The Silent One: Sinners And S...

By MrzHyde_

647 29 0

Almost 13 years have come and gone. Alice hasn't aged a day, neither did Tate. He made Alice change him. Bein... More

Not Another Word
Let Him Die
My Hand
Where You Came From
Your Husband
Endless Journey
The Lost Children - Part One
The Lost Children - Part 2
Cursed Creation
My Hell
A Watcher
Something's Coming
Keep Her Safe
A Miracle
A Part of Me
The Sound of Wings
The Upper Hand
All Eyes On Me
Crazy Train
A Message
Release the Beast
Let The Fun Begin
A Night to Remember
A Monster in Disguise
Save The Boy
Lights Out
Show Time
Till Death Do Us Part
Reunions and Departures (Part 1)
Reunions and Departures (Part 2)
A Promise
Kira's Plan

Death Wish

8 0 0
By MrzHyde_

(Ceciellia's POV)

After Ali retrieved the key, we all split up again, in hopes of finding everyone else. Most of us went downstairs to look for the rest, but we only ended up finding Tate, Damon, and Rain in separate cages. Tate is chained to the floor, with his hands in cuffs, a chain collar around his neck, and a muzzle on his face to keep him from biting. Damon has his hands cuffed behind his back, while hanging upside down like a bat. From the looks of it, they beat him senseless. Rain is gagged, blindfolded, with headphones in her ears. Her hands tied behind her back, as well as her legs being tied at the ankles and knees.

I signaled for the others to be quiet as they follow my lead. To my right there is a door, at the bottom of the stairs. It's most likely a bathroom or supply closet. I could tell there is more than one person inside, because the door was rattling. A few of my followers snickered, knowing what was going on inside. My suspicions were answered, when I heard the moaning sounds of a female and her male companion.

On the wall to the left, hung another set of keys. I grabbed them from the hook, and rushed over to the cage Tate's held captive in. After finding the right set of keys, I unchained every part of him. He fell to his knees, and shook in my arms. I could tell he was very weak, so I grabbed a blood bag from my bag. Gently, I lifted his head up, and poured the rust smelling liquid into his parted mouth.

He gained some of his composure, and grabbed the bag from my hands. I watched as he drank from it vigorously. When he opened his eyes, they looked like a blazing fire, because of their golden color.

"Gram?" He asked softly.

"Shh, don't speak, everything will be okay," I said, while I helped him stand up.

We then walked over to the rest of the group. I handed the keys to Anna, and she opened up Rains cage. Using her nails to cut the rope that trapped Rain, then untangled her from the ropes grip. Once Rain was free, she ripped off the blimdfold and headphones. The look upon her face told me that whatever she was listening to, it definitely had an impact on her.

Anna hugged her, before bringing Rain over to the rest of us. Rain stood next to me, but didn't say a word. I could feel her whole body shaking gently against mine. The noise in the bathroom suddenly stopped. Everyone stood still, ready to pounce at any moment.

In a quick and sudden motion, just as the door opened, Anna ripped a bar off of the cage that Damon hung inside of. I watched as she shoved the bar through both of the creatures heads, while they walked out of the bathroom. They didn't see it coming. I didn't even see it coming.

Anna turned around slowly, blood splattered across her face. Her eyes glowing an ocean like blue color, but there was something else. No, not an ocean, but a sky with lighting bolts. It is flashing with pulses of adrenaline from built up rage. She was a ticking time bomb.

"Anna?" I asked her cautiously.

"Don't... Just don't.. I don't want to hear any of your witchy, fortune cookie, bullshit right now, Ceciellia," She said.

I held my tongue, and turned my attention to Emrick, who was freeing Damon from his enslavement. Even though he was weak, Damon rushed to Rain's side. Suddenly, she snapped out of whatever was bothering her. I looked at Tate, hoping he would come to his senses as well.

"Alice... We have to find her," He said, as his eyes met mine.

"We will. Alex, too," I said, while making eye contact with Anna.

"The plan is to split up once more. I need every powerful creature in the dining room, battling at our sides. Tara and Aiden will make their escape with the children, and Ceciellia will help take them to safety. I need the rest of you looking for Alice and Alex, and once the children are safe, I'll help search if you haven't already found them. I'm guessing they are on the top floor somewhere," Emrick said, as he looked around.

"We don't have much time, Aiden and Tara can only hold them off for so long. Let's go!" I yelled.

