Save Me (ManxMan)

By VHOldfield

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Jack Jackson is a young adult. He has a great life and a cute boyfriend. But, one day while he was walking to... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
chapter 2: The Stranger
chapter 3: A Noisy Morning
chapter 4: Confessions
chapter 5: Hospital
chapter 6: Hello Mother; Hello Father!
chapter 7: New Beginning
chapter 8: Kek
chapter 9: Rabbits
chapter 10: Light
Chapter 11: Past
chapter 12: Different P.O.V
chapter 13: Hell
chapter 14: Revelation
chapter 15: Important Visit
chapter 16: Hospital Life
Chapter 17: Hospital Or Horror House?
Chapter 18: Naraka
Chapter 19: New Life
Chapter 20: New Member
Chapter 21: The Creeps
Chapter 22: Hello
Chapter 23: Questions
Chapter 24: From Bad To Worse
Chapter 25: Life Goes On (part. 1)
Chapter 26: Life Goes On (part.2)

Chapter 27: Truth [End]

3.7K 110 73
By VHOldfield

So, this is the last chapter... It will be at the third person but you will quickly understand why. Also, this chapter will be shorter than the others so it's more like an epilogue, I guess ^.^

You may get a little lost at the beginning but no worries!


Kek was looking outside the window, watching the rain fall peacefully. Lionel, his husband, entered into the room and hugged him from behind which made Kek smile a little.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked in a gentle, caring voice before giving small kisses on his neck.

"Just the usual... You know what day it is..." Kek sighed, his stare unfocused as he seemed lost in his thoughts. "What are the twins doing?" He asked after a few minutes, finally facing his husband.

"Yes, I know what day it is. You should go and see him this afternoon, it's been a while. And the twins are in the living room watching TV, do you want us to join them?" Lionel asked while looking at his husband with love in his eyes.

Kek only nodded and they left the room, making their way to the living room hand in hand. Seeing the twins, Leo and Lex, brought a smile to his face, making him feel a little better. They sat on the sofa, the twins between them, and began to watch some cartoons.

During this moment in family, he took his time to stare at his sons. They totally looked like him, especially the big, fluffy hair. But they both had the big, blue eyes of the surrogate mother; they were adorable. Taking care of two four years old wasn't easy everyday but it was totally worth it at the end. "Are you both excited to have a little sister in less than two months now?" He finally asked them, a small smile on his lips.

"YES!!!!" They both answered at the same time, joy in their eyes and a big smile on their lips.

"I really hope she will look a lot like you." Kek said while looking at Lionel, a loving smile on his lips.

"Even if she doesn't really look like me, she will be perfect either way." Lionel answered with a smile.

The rest of the morning was spent taking care of the boys and making sure they were occupied.

"I should go..." Kek said in a low voice so only his husband could hear him. Lionel nodded, understanding the situation and got up to hug him and giving him a goodbye kiss. "I have to do something but I will be back very soon, alright boys?" He asked, trying to act like it was nothing too important. The boys nodded and ran over their father to hug him one last time.

The ride to his destination was quiet and full of memories. He knew this travel way too well and it only brought back painful memories. He stopped in front of the building and left his car. Once inside the building, he was almost blinded by the bright white of the walls; he had forgot it for a moment.

He made his way into the building, knowing the corridors way too well to finally stop in front of a closed door. A man, looking in his fifties and dressed all in white, stopped in front of him.

"Hello sir, it's been a while. Do you want to see him? But I have to warn you, he's getting worse." The person who was in fact a doctor spoke in a professional voice.

"What do you mean?" Kek asked in a worried tone, evident fear on his face.

"He's totally lost in his own world. He completely lost contact with the reality. I actually doubt he will even come back to his old self, even for a few minutes." He said in a sorry tone before opening the door so Kek could enter.

Jack was sitting on the single bed and was staring blankly at the wall in front of him. He had angry red marks on his wrists as if he tried to open them by scratching them too hard. Seeing him again after almost four years made a lot of memories come back, like the fact that he was always a bit strange when Kek met him back in high school or like the fact that they used to date until Jack tried to kill him. Just thinking about this made Kek uncomfortable and he tried to restrain his envy to scratch the scar he had on the side of his stomach. Since this moment, Jack have been locked in this room, hoping he would get better. Even after everything he did to Kek, he couldn't be mad at him, especially knowing it wasn't totally his fault. He was only sick, Kek knew Jack was a good person even if it wasn't easy to see it at the moment.

Kek slowly made his way toward Jack and stopped in front of him. That was when everything changed for the worst. In the blink of an eye, Jack began to scream and tried to jump on Kek, the blank look still present on his face.

"I hate you!! You ruined my life! Everything is YOUR fault; I shouldn't have saved you years ago! I only wanted to help you; I did everything for you! I left my job and my life only to help you and you did what? You tried to fucking kill me!! And why did you do to me? Why am I having these dreams about me being in a hospital? WHAT DID YOU DO??!!" Jack began to scream louder and louder as nurses began to enter the room to try to calm him down.

Kek stepped out of the room to let the nurses do their jobs, tears streaming down his face. He knew that everything was a lie and that never happened but seeing his ex-lover in such a situation really broke his heart, and there was nothing he could do.

He could remember the way they meet which was for an English project on Unicorns. He could also remember Jack not being very friendly at the beginning and he could also remember being afraid of him and finding some strange things. But everything changed when they met again a few years later. Jack was a different person; he was nicer which Kek assumed it was because he grew up and became more mature. But, sadly, it didn't take long for him to find Jack doing or saying some strange things. At first, he tried to ignore it and was doing a pretty good job at it until it became more and more present in their life. Jack began to totally lose the control of reality until he tried to do the irrevocable: trying to kill the only person who was really trying his best to help him. Luckily, Kek survived but that made him realize that he couldn't take care of Jack anymore, he had to get help in order to, maybe, get better. 

Jack, not fully understanding the situation, began to lock himself in an imaginary world in order to protect himself. In his mind, there was nothing wrong with him so he began to reject the fault on the only person who tried to help him: Kek. That was how he reversed the situation; the good person became the insane, bad one while he was being the one who really wanted to help this person. Self-illusion really worked most of the time and that may have been the reason why Jack lost more and more control with the reality.

With one last glance he made his way back toward his car, maybe coming back here wasn't a great idea. Maybe he actually hoped to see Jack getting better and try to help him the best he could and, why not, build a frienship. But, after seeing this, all his hopes vanished only to be replaced by the cold truth.

Sometimes, people could not be saved...



Wow, it took me SO long to write this chapter! I'm really, really sorry about that... So that was the end of this story... What did you think about it? Did you like it? Were you expecting that?

I hope I answered all the questions you were wondering through all these chapters but if I didn't just write your question in the comment and I'll answer it!

Small explanation: The whole time, Jack was the crazy one. He made up this world where he is more or less normal but his sickness is still present in the form of Kek. Time to time, Jack had 'dreams' where he was in a hospital, this was in fact the reality.

A big thank you to everybody who supported me with this story which is really different from what I usually write.

Now, I will continue to write the sequel of 'This Isn't Fair' ~~> "Is It Fair?" And I also began to write on two new stories.

Btw, I just put this book on smashwords if some of you are interested and would like to buy it (I'm TheOriginOfLove2014 there if the link doesn't work)

xx :)

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