asked James to change his motorcycle into his camaro back. Which he agreed to without a fight. Which was also very nice of him.

"Why? Did I really look like I would stab her?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"No" then he smirked "Actually, you looked like a jealous girlfriend"

Just then, I chocked on my food, why did he have to say that?!?

I quickly got my drink then drank it desperate that it would do the trick of letting the food I chocked on, down my esophagus.

"I did not. I just looked or whatever like that at her because she is so pathetic" I said rolling my eyes then took a break at my eating. Waiting if James had more of his stupid questions.

"Whatever, you say, T. whatever you say" he said "Hey! Can I have my burger now" he said giving me an outstretched hand.

"You ordered?" I asked completely confused. I didn't see him order...

"Yeah, I did" he said "Maybe you were too busy thinking of ways to stab the counter flirt awhile ago to even notice"

Immediately my eyes teared up. How dare he!?! He never let me drive that truck and now I see them making out?!?

"Sorry, T." James said moving from his spot to face me properly "I didn't mean anything I said"

'Idiot, it's not you' I wanted to say that out loud but can't since what I was seeing was too much and what did I expect?!?, that he will take me all back?!? Yeah, that was what I kinda expected for him. And when we were dating he wasn't a jerk. Instead he was the most sweetest guy I ever met and also a much more romantic than me. He will take me to dates then picnics, buy me chocolates, pick me flowers, buy me things he was the most perfect guy I thought there was in this world... Turns out I'm wrong instead he is the biggest jerk I ever met who did one night stands, ditch the girl when he gets bored with them. Very far from the boy I used to know... This I got the energy from....

"DRIVE!!!, James" I said in between sobs "Just DRIVE me HOME!!!"


So I stayed up late for that one hope you like it!!! I dedicated this chapter to a really cool girl who made my day!! You should really check out her books like the "Gale....." is hilarious!!!!

Okay so I'll try my best to type the next chapter tonight. It might be morning there but it's already late at night here so pls VOTE, FAN, COMMENT!!!

And I didn't follow the challenge. The challenge was just so that you could give me some time to write :)

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