One by one everyone was out the door. Emrick stayed at the door, making sure every last person was out of the basement. He patted me on the shoulder, as I walked past him. I nodded my head, knowing what I had to do next. Emrick, with the help of Damon and Rain, led a group of creatures down the one hall. Aiden, Ali, Anna, Tate, and the rest waited for my signal at the dinning room entrance.

"Lies! I only have one daughter! This is a distraction!" Lucifer yelled.

I heard a loud slap, and Tara whimper. Aiden yelled, and I knew it was now or never. I gave my group the okay, and charging in they went. Once everyone is distracted, I sneakily crept my way along the wall, until I reached where the children were sitting. They all enveloped me into a hug.

"I knew you'd come, Grandma," Emma said.

I smiled to myself and squeezed her tighter, as a tear trickled down my cheek. A creature landed on the table in front of us, causing the children to scream. That's when I noticed two little boys approaching us. One with an evil look in his eyes, and the other one looked more frightened of us.

"Where do you think you're going old lady? Are you stealing my gifts?" The evil boy asked.

"They're not yours. These children are my family, and I'm taking them home. If your smart, and you know what's good for you, you'll come with us," I said to both of them.

"I'd rather kill you, and use your head as a basketball," He said, with a chuckle.

Emma squeezed my hand, and suddenly the boy slapped himself. Again. Again. And again... His face flushed a deep red color. If anger was a person, he would be the embodiment.

"Who did that?" He yelled, as he reached his arms out towards us.

A harsh unexpected wind blows us backwards, causing Ezekiel and Selene to bump heads. The only person who didn't fall backwards was Emma. Her eyes fixed on him, as his were on her. They both shared an expression of anger on their faces.

"You the little bitch who slapped me? Made me slap myself?" He asked Emma.

"Maybe? What are you gonna do about it?" She asked instigatingly.

"How about I show you," He said with a grin.

I watched as he he closed his eyes, and muttered words under his breath. When he opened his eyes, they are suddenly now black, and his grin looked even bigger. He is truly the son of Lucifer. There was no denying that.

His friend jumped out from behind him, and stood in front of Emma. It only seemed to anger him more. The betrayal. The pain of a loss.

"You dare choose her over me? That is a death sentence," He said, then clenched his fist.

His friend began to gasp for air, as he lifted up into the air. The little bit of life he had inside of himself, seemed to be getting sucked right out of him. With Ezekiel and Selene knocked out, I didn't know what to do. Suddenly, a glowing orb flashed in the middle of us. A fairy now stood before us, her beauty radiating and silky wings flapping slowly behind her.

"Try being nicer," The fairy said, before blowing some fairy dust in his face.

Within a few moments, he was calm and as light as a feather. The fairy winked at me and smiled, before she shrunk down to her normal size and flying off again. I grab all three unconscious children, and have the children who are still awake hold hands. Guiding them towards the exit. From the looks of it, we weren't the only one's who had this idea. Aiden and Ali end up meeting us at the door. I help lead them outside the dining room, with Tara not that far behind them.

"Tara, I'm so sorry he slapped you like that. He will get what's coming to him," Aiden said, as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"For now, we need to get these children to safety. Even if it's just a place to hide them, until this is over," I said, as I handed Ezekiel to Aiden.

"Let's check upstairs. I heard that's where they're keeping Alice and Alex. They want to kill them," Aiden says, with a hint of fear in his voice.

I nodded my head, while handing the evil boy to Tara, and we all took off up the stair case. Checking every room, killing any enemy in the way. None of these rooms had a decent hiding place, and there was no Alice and Alex in sight. Tara found a door behind a curtain, that led to another staircase that went further upstairs. She looked back at me, as if she needed my approval.

After nodding my head, she started up the stairs first, holding onto the evil boy tight. He laid stiff as a board in her arms, sound asleep. The boy who stood up for Emma, went next, holding onto Emma's hand. Then Willow and Alec after me. Aiden, while holding onto Ezekiel, closed the curtain, after taking a few steps up the stairs.

Once we were upstairs, I took a look around. I found my self in a long hallway, with many doors on both sides. At the end of the hall, is a door that has a glowing protection spell along the edges. This is definitely the work of Sophia. I set aside my thoughts, when I heard a commotion come from inside the protected room.

I walked towards it, and reach for the knob, but it shocked me. I pulled my hand back, and rubbed it, hoping to lessen the pain. Sophia may be a witch by blood, but she will never be half the witch I am. She won't keep me out, if I want in.

"Someone's coming we have to act quick," Tara said, as she adjusted the sleeping boy.

I grabbed the knob of the door closest to us, and to my surprise, it was unlocked. Tara walked into the room first, while I stood at the door, making sure everyone was in before we were caught. When I shut the door behind me, I heard someone yell.

"I think they went this way," A woman said.

My eyes darted around the room, the only door I could find was a small crawl space beside a large wardrobe. Without making a sound, I pointed to the door. Emma stealthily made her way to the crawl space, and opened the small door. It was too small to hold all of the children.

Suddenly, I remembered the spell I used on the closet back at the library. In a quick flick of the wrist, the crawl space is now magically equipped to hold as many people as needed. After Emma and the little boy crawled through, I helped Tara slide the sleeping children into the crawl space.

"Okay, who is going to stay here with them?" I asked quietly.

Everyone was silent.

"We can't just leave them here alone," Tara said.

The doorknob suddenly started to screech, as if someone is trying to open the door. I quickly shut the door by moving my finger sideways, and the last thing I saw was a sad and confused Emma. After shutting my eyes, I whispered underneath my breath a protection spell that can only be broken with blood magic. When I opened my eyes, the door was gone.

"What did you do?" Ali asked, as she grabbed my arm.

Her glossy eyes staring at the blank wall, and her breathing unsteady.

"They will be safe," I assured her.

"I can't say the same for you," A woman said from behind us.

We all turned to face the mysterious woman.

"You think you can stop the 4 of us?" I asked as I looked at Ali, Aiden, and Tara.

"You know what? You're right. Let's even up the playing field," She said, before whispering something under her breath.

We braced ourselves for what was to come next. She began to glow, then 3 white orbs floated out of her mouth. There is now 4 of her against the 4 of us. What is she?

Each of them smiled as they approached us. They flickered like a light and switched positions in the process. One of them is now standing in front of me. Before I could do anything, she grabbed me by the throat and pushed me against the wall.

That's when I felt it. The hole in her heart that is causing her to separate from reality. A lost soul, trapped in their own body, and forced to roam the earth in suffrage. Something was taken from her.

"Stop that!" She said, before lifting me higher in the air.

Suddenly, I'm feeling light headed, and the sounds of the others fighting off the duplicates became fuzzy. If I was going to overpower her, I needed to know what she is blocking me from seeing. What is her weakness?

I reached for her face, and placed a thumb over each of her eyes. In a flash, it all came to me. I see her at a bar with a man sitting at the counter. They shared many nights together, until a fight between them took a turn for the worst. He failed to kill her, and she was saved. Time speeds up and she is pregnant, and is kidnapped during a doctor visit.

That's as far as I got, before I fell to the ground. Ali had pushed the woman off of me, and went to pounce on her, but I grabbed her arm. She looked down at me confused. Once I caught my breath and was able to speak, I stood up in front of the woman.

"What are you doing Ceciellia? She tried to kill us!" Ali said.

"There's something about her... it's not right," I said.

Just then the orbs entered the strange womans body.

"I say we kill her and find Alice and my Dad. Theres no telling what's going on downstairs, or how much time we have," Ali urged me.

"No, I feel it, too," Aiden said, as he stepped closer to her.

She watched us cautiously, but still smirking.

"What are you?" Tara asked, as she lightly kicked the bottom of the womans shoe.

"Wouldn't you like to know!" She said, as she stood up quickly.

We stepped back, as the woman showed her teeth. Her eyes black as coal. The veins around her eyes darkening, causing streaks to form down her face. I knew exactly what she was. If only I knew who she was.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"My name is Charlie. Why does it matter?" She asked with a hiss.

I looked down at the ring on my finger, to find that it is glowing, and that's how I knew. She was lying.

"I think I know what has been taken from you, but I don't understand how this is possible. You died," I said.

"What are you talking about?" Tara asked.

"She lied about who she is," I said.

"You think you know me better than I do?" The woman asked.

"I know you're not a normal vampire. Your roots are deeper than that. The black eyes, you have strong magic, a witch," I said replied.

"That doesn't mean anything. Anyone could tell what I am, just by my appearance," She rebutted.

"I'm not finished. You've lost your identity. You lost someone, many people actually. You need to remember, and to let go of that pain, or that hole in your heart is going to fill up with darkness," I said, as I went to touch her arm.

She pulled away from me, and I looked at Aiden and Ali. They both grabbed an arm of the mysterious woman. She thrashed around in their arms trying to break free, until I placed my hands on both sides of her face. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and when I exhaled my abilities took over. It was almost like static pulsating through my fingertips, into the brain of the woman in front of me. Flashes of memories of her childhood, from birth, to her first steps, her first words, her first magical encounter.

Suddenly, I hit a wall, so I concentrated harder. She was holding back, blocking this specific memory, keeping me from seeing further into her life. I spoke to her through my thoughts, demanding her to let me in. Although she fought hard to keep me out, my magic was draining hers, as I was absorbing her memories. Brick by brick, the wall began to crumbled to ash.

That's when I seen it, felt it. The pain, a tragedy, a fire. A man, covered in so much blood, parents screaming. Scared and hiding, unsteady terrified breathing, the sobs of a 8 year girl. Watching from a crack in the closet door, a man slaughtering her family, before setting the house on fire with his bare hands. Smoke causing the little girl to cough, and he hears her.

Only, when he finds her, he spares her life. Enveloping her in his embrace, protecting her from the flames, as he walks to the front door. Once outside, he let's her down, and stares down at her. She stares back up at the man. Lucifer.

"You're a very special girl," He said to her.

"You killed my parents!" She yelled up at him.

"Because they are bad people. I had no choice," He said with a shrug.

"No they weren't. My mommy and daddy would never hurt anyone. You're the monster!" She said angrily.

"You see, that's where you're wrong. They were going to help people find and take me far away, maybe even kill me. Do you think that is fair," he asked, "No, I want to live, I've been trapped in a cage for a very long time, and I just couldn't let them put me back. You're just a child you wouldn't understand. Someday you will, I'll come back for you little witch."

With a wave of his arm, he locked her memory inside a room in her head, as she fell to the ground fast asleep. In the distance, you could here fire alarms and sirens. He vanished into thin air, before the cops and ambulance showed up. They saved her, but was she really safe?

Time fast forwards, 13 years later, and she's just turned 21. For the first time she felt good, but then again she was surrounded by fake friends she met at a bar. The bartender brings her a drink, and says its from the man sitting at the bar. He tips his hat and flashes her a smile. Instantly, she was mesmerized by him, drawn to him. They hit it off right away, and one thing led to another.

Everything was good for a while, they were living together above the bar they met in, partying every night, and laughing with friends, but one day things just changed. He was controlling, aggressive, and possessive. She called it off, after he slapped her for calling him out on his behavior. That's when he confessed.

"This is not how this was supposed to be. I've lost sight of my purpose, and my reason for doing all of this. That seer lied to me. I'll kill that bitch," He slammed his fist against the wall, leaving a hole in its place.

"You're crazy! I'm leaving, Lucas," She said.

"No! Sit! You will listen and obey me," He said, as he held his arm out.

A chair scooted up behind her, and she fell onto the seat. The wood growing roots, wrapping around her arms, trapping her in place. She looked up at him, with fear in her eyes.

"You're not human," She said, as a tear escaped her eye.

"Neither are you," He said.

"I don't use my magic. Not since I killed my parents in a house fire," She said, as she closed her eyes in defeat.

"You didn't kill them, though. I did. I also swiped your memory of us ever meeting. You couldn't understand then, but you can now," He said.

"Why?" She yelled at him.

"I escaped my prison with the help of a Protector and a vampire, both greedy for power. Power I obviously couldn't give them, but they didn't need to know that. If it weren't for Kira's little meltdown, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to get my voice through to this realm from the gates of hell. She left a crack, just as I did in her heart," He began to explain.

"What does that have to do with me and my family?" She asked him.

"Well, you see Claire, you're parents were trying to help Kira and the Immortals find me. They would've helped them hurt me, put me back in my cage, or kill me. So, why not do onto them, what they were going to do to me?" He asked with a smirk.

"You killed them, to save yourself? You selfish bastard!" Claire said as she spit in his face.

He wiped his face, before slapping her hard, leaving a red hand print across her cheek. She looked up at him with daggers in her eyes.

"I wasn't finished, you ungrateful brat," he said, "I kept tabs on you over the past 13 years, as well as, another very special girl. A sear told me the two of you would be part of something important in my future, but this was not part of her description. One of you were to be my undoing, and the other is to carry on my legacy. I was so sure that you weren't the wrong one, but now I'm starting to think you are," He said, as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"What are you gonna do? Kill me? You don't scare me," She said, with a smirk.

"You should be," He said, as he grabbed her by the throat.

She chuckled and shook her head.

"Do your worst. I don't care anymore. At least I'll die knowing I'm not the monster who killed my parents," Claire said as she closed her eyes and a tear escaped her eye.

Lucifer was filled with rage, the roots released her from their grip, and he lifted her up off the ground by one hand. He floated above the floor towards the window, stopping when Claire is just inches from it. She thrashes around in his grip, and he slams her against the window. Again, again, again...

Glass shatters everywhere, shards big and small crash to the floor. A few tiny pieces fell in her hair, with her face scratched and bleeding in a few places. She smiled down at him, as the cold night air and bar music flooded through the broken window.

"Any last last words?" He asked her.

"Yeah, I'm pregnant," She said before kicking him.

He flew backwards, and lost his grip on her. As he fell, he watched her eyes go wide as she fell out of the window. He hears a thud, then the sound of coughing. In the blink of an eye, he now stood in front of her. She looked up at him, and with a shaky hand she gave him the middle finger and smiled, before taking her last breath.

"Claire? Claire! God damn it! That seer has it coming," He said, before storming off.

Not long after, some man stumbled down the alleyway. No not any man, Tate, my grandson. He saved her, but couldn't help her remember what had happened. As time passed she grew tiredsome of not knowing. So, she left Tate's safe house, and set out to find the answers she was searching for.

Time started to fast forward, excpet it was different this time. Everything turned into a jigsaw puzzle, only some peices were missing. She was trying to fight me again, but I was too weak to keep going. So, I let go of her head, and fell fo the ground.

I sat there for a moment trying to catch my breath. It felt as if I hadn't been breathing this entire time I was searching through her memories. Just then, it hit me. That name, the pregnancy, Tate, Lucifer. Everything was falling into place.

"I thinks she's Aiden's mother," I said, as I looked up.

Aiden and Ali both let go of her, as they stared at me in confusion.

"You're crazy, you old hag. What did you do to me?" She asked, as she stared down at me.

"I didn't do anything, excpet open up the memories that were locked away inside your brain. He took them from you," I said, as I shook my head.

"I don't have children, and I was never pregnant. I never was saved by anyone. I have been enslaved, since Lucifer took me from my foster parents, when I was a teenage girl," She argued.

"Aiden," I said, as I nodded my head.

"Mom, if this is really you. I need you to remember. Please remember me," He said, as he grabbed ahold of her hands.

She pulls away from him, but he grabs ahold of her, and pulls her into a tight hug. With their chest touching each other, and their hearts only inches apart, their bodies began to glow. A sudden wave of energy sends us all flying backwards.

I closed my eyes, as my head throbbed with pain from hitting the bookshelf behind me. When I opened them, Aiden and Claire are sitting on the floor crying and holding each other.

"I'm so sorry I forgot about you and your sister. Alice kept her word, you turned out great. I don't even know you're name, what is it?" Claire asked.

"Aiden," He said.

"So, you're the Claire?" Tara asked.

"Yes, I remember now," She said, as she nodded and a tear fell down her cheek.

"Care to explain what happened? Why did Alice think you were dead?" Ali asked, as she crossed her arms.

"When I gave birth to Aiden and Morana, I did die, but when they placed Aiden on my chest, he brought me back to life. It is his special ability, because of his pure heart. Lucifer and Sophia were going to keep the twins and train them to be evil and work for them. Morana is to be a knight in battle, and Aiden was to heal and revive the fallen," Claire began to explain.

"Why did he make you forget?" I asked.

"It was his way of torturing me. They turned me into a test subject for their studies. That's how Lucas was born, Sophia didn't want to die in the process of birth. They used me, made me carry their child. The only reason I didn't die, was because my heart was already touched by an angel," She said, as she laid her hand on Aiden's cheek.

"He's going to pay mother. I have a death certificate waiting for his signature. Lucifer has a death wish," Aiden said, as he stood.

"How? What's our next move?" Claire asked, as she shook her head.

"We find my other mother and Alex. Then we fight!" Aiden yelled, as he raised his fist in the air.

With that being said, I undid the spell that hid the children. After finding out Lucifer likes burning down houses, I wasn't going to take the chance of losing the children in the house fire. We're now on our way to the locked door, to rescue Alice and Alex, and finish this once and for all.

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